Tuesday 6 March 2012

The American South

What they do call, the American South, should not be confused, with the Southern States. The Southern States in all, and as most probably do know, arise even, with the American Civil War {and the American Confederate States too really (they being, the Southern States too that is)}.

The American South on the otherhand, mainly speaks of, Jim Crow actually {and refers even, to the Southern American States in all, but minus New Mexico, and California in all too really}.

The importance of the American South, to the survival of America itself, has to do, with a time in America, when apparently, the Northern States having come off victorious in the American Civil War, appear to be all out, to ruin America even, by supporting truly actually, all forms of Welfare, targeted towards, minorities, former slaves, 'immigrants', and just about anyone else, who could make their way into America itself truly.

For the average American perhaps, lots of concern, as what was once a rather prosperous place in all, sees outsiders to it, capable even, of killing genuine Americans, and getting away with it all actually. In all at the very least, an America even, facing Economic collapse in all again, due to this unregulated wave of action, of letting outsiders to America itself, believe, they can do as they please, on American Soil itself {and as if, they were the very hands even, that did build America}.

For me at the very least, Jim Crow and the American South, are of interest, as with regards even, to viewing it all, from the perspective of Abyssinia in all truly. That in all again, when the average American feels or considers any of their liberties or freedoms violated, they can at the very least, turn to Jim Crow, for emotional support and psychological boosts even {as in saying again that, it was Jim Crow and the American South, that has often presented, a third voice of reason in all, to whenever even, any of the Bigwigs in America itself, attempts to ruin it all, and in the name of Greed too really}.

With regards to viewing the American South as such, and as coming in from Abyssinia too that is, is to say at the very least again that, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, modern Kenya, modern Somalia), is a place in all, that sees itself facing several major problems even, due to incoming invasions in all again, of Vagabonds, Criminals and 'nigs' even, coming in mainly from the Middle East itself actually, and the rest of Africa too really {and invasions in all, that at the very most, threatens even, to end life in itself within Abyssinia actually (and at the very least too, Economically speaking that is)} {unknown to most too, the American South to this very day, remains the backbone and mainstay even, of the American Economy (and the sole reason why, America in this modern day/age, has yet to collapse totally even)}. In many ways, Abyssinia in all, finds itself in a rather similar position today in all too really.

Yet though, how did the American South in all {and Jim Crow too}, truly actually pull this off? Interestingly enough, this success story has been mainly based around, Mysticism actually {and not Law enforcement in itself truly}. That in all, the rise of the American South, was based around Mysticism itself {and as with a group of people even, Vigilantes perhaps, holding discussions over the night, to talk and speak on, problems in all, facing a general region in all too really}. Mysticism too, not too different even, from that seen actually, in Carl Jung's 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' {and as with speak too even, of Martial Law in all truly}.

'the arab'

Nairobi, Kenya