Monday 30 April 2012

Basic Religion

Basic Religion.

Religion and Community.



The foremost book posted above 'The Bolter: Idina Sackville' speaks in many ways, of not only life and as once seen in Karen/Lakeview, 'Nairobi' too, and in the 30's too actually, but in many ways truly, life as based around Ritual in all, and even truly again, the Wilson Airport and in Nairobi too that is {and speak too even, of memories of Karen Blixen that is}.

To speak of Ritual and Africa, is to in all say that, of all the components of fundamental living in Africa {Ritual, Community, Traditions}, it is Ritual, that is the most fundamental and important, of all these three, and as with regards, to general survival in Africa that is. Having said this is to also say that, many an African population today, cannot be said to be genuinely African, and as with furtherly stating that, most so called African tribes, have poor or zero even, knowledge, and of Ritual in all {and as with stating even that, genuine African History and as with Ritual too, can be truly summarized by the Khoi/Bushmen, the Pygmies of Central Africa, the Fulani/Woodabe, the Egyptians, and finally in all too really, the Victorians too actually}. Sounds controversial, but what separates the above groups from other Africans {and including Nubians too actually}, is the very fact that, they did ground their lives in all, in Ritual {and as with it highly important in Africa, for general survival too that is} {and as with also stating that, the Victorians in Kenya, actually did look very much like how Africans in all, who do know and understand Africa (and as the Egyptians did too), do actually look like, and as with most Africans today (and as with their borrowing culture from elsewhere even), looking very much like peoples from the Middle East in all, Asians, Westerners, and Moderners in all too really (or Urbanized folks that is)}.

The problems with most Africans {and including the Libyans and Nubians of old even (and who in all again, never did truly know whom they were in Africa actually)}, is how in all again, they do conceptualize Ritual, Community and Traditions in all. That in all, while the Egyptians for instance, heavily grounded their lives in Ritual {and as with Community and Traditions coming in later on}, most in Africa {and including the Libyans and Nubians of old too actually}, actually in all did design their societies, as primarily based around Community in all, followed by Ritual, and then Traditions {and in all ways truly, life in all, that one can truly ascribe to as being Modern and in all ways too even}.

While Europe too, had its life/evolution in all, heavily grounded in Arthurian/Celt Ritual {and as with what even, makes Europe somewhat Egyptian} {and with the Celts too in all, having had some Egyptian like Rituals amongst them}, it is important for those in Abyssinia in all again, {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, to truly learn how to ground their lives in Ritual, and not Community either {or wind up creating the very same kind of chaos, seen in the rest of Africa today, and where life in all again is heavily lived primarily, around Community actually} {and Community too, not grounded in any form of spiritual/religious tradition for instance, but merely in all again, on simple friendships even}. In all, the advised pattern is Ritual -> Community -> Traditions {but with life in Europe on the otherhand, having been based on Ritual -> Traditions -> Community}.

Hasta luego


The Eastern Africa Flag

The Flag of Eastern Africa.

@@ and as with Eastern Africa in all, best centered around Eritrea actually {and as with giving the rather useless country of Eritrea in all again, a true purpose/reason for existing that is}.

The French Flag

The French Flag.

With it in all actually, the former Flag of the French Republic, and a Flag too in all, of Catalan {French/Italian Moors} origins and in all ways truly.

'the Moor'

Eastern Africa

Eastern Africa.

For a region in all ways even, highly defined by Womens/Gender Issues {and as with speak too even, of Inferiority Complexes, Slavery, Security, Education etc.}, Eastern Africa {Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda & Tanzania}, is in many ways truly, Abyssinia's {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia} main connection, to the Middle East actually {and as with further speak even, of so called 'African' races, and as versus 'Arabian' races too that is}.

In all ways truly, is to attempt to deal with just about any Issue arising from this region in all again, as highly based around Bible based Media actually {and as with speak too even, of a thought-provoking article in all, and as inspired by the Bible in itself actually}, and as in saying truly that, such Bible based Media {and as with American Christian Fundamentalist Groups even}, should be inspired in many ways truly, towards detaching this region in all again, Eastern Africa, from the Middle East and in all ways truly {and as with it even, 'Bible based Media' that is, readily promoting in all, any form or kind of differences, and between these two places and in all too really}.

@@ and with the Kiswahili version of the African Bible Commentary ('Ufafanuzi wa Biblia'), highly recommended in all, and as versus the English version, and due in all again, to worries pertaining, to the kind of English used in all, in the English version that is.



