Tuesday 13 March 2012

to Monica, Zoe, Scarlett and Natalie

To Monica, Zoe, Scarlett and Natalie

A Revelation/Feast of the Heart:

To Monica, Zoe, Scarlett and Natalie. The four of you: and to what perhaps might you owe all this to? At the very least, it speaks of the fact that I am rather surprised to see you all again, and masquerading very much too, as Movie stars, or models actually. A surprise Zoe, for the last time I do remember seeing any of you it was in an Italy, where the word ‘Civil War’ was very much associated, with a distant land actually. But look at the four of you, not only masquerading as actresses or models even, but apparently again, engaging in what now does seem to be a centuries old conspiracy actually: that the likes of me in all, Brown Italians that is, never apparently did truly ever exist actually {and that Caravaggio in all too really, was apparently, a Sicilian, hanging out in Italy}.

At first, shocked by all this but on knowing equally that, the four of you were pretty much behind it all, I see it all now truly, as a joke taken too far actually. In my thinking, why not return the favour and tell most out there, that you were never Italian truly, but actually in all, Sardinians {and Sardinians too, of the Fashionable kind actually} {meaning yet again, not actually true Sardinians in all even (as with they even, being rather Scholastic in their ways actually)}.

But to you Monica, a Ferrari.

For you Zoe, a purple blue Rose.

For Scarlett, Mozarts Greatest Compositions.

And to you Natalie, a cheap Italian Villa.

For you see the four of you, I met something or someone even, truly more greater than the four of you in many ways really, and someone too, I don’t care too much, to know even: her name being, Jessica Moberg. A pity I say, but at the very most even, saying all this tentatively actually, for I truly hate the fact {and as with being a Shakespearean even}, that I just can’t seem to get rid of any of you actually, and in a way, I would very much like: a dearth or two, and of a memory or a pang even {and with my thinking even, that Romeo in all was nothing more truly, than a whiner in all actually}.

To say the least though, I am not too saddened about all this and as with my knowing even, that the four of you are not up to anything really, that I might envy in all actually: with you all being merely now, a bunch of Entertainers actually {the Movie Industry Natalie, is not what it used to be}.

So, now what? Hmmm!!! You out there in Rome and I out here in Abyssinia on the otherhand, and at the very least I can’t help but think, the name Abyssinia, has a much grander ring or feel to it actually, than Rome in all truly does. I must confess, you are somewhat the winner here for unlucky for me, and a person too acquainted in all historically even, in visiting environments with the most Beautiful of Women around me, I am unlucky now to find myself actually, in a place in all with some of the most Ugliest Women, you will ever truly actually see {and it does not get better Scarlett, by crossing over into the Forests of Africa either (and as with Abyssinia even lacking such Ecologies actually), or even, by crossing the Seas into the Deserts beyond (with Africa again, very much an underrated Continent, when it comes to Beauty actually)}.

Yet still, how can I console myself as such other than think about the four of you, and in ways not too grand actually.

To you Monica all I can say is that, I do intend to set-up a Design Studio one day, that will match and trump, any seen in Italy today actually {and at the very least even, not only do I intend to design the next big-selling Ferrari in all, but truly even again, not only will I put up these Designs on the Internet actually, and just to show everyone out there Monica, that you are what they do call in Kenya, ‘Uwezeshaji’ (meaning, a person who has no idea even, of what a clue truly is)}.

