Thursday 15 March 2012

The Abyssinian State

The Abyssinian State

State Protocol and Symbolism:

For Abyssinia to truly exist, there must be markers of a kind to identify it and in most obvious ways even. This is something in all that most even never do truly think about culturally actually, but instead, believing in all that systematizing the State, is actually the right way to go about defining a State in all too really.

The argument against this (Systematization of a State), is at the very least based on looking even, at America today in all, and as an enduring success too really. That the American State in all, is still rather Traditional in its ways actually {and allowing for one to easily recognize true and genuine Americans in all again}, and as they differing even, from all kinds of outsiders in general, to Traditional America that is {with these outsiders again, defined in all, as Mainstream America actually}. In many ways, one does find that America in general, has developed a State in all (Traditional that is), based around its figures, expressing in all again, what they do call ‘Courtly Love’ actually. That true and genuine Americans in all, do know how to act and behave truly, in a Courtly manner actually {and as with being Traditional that is}, and with this in all again, at the very core even, of defining just about everything else, to do with the State (the Traditional American State that is), and in all ways too really {and in all again, speaking of a powerful and wealthy American Class in all, that most, don’t know too much about in all truly} {but with all this though, not extending to old Boston (and as an ‘Independent Colony’ in all too really)}. Mainstream America on the otherhand, is truly well known to most out there actually as with it even, being the America in all, of the Media actually, and one too, highly defined even, by Policing and Security Systems in all, and of all kinds too really {and an America too, filled in all even, with all forms of poverty issues actually, and the only ‘America’ in all again, that the UN for instance, is truly knowledgeable about actually} {meaning again, that Traditional America in all does not feature anywhere much, when the UN speaks about Americas problems for instance, and an America in all again, that most truly are aware of as with their even perhaps, having watched Guns N Roses ‘November Rain’ for instance}.

Abyssinia in many ways attempts to do the very same by defining the State in all, on a rather cultural level actually: that being, speak of ‘Knightly Love’ actually {and as with stating even, that two peoples in all who do in all again, understand and know what ‘Knightly Love’ truly is, are in many ways even, a functionable State of a kind in all really}.

To understand all this much better is to let one know perhaps, just how backward in all, it is to in all again, define the State, as being based around in all truly, Systematic Protocols actually. To understand this, is to perhaps in all again, understand best, just how International Bodies like the UN even, attempt in all, to define the Human Being: in a rather backward manner and fashion even, and as with speak even of, the Physical Being actually {meaning in all again, if one can read for instance, how much food does the average single person need in all, or what even, is the mortality rate of a place in all, or even again, just how much income does one need in all truly, to be happy and stable with throughout life actually}. In many ways again a rather highly even, backward way of thinking in all, and as in assuming in all again that, the average person out there has no clue whatsoever even, with regards to the answers in all, dealing with the above definers of the Physical Human Being, and as defined by the UN too that is.

In many ways again though, one can define the Human Being in all, highly from the perspective even, of the Body and by speaking of it in all again, as being perceived even, from its Physical nature, it too being Chemical in nature, and finally as with it even being Biological in nature too really. To speak of the Human Being as perceived as being Chemical in nature in all, is to speak again, of how life in all once upon a time, was actually lived out in Europe actually {and before the Modern too that is}. That in all, the average Human Being was defined in all again, by their Chemical nature {this speaking in all even, of ones Emotions and Feelings too really, and in all again, just how to experience life Emotionally such that, every moment even, is one of Bliss, Love, or Divinity too even really} {and in many ways even, speaking of a Europe in all, where Alchemy in all again came to not only define Bliss, Love and Divinity in all truly, but also in all, came to define even, its Technological life in all really (and as with talk even, of the Secret Ruling Families of the World too really)} {one again should realize that, the Modern World in all, has achieved nothing much with regards to Philosophical Thought actually (as in even Descartes basic works in all, able to ridicule the Modern/Western World in just about everyway truly}, but in all again is to say that, most of the Technology associated with the Modern/Western World in all, has merely to do with Messaging, Exchanges and Deal-making too really (but with it all even highly concentrating on Messaging only)}.

