Friday 30 March 2012

The Persona

The Persona and Abyssinia.

Carl Jung at one time did coin the term, the Persona, and in many ways too really, one can truly say it does speak of just how one in all, does see things even, and on the average too really {or even perhaps, just how they actually do things, on the average actually} {and in all too really, the Persona in itself, referring generally, to the average in all truly}.

To speak of the Persona and Abyssinia in many ways, is to speak of just whom people in Abyssinia in all, are on the average actually {and as with associating all this, with groups outside Abyssinia itself actually}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notations:

Germany/Bavaria, Scandinavia/Sweden, Russia/Russians