Monday 2 April 2012

The Mother Archetype

The Mother Archetype.

The Mother Archetype in all, is a Jungian term and one in all too really, that does speak in many ways too even, of our Belief Systems and in all truly {and as especially even, with regards to Self-Beliefs and in all really}. That in all again, whatever we do believe to be true in all {and as with our individual beliefs too that is}, must in all again, be supported in all and one way or another, by a Material existence in all truly {and as with this today heavily even, believed in all to speak truly of, Physics, and the Physical realms in all truly}. The Jungian conception on the otherhand and of the Mother Archetype too that is {and though known before Carl Jung too and in all really}, does speak of the very fact that, it is truly what we do believe to embody the Mother Archetype in all really, that is in all again, truly responsible, for making real, any Beliefs (small and big), that we might hold in all to be true actually {and with the Western/Modern World on the otherhand, associating all this rather simply even, with Mechanics, and the Force of Gravity in all too really (and with advancements in all this again, and in the Western/Modern World too that is, heavily believed in all even, to speak in all again of Quantum Physics/Theories in all too really)}.

The Poetic Works of Robert Browning on the otherhand (and Victorian too in nature), are in many ways rather excellent even, for those in Abyssinia, as they do in all again truly speak even of, the Mother Archetype, and from the perspective in all too really, of Isis actually {and Isis as 'Green' too that is} {and in many ways truly even stating that, many a Magical Belief held true, is capable of coming true, and with the Belief in all again that, Isis as 'Green', does actually in all truly represent the Mother Archetype as seen in Abyssinia (and as with she again, capable in all of making Real actually, all our held Beliefs (and in all truly even), and not Quantum Theories/Physics truly or specifically either)}.

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Dante 'Al-Karima' Duvallier