Sunday 25 March 2012

The City of Addis-Ababa / Mendosa

The City of Addis-Ababa / Mendosa

Self-Governance vs. Political Governance:

Addis-Ababa, is a city in Ethiopia, whose development in many ways, has been hampered in all, by its attempts truly perhaps, to model itself very much as a Western city, and a city too, very much in opposition even, to Nairobi in itself actually. The belief in all again, that Addis-Ababa, could very well become the new Nairobi itself actually.

In many ways, the problems that Addis-Ababa does face, have to do, with just how its peoples in all even, do see the place actually. That in all again, the attempt to use Political Governance {and as with speak even of a Western city in all}, has very much failed and that resorting in all, to a rather different method of Governance {and as with developing the city in all even}, and as seen historically in all perhaps, in Saudi Arabia for instance, is probably in all again, the very best way to go actually {and as with this speaking in all even, of Self-Governance in all truly}.

There are probably three rather good ways in all, to view Addis-Ababa and as it currently is even {and from the perspective too perhaps, of Self-Governance in all really}, and with this in all again, speaking even of, viewing the city in itself, from three main names actually: they being Addis-Ababa, Addis, and finally Mendosa too actually.

To perhaps in all again speak of Mendosa, is to in all truly perhaps, get to the very heart of Addis-Ababa in itself, and as with it even, truly becoming a rather Self-Governing place in all really {and as with Self-Governance too that is}. In all, it is perhaps best to acquaint Addis-Ababa this way, with Saudi Arabia in itself {and as with speak too really, of a general culture of Self-Governance in all actually (and as with little Political interference in all actually), and which does permeate in all again, Saudi Arabian life in all truly}. To perhaps speak of Addis-Ababa this way {and as with Mendosa that is}, is to attempt in all again, to erase any visible signs even, of Africanization in all and at the very least, replace it all, with something more akin truly, with being Saudi in all really. At the very least, this does not only call for re-inventing its Physical Image {and as many might believe even}, but in all truly, re-inventing in all just how one Communicates actually {and as with this even, taking rather cultural dimensions in all truly}.

To speak of Mendosa in all, is to speak in all truly again, of just how the average person in Addis-Ababa, actually truly does view themselves in all really, their futures, and even the city in itself actually. That while this has taken African proportions to it all actually {and as with a heavy concentration on African-like Physical Images in all again}, it is probably best {and as with making Money in all too really}, for the average person in Addis-Ababa, to view it all (and themselves too even really), from the perspectives of ‘Communications’ in itself, but also truly, defining themselves highly around Riches even (and Money too actually) {and rather than Ethiopian/African culture in general really} {that in all again, Ethiopian cultures are best left in all for the Country-side actually}.

To make something rather philosophical much easier to explain is to say that, those in Mendosa can easily perhaps, develop a Communications based culture in all, highly based around three things: Sex based Communications, Cleanliness and finally Religious Faith in all really {and as with all three even, speaking of Self-Governance in all actually} {and as versus Political Governance too, and as seen in Addis-Ababa today really, and which focus not only on African Imagery actually, but also Western ways and cultures in all too really, and in attempting in all again, to develop the place actually}.

Unknown to most {and as with Riches too even}, ones Sex based Communications in all, does determine in all truly, just how in all again, one does think of Money actually. That in all truly, those with poor Sex based Communications in all {and as with being Charismatic even}, think far more about making Money in all truly, and inorder even, to actually feel good about themselves, while those again, who do have good/developed Sex based Communications in all, are rather creative actually, in just how they go about, making Money in all truly {that in all, such folks in all again tend to see Reality much more clearer in all, than those truly, with hampered Sex based Communications in all too really}.

To speak of Cleanliness {and in thought, heart, mind, habit, surroundings etc.}, is to in all again perhaps, speak of just how worthy in all, one does feel about themselves actually {and in all again, speaking of just how one in all again, actually does conceptualize Wealth in itself actually} {that in all, those who are Clean in their ways, tend to not only believe themselves worthy of great Wealth actually, but in many ways truly, begin to attract it into their lives in all really, and in one way or another too actually}.

To speak finally of Religious Faith, is to in all again speak of Confidence and Self-Respect even, and as with saying even that, Religious Faith in all, is truly associated with not only attaining any kind of help actually, and help too that one might greatly need even, but also truly that, it in many ways is the very source of many a great idea in all even, and as with regards truly, to all forms of Self-Improvement in all really {and including truly, speaking of running a rather successful Business in all actually}.

In all, the above three are believed rather good ways in all truly, for helping define the average person of Mendosa actually {and as with it in this way even, perceived in all truly, as a twin city in all actually, to many a city seen in Saudi Arabia in all really}; and all this too, other than attempting in all again, to define the average person of Mendosa in all, and as based around Western/Ethiopian/African urban cultures too really, or even truly, African Historical/Traditional Images in all actually {and speaking too even really, of rising up from poverty in all actually}.