To speak of the Biological Human Being is to state even that, life in America was once in all, actually grander that it is today and even much grander in all again, than that seen in just about everywhere else actually {and including even, most of Europe too} {or even truly perhaps, minus France too really}. In all, the Biological speaks of an existence where life in all again, does not have to do with the Political actually {and survival too even really}, but in all again speaking even of, what some do call even, the Mind Sciences in all too really {that being Telepathy, Psycho-Kinesis, Clairvoyancy etc.}, and as with all this even, coming to define in all, the Technological life of a society in all too really {and as with all this again being about understanding ones Biological Body actually (and not Physical either), and as with it even, housing in all different forms or types even, of DNA actually that do enable one in all again, to access all kind of portals, channels, or dimensions in all too really}. This was America too once upon a time {Pre-Civil War America that is} {or Revolutionary War America too really}, and as with saying even that, life in America since then, has been deteriorating to such levels that, once highly based around the Biological even, today {and as with Mainstream America too really}, sees American life in all, falling to such low levels of the Physical Being such that, modern America in all again {and as a proclaimed model of success by the UN actually}, has some of the most Unhealthiest, Ignorant and most violent even, peoples in all, you will ever come across actually {and speaking in all again, of a Modern America too that is, only able to survive in all, based around what the UN does call the ‘Brain Drain’ actually} {and as with it even, speaking of visits to remote villages in Africa or India even, to study in all, the medicinal habits of the peoples there actually (and in the hopes too really, of dealing with mental, physical and emotional conditions in all again, that the peoples of the old Worlds in all perhaps, never did imagine to exist actually (and at the very least this speaking of a Western World in all again, filled in all with all kinds and types even, of STD’s in all too really)}.

The Arts Council:

In many ways perhaps, one of the more interesting ways of creating a State in all, is via an Arts Council actually. In many ways even, a rather simple way in all actually, of most out there perhaps, to associate oneself in all again, with certain symbols in all too really {and symbols too, more archetypal in nature than cultural too really}. A way in all again {and as compared to building Systematized States and as based around Policing/Security in all too really}, that actually in all again, has been at the very center even, of creating many an American International Image in all, than many somewhat even, do associate with American life in general actually.

To best show this is to best perhaps come up in all even, with similar archetypal symbols/images in all again, that most out there, can truly associate Abyssinians in all with {and as with they even, representing these images in all, and in as many ways as possible actually}.

Americans for instance {Traditionalists that is}, have Billy Budd in all {and as a Sailor man too that is}, while Abyssinians in all again, have Sinbad {and as with he even, making his home in Pemba actually}.

Americans again in all, are often in all associated with the Apple actually, and when one thinks Abyssinia in all again, one should think the Pineapple actually {and as with stating in all again that Abyssinians in all, do not have stranglehold on this symbol/image actually, but at the very least even, when one thinks Abyssinia in all truly, one should think extra large even, Pineapples in all too really}.

Americans and as Traditionals are all about the Fiddle actually, while Abyssinians on the otherhand, are all about the Lute {and as with this even, what gives Abyssinia an English-like atmosphere in all too really} {but English-like too, as in speaking of Arthurian England that is (and the very world too even, of Chaucer too really)}.

Americans in all again are actually known to be well versed in all forms of Fighting arts actually {with the least even, being Boxing} {and as with it today even, believed in all, a rather American Sport actually}, while Abyssinians on the otherhand, are at the very helm even, of what they do call Warcraft actually {and speaking too even, of what some do term the Info-Wars in all really} {and at the very least again, all this truly being about simply being a Jester actually}.

