Saturday 10 March 2012


The Scroll Lock Key.

The Art of Locomotion:

In many ways, I believe I have truly come to figure out even, the rise of the Modern World in all, and as especially, as based around Computerization too even really. Many a person out there would wistful even, in telling you that, the most important key on a Computer, is probably the 'Space Bar Key', or even the Enter Key itself actually. For those in all who do use Computers regularly, they would in all probably agree to this actually, but for others like myself, and more inquisitive about the nature of the Computer in itself, it in all seems a rather simple device and which to my opinion even, can be summarized in one Key: the Scroll Lock Key.

Many are perhaps unaware of, just how truly in all, a Computer or a piece of Software even, truly does work: meaning again, its not as complex as one thinks it to be {for it in all fundamentally even, simply just Scrolls}. If you were to be asked to summarize the Modern/Western World in all, and in simple word even, then probably in all, you best choice or guess even, would be Scrolling. For thats all, that does happen in the Western/Modern World actuyally, and as with regards even, to any form of motion, movement or activity even {or simply what they do call Locomotion in itself}, and in many ways unknown to most, a form of Locomotion in all even, rather inferior truly, to most other forms of Locomotion seen throughout History even {as in saying even that, Scrolling in itself, is actually an absurd way in all, of simply even, moving around in all actually} {and with Scrolling too, reaching its heights with many a Videogame seen today even, and not the US Army either (and which has in many ways, a known poor Scrolling performance in all truly)}.

To take a trip down back memory lane would be to say that, life at the very least would be grand, if one simply for example, learned how to Roll in all {and as with what they do call even, Software Code actually (and as a compared that is, to the rather prominent 'Software program')} {and as with Software programs that is, based around Scrolling only actually} {and with Rolling in all ways even, similar to just how actually, Mickey Mouse in all, does move or walk in all truly} {meaning again, he very much appears in all to be a Coded Character (and not a Programmed one either)}.

In all, the reason for the above is to very much state that this is whom we very much are, as Locomotive beings in Abyssinia in all {that is, always on the Roll}.

Tack sa mycket
