Thursday 22 March 2012

The Abyssinian Economic Federation

The Abyssinian Economic Federation

Self-Economy vs. Government/Local Economy:

The proposed Economic Federation below, is built upon spiritual principles, and in many ways even, can be considered a simple economy in all, with regards, to self-sustenance {that it in all, can truly function even, as based around a mere Shopping list even, and truly in all again, simply knowing, whats truly right for one in all truly} {that in all, the very purpose of an Economy, is Self-sustenance actually, and as with it defined even, Psychologically speaking that is, as meaning in all, what one truly needs to feel generally happy about life itself even, and in all ways even, speaking of psychological stability in all truly}.

This Economic Federation and as proposed in all for Abyssinia, is based on spiritual principles in all again, and as taught truly, by one Awo Falokun, and as seen in all even, in his book ‘Family Spirit’ actually. It in all is an Economic Federation even, truly based around Ifa itself, but in many ways too really, cannot be perceived truly in all, as being based around Local Economy actually (but an Economic Federation in itself, truly based around what one could call Self-Economy in all), and Self-Economy too, as defined in all {and as with Awo Falokun even}, as being based around the following three: Ori, ‘Ori tutu’ and finally Community Spirit {and as with this even, speaking of a Conscious State in all truly}.

To put all this into much better perspective is to perhaps speak in all again, of what truly in all does Ori, ‘Ori tutu’ and finally even Community Spirit in all too really, truly mean actually {and as with regards truly even, to this proposed Economic Federation in all really}. That in all when one does speak of Ori, one in many ways even, speaks of one being in all a Communicational being actually, and of one in all again, being Illuminated truly (and about oneself and ones environments too really) {and in many ways even what in all again ‘Family Spirit’ in all, does refer too actually}, and finally even, Ori itself (and as with ‘cleaning’ it actually}, and with all this truly speaking of even, all forms and kinds of Bondage in all, which we might in all again, see in our lives actually {and as with this speaking not only of Addictions in all, but also the fact that, just about any kind of relationship in all seen in Abyssinia actually (and psychologically speaking too that is), can in all ways even be defined, as a form of Bondage in all too really (and with a general traditional belief about Abyssinia in all again stating that, it is best in all to live all alone actually, other than be involved, in many a relationship in all truly)}.

To speak of ‘Ori tutu’ is to in all again, speak of one as being a Conscientious being in all {and speaking too even, of one having in all, a rather deep Conscience in all even}, but in all again, speaking of a facet in all of life in Abyssinia (that of Tainted/Bad Memories in all truly) {and that in all again living in Abyssinia in all really, generates in all even, the high possibility in all of one truly having to experience a Bad or Tainting even, Experience in all really, and as with a Memory made in all that is (and with one of the prime goals of living in Abyssinia in all again, avoiding all kinds and forms of Bad/Tainting Memories in all truly)}.

Finally in all is to speak of Community Spirit, and to primarily in all again define it even, from the perspective of Community Design & Patterns actually (and Patterns too, of the more or less Oracular Knowledge Systems forms in all truly), and speak again of Higher States of Consciousness in all, and finally even, the Evolutionary-conscious being {as with this speaking in all even, of Conscious States in all truly}.

All this the above that is, is truly in all again what lies at the very foundation even, of this proposed Economic Federation in all, as with it truly in all again based around one defining/seeing in all even, the Human Being, as primarily in all defined as being a Communicational being, a Conscientious being, and finally even an Evolutionary-conscious being in all truly {and that in all, Survival in Abyssinia deeply calls for one to see themselves in all, along such lines actually, of being a Communicational being, a Conscientious being etc., and as with speak truly even, of knowing oneself Psychologically in all truly}.

