Monday 19 March 2012

The Book Collection

The Book Collection.

One of the many reasons that many in all, might it find it difficult even, to live within Abyssinia has to do, with just how they conceptualize themselves in all, and on a momentary basis even. That in all, for many in Abyssinia in all again {and as with alot of the World even}, Self-Conceptualization in all, is highly based around the mind actually {and as with speak even, of seeking out a direct solution in all, to just about any kind of problem actually, that one might face in all truly}. This in many ways truly (if not all actually), is just how the Western/Modern World, actually conceptualizes everyday living {and from the perspectives of the mind, convenience, and finally Ease&Comfort in all really}.

For those living in Abyssinia though is to know first off that, living here in all, requires rather Independent Thought actually, and as in stating that, Institutions in most ways truly, are actually in all, truly Privatized even {meaning again, they are not tailored in all, and with regards, to certain Guidelines in all truly}. In many ways, the only 'Institution' truly functionable in all, and in Abyssinia that is, is that of the Book Collection in most ways really {and as is true even, in the Middle East and in most ways really} {and with Institutions in the Middle East in all again, reaching their heights, with Arab Scholarship in all truly}.

Still yet, there is the added problem of just how in all, to conceptualize oneself and while in Abyssinia (and living there), so that in all again, one can live a grand and truly happy even, life in all truly {and as in stating that, using the Western concept of Self-Conceptualization in all, and as based around the mind even, and an Infrastructure too, highly geared towards solving the problems of the Modern mind in all (and as based around convenience and Ease&Comfort too really), truly in all ways even, does not work in Abyssinia actually (and with this Western model in all, rather highly backward even, and as with regards to Spirituality in itself actually)}.

In all again, here below is presented and proposed even, a Human Model of daily existence, that those in Abyssinia in all, can use, and in helping them truly, know themselves and in just about every second of being awake actually {and a model too, highly centered around the mind in all really}.

In all truly, a Model of the Human Being for everyday living, and as based around the following five:

1. The Crown (top of Head)
2. The Third Eye
3. The Heart
4. The Solar Plexus
5. The Brain

That in all and as with everyday living and existing too really, that when one in all again truly feels in all, unethusiastic, exhausted or unhappy too really, one in many ways even, will find that the problem in all, lies with focusing at the above 5 point Model of the Human Being actually { and as with an easy even, solution in many ways to ones problems in all truly} {and with the above 5 point Model of the Human Being in all again, centered around the Human mind (and as seen with Religion in Abyssinia in all truly)}.

In helping make this even much clearer is to state that, the above 5 point Model of the Human Being in all, can best truly in many ways even, be centered around a basic in all Book Collection actually {and as with it even, pertaining to the above 5 point structure mentioned in all truly}.

This Book Collection in all, can be said to be based around, the following 5:

1. Prose: and the Crown of the Head.
2. Classics: and the Third Eye.
3. Monographs: and the Heart.
4. Tomes: and the Solar Plexus.
5. Memoirs: and the Brain.

That in all and while living in Abyssinia, the above 5 are truly even, needed for everyday sustenance in all really, and as with regards truly even, to simply maintaining a proper Psychological State at all times actually. In all again speak truly even, of developing basic Intelligence in many ways {and as with speak in all again of the peoples of Abyssinia in all, being truly perceived even, as being naturally Intelligent in all actually}.

In conclusion, this Book Collection is to be perceived in all, as being basic stuff actually, and not the stuff in all too really, one truly needs even, to greatly Succeed in life actually {and as with reading in all perhaps, a rather humongous Text in all really}.

'the Moor'