At the very least again, I do happen to live in Kenya {and that actually is much better in all, than living in England actually}. To understand this better all four of you is to say that, Kenya today, cannot be defined in all even, by Nationality in all truly {as the Kenyan National in all, has never actually truly been defined even} {and thankfully too as knowing that National Identities in all today, and as based around Wealth and Elitism even, have surely in all again, made even living in America or England too really, an almost despicable and most depressing of existences too really}. Yet still even funnily enough {or joyfully even that is}, Kenya cannot be called Constitutional actually {as it does in all, lack one in all truly} {meaning again, one can possibly kill whenever they do like actually, and not fear too much in all, about being found out actually} {in many ways though, this is why I do support Gun Ownership in a free and unconstitutional Kenya too in all really}. Yet funnily enough though Kenya is highly rated in all, and by many a Traveler or Magazine even, and due to the fact even in all, its Existence in all truly, is very much Diplomatic actually {meaning again, that the only people who do recognize its existence in all again, are only Embassies, Consulates, and the UN too really} {and in many ways, giving it a status of recognition in all, not too different from that of Monaco actually},

Yet still…, back to you now Zoe. To you Zoe, I must admit you are something of a delight actually {at the very least, to the Eyes and in many ways even, a feast equally too, for the mind in all actually}. Yet again I can say that, you are the kind of person in all, that the Catechism in all again, was specifically written for actually: a person in all, quick to throw money around actually, and quick even again, to highly value Receipts in all truly. I don’t know what to say about you Zoe, other than you are just simply a delight {and at the very least again, to the foolish soul even}

What of you Scarlett? You know, there is an old American joke {could very well be French even}, where Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog on walking into a store, find a Duck in there, and whereupon Miss Piggy does go “Who’s the Duck”? and with Kermit on the otherhand in response saying, “Afflack”. I don’t know what to say or think even Scarlett, other than you do sometimes come off as bland even, and very much like the joke above too really. You are not the kind of person that I do mainly think about actually {but one again, I mainly dream up somewhat (and as a surprise even to myself actually)} {You always do look so sad when you do act Scarlett, and sad enough to be of a worry to me actually (and a person in all too even now, who does view the intricacies of Plato’s Republic in all, as being technically offensive actually)} {this though, speaking of the abridged work in all that is}.

What of you Natalie? The most loneliest of you four perhaps {and a person too I once thought was a ‘Sophisticado’ even (or a person even, learning how to be rather civilized in all ways truly)} {I just can’t seem to get passed, your ‘outstanding’ performance, on “Goya’s Ghost” truly} {and all this too even after I did very much see you in a movie, playing a Stripper actually (but on my realizing that you were Italian in all, was surprised at just how Nerdy in all again, you were as a Stripper actually)} Real Strippers Natalie, hang out in Quebec {Montreal, and ‘St.Catherine Street’ too really} {Even worse Natalie, is your looking Italian but claiming to be a Jew} {Whom are you when you do this?}

All you four probably in all, do not take all this too seriously actually, thinking that I must be truly mad not to know, that I am In Africa when I write this. This falsely believed even because, of many a false belief that, it is rather easy to get into Kenya from the rest of Africa actually {yes, this is true and you can blame it all, on Kenya Airways actually}.

Yet still Scarlett Africa is not a real a place as you might think it to be actually, as with my knowing even, it does not actually truly exist even. To understand this better is to at the very least say that, the vast majority of Africa has no true known tradition even, of Architecture in all truly. What this means again is that, those who previously even inhabited the place in all truly, have never truly thought seriously, about living in the place in all actually {and therefore, lacking in Architecture means even, lacking in a general Knowledge too really, of Planning and Self-Organization in all actually}. As a result this is what has led many a mad fool even {and not truly knowledgeable of the Continent of Africa actually}, to falsely even, believe it a place in all, filled with ‘niggers’ actually {meaning again, for one to want to live in a place truly, they must be inspired by it all actually, and as with inspiration in all too really, coming rather difficult in all, to those who do choose to live in Africa actually} {meaning again, its rather difficult in all, for the Continent to be of inspiration in many ways truly (and at the very least, from the perspective of its Plant life even)}.

Yet still, what is Africa? So that you Zoe, can actually see that I am in a Paradise of sorts here actually {and hopefully realize even, that ‘niggers’ in all, are truly found today, in the Western World actually (and especially the Modern World in all too really)}.