Sunday 29 April 2012



A place in all again, often popularly referred to as 'White Man's Country' (and as with speak too even, of the 'White Highlands' that is) {and all this too, speaking even of, Authoritative figures, Presentation skills and Conventional Wisdom in all}, is now in all again, best referred to as Catalan Country {and as with changing its name too even, from the more or less hemingway-esque Kenya, and to the Catalan spelling of Kenia too actually}.



East Africa

East Africa.

As with it said to consist of the three countries of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania in all, and in many ways too even, it in all again having come to be strongly defined in ll too even, by Asians/Indians from the Middle East & Asia actually {and as with Commercial Activity too that is}, East Africa is now best perceived as Arab country {and as with not only Philosophical musings & Arab Scholarship that is}, but all this too also, highly centered around the Web/Internet Server {and accompanying Website too of course}.

'the Moor'

The Airport

The Airport.

With Urban & City Planning in all, and in Abyssinia too {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, supposed in all again, to have been centered around the Airport actually, and not the Shopping Center either. To best understand this is to in all say that, most Urban & City Planning today, tends to be highly in all again, centered around Shopping Centers (and of all kinds that is), Road Networks, and Commercial Media of all kinds too really.

With Abyssinia though, the original plan for 'Nairobi' for instance, was to have it centered around Airports in all too really, Road Systems, and finally in all again, the Design Industries actually {and with the Design Industry, differing from Media in all, in that, Media is highly based around Presentation Skills actually, and with Commercial Design on the otherhand, highly based around Visual Communications / Conversation Skills in all too really} {and with Road Networks too, rather highly Social or Political in their ways, but with Road Systems on the otherhand, highly based around Official Communications and in all ways too even}.


'the European Moor'


Self-Education and Abyssinia.

@@ and with Isaac Newton too, actually having been Scottish (and Brownskinned too), and not Jewish or English either {and as with speak too of Western/Modern Thought that is}.

The Great Sphinx

The Great Sphinx.

Egypt!! - the Romance never does die. What in many ways, were the key characteristics that did surround in all, the very rise of a many a Civilization, and from mere shards of Pottery too actually. For Egypt in many ways, it had to do, with the generation of rather many small Ideas in all, that with time again, could be very well put together, and in one way or another too {or even truly again, grow into something big, and very much on their own too actually}. For Greece, it had to do with truly understanding in all too even, what did truly in all again, did constitute a Dream, or a Vision too actually {and as with speak of Reality that is} {and one of the main reasons why, many a scholar or student of Greece in itself, do tend to misrepresent it in many ways: and as with stating that, Greece did not highly evolve around Greek Politics in all, but in many ways truly, based on understanding/proving, a Dream or Vision and in many ways truly} {in all ways though, Greece was truly in all again, the freest place on Earth probably, and as any Dream or Vision attained, was given full consideration in all too even, and in making it manifest actually (and in all ways again, the attempts to make Abyssinia real, does follow this Model in all ways even)}. For Italy on the otherhand, it had do with the fact that the Italian Language, is probably the most developed of all Languages known to Man, and enabling Italians in all again, to think as freely and wildly, as they possibly could/can.

When one thinks of Egypt and Abyssinia, one in many ways truly, should think the Great Sphinx {and not 'Aegyptus' truly either}. The Great Sphinx too, and as with thoughts of Architecture, or even Cultural manifestations in themselves, but as with saying truly that, the Sphinx in itself, does truly represent many things. On one hand, and as mentioned much previously before, the Great Sphinx can be viewed from its housing in all, thousands (and if not more) of Human faces, that do represent, Spirituality in all {and as based around MA'AT too actually}. Another way of viewing the Sphinx, is from its Animal/Human form {and as with saying truly that, nearly all of Egypt's Gods & Goddesses, did emanate in many ways, from the Sphinx in itself actually}. A third way of viewing the Sphinx is from the perspective of it housing in all again, lots of other smaller in all, Sphinxes {and as with the Sphinx in all too, viewed a cornerstone in all too even, of not only how Architecture in Egypt was perceived in all again, but in many ways truly, it serving in all too really, as a centerpiece in all too even, of Official Communications and as seen, in Egypt in itself actually}. A fourth way of viewing the Sphinx again {and as associated with Moors too actually}, spoke in all ways even, of viewing the Sphinx from not only its Headdress, but also in all ways too even, from Conscious States actually {and in many ways too even, the very way the Pharaohs of Egypt, did view the Sphinx in all too really}.

