Sunday 11 March 2012

The Animal Kingdom

The Animal Kingdom

Society and Play:

The term Abyssinia, does not simply refer to the often bracketed terms of Ethiopia, modern Kenya and modern Somalia even {as with stating that Ethiopia in all, has never truly attempted in becoming, Modern/Western in all really}.The term though, attempts to separate the three places that do make up Abyssinia, as separate even, not only from the rest of Africa actually, but also, the Middle East in many ways truly {as with attempts by some, to claim any Culture observed in Abyssinia as being African, from the Middle East, or Western in all truly}.

In many ways though, Abyssinia has its true origins, with Solomonic Myths, associated primarily, with Ethiopia in all truly. Yet still, the term itself, is truly associated with the word Valour itself {meaning in all, the kind of Courage even, a Lion is most likely to display in all} {and with there being also, 2 kinds of Lions to be seen in Abyssinia: the Kenyan Lion, and the Ethiopian Lion. With the Kenyan Lion in all ways even, rather Kingly in its ways actually (and an image that the so called ‘Horn of Africa’ in all, attempts to portray Internationally even), while the Ethiopian Lion, is known to be ruthless and apparently even, skilled at planning out attacks in all, and on Villages themselves too really (and as with a night raid or two even actually)}.

In many ways even, speaking of Abyssinia as such {Valour}, speaks even truly, of attempting to create a Society in all, distant in its ways even, and from Conventional or Modern/Western society in all, and as in stating even that, its all society based around what they do call even, the Animal Kingdom actually.

In many ways truly, how exactly does change come about in Society today? For many, it appears that the Plant Kingdom in all, is often heralded with brining change to a Society, and in mainly unseen ways actually. What this means in all is that {and as with speak even, of the Tides of Time too actually}, Research into making our Bodies healthier, and more perfect even, tends to heavily focus around the Plant Kingdom actually {as with speak even, of Energy consumption in all}, and not the Animal Kingdom {and as in believing even, eating good food oftenly, makes one rather healthy, strong and even gives one a good build in all, when in reality, Animals in themselves don’t eat too often, but are actually in all rather Big and Strong, and appear in all again to treat eating, as very much a Game of a kind truly}.

Speak of Abyssinia in all, speaks of the belief in all that, it is possible to build even, better Societies in all as based around the habits even, of the Animal Kingdom actually, rather than investing heavily, in Plant Kingdom Research {and in the hopes too really, of coming up with a product even, that will truly in all again, change, the lives of Humanity in all even} {and in many ways again what is been said here is that, Societies in all modeled around the Plant Kingdom, are highly conventional and routine filled actually, while those planned around the Animal Kingdom, are highly even dynamic, and less oriented in all, to routines in all truly}.

The Abyss:

What exactly though, can the Animal Kingdom teach us? With regards to speak of the Tides of Time is to say that, the world of the Plant Kingdom speaks of, everyone out there even, eating Healthily in all so that, they can truly function even, as such truly {that is, rather Emotionally Healthily in all}, and in all again, this opening up of our emotions in all perhaps, leading to tremendous even, changes, in a Society in itself actually.

The Animal Kingdom on the otherhand, offers truly, a different way even, of thinking about moving a Society in all, forward, and in as many ways even, as possible actually. This it appears, involves investing heavily (and speaking of Research too even really), in what they do term in all, Play actually.

What is Play? From the perspective of the Animal Kingdom, it can best probably be said to refer in all, to speak of Trickery, Sacrifice & Pain (and as with what even, is Fun truly), Tactics, Manouvering, ‘Role Modeling’ and even finally really, Strategizing in all too really {and as with engaging in a right manner in all this, speaking not only of building and creating in all, rather Healthy Bodies even (and including rather properly functioning Nervous Systems too really),but also in all, offers rather new ways in all even, of thinking of Advancement, Progress or Development, and away even, from the popular belief in all that, all this has to do with seeking out Emotional Health (and seeking out even, the heights in all truly, of the Emotional experience in all really)}. In all, the belief that, it is possible to develop highly functional Societies in all, and as based on the 6 definitions of Play mentioned above such that, the end goal in itself to it all even, is truly seeking out even, what they do call, ones Higher Self actually {and as a higher form of Existence in all truly and other than that of seeking out greater heights in all truly, and as with regards to the Emotional (Health) in all really} {In many ways again, the Higher Self here and as with the Animal Kingdom even, can be used to refer to what Astrologists in all too really, do call ‘the Ascendant’ actually (and as with speak too even of total Awareness actually)} {Think here again, of a Society in all, that does not offer the highest in the Love emotion perhaps, but on the otherhand, one where Love in all, comes more frequently, than in a Society based around the Emotional in all truly}.

