Thursday 22 March 2012

'the Flag of Abyssinia'

'the Flag of Abyssinia'

In speaking of Abyssinia in all is to in many ways even, speak truly of its peoples actually {and especially those associated with its 'Plains' too really}, and as a kind of race actually {and a race too, highly defined in all, by one truly in all again, being a Conscientious being, a Communicational being, or even truly again, an Evolutionary-conscious being in all truly}.

In helping define the peoples of Abyssinia as such in all, is to state that, certain activities in all again, do go rather well with the above definition, of Abyssinian races: with they being in all again, Hobbies, Arts & Crafts, Recreational activities, Sports & Games, and finally even, Pop culture in all truly {but with all these best suited for Abyssinia in all, as long as they do match (or go well hand in hand along with), the above Flag in all, and as proposed in all too really, for Abyssinia actually (and a Flag too, not to be displayed publicly in all really, but one to be donned in all again, in ones homes actually, and in all ways even, a Flag in all, emanating from Chaucer's England in all truly)}.

In many ways truly perhaps, not only do the five activities mentioned above {and as with they even, matching the Flag of Abyssinia in all}, help define truly the Abyssinian races, but in many ways even {and as with Local Market activity too really}, capable of creating in all, basic Business activity, and as to be associated in all again, with Abyssinia actually {meaning that, Abyssinians in all truly, are innately even, driven towards the above five activities, and as long as in all too really, they do go well hand in hand, with the above proposed Flag of Abyssinia in all too really}.

In all again perhaps, a basic Identity even, for the peoples of Abyssinia in general {and as with the Flag too that is}, and as with stating even that, most in Ethiopia, modern Kenya and modern Somalia too even really, and speaking of today even that is, do actually create basic Identities in all, highly based around Pop cultures in all truly {and Pop cultures too, emanating from just about anywhere in the World too really} {and as with stating in all again that, basic Identities and as associated with the peoples/races of Abyssinia in all, should go well hand in hand, with above proposed Flag in all again (and as with speaking of Abyssinia too that is)}.

Chip Donaldson

Thika, Abyssinia