Monetary Flow:

In many ways in all before speaking on the actual Federation itself, is to speak in all again of just how Money in all {and as with Abyssinia today even}, does flow around in all truly {but with this in all again speaking specifically of, the proposed Economic Federation in all too really} {and as with reminding one again that, this Economic Federation in all can actually truly function based around a Shopping List actually, and as with speak even, of the Import/Export Business in all truly}.

To speak of Monetary Flow in Abyssinia today {and as with Ethiopia too and as with this very moment even}, is to say that Monetary Flow in all, is psychologically based on the following three: Tainted/Bad Memories, Community Patterns (and Oracular Knowledge Systems), and finally in all even, Bondage in itself {and as with not only Addictions in all again, but also relationships in all truly} {and with Bondage in all even, the very reason actually, why one in all is rather likely to be poor in Abyssinia actually, or even, lose all Wealth attained in all truly}. That in all again, those in Abyssinia right now {and as with the ‘Plains’ too that is}, should realize perhaps, that their seeking of Money in all, has to do with the above three mentionables {and that in many ways in all again, life in Abyssinia in all, is truly lived around, Collectibles actually (or Collected Wealth in many ways even)} {and as with stating even that, ones food intake (or Energy needs truly even) are in many ways, highly defined in all, by Tainted/Bad Memories in all really}.

In many ways again is to speak of Money in Abyssinia in all, and to perhaps even, speak of it romantically actually, and as with this in all even, how Awo Falokun and Ifa itself perhaps, would define it all actually {as with it not only defined by Tainted/Bad Memories, Community Patterns, and Bondage in itself actually, but with the three truly in all even, defined actually by Oriki, Odu and finally even Religious Prose in all truly} {and as with saying even that, those in Abyssinia evolve in many ways, based around Oriki, Odu and Religious Prose in itself, and that in all again even, the way one thinks about Money in itself, can in all be highly defined around, these three actually (and as with they even, at the very heart truly, of psychological survival in all even, and as with Abyssinia too that is)} {in many ways too perhaps is to say that (and speaking conventionally in all even that is), that the Tales of Robin Hood and his Merry Men (the Chaucer versions that is), are in all actually a form of Oriki, while those of Marlowe are in all again, Odu in many ways truly, and finally Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales in all, are in all ways even, Religious Prose actually}.

However though, before one can truly speak in all even, of an Economic Federation in all truly, one truly in all again, has to speak of the basic lives of the people, to be seen in Abyssinia in all truly, and in all again even, whom they are in all truly {and Religiously speaking too that is}, and as with regards in all again, to just how they think about life in itself, and Privately too that is. A rather difficult problem for most of the World today in all, but for those in Abyssinia, a tentative approach believed to work in all, would be to view life primarily, from attaining or achieving even, Self-Transcendence, Self-Enlightenment, Self-Realization, and Self-Actualization in all too really. This though, can be said to be a rather generic description of life in itself actually, but in all again is to say that, life in Abyssinia in all (and as with the four primary descriptors mentioned above actually), is all about seeking out in all even, Nirvana actually. To perhaps better understand this basically even is to say in all that, life in Abyssinia, is one truly in all about facing problems in all truly (and not merely having them) {and problems too, more or less of the personal/impersonal kind actually}. To better explain all this again is to say that, one does discover that, life in Abyssinia in all never truly does go as one wants it to actually {and as with speaking even, of every moment of ones life in all really} {that in all, if one and while in Abyssinia seeks to take a walk, one might in all find their shoes missing, or even perhaps, if one seeks to buy an item in all from a shop one visited 10 minutes ago, on returning, one might very well find the item gone in all truly, or even truly again, having to wait for just about anything, much longer than one does expect to actually}. That in many ways truly, that’s what everyday life in all even, and in Abyssinia too, truly is like actually, and all this again said and as with speaking even, of Self-Transcendence, Self-Enlightenment, Self-Realization and Self-Actualization in all truly, but also very much stating in all that, the four in all, can be united in all too really, and in speaking about, what does constitute Nirvana in itself actually {meaning in all again that, attaining or achieving Nirvana is all about, living a life truly, where everything in all again, actually does go, as one wants it to in all really (and as based around in all even, Self-Transcendence, Self-Enlightenment, Self-Realization, and Self-Actualization in all too really)} {and as with saying hello even, to someone in all and getting a friendly reply back, or even truly perhaps, being late for something in all again and having someone in all truly, offering one a ride/’lift’, and unexpectedly too in all ways even }. In all truly perhaps, is to say that those in Abyssinia in all thinking about Success, or attempting to define truly even what best does constitute Wealth and Materialism in all, is to know that they can in all best be defined along the lines, of truly knowing perhaps {and as with ones private life even}, what truly in all, does stand for Nirvana actually {and as with saying in all again that, the Signets Classics edition of ‘Les Miserables’, actually in all ways too really, deals with issues of Nirvana itself, Self-Transcendence, Self-Realization etc., and finally even in all, speaking simply in all again, of learning just how to have things in all, go ones way in all truly}.

