Wednesday 29 February 2012

In Pursuit of Happiness

In Pursuit of Happiness

The Search for Inner Peace:

Many have probably heard the term Desu before. It is in all again, a religious term actually, and while for most believed to truly only refer to God or Jesus even, it’s a term in many ways associated truly, with the search for Happiness {and as seen in Italian Christianity (and German Religion too even in all really)}.

Most probably never do truly think about how to go about truly, attaining Happiness in itself actually. They simply believe even, it will at the very least make itself manifest, by simply one having Money in all, and in their pockets that is {and that falsely enough, Money does bring Happiness to ones life in all truly}.

In my life in all, I truly remember visibly not too many moments of Happiness in all actually {as with they even, occurring minutely that is (and not too extended in nature too really)}. Yet still perhaps, I did have a different meaning of Happiness in all, and as compared to that seen in the (Western) World today {and with it heavily Money based too that is}. In many ways perhaps, I am thankful (or grateful even), for not having had too much of any Money in my life earlier on, as I have noticed, that those who do get jaded by it all, start to become rather miserable in nature {and in many ways even, offensive and insulting by behaviour too really}. In all, most out there have no true idea even, of how just to define Happiness in itself {it being even, a Philosophical concept that is}, and have taken to believing that jealousy or envy in all even, are the true keys in all, to Happiness itself actually.

From the very beginnings of my life, Modern Society did make it shown that, the key to Happiness in all, supposedly lay with knowing Womenfolk in all really. In many ways, Society in all, that does breed even, beliefs into men that, pleasing Women in all again, is not only the very key to Happiness itself, but a key sign truly even, of being a Man in all really. Luckily for me, I never did actually buy into this argument, and at from very earlier on, saw Happiness in all, in either an Animated TV show really (and not a Cartoon either) {and with Spiderman for instance, more of an Animated TV show too}, or even truly, in reading many a Storybook/Novel in all too really [and with Sidney Sheldon’s ‘The Other Side of Midnight’ a memorable one in all (and especially as with talking of a scene where in all, a Chess match is taking place in a moving Train to somewhere in all too really)}.

I cannot truly remember in all, how Happy I have been in this life as since time in all, has seemed to pass rather quickly even, and with me spending lots of time in all again, in Creative daydreaming that is {and as at the moment, I do believe myself in all, to have a heightened Imagination in all too really}.

What is Happiness though? In mundane and ordinary terms, it speaks of Individuality {and not Individualism either}. In all ways again perhaps is to say that, Individualism in all, truly speaks of ones Socio-Economic Identity, and as with it in all truly all about even, being not only totally Free, but having Fun in all again {and in an Escapist manner too that is}. In all, Escapism is not Happiness {but with Modern life in many ways even, attempting to define it as such actually}{and with Western Individualism too, seemingly reaching its heights, with Popular Wrestling in all too really}.

Earlier on in my life, I was probably lucky enough to listen to some Music by Prince actually. In many ways though, this speaks of a few hits such as ‘When Doves Cry’, and as in at the very least, it was Music in all, that did open me up to heightened feelings even, of what truly did constitute Happiness in all truly {and as with many out there even, not truly knowing what Happiness in general truly is, other than having one in all again, having been pleased by ones Mother in all ways truly}. In all, I did notice while growing up somewhat, that many out there, actually did define Happiness based around their Mothers (or Mother Figures even) in all, but for me, on having heard ‘When Doves Cry’ by Prince, I truly in many ways registered it even, as what heightened feelings associated with Happiness in all, truly were like.

