Saturday 14 April 2012


@@ Francaise, should not be confused with Francais {meaning in all again, French, and as originally spoken in France too actually (and not the Creole either, spoken today in modern France that is)}. Francaise on the otherhand, is French in all truly and as associated in all again, with the Anglettere world actually {meaning in all again that (and as with Omani Publishing too that is), that lots of Books out there today in all truly, that pertain and pretend even, to teach French and as seen in France too actually, actually do in all, teach French, and as seen in the Angleterre world actually} {and as with this kind of French in all again (and barring West African French-Creole}, sounding very much in all too even, very much Kenyan in its ways actually {and as with speak of 'Anglaise' that is}. In all ways truly, a language in all again truly recommended in all, for those in Abyssinia actually (and as a second language too even), as it in all again, does provide for one, with not only clarity of mind on just about anything, but truly even, it in all again going rather well, with Abyssinia Culturally that is.