Friday 30 March 2012


Banking and Abyssinia.

The very problem of Banking and Monetary spending in all, and as seen too really, in most places in the World, has primarily to do, with which Markets one wants to access in all truly, and rather than Economies in all really {which can very well, operate around Credit actually}.

In many ways truly, in helping those in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, realign themselves with which Markets in all, are truly beneficial for them as peoples in all truly {Savannah, the Plains, Arid areas}, is to in all again recommend even, certain forms of Banking actually {and alongside in all even, certain Currencies in all really}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notes:

International/Internet-Electronic Banking (and International Currencies in all even) {Barclay's Bank, Nairobi}, Government Banking (and Abyssinian Currencies) {National Bank, Nairobi}, Private/Islamic Banking (and speak even, of the Kenyan Shilling, and Currencies from the Middle East in all even) {Standard & Charted, Nairobi}