Friday 30 March 2012

Religious Insignia

Religious Insignia and Abyssinia.

The very purpose in all truly, of Religious Insignia in all, is to perhaps truly help in all again, in creating or formenting, a National Conscience of a kind actually. A National Conscience too, having in all even to do with just about any Religious, Political, Social or Economic issue at hand too really. In many ways though, Religious Insignia in all, can be resorted to with regards, to just about any personal or private matter in all even, and that which does truly disturb one actually.

In all though, here are some Religious Insignia in all, that those in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, can truly resort to, when in need of Counsel {and of all kinds even}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notations:

Cathedral (and Christianity) {'Holy Family Basilica', Nairobi}, the Chapel (and Esoteric Christianity/Islam) {'All Saints Cathedral', Nairobi}, the Mosque/'Msikitini' (and Islam/Islamic beliefs) {Jamia Mosque, Nairobi}