To in all again help the average person of Mendosa think in the above ways is to in all perhaps, promote in all even, the very use (but private too actually), of Spanish as a second Language {and as with it a Language too really, that can in many ways perhaps, simply introduce one rather basically even, to the above three mentioned ideas: Cleanliness, Sex based Communications and Religious Faith} {and Spanish too, and as versus Arabic in all too really and as in attempting to help in all again, the very ‘peoples’ of Mendosa, see themselves in all too really, distinct even, from the Middle East and Saudi Arabia itself actually (and as with regards, to this proposed general culture to be seen, in Mendosa actually}.

Next in all again is to perhaps best speak in all of Addis-Ababa actually {and as a name too that is}. That in all truly and unknown to many a person perhaps, and in Addis-Ababa itself too that is, that this name in all again does speak of its International Image actually {and not its Ethiopian/Local or African Image too really} {and with Addis-Ababa in all, believed rather African actually, based on speaking in all truly, of the name Addis actually}.

There are those in all again who have attempted to present Addis-Ababa Internationally, and more or less truly even, from a Western perspective in all really {and as with speak too really, of Infrastructure in all actually} {and Infrastructure too, as versus Nairobi in itself even (meaning that, Addis-Ababa, attempting to compete with Nairobi in all, and with regards, to whom has better in all again, Infrastructure that is)} {and Infrastructure too, more Western oriented than not actually}.

The best way perhaps for Addis-Ababa in all to present itself Internationally, is to in all again do it all, from the Monumental perspective actually {in all, speaking not only of Monuments actually, but other popular Public Structures too even really, to commemorate in all, life as lived Internationally even, and within Addis-Ababa too actually}. To speak further of all this is to say that, Addis-Ababa, can truly develop an International Image in all, highly based around what was written about, in the ‘Journey into Religion’ posting actually {with this again, speaking of the 9 Identities in all, mentioned in it actually}. That in all, Addis-Ababa can develop an International Image even, highly based around placing its peoples in all {and Internationals too}, within lifestyles in all again, associated with the above 9 identities written on, in the ‘Journey into Religion’ posting that is.

To see this much better is to associate each of these 9 lifestyles in all, with a certain monument in all too actually {and as with speaking even of, 9 such different Monuments in all truly}.

To speak of lifestyles based around the Historical Identity, is to in all again speak of Foreign/International/Learning Institutes actually {and as with they even, becoming more or less a landmark in all even, and within Addis-Ababa too that is}.

To speak of the Archetypal Identity is to in all again, speak of Galleries actually {and as with they in all even, matching Success, and as associated in all truly, with the Archetypal Identity in all really}.

To speak of the Socio-Economic Identity is to in all again, speak of Libraries/Archives, Malls and Recreational spaces even {and as with they even, attaining Landmark status in all, and as with regards truly, to speak of Success in all (and Internationally even), and within this sphere of life actually}.

To speak of the Personal Identity, is to in all again speak of rather famed in all Entertainment Districts actually {and Entertainment Districts too, not based around Foods & Drinks in all really, but actually in all again, Entertainment highly based around ‘Popular Reads’ actually (and as with perhaps getting together in all somewhere, for a drive in Cinema in all too really)}.

To speak in all again of the Institutional Identity is to in all perhaps, speak of Hotels & Tourism in themselves actually {and as with this even, to be seen truly as the primary Success based Identity, to be associated in all, with Addis-Ababa actually}.

To speak of the Political Identity {and speaking even of Innovative figures in all, who do seek to bring change to Ethiopia, Addis-Baba itself, or even the World truly}, is to in all again speak of lifestyles highly based around Parks actually.

To speak of the Religious Identity in all, is to in all again speak of Religious places of Worship actually (and including Temples too really), and with this group in all, truly associated even, with all forms of Policing, Governance, or even Community oriented services actually {and as with stating in all that, it is this group in many ways truly, that is at the very heart even, of Addis-Ababa’s History in all really}.

To speak of the Social/Media Identity on the otherhand is to in all again speak of Monuments in all truly {and as with speaking even of, Socialite cultures in all truly, and rather famed even, Personalities/’Media-Cultural Critiques’/Artists & Writers in all even, and as with they even, more likely in all to define Addis-Ababa this way, and Internationally too really, and in rather many ways actually} {and Monuments too, as with speaking even, of a rather famed Restaurant in all too really}..

To finally speak of the Economic Identity in all, and figures too in all really, who do mainly love staying at home most of the time actually {and as with this Identity in all even, connecting Addis-Ababa to the rest of Abyssinia actually}, is to in all again perhaps, speak of Sports Clubs & Country Clubs in all too even {and as with they even, destined to become not only Landmarks in all actually, but the true source in all even, of Abyssinian Egalitarianism actually, or even truly, general Abyssinian drama in all really (and as with speak in all even, of making the whole of Abyssinia/Ethiopia, rather cultured in its ways actually)}.

In all again perhaps is to say that, it is truly possible for the Authorities in Addis-Ababa to create adequate Lifestyles in all, for those who do chose to live in Addis-Ababa itself actually {but also in all too really, very much speaking of inviting Internationals over and with regards, to all this even truly (and with its Design too really, truly at the very least, mirroring that, of Saudi cities in all actually)} {and moods too in all again, not too different from those to be seen, in the Richard Burtons version of the ‘1001 Arabian Nights’ actually}.