There is however in all, a fifth way in all too even, of viewing the Sphinx actually, and as with it even, perfect for Abyssinia that is. This in many ways truly, speaks of viewing the Sphinx in all, from its Geometrical proportions {and as with they even, believed perfect and from more or less, a Mathematical perspective that is} {and as with speak too even, of Sacred Geometry that is}, and proportions too, not only to be applied to Architecture in itself, but in all ways too even, speaking of not only Architecture, but also Culture in itself, and in all ways truly even {and as with speak too even of Archimedean Geometry that is}, all this studied from the perspectives of Volume, Area, Surfaces and even Time based Dimensions and in all too actually {and as with saying that, there is a way of thinking about Culture in all, highly based around this i.e. Volume etc., and in many ways too actually, a good example of this, would be what they do call Psychedelia in all too really} {and with Psychedelia too, somewhat in many ways truly known (but more or less from a Spiritual/Sociological/Healing perspective that is), and to many a North American Native Indian 'tribe' actually}.

'the Moor'

Saturday 28 April 2012

Financial Policy

Financial Policy and Abyssinia.

We do in all live in a World today, where Money in all ways even {and as with Legal tender too actually}, is highly concentrated in all again, around Centralized Banking actually. In many ways, what this has done is not only slow an Economy or two seen out there in all, but in all ways even, led to anyone in all seeking out Money in itself actually, to seek out Authoritative figures, and not Social figures either actually {and as with stating that, Money in the olden World did circulate very much, highly based around Social figures in all, and not Authoritative figures either}.

In helping Abyssinia {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}, reconnect to History in itself {and as with Humanity too actually} {and in many ways too even, this speaking of the world of Literature in all too really}, is to introduce in all again, a Financial Policy {and Community/Communal based that is}, that can help those in Abyssinia in all too really, start thinking about Money in relatively new ways actually {meaning in all again, more from the perspective of Wastage, and rather than Shortage too actually (and as with Authoritative figures that is)}.

The Savannah: Treasury

The Plains: Monetary Funds

The Arid areas: Money lending Schemes

Photo notes:

the Treasury {with many a Country today, not having well functioning Treasuries anymore, one can in many ways even, simply think of Treasuries, as a Group perhaps, who do recognize that Money in a place or Country, can be well spent in all too even, by investing it perhaps, in certain areas of living in all, and as with this Money too, circulated in all again, by Social figures actually (and not Authoritative either), and as via actually, what they do call Bursaries in all for example}; the Monetary Fund {as with it in all again, referring to a Private Group perhaps, who do invite folks in all again, believed to have great even, Potential, and in just about anything too, to join up in their Fund in all too really, and as with helping in all too even, simply invest perhaps, Money, in the very right places actually (and as with stating that, owning Money in all, is not a pre-requisite for joining such Funds actually, but in all too really, the Potential in all of simply knowing just how to invest Money in itself actually)}; the Money Lending Scheme {far more prevalent today than most think it to be (and as with speak too even, of Money in the form of Vouchers perhaps), Money Lending Schemes in all, do speak of the Financial Industry (and as based around management issues too actually), and also truly, Small-scale Banking in all too really (and very world too even of Risk-Management and in all too really)}

Friday 27 April 2012

The 7 Heavenly Virtues

The 7 Heavenly Virtues

While growing up, I did notice in all, that I was kind of isolated from other Kenyans in many ways truly. The main reason for this (and as with my uncovering it that is), had to do with the very fact that, most Kenyans in all, are raised around the 10 Commandments in all too really, and as a form of Law too actually. I on the otherhand, found myself in all, adhering in many ways truly, to avoiding in all, the 7 Vices actually {and as especially, with my teenage years in all too really} {and in many ways again, all this, making me yearn in all, to be very much even, like a traditional American that is} {and at the very least in all too even, from the very perspective in all, of personal relationships that is}.

For those in Abyssinia though {'the Plains' that is}, it is in all truly recommended that, moving away from perceiving the 10 Commandments as a form of Law in all again, and towards the 7 Heavenly Virtues actually, is not only an excellent way in all too really, of separating one in all again, from the Western/Modern {and as with its problems too even, appearing in all too really, to very much circulate in all again, around the 10 Commandments actually}; but in all ways too even, the 7 Heavenly Virtues, a rather excellent way in all, of living out life in itself and within Abyssinia too that is {and as with saying that, there are a million ways in all perhaps, of truly interpreting what Kindness truly is (and as compared in all too even, to the 10 Commandments that is)}.

Dante Duvallier

Karen/Lakeview, Abyssinia

The Internet Server

The Internet Server.