In a Modern World too really, where Happiness was apparently associated with Women, I from a very young age, had every desire even, to leave Kenya itself, having come to know perhaps, that Kenyan Women in all, were probably the most stupidest of them all out there actually. In many ways, while not associating Women with Happiness in all again {as I viewed their energy levels in all, to be rather low really}, I in many ways though, did find myself {and in a rather longwinded way too even really}, eventually possibly truly attracted to Alicia Silverstone {and alongside somewhat even, Liv Tyler herself actually}. When I saw Alicia Silverstone in Clueless {and not in her Aerosmith videos either}, I kinda knew almost immediately that that’s how in all, I believed Women should be like {Alicia Silverstone in Clueless}. On the otherhand, her being in one or two of Aerosmiths videos had me in many ways again, imagining, what in many ways too, a true Girlfriend was like. In all though, I could very well say that in my youth, I truly believed Gender relationships {and Happiness to even really}, to be truly in all, American in nature {and not European, or especially Kenyan either} {and with Kenyan Gender relationships in all, almost inexistent, and at their very heights even, mirroring those seen, in a TV Comedy Show even (like the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air too that is)}.

Some of the more interesting perhaps {and as with Happiness too really}, moments of my life, I remember even, spending somewhat with my neighbour Sam. One of the more memorable ones include when, Sam {or Sammy as we called him then}, along with my ‘elder Brother’ Bob, decided to set fire to a field that lay next to our home in Karen, for no apparent reason at all. I don’t know, it was all kind of a Happy/interesting moment, when apparently the Field in itself did truly catch fire {as with they starting it all, with a matchstick and matchbox too really}, and Sammy on attempting to escape in all, apparently hurt his foot, and fell down groaning in pain, while my ‘elder brother’ in all again, Bob, took off like the rather famed Rabbit, of African lore. Field still alit, and me in many ways in a daze even {with they having set fire to it, right in the middle of it all actually}, I was still shocked to see it ever growing, with Bob having taken off, and Sammy somewhat too in all, still lying on the field, groaning in pain. It was dumb shit, the Fire threatening not to die down, but spread to our homes even, but with instead, a Fire Brigade in all, showing up with lots of time passed, and Sam even, rescued from the burning Field in many ways truly. I don’t know what to make of it all, but with Happiness, it probably mirrored the same feelings in all that Sinead O’Connors song ‘Nothing Compares to you’ does elicit from one in most ways truly {I guess in many ways what I am trying to say perhaps is that, it was all kind of ‘funny shit’}.

Another moment of Happiness in many ways really, somewhat keenly memorable too that is, was when me, Sammy, Bob, and my bro. in all, Morris, decided in all again, to go around at night, throwing rocks into peoples homes, and even, uprooting one, two or three even {if not several}, of Telephone {and even Electricity poles too}, and in the attempt perhaps, to simply feel good/happy in all really {or perhaps the case even, of Sammy having read too many a Stephen King (as it all did have such nuances even, of Stephen King to it all that is)}.

In many ways again, what is truly Happiness? Is it that, which can be found almost immediately {and as with speaking of the nature of Happiness itself that is}, or that which when delayed, promises to bring the greatest of moments in all, into ones life actually. In many ways perhaps, when it came to Gender relationships {and they defining Happiness in several a way truly}, I truly guess in all {considering how my life has turned out}, to have viewed them more or less along the lines even, of Liv Tyler in Aerosmiths Crazy video {and not Alicia Silverstone specifically either} {as in my believing that a man and woman in all, can find Happiness with each other, by kind of acting dumb around each other too really (and probably even, the only way to keep sex going in a relationship, after its first year in all truly)}. That’s whom I am/was in a relationship, acting dumb with Liv Tyler, but socially in all again, walking around, hanging around and joking even, with Alicia Silverstone {and in Clueless too that is}. Later on, having viewed Liv Tyler in Aerosmiths ‘Don’t wanna miss a thing’, I guess I probably in many ways, viewed her rather attractively even, as in seeing her in all, to have taken acting Dumb even, to rather sophisticated levels actually {what I am trying to say here ladies and gents in all is that, most people don’t truly see Liv Tyler for whom she truly is, as they cannot get past, the ‘dumb’ façade in all, she tends to put up in all really}{Liv Tyler in many ways, is heavily romantic ‘shit’ is what I am trying to say}. In all again, I am probably in love with Liv Tyler {but won’t admit it to myself truly}{and on my arrival in Canada, probably in all fell in love again with a Liv Tyler imitator, and by the name of Chereen Rose Neufeld too}.