What is it though, that does make famed Swordsmens of yore, much grander in nature, than the praised Boxers of today in all really. At the very least is to say that and unknown to most even, that Swordsmen/Swordswomen in all, engaged in fight, highly associated with Animal-like Play, while Boxers on the otherhand, operate truly, in the realm of the Emotional actually {and in many ways all this even, showing just how ferocious even, the old days could be actually, and as compared even, to the rather highly skilled even, Boxer, one might encounter today in all truly} {and as with modern Sportsmen even, of importance to Modern/Western Societies perhaps, as in attempting even, to open up Moderns/Westerners in all, to higher states of the Emotional experience in all truly (and as with this again, guiding development in all, and in the Western/Modern Worlds too really)}.

Abyssinia, is a rather interesting place, when it does come, to the Animal Kingdom in all, for no where else in this Earth, can one find all forms of Animals even {and including Badgers},that in all, make for a place in all truly, highly Ecological perhaps {and in its ways even actually} {and in many ways even, speaking of a Nature based Paradise in all truly}.

To state that Animal life in all, does at the very least influence the temperament of the peoples seen in a place actually, is perhaps a given even {and as with speak even truly, of Folklore in all really}. They at the very least, do influence even, how we do think in general, of Play itself actually {and this in many ways even, being Historical in nature too really} {and as with small talk even, beginning as follows: ‘remember when we used to….’}.

In many ways, many out there never do think of change in all, and in their Societies even, from this perspective {it having in all that is, a form of Animal like Play to it actually},and in many ways even, one does see a major shift in all even (and as with the Modern), away from this form of Play {Animal like}, to Societies in all again, that attempt to truly highly even, concentrate only, on the Emotional actually {meaning again, the good ol’ days are simply dead in most ways truly}.

To speak of Abyssinia and the Emotional, is to speak in all again, of the pursuit of happiness {and as outlined even, in a similarly titled, entry below}, but with the Emotional in all, relegated to the side mainly, and in favour truly, of truly in all, discovering, our Animal selfs actually {and as with stating again that, it is in the Happiness side perhaps, where Abyssinia in all, does truly meet the rest of You actually}.

Many a Society out there though, might not truly realize, that what is often termed uncivilized behaviour in all even, might have to do, with some of us in all, having come to associate even, our Physical selfs in all again, mainly with Animal beings perhaps, and not, Modern/Advertised Physical Images in all truly {this though, should not to be taken directly in meaning as in saying that, those who do adopt Modern/Advertised Physical Images in all, and as with regards to Play, are actually more innately violent, than those, who do adopt in all, Animal beings, and as Physical selfs that is} {the very fact that on, a person getting annoyed somewhere in India even, might seek to react like an Elephant (and stomp everything out), or even, as Bengali Tiger (and simply go for the kill actually)}.

To speak of Society in the above manners in all again, is to perhaps show a development model of America {a place many still obsess about} {as in stating that, some of us simply go to America to hang out, and drink some American Tea even really}, and that many in all, miss out on actually: that having to do with Play and the Emotional even. Modern American Society, sees America in all, highly obsessed with the Emotional but with Americans again, in many ways not truly aware of themselves this way as in stating even that, Europe/England in many ways, does come to influence them with regards to all this {meaning again unknown to most, America has traditionally been associated in all with Play, and not the Emotional either, and with the Emotional in all again, highly relegated, to regional even, Popular cultures actually} {and with Europe on the otherhand, highly based around the Emotional, and the Emotional too, at its very heights even}. Post-Civil War America {and before the Modern arises too that is}, sees an America in all, highly obsessed with Animal like Play, but Animal like Play too, that speaks of the fact that, the American Civil War {as with talking again of ‘nigs fighting’}, appears to have bred in all, a general culture of high violence even, that in many ways turned post-slavery America itself, into a rather dangerous place in all truly {and as with stating even that, Americans in all, seemed to have adopted in all again, the violent behaviours of Jaguars, Vipers and even Alligators (and turning America in itself, into a highly violent even, place in all truly)} {Jaguars, are some of the most dangerous of Big Cats even, and as in stating that, a Jaguar does not attempt to pounce on one as many do believe, but actually truly, stands feet away even, somewhat crouching, awaiting one to notice ‘it’ in all, and on doing so, awaiting one again to run, before it does give chase actually}. That though, was never my America actually.