Africa is in many ways even, just simply a poorly Institutionalized place in all actually {meaning again, that it does not actually have poor Institutions in all really, but that in all again, its Institutions in all even, are rather makeshift in all truly (and as is most even, of the Architecture to be seen in Africa actually)}.

In many ways even perhaps Natalie (and as with you too even not being too scared about Africa in all existing actually), is to know that, Africa as being make-shift speaks truly, of three kinds of Institutions:

  1. Kingships & Law Courts
  2. Religious & Parenting Systems
  3. Social Systems, Age Groups and Societal Duties even.

In many ways Natalie, that is Africa {and as with it even, an unsafe place in all actually}. To speak of Kingships & Law Courts is to say in all again that {and as with they being make-shift even}, first of all, they are rather Politically inclined {but with they in all again, not being associated in all with any concrete form of Bodies of Knowledge actually} {and in many ways even, Western/Modern Knowledge in all, rather useless even, in dealing with most of Africa’s problems in all truly}.{In many ways again, Survival as it is seen in Africa today, is rather Unenlightened in nature actually and as with stating that, Africa (and minus Abyssinia even), is the only Continent in the whole wide World lacking in a good knowledge in all, of Mysticism actually (and as with regards to Survival too that is)} {and to the average African is to say that, when you think do Mysticism (and as a theory even), do at the very least, think the sand/desert covered Middle East actually}. In many ways in all again Monica, this is the prime root and cause even, of Corruption and Bribery and as seen throughout Africa actually {its rather poor in all even, survival based Kingships & Law Courts Systems that is}.

Africa’s Religious & Parenting Systems are actually the most backward and poorest even, one will ever see out there actually. Systems too, speaking only mainly of Local Law in all {and let alone Provincial or National Law too even really}, and in many ways even, Systems too, that speak truly even, of Africans in all again, being rather Cultureless in all actually {and including even, the Afrikaner in all too really} {Africa in all again Natalie, is a Continent truly difficult in all, to be inspired by actually (and inspired that is, as leading to one writing a song even, or play in all too really)}. In many ways, Africa today is a boring place in all and to me in all truly, its heights in excitement, does reach truly, with Anglettere culture actually {and yet surprisingly enough, Africans are deemed rather popular even in the Western/Modern World actually (and which to me again, speaks of ‘Nigs’ everywhere truly)}.

What of Social Systems, Age Groups and Societal Duties even? In many ways Africa to this day Zoe, is still a place that strictly adheres to the Age-Group mentality actually {as in saying even that, Individuality in it (and including South Africa too even really; but not Abyssinia), is truly highly limited in all such that, Individualism in all truly, is restricted to questions such as “What kind of drink would you like?”} {and in all again, all this stating even that nothing much actually, does go in Africa and with the exception perhaps, of attempting in all truly, to dress rather uniquely even (and as with this too Zoe, perceived even, as being the heights of Individualism in all to be seen in Africa itself actually, and minus Abyssinia in all ways too even really)}. In many ways too Monica, all this speaking even of Slavery still somewhat very much in existence (and in many an African society today too really).

That’s Africa in all {and as truly backward place even Monica} {meaning again, there is no History to all this, as one in all again, cannot associate it all truly, with any form of Architecture in all actually (and as with it all again, being rather make-shift actually)}.

Yet still Zoe a better way to see all this is via a shortened study in all truly, and on whom Africans truly are actually {and as with they separate truly even, from Abyssinians in all too really}. To speak of Africans truly {and Genetically too even really}, is to speak in all of their having truly evolved, in the three Institutional Constructs mentioned above {and as with they even, not true Institutions either actually}, such that Africans in all ways even, are deemed rather primitive in all actually, and by many a rather sophisticated Person in all truly {and at the very least, this person being an Italian in all truly}. To speak of Africans in all is to divide them actually into three main groups and as based around even, the three Institutional Constructs presented above actually: as with they even said to be in all again, Hinterland Africans, Coastal Africans and finally even Urbanized Africans in all too really [all this again Zoe, in the hopes of showing you that true ‘niggers’ in all, are to be seen in the Modern World actually (or America too even really), and Africans on the otherhand are mainly in all, Servile people actually, and who in all again, have evolved rather poorly truly, and Institutionally speaking that is} [meaning again, immigrating to somewhere else in all does not change, whom you truly are actually}.