One of my early attempts at finding Happiness in all, probably involved me seeking it out, and in Yoga too really {and Yoga too, that more or less spoke of Yoga itself, from the perspective even, of a Bengali Tiger or two}. In many ways again, I probably believed even, that the peace and calm in all, shown by Tigers or Lions even, or Black Panthers truly even really, truly in many ways, did symbolize what true Happiness in all, truly was like and on my converting even, my “Mother” in all again into practicing Raja Yoga, she in many ways joined a Raja Yoga Center in Westlands,Nairobi Kenya, and at the very least, a place in all and as with environment, generating Happiness in general, but with nothing too much else to say about it in all really {that is, believing that Bengali Tigers in all, did hold the key to true Happiness that is}. However, while at the Raja Yoga Center I did happen to meet {or see truly}, a certain Michelle (Seling), whom in many ways appeared to have the calm and happiness even, of a Black Panther somewhat {what is been said here in all is that, she was simply just memorable in all, to have and see around that is}.

In many ways again, experiencing Happiness in my youth involved even, playing an evening game of Soccer and Basketball too even {as in playing it rather freely in nature} {and meeting one or two characters in all, such as a certain Ken (and his brother even Jomo)}, whom in many ways even, truly in all did seem to help create Happiness based environments, that one cannot truly explain in meaning} {meaning in all again, a Game of Basketball going on, people chatting, wind blowing, and it all, simply just Happiness in all too really}{ I do not know, probably all this had to do with the Egyptian practise even, of worshipping the Sun as I cannot in many ways even, truly know why, we experienced Happiness as such in all too really} {With it all again, truly having been something in all, to do with the Sun in all really}.

How though, to truly define Happiness {and in Kenya truly even}? At the very least, there does happen to be a Popular Storytelling tradition in Kenya, that in many ways speaks of just how, most in Kenya, truly view Happiness in all even {as in hearing that is, a rather good story in all too really}. While most Kenyans in all, do populate Bars and Meat oriented Eateries in all, to listen to all kinds of stories that would at the very least evoke, genuine laughter in all, I in many ways often did seek out instead, many an American movie or two, for this very purpose actually {and with the best I have seen to date being ‘For the very First Time’ with Corin Nemeck (and Cheryl Pollack too that is)}. In many ways though, having grown up around an interesting Storyteller by the name of Uhuru {someone who lived a distance from me}, I came somewhat to believe that, nothing much went or happened even in Kenya actually, and in many ways truly, unknown to most Kenyan Storytelling, has come in all, to define Kenyan Nightlife in all truly, and as in saying that Nightlife in other places out there {the Western World that is}, is heavily based around Popularity {as with celebrity hijinks even}, but that in Kenya is truly, based around Historic even, Storytelling {and as with others even, simply somewhat interfering in ones life in many ways truly (both intentionally, or unintentionally even)}, but with all this in all again {and via Uhuru too that is}, leading me to attempt to go out there in all truly {or ‘Clubbing’ as they called it}, but my eventually discovering it truly was not my scene {and with all this happening, with two neighbours of mine, a David/Dave, and a Ron/Ronnie/Ronald too that is}. In all, while hearing about others in a Storytelling manner can evoke Happiness, in Kenya in many ways, this cultural tradition seems to have lost its elements even, as with it truly, capable even, of being used in all, to speak about Kenyan Economic and Political life, over the decades {and as with it all that is, truly driven in all, not only by Storytelling, but Storytelling too, taking Mythic proportions in all actually (i.e. a lie here or there, leading to a death here or there even)} {and as in saying again that, the whole of Kenya today, seems to be one whole lethal Storytelling Network in many ways really}.