America as I remember it, was Pre-Civil War in all its ways even, and was perhaps best defined, by three main Animal forms: Corgis (they being Wild Dogs actually), Beavers, and Raccoons too even {and with my then in all, having played Corgi, to extents that, I could communicate with them in many ways, telepathically even (and as with they even, somewhat apathetic in attitude, to all this actually)}. That though, was Boston, America {and circa 1749}.

In many ways even, to somewhat summarize all the above is to say that, at the very least, life based around the Plant Kingdom, and the Emotional in all too really, also very much speaks of, not only dealing with Clockwork based Routines actually {but also in all too really, eating food (and termed Nutrition in all too really), to provide the Energy in all, needed to survive, in such an existence actually}. On the otherhand, life based around the Animal Kingdom speaks mainly not only of Play {and as with Trickery, Sacrifice & Pain, Tactics, Manouvering, ‘Role Modeling’ and Strategy even}, but also life based around, Curriculum like Routines {meaning again, Routines heavily based around Play even (and not occurring that is, as often as Clockwork Routines in all, do actually)} {a good example of this would be, Teaching Instruction even, and as seen in all even, in Swedish Universities for instance really}. In all again though, life in the Animal Kingdom does involve what they do call, Diets actually {and not Nutrition either} {with Diets in all, very much Spiritual actually and in their ways too really, as in stating that, they do in all arise, from the kind in all again, of Play that one does engage in, and arising too, as a form of recuperation even (and in many ways even, all this speaking of Animal Spiritualism, and as with Growth too in all really)}.

In many ways even, not only does this appear in all, to build far more superior Nervous Systems as compared to the Nutrition route, but also in all, and as with Society today even, speaking in many ways truly even, of what does truly stand for, Ideals in all truly {meaning that, the progress of the Modern/Western World, has been highly hampered, by its lacking Ideals in all, and attempting too, to borrow them from just about anywhere and everywhere, and including Africa even}.

Growing up as such in many ways, and without having discovered my Animal self in all, had me in many ways even, engaging in Play, somewhat along the lines, of the famed trickster African Hare actually. Later on somewhat, I kind of picked up on just how Americans today, do engage in Play: very much similar to a Moose in all {and as with speak even, of Big Moose and of Archie fame too really}. In many ways though, having more or less grown up in ‘Popular Nairobi’, I in many ways even, found myself somewhat in Play filled environments, and as with stating even that, it is this section of Durnham/Nairobi life, that is in many ways even, the most exciting of them all truly {but still even, with Play not too well developed actually, as in saying that, it very much had ‘Lionel Richie’, as its main soundtrack even}. I guess my innate desire even, to engage in Play did lead me to engage somewhat, in seeking out violent displays of emotion even, and as with my sojourn even, in Jay (Mulattos) website, RAS (Race and Stuff). Yet though, this heavy desire to engage in Play but showing itself in violent emotional activity even had me in many ways even, acting rather Emotionally tense, and while in Canada too actually. I guess one of my regrets about Canada in many ways is that {and as many do have regrets about life in all truly}, was my rather great innate desire even, to engage in Play, and of the Sexual variety too even really, and with a certain Kerrie too {and an Aussie, from Australia itself actually}. The ingredients were all there, she too it appeared even, was as ready as I was, in attempting to Sexually devour her, but in all ways again, it did not become truly manifest, due to the rather Racial/Political climate in all, seen in Canada then actually {as at the very least even, we both had futures to think about (which in all spoke of her even, not being able to find a Job perhaps)} {in many ways again, this kind of Sexual activity in all cannot be done in secret or hidden even, but for it to have a sound impact even, and on its participants too even really, has to have about 1 or 2 witnesses in all, to it all actually} {my attacking, and Kerrie cooing in response, and one or two pairs of ears even, reacting in shock or dismay too really}.

I guess in many ways, my inability to readily engage in Play today, has me feeling ‘Weirded out’ even, but in many ways even, this is my main reason in all, for choosing to live in Africa actually {the very fact that Play in all, is still rather common, and as compared even, to the rest of the World in all too really}. In all, I guess in all ways even, my feeling of any form of regret in this life, has to do really, with my missing out on many a form of Play even, and in many ways even, do remember only a few people in all, who have made this life, somewhat memorable truly: whether it be even, ‘Hot Martin’ {Jay (Mulattos) cousin in RAS}, Habesha {Ethiopian and a ‘Fool’}, Kerrie {of all the missed out opportunities, at the very least, to gratify myself emotionally even}, or even Catherine {with me viewing her again, as she in all, the one truly wanting to Play, and I on the otherhand, somewhat reserved in nature truly} {meaning again, I am not too remorseful in all, about Catherine actually}.

