Saturday 21 April 2012

The Egyptians

The Egyptians.

The best way for those within Africa, to best in all again, view the Egyptians in all truly, is truly in all again from the perspective, of just how they in all, did view Africa in itself actually {and as with Metaphysics too that is}. That in all, the Egyptians did conceptualize themselves as Africans, in about 5 different manners:

1. Architecture: And as with its Architecture in all, speaking of Egypt from its Nature in all too really: that is, the River Nile, Egypt as possessing Black Soil, and finally in all even, speaking of the Sun in Egypt in all too really {and as with furtherly speaking in all too really, of Egyptian Sun Worship that is} {and with the Architecture spanning the River Nile, Greek-like in its ways actually}.

2. Dress: And as with its Dress, one of Egypts most defining qualities {and its main connection in many ways truly, to the Middle East that is}. In many ways and in all again, this directly speaking of cultural distinctions in all, and as with regards, to terms such as 'Egypt', 'Aegyptus', and finally even, the 'Egyptian' in all {and as with these three terms, referring to three different Cultural existences found formerly within the 'land of egypt' that is}.

3. Art: And as with Art in Egypt in all, existing in three main forms actually: Dance, Philosophical Writings, and finally even the Performance Arts in all {and as with its Philosophical Writings, most famously acquainted in all, with 'Thebes Egypt' that is (and as with they even, in the Greek Language too actually)}.

4. Political Institutions: With this in many ways, speaking of the entirety of Egypt's History in all, and in many ways too really, speaking of terminology such as Old Kingdom Egypt (and with this Egypt, highly Religious in its ways and as with Ritual too that is), New Kingdom Egypt (the most African of all the 'Egypts'), 'Dynasty Egypt' (and speaking of Egypt in many ways truly, from its Languages in all, and as with they even somewhat African, European, Semite or Greek/Italian, Semitic or finally even, 'Spaniard'/'Moor' in their ways actually; and as with Speech in Angleterre ('Spaniard'/'Moor'), very much sounding African in an Egyptian manner too actually): or finally truly even, Kemet ('the land of the red soil') {and in many ways too even, Egypt as totally truly even, Pharaonic in its ways actually}.

5. Religious Knowledge Systems: In all ways even, speaking of Egyptian Knowledge Bodies, as associated in all truly, with Isis, Osiris, MA'AT, Religious Symbolism, or finally even, Serpent life forms actually {and as with speak too even, of the Crocodile that is} {and as with the Pygmies seen in Egypt once before, associated with Knowledge Systems in all again, based around the Crocodile in all ways truly}.

In all ways truly even, the above 5 ways in all, are the very way the Egyptians in all again, did truly conceptualize themselves in all, and as Africans too that is {and as with speak truly even, of African Psychology in all ways even} {and as with even, the Kongolese in all (the peoples of Angola that is), inviting the Portuguese to settle along the Angolan Coast (and way back in the 18th Century too that is)}.

In many ways truly in all again, all this and as with speak too of just how those in Africa today, do attempt to conceptualize themselves as Africans in all too really. And as with modern Africans in all again {and minus Abyssinia in some ways even}, strongly identifying with African Art in all {but with moves made towards African Dress becoming rather popular actually}, but with Abyssinia on the otherhand (Ethiopia, modern Kenya, modern Somalia), attempting to strongly present/identify itself, based around a modern Architecture in all too really {and as with some of this Architecture, and as with the example too even, of 'Nyayo House' in 'Durnham-Nairobi', speaking of Indigenous Designs in all (and as with the further example of the 'Kenyatta International Conference Center' too actually)} {but with some peoples in the 'Arid areas' of Abyssinia in all again, attempting to identify themselves via novel clothing/dress, and such as 'Kikoi' too for instance}.

In many ways though, it is believed that it is best to view Africa in all again (and minus Abyssinia), from its Political Institutions and as with furtherly saying that, doing this in all too really, does make one aware that Africa does have some rather relevant and remarkable too actually, Native Political Institutions that is, and which in all again do make Botswana and Nigeria in all, truly in all again, the most important Countries within 'larger Africa' that is {and as minus Abyssinia too, but including Mauritius, the Comoros Islands, and even Bonny Island and of the Coast of Nigeria too that is} {and as with modern Egypt, South Africa or North Africa /Libya too even, not having the proper solutions in all (and as with they truly Westernized in all too really), to Africa's daily problems actually (and as with Abyssinia on the otherhand, far more Religious in its ways actually, and than most in all, do presume or presuppose it to be actually)}. In all truly again, is to furtherly say that Abyssinia in all, is actually best viewed from its Religious Knowledge Systems {and as with Abyssinia in many ways truly ('the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'), believed the very homes in all, of Osiris, 'Isis as Green', Sri Krishna and many other Religious Deities/'Figures' and in all too really that is (and as with the further fine example in all, of the Cherubim for instance))}.


Chip Donaldson

Pemba, Abyssinia