Friday 30 March 2012

Transport Protocols

Transport Protocols and Abyssinia.

One of the things in all truly, that did make the old World, far more romantic in all, than the present World we live in today actually (Modern/Western), is the very fact that, it did operate solely in all even, mainly around Sea/River/Water Transport in all really {and with all this referring even, to everyday problem solving in all too really, and even truly, the building of Infrastructure in all/most ways actually}. It is with the Modern/Western World though however, where Road Transport in all, becomes rather highly even, glorified actually, and in all ways even, modern Cities in all, should not be seen as an advancement in all again, in the building of Cities in all truly, but truly really, the very fact that, they are in all based around Road Transport actually {and not Sea/River/Water Transport either, and as with olden Cities too that is)}.

When it does come to Abyssinia in all truly, one truly does find that, thinking of problem solving of any kind {including the building of Infrastructure in all truly}, highly based around Road Transport in all, is in all again, a rather poor way even, of thinking about things in all truly {and as with the manifestation that is, of all kinds and forms even, of Technical difficulties in all really}. In many ways though, there is a better way of thinking about life in Abyssinia (and as with population control/management too that is), the building of Infrastructure in itself, or even truly, what kind of problems in all again, are actually worth pursuing {and in all ways too even, which kind in all, are not worth pursuing in all really}. In all truly again {and as with ridding Africa/Abyssinia of the Western/Modern in all really}, is to say that, it is in all best truly perhaps, to view any kind of problems solving in all again, the very building of Infrastructure in all even, or even truly, thinking about life in itself actually, from the very perspective of Air Transport in itself truly {that in all again, any problem faced or even truly, simply thinking about life in itself, should very well have Air Transport at its very core actually, and not Road Transport either} {meaning in all again, if thinking of buying Bread, one should truly think of affording the best quality Bread, and made of Wheat in all even, flying in perhaps, from the place in all where the best Wheat is grown in all truly} {and that this, is not only recommended for Abyssinia in all truly, but also truly in all, for Africa itself actually (and as with what even, does encompass, high standards of living in all truly)}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notes:

Commercial Flight (and including Private Plane Ownership) {Moi International Airport, Mombasa}, International Flight (and speaking even, of specified destinations) {Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi}, Cargo Freight (and truly even Local Flight in all) {Eldoret Airport}

@@ and as with stating furtherly that, those in the Savannah, the Plains, or even the Arid areas too really, should truly consider making Mombasa, Durnham-Nairobi and Eldoret even, a kind of special Hub in all really.