There was a Night when all the Animals,

Gathered around together for a night of Showmanship,

To find whom amongst them, was truly the best,

And in a blindfold or three……………

What of the rest of the World? How do Play and Ideals in all, actually feature like?

One would be surprised to find that, a lot of the World even, is not as highly varied in all, in Animal life {and as most in all, would tend to believe in actually} {in many ways again, there is more variety of Animal life to be seen in the Seas and Oceans actually, and as compared to the Land itself really}.

Take East Asia and South America too for instance, where one does find in all again, rather few species even, of most Animal forms in all truly {and with East Asia in all again said to have even, relatively few of Animal life forms in all truly (meaning that, East Asia’s ‘wilds’ in all are actually mainly just empty in all truly), and with South America on the otherhand, mainly populated in all again, by Birdlife actually}. In these two places though one does find that, Play in all, has mostly developed based around martial/Fighting arts/styles in all, and in many ways even giving birth to much more violent Societies in all even, than most do believe to exist in truth actually {in all, saying again that Play in these Societies truly, mainly takes the form of soft punches even and blocks too really, ducks and parries even and more or less Play even, as seen in many a movie today too actually (and it all kind of rather even, relative or mundane stuff too really)}. In Brazil though, and as with Capoeira too even, one does find in all that, it incorporating in all even, different Animal styled forms of Play actually, that in many ways even, speaks of a History of Capoeira truly, and highly regional in its ways too really but one in many ways even, highly volatile, Political, and speaking too even of, Capoeira in all, and as viewed via the Colour spectrum too actually {meaning again, talk of White, Brown and Black Capoeira players in all too really}. In all, an ingenious way of incorporating Animal Play was seen here but in many ways again, leading eventually, to Brazil in all, becoming a highly Policed State actually {and as it is today even} {and as speaking again though, of some of its Play in all too really, having become rather Criminal in all actually}.

What of Europe? A most beloved and loved place on my part in many ways even. How in many ways truly, does Play take place there actually {as with this truly in all, whom some amongst us even, truly were, and while in Europe that is}. Many today, don’t associate Europe with much of Wildlife actually, and speak of any of it even, truly refers only to Lynx’s, Red Foxes, and even Wolves too actually. Many for instance don’t know that, Panthers and Snow Leopards even, are actually to be found in Europe actually {and as with they falsely believing that, Panthers are mainly in all, found in Asia actually (when this is not truly right actually)} {Europe has far more Panthers in all, than Asia does have actually}. In many ways again, speak of Play in Europe, perhaps even basically speaks of Swordmanship in all. In that, unknown to many again, true Swordmanship in Europe, was highly associated with Play even, and as associated truly, with Panthers actually {making many a Duel in all, far more violent even, than most believed it to have be actually} {and with Europeans then, far much stronger in nature and body, than they are today actually}. Everyday Play though in Europe, was more of the Wolf kind actually {and not Jackrabbit either} {and as with the Swedes that is}, and with fights on the otherhand again, more of the Red Fox variety actually {and with lots of snapping in all, going on and around really} {all this, should not be confused truly, with Folktales such as those of Br’er Rabbit or Uncle Remus even, which do not speak of Play actually, but actually truly in all, do refer to the ‘Rights of Man’ truly}.

Africa too, is a place in all falsely highly believed even, to be filled with all forms of Animals actually {and as with talk even, of what they do call ‘the Big 5’ actually}. This is not true for unknown to most even, most of Africa’s Wildlife is seen actually, in Abyssinia {and with similar Wildlife to be seen in Southern Africa actually, not due to Animal Migrations in all, but Export truly, and in the hopes of starting even, Wildlife Tourism in all, and in that place or region even (with ‘that’ being Southern Africa)} {meaning in all again that in Africa, only two Lions do exist: the Kenyan Lion, and the Ethiopian Lion (and with the Botswana Lion on the otherhand, merely a Kenyan Lion living there in all too really)}. In actuality though, Africa does share some forms of similarity in all even {and minus Abyssinia too that is), to Australia and India even {as in stating that these three places in all do see an abundance even, of Insects, Snakes/Reptiles, and finally Lizards too actually} {and as with stating again that, Play in these three places in all, are highly defined truly actually, by these three Animal life forms in all (and as with falsely believing that, most Indians, Australians or Africans even, and as with Play too really, to be similar in all, to Elephants/Tigers, Kangaroos/Dingos or even Rabbits/Hares)} {with they infact truly, more violent people by nature, than most believe them to be actually}.