Hinterland Africans in all Monica, speak of Africans whose societies in all again and as based around the three mentioned Institutional Constructs above, have remained Traditional in all truly {meaning again, their having origins in all, in Nubia actually}. Yet still, one does see that many an African Tribal group in all {and as with the Tribal in Africa, heavily defined in all, by the three Institutional Constructs mentioned above actually}, has attempted in all again Zoe, to rise up even from their rather in all, somewhat truly lackluster past {and as compared even, to early Egyptian Civilization actually}, and by attempting truly even, to improve on their ‘Institutions’ actually {and meaning in all again Zoe, the three Institutional Constructs mentioned above that is}. Some became more enlightened than others though, and as with regards to these Institutional Constructs in all actually {and as with speak even, of the Congo, Yoruba and Igbo peoples too really} {and with they becoming more enlightened in all, via their obtaining perhaps, many an Oracle even, and apparently in all too really, from an unknown source actually} {and Oracles too, associated mainly with their Kingships & Law Courts Systems too really}. Others became somewhat Libyan in all {or even Niger- Kordofonian actually}, and in all ways again and Institutionally that is, did give birth even, to old Mali in all truly {and the World too even, of Mansa Musa in all again truly}. Yet others again, became Islamic somewhat in their ‘Institutions’ actually {and giving birth even, to what they do call the Sahel in all really}, and finally with others again, attempting even Scarlett, to become somewhat Greek in their ‘Institutions’ too really and giving birth even, to what they did call Dahomey actually {or Africa even, at its best in many ways truly} {and even moreso that South Africa in all again (and speaking Intellectually too that is)}.

Yoruba/Dahomey Sculpture.

This group, the Hinterland Africans are more or less though Monica, the more or less truly intelligent of all Africans actually, and in many ways even, viewing Africa specifically from the perspective of its Hinterland Populations in all, speaks mainly even, of viewing Western & Central Africa as being more advanced or developed even (and Historically that is), than most of the rest of Africa in all truly {and minus Abyssinia too really, and Ancient Egypt in all truly}.

To speak of the Coastal Africans on the otherhand Natalie, is to in many ways even, speak of Africans in all, whose History in specific, has been shaped by a Historical tradition in all even {and as speaking of even, Oracular Knowledge in all, and rather interesting Design based Crafts too really}, associated in all truly again, with a period in all, emanating from Slavery itself, and lasting on, until Colonialism itself actually {meaning again (and as with the peoples of Angola and the Kuba Kingdoms of the Congo too really), peoples in all again, whose ‘Institutions’ in all, have been shaped by this History actually} {and of not only Slavery and Colonialism even, but one too, of meeting with all forms even, of outsiders to Africa in all truly}}, and in all again, this speaking even of Africans in all (Coastal Africans that is), who did emigrate even, to many a place outside Africa itself {and beginning with Brazil and England too even really}, and in some ways even, when one thinks of the more or less sophisticated African in all, one thinks Coastal African actually {and along the lines even, of many an Ashanti/Akan people in all really)} {In many ways again all this speaking of Africa coming in all even, to define the Western World actually, as with speak even of, Coastal Africans in all, having come to shape the History’s of the United Kingdom, The United States of America, Latin America even, and finally truly even, the Nordic Countries (and Socialist/Communist Europe too even really)}. That’s whom in all really, they became out there actually {esteemed members even, of the Societies in all, they did join up with actually} {funnily enough again Zoe, this group of Africans has traditionally been associated with not only the most interesting of Design based Crafts actually, but in many ways again, Oracular Knowledge in all, that enabled them to develop even, the most interesting of Martial art forms in all truly (and with the least of these being Vale Tudo and Capoeira too even, and as seen in Brazil too even really)} {Africans too, that did fight well armed ‘White Men’ in all, and with the most limited of Weapons actually, and with their winning in all again, in these wars actually (and speak too even, of the History of Angola in itself really)}.