Falsely highly assumed by many, to be a Communications Channel, or even truly perhaps, a Communications Portal, the Internet Server, is actually a Gateway {and as with this having too much meaning to it, and as with the futile attempt in all too even, to truly attempting in all again, to fully explain this actually}. In all ways though, the Internet Server is falsely assumed again, to represent a Plane of Existence {and as with speaking of Space-Time Reality in all that is}, when in reality, it does represent a Level of Existence in all too really {meaning in all again, it pertains only, to the Time dimension in many ways truly, and does truly heavily in all even, actually interfere, with not only how most out there perceive Space-Time Reality in all, but actually in all too really, truly interfering even, with just how most out there do perceive Space in itself actually}.

'the Moor'

Thursday 26 April 2012

Performance Song

Performance Song & 'the Siesta'



The above links in all {and posted Image too actually}, speaks in many ways, of the 'White Community' in Kenya/Abyssinia. To understand this descriptor better, is to in all again know that, Kenya has traditionally {and as with Ethiopia and Somalia too actually}, been the very home in all, of Settler Communities {and as with speak too even, of being Sovereign in all, but also truly, speak in all again, of these Communities as a People, and as with their sharing in all too even, of similar Voices that is)}.

To explain this much better is to say that, the above Schools in all, were the initiatives in all too really, of the 'White Community' actually, and as seen in Kenya too, and not Government either {and as with speak furtherly even, of 'White Community' in Kenya/Abyssinia, rather Independent in their ways actually}. These Schools though, and similar in all again, to British Boarding Schools in all, would be at the very heart, of not only Colonialism in Kenya in itself, but also truly, of the so called 'struggle for Independence' actually.

In all truly again is to say that, so called 'African' groups entering Kenya and around the Pre-Colonial times that is {and as with stating that, African in Kenya during the Pre-Colonial in all, actually meant Sudanese/Nubian}, with time, decide in all again that, it is within their very rights, to lawfully enter into private owned establishments in all too really, and as owned by the 'White Community' in Kenya/Abyssinia that is {and as with this in all too even, associated in all again with 'African' Criminality, and segregative moves in all too really, and by the British/Colonial Government that is}.

At the end of it all, 'Independence' that is, what one does see again is the attempt in all too even, to abolish the 'Settler/Sovereign' model seen in Kenya/Abyssinia actually, and in favour too, of a 'Kenyan' Government that does intend in all, to consolidate all Land based Wealth in all too really, and under the Kenyan Government that is {and as with it even, shared out proportionally perhaps, and to everyone deemed a Kenyan in all actually} {and in all ways too even, the very birth of Corruption as seen in Kenya today, and as centering around 'African' Tribes and such as the Kikuyu for instance} {and with most violence in Kenya since Independence, hingering in all, around this very issue: of just how in all again, to actually 'share out' Wealth, and Wealth too, deemed historically private too actually}.

In all ways even, Kenya, once a majority 'White' & 'European' place in all, with the coming of Independence in all again, finds most of the 'White' & 'European' populations {and as with 'the Plains' too that is}, moving out of the place in all again, and onwards to destinations such as America, the UK, and Australia in all too really.

In all perhaps, the above links do show the 'White Community' in Kenya/Abyssinia {'the Plains'}, and not Victorian Settlers {and as with 'the Savannah'}, or even truly again, Settlers in all too really, from the Americas actually {and as with 'the Arid areas' too that is} {and with lots of Colonial Violence in all again, actually taking place in the 'Arid areas' and as 'African' groups once in 'the Plains', are now pushed back by the British/Colonial Government into the 'Arid areas' actually (and such as the town of Murang'a for instance), and resulting in not only Colonial based warfare with these 'African' groups in all (and such as the 'Mau Mau' too actually), but also truly in all again, lots of racial violence sparking up between these 'African' groups and 'White' Settlers in all too really (and Settlers too, from the Americas actually}.

In all ways even, Kenya as a Modern Country in all, actually does have its roots in the 'Arid areas' {and 'White Settlers' from the Americas too}, and not with the British, 'Lord Delamere' and 'the Plains' specifically either {and as with saying that, these latter three were not specifically associated in all, with the very birth of Modern Kenya (and as the Books do teach in many ways actually), but that Modern Kenya in all and as with Law in itself too actually, does begin with 'Mau Mau' violence in all, and as seen specifically in the 'Arid areas' too that is (and as with the 'White Community' in the 'Arid areas' actually, once highly even, concentrated around the Banking Industry in all too really)}.

Tudo bem


National Song

National Song and Abyssinia.

Whom exactly were the Victorians? Their History in all, is never truly well told {and as with Eurocentrism that is}, but can very well be seen in all again, from three main perspectives: Ritual, Traditions and Community {and as with seeing them as such, helping one recognize in all too even, their being in all again, African in many ways actually}.