Storytelling though I believe, is not the best way to seeking out Happiness in Kenya {as with it even truly, far more ‘traditional Africa’ in nature (Storytelling that is)} {and in a Kenya too really, more eclectic in how it truly defines itself in all really}. In my opinion {and one of the ways I truly understand life in Kenya}, Individuality {as with it differing even, from Individualism and Socio-Economic Identity too (‘Escapism’)], speaks of thinking up an interesting idea or two even {and in the name of Happiness}, and attempting in all, to fulfill them in one way or another actually {including visiting a friend/neighbour, at past midnight too even really}. That’s how I have often believed Happiness in Kenya to be truly defined {and as with sophistication too even really}, but knowing truly too, that most in Kenya today won’t ‘get’ this at all really. In many ways even {and as with speaking of the Global Economic Crisis perhaps}, is to say that, seeking out Happiness from the Individuality perspective, is the main reason why even, many a Mall truly does exist {in that, Malls truly do go with Individuality, and not Individualism either} {in many ways again, going to the Mall and Shopping on a Saturday morning in Kenya, is in many ways truly, a joy in itself (and with Malls in America in all too really, actually truly in all, rather joyless their ways actually)} {Individuality, does not seem to work well at all, in North America in most ways really}.

In many ways again, Kenya, was one a rather popular place in all, due to how people in all again, did define Happiness truly. One does find that, the three methods of creating Happiness even, mentioned above, were once seen in Kenya in different ways really, and in many ways even, made Kenya one of the more popular destinations out there {as with it even, receiving guests in all, from all over the World truly}. Speaking of Happiness, Sun worship and Kenya even, is to speak of a Kenya inhabited in all even, by ‘White Settlers’ such as Ernest Hemingway and in many ways even truly, a world in all, that did give birth to the ‘Hakuna Matata’ Kenya known to many today {and as with Tourism in all that is}. The second Kenya of Storytelling, has in many ways its origins with not only the Swahili people, but Storytelling too, rather Victorian in its ways too really. The third, that of Individuality, while existing before in Kenya has a more or less tumultuous History to it all, having been associated in all, with European populations once seen in all again, within Kenya actually, but with it truly coming in all again, to be adversely (or poorly even), defined in all really, by Colonial Kenya actually {as with it even, highly based around regulating this impulsive behaviour amongst Black Africans, and in saying again that, Colonialism in Kenya in all, is not what most believe to have been (i.e. oppressive, or very much apartheid in nature that is) (it instead was warring even, and as with ‘the state of emergency’ too that is, between European & British Colonialists and versus in all, Africans that is, who sought even to disrupt their way of living in all truly) (and as with speak too even, of African Criminality in all too really)}.

One though of the more recent interesting developments in the pursuit of Happiness, and seen in Kenya even, had to do, with its Indian populations in all actually. In many ways even, speak of Religious life in all, holding everyday Happiness, and as associated even, with many a festival such as ‘Diwali’ too really. In all, probably more harder to define, but speak too even, of ‘Media Kenya’, and the telling of tales in all {and not stories really either}, of just how corrupt the average man and woman out there, truly are {and in all again, having humorous conversations in all truly, based around all this in all really}. At the very least, a way of defining Happiness in all, connecting Kenya today even, to the Middle East actually {and as with talk even, of a Holiday based Celebration in all too really}, and at the very least, has seen in all, the very spread even, of a kind of Reggae music known as Ragamuffin, that in many ways even, has an Indian beat to it all actually, and with it truly, having Religious themes to it all too really} {In all, the music of the likes of Shabba Ranks or Maxi Priest even, is truly Ragamuffin music actually, and not Reggae either, and with it emanating in all again, from Oman in all truly}. In all truly again, music that attempts to create serene environments in all even, and as with being serene, what being Happy in many ways too even, is truly like.