Finally, you have a third group of Africans in all Scarlett, that you could very well call again, Urbanized Africans. It is to these Africans in all again Natalie, that we do owe the origins of the term Moron to actually. They in many ways unknown to most, were not even shaped by Colonialism actually {refusing in all, to take advantage of the sometimes even, superb perhaps, Educational systems that the British did offer them actually}, but with they in all again, coming in all, to have their “Institutions’ {and some rather alien to Africa even} {as with stating that, the Dutch in all, did actually bring African like peoples from Asia to serve as Labour even, and within Africa actually} {and as with attempt even by the Dutch in all, to start Plantations within Africa itself} {and a complicated History too in all really, as some of these ‘peoples’ were slaves actually bound for South America itself actually, but with the Dutch in all, taking them on-shore actually, and within Africa itself even} {with the best example of this perhaps, and as with it being recorded even, being the History of Blacks in all, and as seen in South Africa too really}. They in all again (Urbanized Africans that is), and due to European Missionary activity even, developed Institutional Constructs in all, one could very well call Judaic actually {as with they rather Jewish even and in their ways too really}, and with time one does find that {and as with they having refused opportunity offered to them by the British}, they in all, become rather Modern/Western in their ways actually {and as with Popular Media/News Media even (and the UN too really)} { and as with regards truly even, to their Institutional Constructs in all that is {but in all again, giving birth even, to Africans in all, one could very well term true ‘niggers’ actually, and at their very hearts even really} {in all again, if Africa does face a problem it is these urbanized fools in all, and with the major problem they do bring being overbreeding like rats even, and to the detriment even, of everyone else who does consider Africa somewhat even, to be a true home actually} {and including even perhaps, the wildlife and plantlife to be seen in all too really}. In many ways truly, the biggest losers and morons even, one will ever meet bar none, and in just about even, any part of the World too really, and in many ways too really and unknown to you Natalie even, South Africans in all, are very much Judaic in nature actually {and with a crime-rate in all again, that does truly in all even, pale to that seen, in a riot filled night to be seen in Lagos too really}.

But we again Natalie, Zoe, Scarlett and Monica are not actually truly Africans {and speaking that is, of we Abyssinians}. For you see Zoe, any form of Institutional activity associated with Abyssinia in all, has been very much Solomonic in nature truly {and as with speaking even of the Ethiopian Church that is} {Yet still again Ethiopians are not Abyssinians actually (and as in saying that we Abyssinians in all, are not members of the Ethiopian Church)}.

In many ways perhaps is to best describe whom we are as Abyssinians Zoe, and in all again as with speak even, of the 5 Constructs in all, that do shape us in all too really and as with regards to whom even in all again we truly are actually. They are:

  1. National/Cultural Arts Centers
  2. Legal Bodies
  3. Gothic Christianity
  4. Bureaus
  5. Guilds

This is whom we are Zoe, Institutionally, and in Abyssinia too Natalie {and as with we even in all, the most superior of all the peoples to be seen and found in all again, within Africa actually}. To speak of Gothic Christianity Scarlett, is to speak of primarily of the Theban Cross, St. Aquinas, and finally even many a Christian Knight too actually {and as with the fine example even, of Balian of Ibelin actually} {and a story in many ways, more Abyssinian in nature than Israeli too really (and as with it in all again, actually having Arthurians origins in all too really)}.