Abyssinian Economics:

In stating again that this Economic Federation in all, can truly function around a Shopping List in all even, and the Import/Export Business too really, is to say in all again that, it is highly based around Industries associated primarily with Self-Transcendence, Self-Enlightenment, Self-Realization and finally even, Self-Actualization in all too really.

To speak deeper on all this is to say that, Self-Transcendence in all for instance, and as based around an Industry even, at the very least has this Industry not only functioning around the Monetary Flow system mentioned/defined above actually {and speaking too that is of Tainted/Bad Memories, Community Patterns (Oracular Knowledge Systems) and finally even Bondage in all truly}, but with this Industry operating in all truly even, around an Auction based format {and as with saying even that, not only will the Industries to be proposed below operate based around an Auction based format actually, but in all again and as with Computers too that is, highly based around the ‘List’ in all truly (and as with Software Coding too in all really)}.

In speaking truly though of Abyssinian Economics perhaps, is to in all again state that the prime reason for its existence in all, is maintaining in all again, a certain level/state of ‘clean’ Ori, ‘Ori tutu’, and finally even Community Spirit in all {and as with speak primarily even of Community Patterns and Oracular Knowledge System in all truly}, and with the Industries in all again, proposed below {and as with everyday work even}, speaking truly of maintaining this agreed upon level/states (of ‘clean’ Ori etc.) {and as with whom in all even, can truly join a Community in all, or speak even, of Community Design in itself actually} {and as with all this even, revolving around Self-Transcendence, Self-Enlightenment, Self-Realization and Self-Actualization too really} {and all this again, not only speaking of Monetary Flow and as with Tainted/Bad Memories, Community Patterns and Bondage too even, but also that, speak of maintaining a certain level of Ori, ‘Ori tutu’ and even Community Spirit in all, calls for one at the very least to truly know in all again, how to actually in all even, make Lists in themselves actually (and as with saying specifically that, everyday living in Abyssinia in all, is not truly based around Routine life actually, but as with Psychology even, highly based around making in all, all forms and kinds even, of Lists in all truly)} {that in all again Money in itself perhaps, and as a Commodity too really, can truly in all be seen as taking the form of a List in all truly}.

The four primary Industries in all, to be associated with Self-Transcendence, Self-Enlightenment, Self-Realization and Self-Actualization {and as with stating in all again that, each of these four primary Industries are to be associated with maintaining a certain level of ‘clean’ Ori, ‘Ori tutu’, and finally even Community Spirit in all}, can be said to be the following:

Self-Transcendence: Crop Farming & the Animal Husbandry Industry.

Self-Enlightenment: Publishing Industry {which does include Blogs even}.

Self-Realization: The Hospitality Industry

Self-Actualization: Mechanical Engineering (and associated Industries).

