Friday 23 March 2012

Ori, 'Ori tutu' & Community Spirit

Ori, 'Ori tutu' & Community Spirit.

One of the movies I did happen to watch earlier on in my life, was Rambo:First Blood, with Sylvester Stallone in it. A movie too, I do distinctly remember watching at Sam's place in all, and on an evening too, with the evening itself, not too dark in all, and Sams Siblings in all too really, Patrick, Catherine and Eric, hovering around in many ways actually, while we all truly did watch the movie with much of an interest in all really. A most compelling movie in itself, and as with saying in all that, its probably one of the most intense and gripping of movies in all again, I have probably ever watched actually, and perhaps in all too really, truly speaking of 'Community Spirit' in itself (and particularly of Oracular Knowledge Systems, Community Design, and Community Patterns even), Odu, Higher States of Consciousness, and finally even the Evolutionary-conscious being actually (and as with Conscious States too that is). A movie in all again, speaking of a man perhaps, trapped in all in an existence he does in all so wish to escape actually, but with escape too, blocked in itself, by his perhaps not being too sure even, of what end (or Nirvana perhaps), he does truly seek actually. A movie in all again, of wanting things in all to go ones way actually, and they not working out at all even, but perhaps truly, best viewed in all again, from the perspective of Odu itself, as Sylvester Stallone in all, does face the most compromising even, of situations in all, and in the attempt too really, to maintain and retain in all even, his Dignity actually {and a situation too (that of maintaining Dignity), that in many ways even, is an everyday occurrence perhaps, for many of us living out life in the 'Abyss' actually} {Sam did also claim that Commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger in it, was as equally good as Rambo:First Blood, but in my opinion, it never was actually}.

A movie in all falsely believed even, to be truly about Nazi Germany, when in many ways even, it does appear to correlate with events, that did transpire in all, in South America (Peru) actually {and with my voicing this opinion in all, based on my knowing in all even, of Nazi Occultism/Mysticism in all truly} {that the members of Nazi Germany in all again, appeared to have been very much rather creative people in all really}. A movie again, I did happen to catch on late night TV itself (and on KBC, Kenya too actually), and one too, specifically concentrating on issues of Ori, being a proper Communicational being, being Illuminated in all again (and of oneself truly and also ones environments in all really), and finally even, speaking truly in all again, of Bondage itself actually {and in its most severe forms even}. A rather scary movie when viewed from these perspectives, and a scenario too, one should not consider (as with extremes that is), to be outside the range of experience, of those living in all, within Abyssinia actually {as in perhaps even, fundamentally in all viewing the movie itself, from the perspective of being a good, bad or rather poor even, Communicator in all truly (and as with harsh punishment even, metted out on those, deemed poor Communicators in all truly)}.

One of the most interesting of movies on 'Ori tutu' perhaps (maintaining a 'cool head' that is), that one in all again, will ever probably watch actually. With it calling into question even, issues in all again, pertaining to being a rather Conscientious being in all even, and in all ways too really, speaking in all on ones striving to do the right thing actually, but with all this forced aside even, by the most uncivil of reasons in all even perhaps (as with no proper reason given in all for just about anything), and in all ways too really, speaking of frustration in all, heavily hingering around Bad/Tainted Memories in all truly {as with one having no good reason even, for one in all seeking out, to move on with life actually}.

I guess in many ways these three movies in all, did have a huge impact even {and unnoticeable to me too perhaps}, with regards to developing 'Community Spirit', Ori, and 'Ori tutu' even, and as with my being even, not too traumatized in all perhaps, by just about anything in all too really, happening in my life actually {or perhaps even, as with my viewing anything in all believed traumatizing actually, to be not truly so in all really, and as with speak even, of the News in all too really} {after Rambo, Africans to me in all, were in all ways even, a bunch of whiners actually}.


Karen/Lakeview, Durnham-Nairobi

(and with Lakeview in all, an alternate name in all truly, of the 'Ngong Hills' area lying on the outskirts, of Durnham-Nairobi itself actually}.