America in many ways, is a place that most today truly believe, holds the keys even, to Happiness itself in all really. One way this is believed to be true, is based around even having Sex itself. That Sex in all {alongside rather spicy, sweet and sugary even} Foods in all, can truly bring Happiness into ones life actually {even if, in small varying amounts really}. In many ways, my finding myself not being too sexual I believe, has to do with my being Italian first {an Italiano in ethnic talk perhaps}, but also truly knowing that, what they do call Slang actually, can in many ways even, counter Sexuality in more ways than one really. What is been said here is that, those who in all, do engage in Slang {and as in cool talk too that is, and not vulgar talk either}, do actually in all, tend to create Personalities in all again, not too sexual in nature at all{as in one even, coming to view Sexuality in all again, as something of not too much interest in all too really} {this in many ways again, is a side effect, of speaking Italian, which in many ways even, is a highly Romantic/Sexual language in itself too really}. In Kenya for instance, there is a backward form of Slang in all, known as ‘Sheng’, that in many ways even, those who do engage in it, do find Happiness in explaining their sufferings actually, and a form of Slang too even really, making many a Kenyan in all, not too Sexual either that is {and in all again, resulting in rather high divorce rates even, to be seen and found all over Kenya actually} {in many ways perhaps, Sexuality does go in all, with normal talk in many ways truly, and not slang either} {as with Slang again, having one develop Personalities even, that are just not too Sex oriented in most ways really}. America to me in all really, and today too that is, does not hold the keys to Happiness in all as many falsely tend to believe, as with my being in all, rather not too Sexual, has me viewing it even, from its highly perhaps rather backward even, Slang talk in all {with it being Ghetto too that is} {and as with speak even, of ‘Bling bling’ too really}. In all, Happiness, and the Ghetto, and as in saying even {and as I have previously known perhaps}, that even the Poor in Kenya, are more Happier in nature than the Rich in America actually, due in all, to defining Happiness based around Kenyan Slang actually {and Slang too, more advanced in its ways actually, than American ‘Nig’ Slang in all ways really}. In many ways though, I do view even, Arthurian Slang {and Slang too even seen within Angleterre culture actually}, to be of the more higher quality out there {and as with even, what made France in the old days truly (French Arthurian Slang that is), a rather memorable place to be in actually (and as with even many a Musketeer in all, knowledgeable in this Slang actually)}.

America though to this day, does offer two primary ways in all, to seeking Happiness actually {that having to do with Storytelling in all, and that having to do with a ‘Higher Power’ in all again really}. In many ways, to make all this confusing even is to say that, there is a culture of seeking out Happiness primarily even, based around Materiality that in many ways even, many falsely believe to be American or Western too really, but in reality, was always Italian actually {and as with an Italian Villa, or even a Ferrari too perhaps}. In many ways again, there are those who go to America even {or the Western World too that is}, to seek out Happiness based on Materialism, not knowing that this culture put out often by the Media, is actually in all, truly Italian (and not Western either) {as with most even, not truly understanding it from the perspective in all again, of the associated Drama involved in it all too really}; But in all again, Happiness in America has always been truly, of the Storytelling variety {with American Storytelling in all even, the very heights even perhaps, of Joy itself actually}, and also, from the perspective of a ‘Higher Power’ {what is been said here is that, many a poor person in all even, will seek to travel to the Western World in all again, and in pursuit of Happiness too really (and believing it even, Material based as in looking good even really), only to find nothing much taking place, and as with they not knowing even, that the Western World highly operates based around notions, of a ‘Higher Power’ actually, and as in one truly hoping even, for something good in all, to happen in ones life truly (what is been said here dear reader is that, it is better in many ways, to stay in ones poor country even, hoping and praying for more, as the chances of that happening, are actually greater in some ways, than in the Western World actually) (in all, close proximity to something desired in all too really, does not truly mean one will easily get it, or even unknowingly that, being close to something desired in all too really, and then getting to it, does not bring the same Happiness in all again, as actually truly being initially in all, far away from it in all truly)}.

In many ways in all, many a life for a Minority or a Person of Colour in the Western World, is truly actually, a misery of a kind truly {and talk even, of wasted time in all, rather than wasted opportunity too actually (with wasted opportunity in all again, still seen in many a so called third world country too in all too really)}.