In all again, unknown to most actually, America in all and as with it been seen truly, as being highly memorable even, is based around its being associated in all somewhat, with Images too, arising specifically perhaps, from the four archetypal images/symbols mentioned above actually {as with the case even and unknown to most too really, of American Rock Music going hand in hand in all, with the Apple actually} {and with the above Images too, and minus that of Billy Budd too really, not associated in all with Boston America (and as with it even truly, an ‘Independent Colony’ in all actually)}.

In many ways again, thinking of the State minimally in all even, calls for one to think on Markets and Economies too really {and as with speak even, of survival in all actually}. In many ways perhaps, to know that there are two main Americas that do exist {Traditional and Mainstream}, is to know of the two main Stock Exchanges in all again, that do dominate America life actually {the Nasdaq, and the NYSE}. In all again truly, the NYSE is actually associated in all, with Blue-Chip Companies actually, that do serve Mainstream America in all while the NASDAQ on the otherhand, speaks truly of how America since the Pre-Civil War times even, has mainly functioned actually: via a Distributors System that is {in all again, this speaking of one in all being rather creative even, and in thinking about bringing changes to ones life and others even, by simply looking around actually (if choosing not to engage in actual creation that is), for products, books, foods etc., and with this in all again, responsible for giving birth in all, to the NASDAQ actually} {and a model too, often attempted in all again to be copied, by others outside America but with this failing largely even, due to cultural reasons in all too really (meaning in all, they in all again are not innately American that is, and culturally speaking too in all truly)}.

In Abyssinia, thinking of Economies and Markets in all, speaks truly again of thinking of the Auction in all truly {and as with it even, not a place in all really, but actually in all again, a way of representing goods/services in all, as being worthy for one in most or all ways even} {again, this speaking of representing goods/services and not presenting them either (and talk in all too, of Industry in Abyssinia even, as based around ‘Adding Value’ in all too really)}.

In many ways perhaps whereupon the Western/Modern World has disastrously even, failed in creating Images of itself and as based around Media in all truly {and as with speak even, of creating Images in all, based around Cultural Theft actually (and speaking too even really of Imagery as seen in the Arthurian world actually, and in the Netherlands too used by the UN in all, to actually represent itself in all really)}, one does also find that Media in Abyssinia in all, should be at the very least associated in all again, with its Economies and Markets actually {and as based around the Auction too really} {and speak too even, of Images/Media in all not too different from Sothebys in England (and Images/Media too, actually originating in the Arthurian England world actually and as with speak even, of Cultural Theft in all too really)} {and with all other Media in Abyssinia in all again, emanating in all truly, from this Markets/Economies Auction based Media in all too really}.

Cultural Ambassadors:

To speak of whom Abyssinians in general are and as with regards even, to they simply sitting around or seeking out even to solve a problem in all or deal with a dilemma too really, or even truly again, fulfill a task in all actually, is to in many ways even speak of them mythically in all truly, and as with stating that Abyssinians in general have dual sides to them not too different from those seen in both ‘Treasure Island’, and ‘Robinson Crusoe’ too (and by both Robert Louis Stevenson and Daniel Defoe respectively that is) {and as with speaking specifically of the kind of pain and suffering in all, Abyssinians in general do undergo actually}. This in many ways is somewhat similar even to the pain and suffering perhaps, that true/genuine Americans in general do undergo actually {as with this even similar in all, to what one does see in American works such as ‘White Fang’ and ‘Adam Bede’ too really}. In all, contact with others who are not Abyssinians in all truly begins with, characters in all again and as seen in both ‘Treasure Island’ and ‘Robinson Crusoe’ too really {and as with speaking in all too even, of what Cultural Ambassadors in all again are truly all about actually: helping truly define in all even just what kind of problems actually, one should in all again believe actually, they should face in life truly (and as with not having to deal with every single problem in all, that the UN delusionally in all again perhaps, can truly think up as with they delusionally in all even thinking that, their problems in all, do actually represent Universal Reality in all too really)}.


‘the Moor’