You then have Legal Bodies Scarlett, that do not speak of the Law itself actually, but truly in all really, of the ‘Rights of Man’ {and Legal Bodies too, based around what the Swahili in all even do call, ‘Maandishi’ actually (and as with they being Writings too really, to be used in all, to define a Lawful Framework, and for the whole of Abyssinia too really)} {in many ways perhaps, a fine example of Maandish are not those having to do with Ernest Hemingway actually, but even truly, this very Blog in all I am writing on: ‘Tales of Adventurism and the Moor’ that is}. In many ways, to be an Abyssinian one has to be proficient even, in writing Maandishi and Maandishi too, at the very least, speaking of the ‘Rights of Man’ actually {and as with this deemed in all, the prime Knowledge Body in all again, needed to survive in Africa/Abyssinia in all too really}.

To speak of Guilds Monica, is to at the very least even, speak of Design Studios in all actually {and Studios too, set to shut down many a Studio even, seen in Italy today really}. Unlike you Monica perhaps, who do think of Design in all, from the perspective of Art itself even {and Design even, as being mainly Pretty in most ways truly}, with we Abyssinians on the otherhand, thinking of Design, as being very much based around Oracular Knowledge Systems actualkly {and an area in all too really, that Abyssinia in most ways even, is rather superior even, to most of the World too really}. In all ways Monica, we are set to rule {and you on the otherhand, are set to lose actually } {hint/clue Monica, Ferrari Designs are based around Oracular Knowledge Systems (and of the Casanova kind too really), and not Art itself either; …….Monica}.

To think of Bureaus Zoe, is to talk in all even of, what truly does constitute even, Messaging, Exchanges and Deal-Making too actually. That all this, while viewed highly culturally even, can be viewed in all again, from the perspective of Communications in all truly {I am talking here Natalie, of my being even, no different from Ocean himself (and of Oceans 11 fame too that is), and in all again, able truly even, to know whom to Message, whom to have Exchanges in all with, whom to call up promptly even and for a Deal that is, or even finally again, when to do all this, how, and why even} {in many ways in all Monica, my ability even to set up a Design Studio in all truly, and in a Month even, and by my knowing too that is, and innately even perhaps, just whom to call on and with regards to all this actually}. This is all too easy stuff even, and to speak of Money in all again, is to speak even, of it as a Communications tool in all actually {meaning again, it can very well make itself shown physically in the form even, of a Promissory Note in all actually}.

Finally Natalie, is to speak of National/Cultural Arts Centers in all, which will be used to not only define Abyssinians and within Abyssinia too really, but also truly in many ways even, Internationally too really {I am speaking in all even of Natalie, my holding the grandest and most beautiful of Balls and Parties too really, and You, having to beg to come to any of them actually}. In all again perhaps, National/Cultural Arts Centers in all Scarlett, that will be used to forment our Identities actually {and as with they primarily even, being Solomonic, Arab, and Fundamentalist Islam too really} {for that’s whom Abyssinians in all are at their very heart even} {and not at their Core either (and with my being Italian too, and as with the Italian Church even, defining me at my very core actually Zoe)}, and in all again, Cultural Centers too, where Me and others {and at the very least other Fundamentalists too that is}, can revel and dance even, and in celebration too, as with regards to whom we are actually {Fundamentalists (and not Traditionalists either)}.

Finally in all again is to say that it is by the above, that we do differ in all from Africans in general actually, and in many ways too even, are most similar to the Swahili people perhaps {and who in all did build Civilization even, highly based around Maandishi actually and Maandishi too, very much Egyptian in nature actually (while the Maandishi in all associated with Abyssinians, are pretty much Greek in nature too really)}.

Other than that what more can I say than Au Revoir Monica, Kwaheri Natalie, German Scarlett, and to you Zoe, you, you, you,……..what more can I say than Goodbye Zoe {and with an added Tsk! to that actually} {Tsk!…………Goodbye Zoe (sigh!!)}.


Tudo Bem