To see the Victorians from the perspective of Community, is to see them in all again, from the perspective of Popular Communications perhaps {and as with stating that Victorian English, and Victorian Popular Communications in all too really more or less do actually sound like (and as with grammatical structure that is), very much like African/Egyptian languages (and as with being controversial too and saying that, Victorian English does approach Kiswahili as a Language and in Grammatical structure too, and not English as seen truly, in Europe/England that is (and as with Victorian and 'European/England' English, simply sharing in all, a similar vocabulary in all too really)}.

To see the Victorians from Ritual, is to in many ways even see them as African actually {and as with the Fulani/Woodabe for instance (and with whom the Victorians in all, do share a similar physical likeness to)}, and African too in all again, highly from their Interactional skills actually {and as with the Victorians in all that is, generally interacting as Africans/Egyptians do in all interact actually (and as with the Victorians in general and in all too really, generally interacting in all, as Connoisseurs actually)} {and as with being a Connoisseur too even, having defined Egyptian Social life and in many ways too that is} {and as with furtherly stating that, Kenya's popular 'Meat Roasting/Eating' culture in all, actually does have Victorian origins to it (and not Maasai/Cushitic origins either actually)}.

You also do finally have Victorian Traditions in all, and it is here that the Victorians in all again can easily be split into those in Kenya, and those in England too. And with those seen in England, highly centered around Victorian Society and as circling around the Queen (Victoria) that is, while those in Kenya did engage in a Victorian Society in all again, highly circling around Victorian Private Organizations in all {but as with these Organizations operating formally in many ways, in a manner that one could readily recognize as being African actually (and as with speak too even, of formal greetings, formal salutations, or even truly again, formal decrees/announcements that is)} {but with these Organizations in all again, recognizing the Queen (Victoria), as their supreme head and in all ways even}.

In many ways perhaps and as with finalizing all this is to say that, the above Song in all and by Edward Elgar too, does truly represent what is Victorian in many ways truly, with Abyssinia in all {as with this truly in all again, speaking of Victorian Song (and as with Community, Ritual and Traditions too that is)} {and as with saying that, it is the Victorians in all, and as defined as being African as such (above), that truly in all again, does speak of whom traditionally has been seen as Kenyan for instance (and whom has not)} {and as with furtherly stating that, most so called 'African' Tribes in Kenya (and as including the Kikuyu, the Kamba and Luo too actually), are actually a mishmash of Slaves from the Middle East, Migrant Labour from Asia, and wandering Africans too, and from the Congo & 'Southern Africa' that is (and as with saying truly that, there is nothing truly African in all, about them actually, and from the perspective too, of Community, Ritual and Traditions in all too really)} {but with they in all again, being mainly similar in Ritual, Community and Traditions, and as seen in the Middle East and Asia too actually (and if in all again, Community, Ritual and Tradition in Africa, can somewhat mainly be associated in all too really, with the Khoi/Bushmen, the Fulani and the Pygmies of Central Africa too that is)}.

Hasta la vista

Chip Donaldson

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Black-Asian Dance

Black-Asian Dance

@ in all ways even, the above Dance scene is heavily falsely believed by many, to actually in all, represent African Dance actually {and when in reality, it does pertain to Black-Asian Dance in all (and as with African-like people in all and as seen in Asia too that is)}

The African

The African.

One of the most disturbing books I have ever read, was 'Animal Farm' and by George Orwell too that is. What made it truly disturbing in all was that, it not only was a highly oppressive and discriminatory tale in all too really {and as with its psychology that is}, but in all again, what was truly disturbing and in all ways too even was that, of all the Animals on the Farm, it was the Pigs that were winning {and something to this day, I still find rather hard to stomach in all too really}.

To speak of 'the African' is to in many ways even, speak of general Psychological Profiles in all {and as with stating that, Africans in many ways truly, are truly believed in all too even, rather backward in Psychology that is}. In helping one understand this is to perhaps present more or less the more or less truly known Psychological Profiles {and as with one even, able to switch between them and depending on circumstances too that is}, and in many ways too, attempt in all again to furtherly explain terms such as 'the African', or the 'the Indian' too actually.

The Genetical Model: A model in many ways that does describe the Human being on average, from Long-term Memory, Conscious States, and finally in all too even, Mediumistic states {and as with speak of going into a Trance for instance}. A model in many ways too adhered by those, one could consider rather civilized in their ways actually {and in all ways even, those who did live in the old/ancient Worlds that is}.

