Monday 26 March 2012

'the Plains of Somalia'

'the Plains of Somalia'

If someone was to ask me whom I was as a mindless dreamer in all, and dreaming too of living a fantasy-like life in all, and with no worries or troubles in all even, but in all again, with problems in all truly, totally agreeable to my nature, then I would probably answer I truly did want to live in J.R.R Tolkien's 'Hobbit' world actually {and not the LOTR series either}.

In many ways though, this is how I do view 'the Plains of Somalia' in all as truly very much being in all like. A place to me in all again, where one at the very least can engage in Swahili & Victorian cultures even {and as with living simply actually}, and in all ways even attempting to engage in the Media/Writing Business actually (and as with being an Editor even), and simply living life freely without too much of a care in all, and of what does go on outside the Plains of Somalia in all {or even truly, Somalia in itself actually}.

In many ways even, a more or less subsistence existence for those of us in Abyssinia, with issues of making Wealth in all, living Happily, or even truly, seeking out Popularity in all its ways even {and that in all that, the Somalian Plains in all again, can offer one environments in all truly, where one can live life rather happily even, and without thinking too much in all, of any of the three issues mentioned above actually (and living happily too, but in a more or less subsistence like manner actually)}.

Musica and the Plains of Somalia {with Musica referring in all, to everyday even, Bar/Street music actually}:

'the Italian'

Daallo, Abyssinia