Defining Happiness:

What in many ways though, can be said to truly constitute Happiness in all? A rather highly Philosophical question even, as with it in all again, somewhat truly Political actually, and something even, changing with the Times in all too really. To in many ways even, summarize this more or less difficult topic is to say that, several ways in all, have been imagined up in all truly {and as with they even, giving birth to many other ways of doing this in all too really}. Some of the ways known to many though, are mentioned below in all too really:

Song: the realm of Song {and as with it even, different from Music that is}, is one that has been truly in all, used to define Happiness in many ways and in the past too really. In many ways even, a practise in all {and as with the ‘When Doves Cry’ Song by Prince too really (and with it not Music either)}, emanating in many ways even, in Ancient Egypt too actually. A difficult way perhaps, of envisioning Happiness in all, but with knowing simply that, listening to Song in all, results in one even, automatically becoming Happy in many ways really, and with the inspiration for Song itself too, coming from multiple sources even {i.e. Nature, the Cosmos/Stars, the Moon/Heavens even, and other sources including the likes of the Ancestors too even really}. In all, making one simply actually, naturally Happy, as with one living life this way, and all the time too even really.

Ritualistic life: the very world of Ritualized life in most ways, is known to nearly all of Humanity out there. It in many ways again, consists truly even, of not only Customary rites, but also Rites in themselves, Initiations, and even Rituals too really. From having a Family Dinner, to a Date even, or even truly again, Graduating from a University too even really, speaks of Happiness in all {and as with it Aspired too in all actually}, and which in many ways even, truly reaches its heights, in ritual as seen probably, in Ancient Greece perhaps {and not America either}. In many ways even, many of the ways of attempting to attain Happiness in all, mentioned much above in this post, are in many ways truly even, based around Ritualistic life actually. From ‘Worshipping the Sun’, to Individuality (and Customary rites), to Womenfolk, to Religious Festivities {including holding a Ball or a Festival itself too even really (and such as Christmas too that is)}, are in many ways even, all based around Ritualistic life actually {and life too even, as truly seen perhaps in all, in Ancient Greece really (i.e. the Ball for instance truly)} {and with Festivals in Italy too even, somewhat similar to those in Greece, but with a Communications aspect in all, added to them all in all too really}. In all, the oldest way known to most, of attempting to attain Happiness in general really, but with this Happiness again, very much Aspirational in nature that is, with it being Happiness in all again, heavily based around Dreaming even (and in one way or another too that is). In many ways again, one does find that some popular Musicians out there in all, and such Pink or Gwen Stefani too even really, have been able to become rather popular in all again, based around crafting Songs truly, based on themes of Happiness, and as associated truly, with Ritualitistic life in all actually {and as somewhat even, seen in Greek Civilization actually}.