The Lingual Model: A model in most ways that attempts to describe the Human as consisting of Short-term Memory, Preconscious Memory and Working Memory in all too really. A rather common model unknown to most, it having been used just about everywhere in the World {the olden World that is}, and to at the very least describe the average person out there and in all too really.

The Libidinal Model: With this proscribed model below, and it not very true to Freud's original model perhaps, it however, is far more popular today, than one would believe it to be actually, and as with it in many ways truly, having come to define not only Urban existences in all, but in all ways even, those who do identify themselves somewhat as being White and in all ways even {and as with viewing 'Whites' that is, as paragons of virtue in all too really}. In all, a model one could basically describe as consisting of ones Face, ones Abdomen/Stomach, and finally ones Groin and in all too really {and with the main goal of life and as with this model, satiating in all again, these three parts described and in all too really that is} {a model in all ways even, highly popular in South America and as with History that is}.

The Social Model: A model in all, one could very well call Western actually, and as with it stating that, it truly in all again highly attempts to define the Human being in all, and as consisting in all too even, of a self-image, personality and character too actually {and in many ways too, Western Media in all, attempting to portray just about everyone out there as being backward and in all too really that is, and due to the belief that, Westerners in all again, do define themselves highly based around this model actually (and Socially too that is), but this in all again not true in most ways and of the rest of the World that is (and as with they even, ascribing in many ways truly, to another model described just below)}.

The Physical Model: A model in all too really, one could associate in all again, with not only being Westernized in all, but also in all too really (and traditionally too that is), with 'Popular Italy' actually {and as with saying that, being Westernized in all again (and as with ritual), is a rather poor attempt in all, in attempting to be Italian that is}, but in many ways truly, did give us the very world of 'the Indian', and 'the African' too actually. In many ways, a popular model of the Human being and speaking of the Human as consisting of Eyes, a Physical Body, and finally in all too even, a Head too that is {and in many ways truly, a model in all again, that most in the rest of the World, actually do associate, with Primitivity in all too really} {and as with stating also that, this model made 'Western', believes in one being rather physically strong (and as with the Physical Body), having Eyes that do notice just about anything, and finally a Head too, that does work in all again, with ones nervous system for instance actually, and in simply being truly aware, of ones surroundings and subconsciously too that is (and with the Physical Body in all again, highly associated in all, with what one would call Physical/Body Memory, and as with the Physical Body too that is, more attuned to its environments in all, and by virtue of being accustomed in all again, to things happening in a certain way that is)}. In many ways, speak of being Westernized in all, and as with regards to this model speaks in all too really, of following certain rituals in all again {and as with how one in all, does unlock a door too that is}, and with 'the Indian' in all again, believed maximally Westernized in this manner {meaning in all that, Westerners do somewhat acknowledge them as being somewhat similar to them that is}, and with 'the African' on the otherhand, believed in all again minimally Westernized {and as with 'he' believed in all too even, of capable of showing some affinities, and towards being Westernized that is} {In Italy though, this model in all was associated with being a Swordfighter actually, and in many ways truly, French Swordfight does differ from Italian Swordfight in this way, in that, French Swordfight in all, is actually based around the Social Model mentioned above that is}.

In many ways truly, when someone in all does speak of a Culture in all again, being rather complex, they are in fact talking about just how many of these Psychological Profiles in all, are to be seen within the Culture actually {and as with talk too even, of a person being psychologically complex that is} {and in many ways too really, talk of mental confusion in all, does have to do with one not knowing in all too even, just where to use any of these Psychological Profiles that is} {and with Africanized (Caucasoid/Mongoloid/Negroid) Cultures in all too really, and Asian Cultures in many ways too actually, rather backwards in all too even, and as with regards to all this actually} {and with Italy too perhaps, claiming its stake as being grander than Egypt or Greece too even, based around its possessing too many, of such Psychological Profiles in all too really} {and as with furtherly stating that, Africanized (Caucosoid/Mongoloid/Negroid) Cultures/beliefs in all, is what does make Africa (and minus Abyssinia and Egypt too that is), rather similar in all again, to Central Asia actually (and as with speak too even, of the Mongoloid that is)} {and with Abyssinia and Egypt too, and as with discrimination that is, heavily defined in all again, by Skin colour and Gender issues respectively that is}.

'the Italian'

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Esoteric Islam

Esoteric Islam.

The Christian Knight

The Christian Knight.

If the the Samurai of Japan, can in many ways truly be said to be masters of the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air {and as with seeing them in all again, in just about everything that is}, but in all ways truly again, defining themselves in all, as a Void actually {and as with speak too even, of being a Physical Specimen that is}.

