Monday 26 March 2012

Basic Intelligence

Basic Intelligence and Abyssinia.

It does appear to me at the very least that, there is in all, a basic Intelligence problem, to be found within Abyssinia actually. That in all, most even, of the people in all, seen in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia too even, are the kind in all again, prone to follow Instructions only, and not actually think for themselves in all truly {and in general ways too actually} {and with this even, becoming in many ways a habit actually, and speak even truly, of a lack of creativity in all (and innovation too), and in just about anything done actually}.

As an opinion though, it does appear to me that, Basic Intelligence in Abyssinia in all ways even, appears to take the basic nature in all again, of a Bee actually {that in all those in Abyssinia, when thinking simply in all even, tend to think in many ways truly, very similarly, to the way a Bee does actually behave} {and as with speak even, of a playful fight/argument in itself actually}. In all perhaps and as with my observing of things even, when things in all do go rather smoothly in Abyssinia, one does find that they in all too really, do manifest themselves in all again, in a rather similar manner actually, to a Beehive in all truly {that in all again, things going smoothly in Abyssinia in all have, the very same drone like buzzing sound, that Beehives in all again, do actually tend to have really} {and that in all again studying the activities/intelligence of Beehives in all, is in many ways truly even, just how to go about thinking complicatedly/theoretically in all even, and within Abyssinia too actually} {and with Oracular Knowledge Systems in all again, more Practical in their ways actually, and rather than Theoretical in all truly}.

Hasta la vista

Chip Donaldson