Saturday 17 March 2012

Chaucer, Robin and Gallahad

Chaucer, Robin and Gallahad.

One of the more famed Trio's in Englands History is not that of Arthur, Robin (Hood) and Mozart actually, but actually in all that of Chaucer, Robin and Gallahad too really. To speak of all this better, is to speak in all again of the Cleansings entry actually, and present life in all again {as with one having truly lived it}, from the perspective in all, of Cleansings in all truly. In all, when one does think of life one can view it for example, from the perspective in all again, of being a Communicational being actually {and in all truly, speaking of a life where one in all again, is truly actually evolving in all, into Consciousness itself (and as with speak even, of the Earths Consciousness or even, Consciousness in the form of Pure Light actually)}. In all, a way of living highly based around Cleansings actually, and as in stating again that, life in all should be lived without Planning in most of its forms actually {and as with speak even that is, of evolving into higher States of Consciousness in all truly}. To view life from the Evolutionary History path, is to in many ways again, view it all truly, as being rather Political in all actually or even, rather Dramatic in its ways really, or even truly again, filled with all forms of Bondages one has to escape actually and inorder, to attain Greatness of a kind in all truly {and in many ways even, a way of thinking about life in all truly, based highly around even, ones Memory in all actually, and as with thoughts in all too really, of one day leaving this Earth (and for another 'World' in all really), and having in all again, truly Succeeded in all, in life truly} {and a belief in all too really, in Higher Entities such as Angels actually, and speak even, of moving on into their Realms in all truly}. Finally you have the belief of viewing life in all, from the perspective of Mythic origins, and simply living life as based around the belief in returning in all, to ones Heavenly place of origins actually {and as with beliefs by some now gone Civilizations even, of life on Earth in all, truly beginning at its very topmost (and in just about anything even), and from there, somewhat in all ways even perhaps, deteriorating for various a reason even, before one in all again, seeks to return to their Heavenly Abodes and a much better person too in all really (and much better even, than they were when they did arrive actually)} {but in all ways even, speaking even of a changing Earth actually, and as with some Hindu beliefs even and on the Copper Age, Iron Age etc., and simply in all, adapting to ones best degree, to any dramatic changes in all too really (with they being even, rather Psychological in all truly)}.

In many ways in all truly, thinking about life in Abyssinia is in many ways even, all about thinking about it even, from the main perspective in all, of the Communicational being actually {and beliefs in all again, of evolving, into higher States of Consciousness actually}.

Robin Hood: Men in Tights is a movie in all again, that many would falsely believe in all even, to be merely a Comedy actually {and as with they perhaps, thinking about life in all, from the perspective truly, of Evolutionary History, and the Political too really}, but in all ways truly even, can be said to represent life in all, and as seen, from the Communicational being perspective actually {meaning in all, every moment again, all spent with regards to evolving actually, and into higher States of Consciousness in all truly (and all this done even, with as little planning as possible actually)}. In all, a movie in all again perhaps, that pretty much shows what life in Abyssinia pretty much can be about, and with it having Robin (Hood), Sir Gallahad (or Dave Chappelle actually) {and as with Dave Chapelle in all, having his roots/origins in Chaucer's England, and not America either}, but in all too really, missing Chaucer in it actually, to in all, make it a rather good movie even, of just how life once in all, was lived out in Chaucer's England actually.

In many ways too, the book below (Signets Classics edition), is proposed in all for all of Abyssinia actually, as it does deal with in all again, evolution actually, into higher States of Consciousness, and as based around being a Communicational being actually {and with Signets Classics editions in all, highly writing/translating their books in all again, from this perspective truly of being a Communicational being in all, and attaining in all again, higher States of Consciousness actually}.

'the Moor'

Gorba/Ethiopia, Abyssinia