The Christian Knight on the otherhand, is primarily acquainted with the 4 Cardinal Virtues of Fortitude, Temperance, Justice and Prudence, but in many ways in all truly, they in all again defined very much by 'Physical' {Matter-Energy-Light/Photon} states of the following kind: Clay / Fortitude, Molten Lava / Temperance, Steam / Justice and finally Ice / Prudence too that is. With these 'Physical' states in all again, truly representing Trial, Test & Tribulation {and as with not only speak of Matter-Energy-Light/Photons that is, but also in all too really, Community Spirit, Ori tutu' and Ori in all too really} {and as with these 4 'Physical' states in all, speaking of the 4 primary Odu in all too even, and as seen with the Ifa Oracle that is}.

In all ways truly, the Christian Knight in all again as being able to perceive all this in just about everything, and as based on defining themselves as whole in all, in the form of a 'Collective Soul' actually {and as with speak too even, of being a 'Communicational being' that is}, but in all ways even, this speaking individually in all {and as with outlier experiences in all too even}, of the Christian Individual in all, and as with 'he' being defined in all, by the Heart, the Mind, and the Higher Self / 'Iponri' too actually {and as with this in all even, a more or less new interpretation of the Christian and as with Abyssinia too that is (and as with the borrowing of concepts perhaps, from Ifa for example)}.

In many ways truly again is to say that, there is a false belief that Scientific/Mystical beliefs in all, often associated with Matter-Energy-Light/Photons in all again, are strongly in all too really, heavily associated in all again, with Science in all too really, and as seen in Europe/'the Western World' that is. This is not true, as Matter-Energy-Light/Photon theories in all, do have their true origins in many ways, in Ancient Egypt actually {and speak in all too really, of Mysticism and Science in all too even, and as associated in all again, with the African Continent that is} {and with European Science and Mysticism in all, highly defined in all too really, by Gene/Genetic/Genetical components in all again (and as with Gene splicing too even), and as with all this (possessing said certain Genes that is), opening one up to fully understanding the very world in all again, of European Mathematics/Science/Mysticism in all too really (and as with stating that, these Sciences in all, are highly correlated in all again, with European Languages and which do in all, require a Genetic component to one, to be able to fully master that is (and as with Fluency too actually))}.

'the Christian'



@ as with it in all again, truly believed even, at the very center of Rhythm, Soul and Spirit and as seen in all even, in the Western Hemisphere that is {North America, the America's, Europe and Africa too and in all that is} {and as with saying that, anything that does become rather popular in Spain in all, does catch on somewhat, in the rest of the Western Hemisphere that is}.



@ the very heart/core of Africa's Rhythms, Soul and Spirit and in all too really {and not the Congo, Angola or Nigeria either}.

Southern African Rhythms, Soul and Spirit {and not American, Italian, or European either and as most would be made to believe actually} {and with Belarus too, the very heart/core of Europes Rhythms, Soul and Spirit (and not England, France or Ireland either)} :

Monday 23 April 2012



Basic Aesthetics-Basic Design-Basic Patterns.


Education and Abyssinia.

In speaking on Education, is to not only in all perhaps, present it from a more or less Geographical perspective, but also in many ways truly, from an Aesthetics, Design and Patterns perspective too actually {and Geographical too, as with speak too even, of Social Temperaments and in all too really}.

Viewing Education from the Geographical, is in many ways truly stating that, different Regions of the World in all, have actually been shaped (and rather strongly too even), by differing kinds of peoples in all again {and as with speak too even, of Skin colour that is}. Take North America, the America's (Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and South America), and even Central Asia for instance, one does find that their History in many ways truly {and as with Aesthetics, Design and Patterns in all}, has been highly shaped in all again, by White skinned peoples and in all too really {and with America and Brazil on the otherhand, being somewhat of the exception, as in Brownskinned and Blackskinned populations in all, seen there respectively, more or less strongly intimate, and with the Whiteskinned populations residing in both places in all too really (and respectively too in all that is)}. Europe, Africa and Italy on the otherhand, have always been strongly shaped {and as with Aesthetics, Design and Patterns}, by Brown skinned populations {and this especially true, of Italy too actually}. With Europe on the otherhand, one does find that, the Media does present it in all today, from more or less an Irish perspective actually {and as with Ireland, having historically always been white that is}, but with Europe in all again and as a whole {and especially, Scotland, the Scandinavia, Germany, and Belarus too actually}, highly having been Brown {and as with not only History, but also Aesthetics, Design and Patterns and in all too really} {and with Scotland again, not similar to Ireland at all, and as the Media too, often does portray actually, or even truly again that, the term Scandinavia in all, has always referred to its Brown skinned populations , and with the term Nordic on the otherhand, having often been used for its White skinned populations in all too really (but with some White populations in all again and in 'the Scandinavia' too, some more or less Scandinavian like, or 'Scand' in all too really)}. You also do have England, famed for its phrasing, language and its Flag in all too really, but unknown to most too actually, all this actually does have origins with Chaucer's England (and which was rather Brown skinned in all), and not with the English in particular either.Finally you do have Africa, which in many ways {and as with what works in Africa}, always having been Brownskinned actually {and with certain places like Egypt, Mauritania, Cameroon & South-Western Nigeria, Botswana, and Kenya too really, for some reason in all, heavily Brown actually, and as with regards to Aesthetics, Design and Patterns in all too really} {In many ways truly again, lots of speak of Colonialism in Africa in all (and especially Kenya too that is), is not actually truly factual, as with saying that, populations then were more or less classified as being either 'European' or 'African', and with many a Brownskinned population seen there, actually falling under the 'European' term and in all too really}.