Godliness: What they do term Godliness, should not be confused with being Saintly (a Greek ideal), or even Holiness (and an Egyptian ideal too). Instead, Godliness {which is rather Italian in nature too}, has in it, a highly even, Communicational perspective to it all actually {in all ways that is, behaving/communicating in all again really, as God ‘himself’ would in all truly}. In many ways even, Godliness, and as with seeking Happiness too, is truly in many ways in all, what did give birth to what are known (or termed even), as the Latin world, the Italian/Roman world, and even truly again, the Arthurian world actually. The prime way known {and as with the three worlds just mentioned before}, of seeking Happiness based around Godliness (and Communications too even really), is in all, that of Materiality actually. In all though, the world of Materiality, reaches its heights even, in the Italian world actually, with Italian Materiality in all ways {and as versus Western materiality too that is}, heavily even, taking into account, the Communications aspect to it all actually {as with even, designing a Bottle in an interesting manner truly, such that, it is even passed around, in such a way really}. In all, the very world even, of owning a Ferrari perhaps {as the only sportscars out there in all, truly a joy to drive actually}, reading a highly interesting Book, or even knowing/’owning’ perhaps, ‘young Wendy Melvoin’ {and of ‘Prince and the Revolution’ fame too that is}. In many ways though, the realm of Godliness in all, truly even, speaks of Slang itself {as Communications in all, supposed to be associated with not only Personality development (and feeling good about oneself even), but also truly, making another in all even truly, feel good in just about everyway actuallyt}. Another known world in all, associated with Godliness has to do with playing Games {and speak too even, of Social Customs too that is}, and in all, a way of defining Godliness, heavily even, not only Victorian, but also in many ways {and as with Social Customs again too really}, rather Arthurian in its ways truly {what is been said here is that, Europe and the Arthurian world in all, were never truly based around Womenfolk (and as modern Historians claim even), but truly in all again, around Social Customs and Popular Games too even really (and as with speak even of, what they do call a Soiree in all for instance)}. Storytelling in all too really, is truly associated even, with Godliness actually, and in many ways even, speaks of exposing the truth perhaps, and in a rather entertaining manner actually {and with Storytelling in Africa too, truly even in most ways, actually Nubian (and not Egyptian either that is), while that in America, is in all ways even, actually Latin (and not Italian either)} {one does find though, that with regards to the pursuit of Happiness, two Americas do exist in all; one having to do with Latin based Storytelling (and seen all over America too) (and as with American movies even), and another based primarily around Song (and seen historically too, in Boston America actually) (but Song too, rather Italian in all really)}{and with seeking out Happiness based on a ‘Higher Power’, speaking in all too really, of a new/modern America in all, and one rather Immigrant filled in its ways too really}. Yogic practices in all, associated with finding inner peace and calm, and based around even, the observing perhaps, of Sacred Animals such as Bengali Tigers or Panthers even, are truly based around actually really, attaining a deep Happiness in all too really. To end it all, you also have the seeking out of a ‘Higher Power’ in all again, to deliver Happiness to one, and in the past even, highly based around truly even, the worship of a Guardian Angel or two, and with regards to all this that is {and with all this worship even, not mere Prayer either (and as with ritual too that is), but truly in all again, involving certain even, personal/impersonal actually, Communications to them all really)}.

To finish all this off is to say that, Happiness in all, appears to be a rather Political matter even {and as with how even, it influences or changes one, and with regards to routine life in all too really}{but in many ways again, poorly perceived even, from the perspective in all truly, of Wasted Time actually} {that in all truly, opportunity lost (or gained even), can put a damper to ones spirits in all too really, and as with regards to Happiness too that is} {and with this being a rather psychological thing even such that, one should perhaps know even that, how many times to attempt in all in gaining something perhaps, and when to totally give up even, and as with saying that, gaining something after to many an attempt (or too much of an attempt even), can in the end destroy one psychologically even, and as with it putting a true damper even, to ones spirits in all too really} {Happiness in all again, it appears, has to it, a kind of Time limit to it all too really}. Even yet, is the more disturbing social undercurrent perhaps, where many today, have come to heavily define themselves in all too really, as based around Sex based Communications actually. The History of Sexuality in all, is truly misunderstood by many out there actually, as with they believing that, Sex based Communications in all, have been the norm throughout History itself really. In Ancient Egypt for instance, Sexuality was primarily defined around Song (and that to the Moon/Heavens too really), as with saying even that, one truly waited for the most beautiful person/’stranger’ in all, to show up in ones life, before commencing truly, in sexual relationships of most kinds truly {as for the Egyptians in all, love once found, was supposed to last for all time too really}. In Greece on the otherhand, one does find that, Sexuality in all, is highly Ritualized actually, as with the case even, of Massages in all perhaps, or even truly, than any two persons in a relationship, were pretty much ‘Perfect Strangers’ actually {meaning again that, even in marriage, two people did not fully well know each other at all truly (and even lived separately in many ways really)}. In all again, two such ‘Perfect Strangers’ meeting together around Ritualized life, and Communicating in all again, within such rituals in all truly {and not outside them either actually}. It was in Italy though, where Sex based Communications in all were born to, and in all ways even, speaking truly of meeting a stranger in all, and attempting to talk/communicate with them, and with regards even truly, to just about any proposal out there that is. Communications in all, truly today even {and as with damaged lives too that is}, poorly understood by most, as with saying even, that having the wrong kind of Communications based Sexual relations {as with they truly in all again, defined by Communications that is}, can truly in all even really, hamper, damage or impair one actually, such that, they truly start seeing themselves, in a rather poor light really {meaning again, one night out with a ‘loose’ woman, can make the most intelligent of men, believe themselves, natural fools actually}. To expound on this further is to say that, in ‘old Italy’, Sex based Communications, were highly based around the Art of Seduction in all actually, enabling one, to mistakenly even, engage in a bad relationship in all really, but in all again, truly understand it even, from the Communications associated in all, with Seduction in itself truly. In all, as with Sex based Communications having come to be rather worldwide popular is to say that, most in all truly, never do find happiness this way, but instead, are actually impaired or damaged even, by them actually, and due really, to not understanding the Communications aspects to it all {as with even a slight joke by a Beautiful woman, the cause even, of great offence to a Man, with a poor understanding, of what does entail Seduction in all (and what does not actually)}{a good example of all this perhaps, is the rather very poor Sex based Communications in all again, seen in Rap music videos today, and such as, those of Jay-Z or 50Cent too even really, which on engaging in, will truly lead one, to the greatest of unhappiness in all, and in just about everyway too really (and in ones life too that is)}{and perhaps even, as with looking back at ones youth, and realizing, just how stupid one was, trying to act or behave even, like 50Cent or Jay-Z too even really}.