In Abyssinia though, instead of many a Lizard, Insect or Snake/reptile one does find mainly in all, Birdlife actually {and including speak even, of Hawks/Falcons and Eagles too}, and Birdlife too in all, that does compete in variety, with that seen in South America too actually {and with Canada on the otherhand, and as an aftermention too even really, not as Modern or Western even, as many believe it to be actually but in many ways truly even, similar in all, to Post-Civil War America actually (and before the Modern rises too that is), and with Canada in all again, not having Play in all as based around the Bear actually (and as Canadians in all, might virulently even, want you to believe actually), but Play in all again, actually based around the Alligator (and speaking too even really, of the ‘See you later, Alligator’ kind actually}{meaning again that, Canadians in all, are actually either like Red Green, or Tom Green too really (and not Jim Carey either)} .

In finality though is to say that, Abyssinia to me, does seem to offer a lot with regards to Life itself actually, and as with speak even of life in all, in the form of Play too actually. That in all, Play in Abyssinia is capable of reaching heights even, unseen in the rest of the World actually, and in all again speaking of life in Abyssinia truly, as the most fun filled of them all really {and along the lines too even really, of the famed Ethiopian Warrior Antar actually} {and this in many ways saying that, Abyssinians in general are more or less like Antar actually (and very much Lion too really), and as compared to Africans in general, who are pretty very much like ‘Mzee Kobe’ (or the African Tortoise in all too really)}. This too even, and as compared to the rest of the World today really, where, levels of Play in all, have fallen to such drastically low levels actually, such that, most out there associate Play in all, with being more or less a Dog, a Cat, a Rat, or even a Monkey too really {and speaking of life in many ways too even really, as being more or less disgusting and stupid in nature even, and than most believe it to be in all actually}.

In all, forget all the modern Development talk seen out there actually {and as with it based around the Emotional too that is} {and as with saying even that, it in all, did truly reach its heights in old Europe actually (and as with speak of Emotional levels attained that is)} {meaning again that, there is not too much of written works in the Western/Modern World truly, whose intensities in all, do actually reach those of a work by Dumas actually}, and in many ways even, this all speaks of Development in all, not from the perspectives of Technology actually {and as with the Emotional even}, but truly in all again, speak of Inventions in all too really {and as with Play in all too really}.

As a sidenote though is to say that most out there do not see the dichotomy between Abyssinia and Africa too well enough really. This is because, they falsely believe in all that South Africa in all, is the Gateway into Africa itself actually {and with Egypt today, falsely proclaimed even, very much in the Middle East too really}. In many ways again, speak of a Gateway truly refers to the belief that, a certain place in all, truly does match actually, other places in all again, associated with it truly in all really. In this case, South Africa is not a Gateway in any way, into Africa itself actually {and as with saying that, South Africa is not as culturally diverse even, as many falsely believe it to be actually}. For those interested in investing in Africa in all though, one should be told in all truly that, the true Gateway into Africa, is actually in all truly, Uganda {OO-gand-da, U-ganda (or UG even), or finally even OO-gan-deh (as the Baganda themselves, do actually pronounce it in all truly)}.It is the Ugandans though {and not the Kenyans either}, that are most similar in all, to all other Africans seen actually (and minus Abyssinia too that is), and investing in Africa in all again, should take place even, from their being in all actually, rather knowledgeable even, of most of Africa in all too really {and as with stating even that, using a Model based around Agents even, is truly even, the easiest way in all, to do this actually } {minus of course, building South African like Infrastructure in all, and in Uganda too really}. In many ways again, speak of Development in Abyssinia in all, speaks of seeing its peoples as somewhat even, Islam/Islamic, somewhat Egyptian too even really, and finally again, mainly even Indigenous actually {and not Native or Tribal/’Inhabitants’ (Inhabited) either) {and Indigenous too really, as with viewing it all, from the perspectives even, of Animal based Spiritualism actually, and also that, Development in Abyssinia in all, is at the very least to be associated in all again, with the ‘Black & Decker’ Company actually}.


Dante Duvallier a.k.a Capt. Jack Stallencraft

‘the Abyss'