To understand these Industries at a basic level in all even, is to say that, they are best primarily to be viewed in all, from the perspective in all again, of ‘Adding Value’ actually {and as with speak even of the Import/Export Business in all truly, and as a possible basis even, of these Industries in all actually} {and as with stating in all again that, people in Abyssinia in general are to know in all too really that, whenever they do think of spending Money in all again, one should truly know in all that the above four Industries, have the right answers in all again, to just about any problems one might face or those even, that might trouble or disturb one in all truly} {and as with speaking in all even, of Tainted/Bad Memories, Community Patterns (Oracular Knowledge Systems), and even Bondage/’Self-Limitations’ in itself truly}.

To see all this better even is to say in all again that, the Western/Modern World and unknown to most too really, has been highly/specifically based around the Publishing Industry actually {and as with speaking too really (or specifically even), of Academic Reports in all truly}, and that while the old World in many ways even, was primarily based around the Ancillary Services Industry (and including Accounting even), Industry in Abyssinia on the otherhand, should be primarily associated with Mechanical Engineering in all, and as it seen even, as the primary Industry, to unite, all other Independent Communities to be found and seen within Abyssinia itself actually {and as with it even, Mechanical Engineering that is, functioning in all again, as an Informal Government of a kind actually}.

In all, other Subsidiary/Secondary Industries in all too really and arising in all even from these main four actually, can truly be perceived in all again, from the perspectives of Import/Export Business, Auctions, or even Independent Firms in all really (and as highly based around ‘Adding Value’ in all truly) {and as with re-writing even, an Article or Book in all and for a certain Audience too in all really}.

To speak in all again of Industry in Abyssinia {and as with ‘Adding Value’ and making Lists even}, is to say in all again that, these Industries in all, can truly highly be run even, and as based around Numerical Algorithms actually {and as with saying that, one can highly approach Numerical Algorithms in all, from the perspectives of ‘Adding Value’ and making Lists in all truly} {and as with this even, a rather good way in all of not only knowing how just to run just about any kind of Business actually (and in Abyssinia that is), but also truly that, Mechanical Engineering in itself, can be highly approached even, from the Numerical Algorithms perspective actually (and speak even in all again, of ‘Adding Value’ and Lists in all truly)} {and whether all this is to be done, Numerical Algorithms that is’, from a Scientific perspective, or even truly really, from a Design based perspective, is all truly even, all up to one actually (and as with saying even that, Rolls Royce in all, appear truly in all again, to be heavily built around Design actually, and not the Scientific either)} {and with Mechanical Engineering in all again and as with Self-Actualization too, to be considered in all even, the most important segment of this Economy in all actually (and as with saying that, one can truly in all, live simply, based around it all actually)}.

In all again truly, what does separate this Economic Model from the one-to-many seen in the Western/Modern World actually, is in all again, the kinds of Materials in all, one would use {and with the Western/Modern World highly concentrating on Plastics and Tin Aluminium, but with 50’s America in all even, having had much better Materiality in all than that seen today actually (and as with pleasant looking environments even), and as highly based around in all, their using, of Foil Aluminium in all truly}.

For those in Abyssinia though, it is best recommended in all that Western Materials be avoided in all ways even, and as a principle too actually, and that Materials in all again, that do go hand in hand with the ‘Black & Decker’ Company, the right way in all, to go actually.

In all truly even, a Federation in all again whose major problems in all {and as with Technicalities too that is}, are to be primarily associated in all again, with having a ‘clean’ Ori, ‘Ori tutu’, and finally even speak of clashing Community Patterns in all (and as with Oracular Knowledge Systems that is), and as with stating even that, all or most Technicalities observed in all again, should be viewed from the perspective in all, of these mentioned three spiritual states actually (‘clean’ Ori etc.), and that in all again, any Technicalities that do not fit with the three, should be considered in all truly even, problems in all, not worth facing in ones life actually {and as with all this even, defining in all again, the Physical looks in all, of those to be seen in Abyssinia in all truly}.



Gilgil, Abyssinia