One interesting way though, by which most tend to limit their Happiness, is by looking out even (or Waiting too actually), for Signs in all, that Happiness, is simply just around the corner. A very common way of thinking that many can’t seem to explain really {as in even when Happiness itself is approaching perhaps, one still very much wondering, if it all really is true actually}, and all this appearing to be caused in all by, Popular Music actually, which appears in all, to have a Flow to it actually, that seems to be of the Waiting kind too actually {meaning that, it’s a Flow in all, that has one experiencing reality in most ways, from the Waiting perspective, rather than truly in all, being aware, of whats actually currently, going on really} {Popular Music, and even many a Movie Soundtrack actually (and as with those that is, that are not Symphonic in nature either actually)}. In many ways even, reminds me of the time, when a neighbour of mine, Catherine, tried to openly seduce me, and it all {and as with the Flow that is}, had all the elements of Blockage to it, as I simply stood there, wondering truly, what would be happening next {meaning again, there was no Play, on my part that is}.

Finally again, one of the more interesting ways of seeking out Happiness seen out there, truly does involve even, what they do call ‘the Center’ in all actually{and as with the case even, of a City Center too that is}. To speak of this, is to perhaps even truly, speak of the so called Market Economy in all actually, as with saying even that, a Center in all, is a place truly perhaps, where one can find just about anything, they truly need in all actually. A place in all again, that serves even, as a ‘Knowledge Depot’ of a kind truly, and in many ways even, the Center in all, has always truly, been at the very heart, of most form of Development in all truly, seen in Africa actually {and as with old Mali too even, or even modern Nigeria too actually}. A way of seeking out Happiness {and as with a great Street too even}, that is in many ways, coming to define even, the Modern World actually {and as with a Blockbuster Movie store too even really}, but in all ways again, truly suited in most ways even, for Africa truly {and with places like Kenya or Abyssinia even really, more way likely in all, to best operate around, E-Commerce actually, and much better even, than in America, Europe, or just about anywhere else really (and as way too, of seeking out Happiness too that is)}.

As a finality perhaps is to say again that, racial terms such as ‘Nigger’ in all, appear very much, to be associated with the attempt in all again, to seek out Happiness {and Happiness too even really, as defined in all ways even, by ‘the Center’ in all actually}.


Dante Duvallier

Karen, Nairobi