Sunday 18 March 2012

Community Design Project: Abyssinia

Community Design Project: Abyssinia

The following Documents posted right below were in many ways intended, to help develop Kenya in all, and from a Community based perspective in all actually. They though now in many ways, are believed best deemed in all, for helping design and develop in all again, Communities, and as seen truly, within Abyssinia itself that is {and speaking specifically too, of Ethiopia in most ways really}. In many ways truly this speaks of the fact, that while Kenya is mainly Savannah in most ways, and Somalia mainly Arid too really, Ethiopia in all, is mainly 'Plains' actually, and in many ways too really, the following documents were intended for Community Design in all again, and as associated truly, with Nature, and in the form truly, of 'Plains' in all really.

Yet still, the ability to apply whats in these documents can be done, from a rather interesting approach: that of Web Design in all really. That in all, while thinking of applying the Ideas proposed below and as with regards to a Community even, it in many ways in all, is truly easily possible even, to think about them in all actually, from the perspective truly, of proper Web Design in all really {and as seen truly even, in a source such as 'The Design of Sites' (and by Jason I. Hong)}. In all ways again, it is believed that by thinking about proper Web Design in all, one can truly even, see (imagine up) proper patterns in all truly, that do correspond even, with just how in all, to go about applying the proposed Ideas below, and in a physical/practical sense in all really {that in all truly, these Community based Ideas can truly be easily even, managed in all and by a well run Website in all really (and alongside even, a rather simple in all again, Database program)}.

In many ways again, all this said for those in all, who might not have the Mystical abilities in all perhaps, and as with regards even, to a rather well developed Imagination in all truly and in helping them too, apply these Ideas (if found helpful), to their Communities in all really {and as in saying that, while specifically targeted at Abyssinia and Ethiopians in general too really, it is believed for instance that, these Ideas in many ways truly, can work even, in India for instance and somewhat even, rather well in all really} {and as with India in all again, having cultures in all, to whom these ideas in many ways, might be directly even, beneficial too and in all truly}.

1. Kenya:

2. Kenyan Regional Development Initiatives:

3. Kenyan Security Initiatives:

4. Kenyan Information Networks:

5. Criminality in Kenya:

6. Regional Cooperation:

7. Moving Kenya Forward:

8. Self-Development:

9. Indigenes and Kenyan Cultural Identities:

10. The Kenyan Hinterlands:

11. Individual Rights:

12. The Kenyan Future:

13. Regional Power Initiatives:

14. Rule and Law in Kenya:


The European Moor