Monday 19 March 2012

Improvisational Theatre

Improvisational Theatre.

Shakespeare in Love, is one of the more delightful movies to watch out there and unknown to most too really, it is actually set in Chaucer's England {and not that of Arthur specifically or Richard either}.

In many ways truly, to think of Abyssinia in all is to in many ways even, think of general Communications in all truly. That in many ways while Antar is very much 'it' in all really, one can truly say on the otherhand that what they do term Improvisational Theatre, can truly in many ways even be considered, a National Artform/pasttime, and in Abyssinia too really, and as in helping one develop general Communications in all (and at the Sophistication level too actually), and as to be seen truly (Sophistication that is), in Abyssinia actually {and general Communications too, not too different from those of Antar himself in all really} {and with they too in many ways even, being somewhat truly Solomonic in their ways actually}.

In all ways even is to perhaps speak of, not only general Communications in all, but also, Speech development too really, and finally even, one of the best ways in all and for those in Abyssinia too, to in many ways even, help learn in all how to deal with, the various Communications based Identities, they might possess actually {and which in many ways even, might need differing channels in all, with regards to Expressing themselves in all truly (or risk even, simply having one in all again, suffer an emotional outburst and of a kind too really)} {meaning too that, failure in all and in learning how to deal with ones various Communications based Identities in all again, is the prime cause even, of violence to be seen in Abyssinia, and as with regards truly, to simply merely in all wanting to express oneself rather openly, naturally or impulsively too actually}.

Tudo Bem

El (Monsignor)