Thursday 1 March 2012


For a long time now perhaps, I have been secretly in 'love', with Liv Tyler and in many ways too even, I do believe now, I know why.

However, before I get to this, let me introduce it all, by speaking on another related topic to all this really : that of Bible studies and Abyssinia too even. It has been said on this blog that, Abyssinia, is very much the land that does cover, what does constitute even, modern Kenya, Ethiopia, and modern Somalia too even really. Yet still, for those who wish to view the place from a Biblical perspective, is to in all again, associate truly even, with the Biblical figure of David actually. However again though, to better understand this {and as with saying the life of David, does fit in many ways, the average problems that most in Abyssinia do meet in all really}, is to enter the rather in all, truly interesting too, topic, of Bible studies actually.

In many ways perhaps again, Bible studies, has been most popularized out there, from the perspective even, of the Bible Code actually {and speak too even really, of a said 'Number Theory' Code in all, said to be running through the Bible itself, but not as a Code itself truly, but more or less, from the interesting Number based patterns in all again, that are said to be in the Bible itself (as with the example perhaps, of how many figures in all, it might take, to solve a certain problem in all too really)} {this all again, is simple Bible Code theory}. Another way of looking into Bible studies itself, is attempting in all again, to view it totally, from the perspective even, of the Holy Trinity {that being, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit}. In all really, the belief even, that just about everything seen in the Bible itself, is truly God actually {and in the form too, of the Holy Trinity truly}, and one in all again, has to see it as such really {that in all, there is nothing out there, that is not in one if one truly in all again, can truly see themselves, in the form of the Holy Trinity itself too that is}. However, there is a third way of seeing the Bible itself, and as a work too even really, highly based around Creationism {that being, Birth, Death and Re-Birth}. In all, that there do exist, certain trials, tests and tribulations in all even, seen all over the Bible itself such that, many a figure in the Bible itself, does not differ from others seen {as in the trials even they do face actually}, and that even, all these figures in all, are none other than Christ himself {and as the ultimate figure too even really, to be seen in the whole 'Creationism universe' too really}.

In all again, David, does appear very much, to be the primary figure in many ways, associated with Abyssinia, and in all again, as speak even, of a Christ figure that is {as in even saying that, the story of Joseph and his Brothers, does not vary too much from that of David, and as with regards truly, to Creationism too in all really}.

What though, does all this have to do with Liv Tyler? In many ways perhaps, it does speak even, of something truly unknown, about Abyssinia {that to many perhaps, unknown to them in all, the Egyptian Goddess Isis, is truly well known even, to reside in Abyssinia's Fauna actually, and in all responsible too, for making the place in all again, have a rather dark Green colour to it all really}.

To perhaps better understand this, is to say in all again that Isis in Abyssinia, is not only basic Spirituality in many ways really, but basic Spirituality too, as based around even, basic Design in all too really. To understand all this again is to say that life in Abyssinia {and as with Creationism associated with the Biblical Story of David even}, has to it, a basic Design in all, not too different from what one does see, in what they do call, the Art of Topiary too really {and that in all again, not only, does life in Abyssinia, mirror truly even that seen in all, in what they do call a 'Secret Garden' actually, but also truly, that 'Secret Gardens' in themselves, are truly in all again, built around, what they do call, Topiary Mazes actually}.

In many ways perhaps, to speak of Isis in Abyssinia {and the 'Secret Garden' too even really}, is to not only speak of her as a Great Healing Spirit even, but also, a greatly Destructive one too really {and as with life in all too really, as seen truly, in a 'Secret Garden' too that is}. In many ways again, Isis as mainly 'Green' in nature {and speaking of Natures Fauna too}, and as seen in Abyssinia too even really, and as compared even again, to Egypt too actually, where Isis in all, was in many ways even, truly 'Brown' actually {and in all truly even, representing actually, Mother Nature herself (and as with Mother Figures even), and as seen in Egypt too really}.

In many ways again, I do believe that Liv Tyler herself, is not too much different from Isis as 'Green', and to conclude this rather shortly even is to say that, I do believe this also, to be the main reason even, I did fall in 'love' with her actually {as in, its really that simple truly} {and in many ways again perhaps, she is not too different really, from Bathsheba herself even}.