It is Asia on the otherhand {both Southeast Asia and East Asia that is}, where Black skinned populations {and as with Lord Rama and Lord Krishna too even} {or even Malik Ambar for instance actually}, having come in all, to more or less (and unknown to many too), strongly define Asia's Aesthetics, Design and Patterns in all, and as with Bangladesh too, having in all been a rather strong Religious/Spiritual Center, and in Asia too that is {and as with it even, always having been mainly Black skinned in all truly (and with traditional Japan too, having possessed an Arts Class and Priesthood in all again, made up of Black skinned populations and in all too really)} { in all ways even perhaps, Australia can be deemed truly Asian in all, and as with regards in all too even, to all this actually (i.e. Black skinned populations in all, able to easily come in all again, to easily define its Aesthetics, Patterns and Design in all too really)}.

It is only in the Middle East where one does find that, its History {and as with Aesthetics, Design and Patterns}, has always been more or less shaped in all truly, by White, Brown and Black skinned peoples in all really{and with Brown skinned peoples historically, often having played a stronger role in all, and for no good known reason either}.

In all ways truly even, to speak of Education and as helping enhance ones Aesthetics, Design and Patterns skills in all too really, is to truly in all again say that, those living in 'the Savannah', 'the Plains' and the 'Arid areas' in all, best benefit in all again, from different kinds of Education {and as with speak too even, of Personalities/Patterns for instance and in most ways too actually}.

The Savannah: Technical Universities

The Plains: Online Education & Religious Universities

The Arid areas: Secular Universities


Photo notations:

the Technical University {and as with it perhaps, heavily focusing on the practical and experimental in all, and as with speak in all again, of a traditional Education heavily based on focusing on Aesthetics, Design and Patterns in all too really (and not the Scientific-Balance/Equilibrium/Stasis either)}; the Religious University {and as with it even, more or less heavily prone to Scholarly Works in all actually (and as with they heavily defined in all again, by Aesthetics, Design and Patterns in all too really, and as with speak of presentation formats that is, and not Scientific Terminology in all ways either}; the Secular University {with it the most popular of Universities seen out there, but with it in all again truly rendered rather useless actually, and as with today too that is, and as with it taking the Scientific approach in all and as with regards to everything, and not the far more useful Arts (Aesthetics, Design, Patterns) approach either}



In a World today, where all sorts of Economic activity in all again, are associated truly, with the supposed belief that, building rather well working Communications Networks/Systems in all {from Cellular Communications, and onwards to Internet and GPS Communications too even}, the ideas proposed below on the otherhand, are in all ways truly, not only rather Cultural in their ways actually, but also truly in all, deemed rather Novel in their ways actually {and as with their being able in all, to easily spur all kinds of Economic activity and within Abyssinia too that is}.

The Savannah: Paralegal services

The Plains: Bakeries & Butcheries

The Arid areas: Audio Book stores

Photo notes:

Paralegal services {from Massages in all, and to the realms Forensics too actually}; Bakeries & Butcheries {as with the people in 'the Plains' in all again, highly defined by what they do eat, and Bakeries & Butcheries too, offering in all, the widest range of breads and meats and for just about every hour awake that is}; Audio Book stores {and as with recommending in all even, the shutting down of many a Clothing & Shoe store, and as with those in the 'Arid areas', having come today, to be too highly defined by meaningless fashion in all too really (as with some of it even, dresscode in all, associated in many ways, with Prostitutes all over the World actually)}