To finally end all this is to speak in all again, of viewing Addis-Ababa in all, from the sole name ‘Addis’ actually. In many ways truly though, a rather difficult way in all to explain just how to view Addis-Ababa this way in all really, but at the very least again, speaking of the Fiscal economy to be seen within Addis-Ababa itself actually {meaning in all again, not only talk of City Planning & Development in all, but also in all truly, just how Money in itself does flow semantically even (that is, as with personal thoughts too actually)}, but with all this again, rather difficult in all to explain rather clearly actually, as the natural flow of things in Addis-Ababa today {and as with Oracular Knowledge Systems too that is}, seem highly inspired in all, by a very unlikely source: the Spider {and as it should be in all really}.

To explain this rather difficult topic much better is to not only speak of what some do call the ‘Spider-Web Economy’ actually {and as with it even in all, speaking truly of Public Management in most ways really}.

To speak on this in a rather open but difficult manner even is to perhaps acquaint in all, ‘Addis’, with three main things actually: Taboo, Constitutional & Land Rights, and finally Fiscal based Communications in all even (or Fiscality too perhaps) {and as with stating that there are alternate ways in all to viewing Money in itself, other than it all again, taken primarily as being a Commodity, or a Tangible too actually} {and with it in all again truly, best perceived perhaps, as being a kind of Communicational tool in all really (with this again better explained below in all too really)}.

To speak on all this perhaps {and as with what makes Addis Abyssinian in all, and not African or Middle Eastern in many or all ways even}, is to in all again perhaps, associate Taboo itself, with Spiders themselves actually {and as with speaking even, of Spider Feeding Habits, Sleeping Habits, and even Mating Habits too really} {that in all, it is believed that studying this about Tarantulas for instance, can truly help with formulating a Taboo based culture in all, and as to be seen in Addis too that is} {and in a similar manner too perhaps, to the way one in all even, could acquaint Durnham-Nairobi with the Scarab in many ways truly}. In all again all this speaking of Social Rights actually {and a further belief too that, designs in all to be associated with all this (Social Rights that is), can in many ways even mirror the actual designs (and as with a Spiders makeup that is), of a Tarantula in all too really} {and that in all again and as with making this clearer even, is to say that Tarantula body formation designs in all, can be used as an inspiration even, in helping formulate Social Rights in all, and as seen within Addis that is (and as with this even speaking of the State and Sinbad too really, or even the fact unknown to many a person in Addis that, people in Addis in all, behave in shock perhaps, as a Spider very much would too actually, and not as Africans or ‘Middle Easterners’ in general tend to actually)}.

To speak of Constitutional & Land Rights is to speak in all again, of Real Estate & Housing, the Money Markets, and the general Culture of Addis in all truly {as with this in all not only speaking of Topiary Designs actually, but also, the kind of Politics in all one would associate, with Richard Burton’s ‘1001 Arabian Nights’ (but with this in all again, speaking of Politics in all, one would associate even, with a Spider Colony in all truly)} {and in many ways even, all this speaking of Interdisciplinary Studies in most ways truly}.

To speak of Fiscal based Communications is to in all again say that, Money in Addis does not have to take the form of Currency/Commodity in all, or even Tangibles/Fiscal notes too really, and as with stating further that, Money at the very least can be perceived, from the perspectives of Cleansings & Taboo (as with Officialism even), Law & Constitutional/Land Rights (and speaking even of Harm in itself, and to others and oneself specifically even), and finally even, Oracular Knowledge Systems in all ways truly {and as with they perhaps, not too different from the ways of a Spider/Tarantula in itself actually} {with for instance really, just how in all Tarantulas for example, do engage in fights actually}.

In many ways too and to perhaps make a difficult topic rather easier in all, is to in all again ground all this {Fiscal based Communications and Oracular Knowledge System even}, by having in all, every person in Addis actually, read the Mass Market Paperback version of the Qu’ran (and by Sayed. A. A Razwy), in helping truly at the very most even, learn something fundamental in all perhaps, of Taboo (and Cleansings), Law in itself, and finally Oracular Knowledge Systems in all ways truly even {that in all, this is truly in all again a rather good way in all actually, of getting started on building up Addis-Ababa-Mendosa in all, and as a rather Successful City too really} {that in all again, those in Addis in all truly, could very well be advised at the very least to read up on the Sayed version of the Qu’ran in all, in the attempt truly, to transform the city in all again into one truly rather functionable even (and as with stating even that, it’s a version in all that appears highly inspired in design, by the Tarantula actually (and a version too, associated in all with Fundamentalist Islam too actually)}.

In concluding all this perhaps is to best say that, City Planning & Development in Addis-Ababa-Mendosa should be grounded in all, in speak of Addis, and not Mendosas or Addis-Ababa either {and at the very least should be inspired in thought, by the Mass Market Paperback version of the Qu’ran too actually (and by Sayed. A. A. Razwy in all really)}.

‘the Moor’

Addis-Ababa, Abyssinia