Monday 9 April 2012

The Core of Africa

The Core of Africa

Too much, if not truly alot even, has been written about the so called Heart of Africa {and as with it even, perceived in all, as being the Congo too actually}. In all ways even, the Heart of Africa and as a term too actually, seems to state that Africa in all again (and as with the Modern too that is), has a single unifying culture in all, and with it in all again, simply believed in all truly, as culture in all again, to be seen and found, in the Congo too actually {and with anything not true to Congolose culture in all truly, deemed an outsider to Africa actually} {and as with stating too that, culture in Egypt in many ways even, did mirror that in Italy and Greece too (and in many ways actually)}.

In all ways even, and as with saying too that, Victorian culture in all, was in many ways truly even, shaped by the Kenyan Savannah actually {and as with the Victorians too and in all truly, known to be lovers of the Abyssinian/Kenyan Savannah actually}, is to not only state that, Victorian culture in some ways for instance, was truly Kenyan in all actually {and as with speak too even, of its Popular Communications that is}, and in all ways truly even {and as with speak too even, of the great cultural diversity to be seen within Africa}, is to in all again state that, it is truly best in all, to view Africa in all again, from its Core actually {and with this speaking of Botswana too actually} {and speak of the Core of Africa in all, from the perspective truly, of its rather Ancient History in all actually (and as with speak too even, of Cave Paintings to be seen and found within Botswana too actually)}.

In all again, perhaps the very best way even, to view Africa in itself and as with saying that, not only does this allow for one to see Ancient Egypt for what it truly was actually {and as with the Ancient too perhaps}, but also truly even, allows for one to know and recognize in all too that, old Zimbabwe in all again, was rather distinct even (and culturally too that is), from the Congo in all, and the rest of Africa too actually {and in all too even that is}.

In all ways again, the belief in all that, only the Khoi/Bushmen of the Kalahari, the Pygmies of Central Africa too actually, and finally even, the Fulani of Northern Nigeria in all {and as true Nomads too that is}, can truly in all again, be said to own cultures in all truly, that are truly African actually {meaning in all again, all other cultures to be seen in Africa in itself (and including Abyssinia too actually), are truly in all even, somewhat similar in all again, to these three groups/cultures actually} {and as with the Victorians that is, somewhat Nomadic even, and in their practises too actually} {and in all truly again that, Ancient Egypt in all, should be truly viewed as the Pinnacle of Africa (and as with regards to Design too that is), and not South Africa either (and with it even more backward than Nigeria, and as with regards to Design too that is)}.

@ in all is to finally add that, Television in Africa in all again, appears to be mainly about 'the Heart of Africa', and 'the State of Africa' too actually (and in all too even, painting a rather highly false picture of Africans in all truly, and Africa in itself actually), when in reality (and as with being Interesting too that is), it should in all be truly all about, 'the Core of Africa' actually {and at the very least too even, as with saying in all that, a true picture of Colonialism in Africa (and especially as with the 'Scramble for Africa' too that is), is best viewed in all truly again, from the perspective of 'the Core of Africa' actually (and not 'the Heart of Africa' either)} {and as with further speak too actually, of 'King Solomons Mines' for instance)}.

