Thursday 8 March 2012



The City in the Sun:

Nairobi appears to be a city of interest, to many a person out there {and at the very least, from the perspective of even}. Many though, don’t truly see the city as it truly is, despite even, all forms of News Media in all, that attempt to educate one on Nairobi {and as with it even, a more interesting city in all than most places in the Middle East, or even Southern Africa too even really} {meaning that, the energy levels in the latter, do pale to those, seen in Nairobi actually and once you have been to them, won’t care even, to return to them truly (having been to Nairobi that is)}.

In many ways though, Nairobi to those who do attempt to study it comes off even, as being a Big and Useless place actually. The very fact though, it is in many ways even, at the very center of Trade and Commerce within Africa in many ways, very much means that, Africa in itself, is a Big and Useless place too in all really.

Many though, tend to readily view Nairobi from its Imagery actually [and a rather poor way in all even, in the attempt truly, to see the city as it truly is]. At the very least, viewing Nairobi this way is viewing it even, from its various ‘Divisions’/Districts actually, and in many ways even, viewing Nairobi, as being rather Decentralized in all even [as in some parts of it rather Residential, and others, Slum-like in nature even (and speak too even really, of poor Garbage disposal in all that is)]. In all again, viewing Nairobi from the perspective of its ‘Divisions’/Districts, in many ways even, does explain its name actually i.e. Nairobi {meaning that, its constituents in all associate the name Nairobi, as being a Political entity, and one whose name in all again, is often mentioned whenever Kenyan Elections in all truly, do come up actually}.

In many ways though, those who do view Nairobi this way in all {from Imagery}, tend to be highly Political even {and as with asking for better Government services}, and in many ways even, speaks of Poverty in all, and as seen in Nairobi in all too really.

There is however in all a better way to view Nairobi: Culturally. Viewing it as such in all though and from my perspective that is, calls on viewing it really, from the perspective of its Energy levels actually {and in many ways too even, ‘Song’ in itself truly}.

Work wit me understand how I come, ghetto jiggy

Niggas where you from?

New York City………………….................

-- ‘Ghetto Jiggy’ by the Lost Boys

In many ways perhaps, while New York City and its Energy levels in all, is truly in this day defined even, by the music of Jay-Z {and speak even, of New York as a pretty much useless place actually}, and Johannesburg on the otherhand by Kwaito music {meaning, it simply just looks good with nothing much more to say about it}, and modern London/England even, by the music of British Rock Bands such as Oasis {and rather low-key in all}, Nairobi in many ways can be said even, to have its Energy levels pretty much similar (or the same even), to those seen in a song such as ‘Ghetto Jiggy’ {and by the ‘Lost Boys’ too really}.

In many ways perhaps, viewing it from as such helps one see Nairobi as it really is {meaning, not viewing it in all, as an Imagery based Political Entity too really} {and one mismanaged in all again, by Local Politicians in all truly}, but at the very least again, viewing it as such in all, helps one truly see it even, from its Designs in all actually [meaning again, from at the very least, speak even of genuine Nairobi based Artwork, or at the other end even, from its Ethnography in all} {meaning again that, Nairobi is pretty much unique and separate even, from the rest of Kenya/Africa in all truly}.

In many ways, Ethnographically speaking of Nairobi in all, truly refers to viewing it even, from Oracular/Oracle based Knowledge, which many in all again even, simply use in all truly, to simply survive in the place actually {and as with my even perhaps, not only being defined as such by songs such as ‘Ghetto Jiggy’ in all even, but in many ways truly, my use even perhaps, of Oracular Knowledge Systems such as that seen in Neimark/Epegas book ‘The Ifa Oracle’} {and in many ways even, Oracular Knowledge Systems, needed to survive in Nairobi in all, should be pretty much of the Egyptian variety, and not African either (and survival too meaning that, making wealth is not too difficult, but keeping it actually is (and in many ways too really)}.

In many ways again, the Designs that one sees in Nairobi, are not African or European either {they being more complex than this even}, but truly in all perhaps, Egyptian actually {and Designs too stating that, it is best in all, to do just about anything in a rather Alienable fashion actually} {meaning again that, attempting in all to do just about anything in a Solo fashion actually, and at the very least even, speaking of Nairobi again as very much a Republic truly (and as Plato even, did probably truly conceptualize it in all actually)}.

In all truly, this perhaps even calls for giving it, a rather new Name in all: that of Durnham.

The City of Durnham:

Many in most ways, have a poor conception even, of Nairobi as a place in all truly. They falsely even, tend to look at it {and as many a Magazine even at times, attempts to portray it actually}, as being Cosmopolitan even {and with well dressed ‘Westerners’ all over it even}, when in reality, it is best looked on as being a Worldly place actually {this in all speaking even of, its highly varying at times Physical Infrastructure, and also the varying ‘Physical looks’ of its peoples in all (including those, who do attempt in all, to call it a home actually)} {meaning in all that nobody in Nairobi truly does ever feel at home in the place truly}.

In all, attempting to understand these varying Physical looks and Infrastructure even, speaks truly in all again, of viewing Nairobi in all {or Durnham truly even}, from a more or less Directional perspective {meaning again that, most in Nairobi in all get around it even (and as with it even a big place in all truly), by associating themselves in all even, with a major Point in all from which, they do think about the place in general truly} {with this in the Western World on the otherhand, talking of the Metro Station in all ways really}.

Speak though of Metro Stations in all speaks even of Imagery in all truly, with Nairobi/Durnham in all though, best truly envisioned on the otherhand, from a more or less Cultural perspective {and as with speak even again, of major Points in the place truly} {and as with stating that even, calling it Durnham in all, speaks of viewing it as having ‘Westlands’ in Nairobi, as its main central Point actually (and not the main City Center either)} {this again though, and as with the Cultural even, speaks of viewing Durnham in all, as having peoples in all driven by Solo mentalities, and not Group mentalities either (as the City Center today, often dictates even)} {finally in all, viewing it as having ‘Westlands’ as its main center in all again, and its peoples driven in all truly by Solo mentalities actually (and as they often are actually), speaks even of associating Durnham in all again, with a Knowledge based Economy (and this as versus the main City Center in all, and isssues of Political Survival in all truly)}.

To help most out there see the city as it truly is even, is to speak of the place as being based around even, its highly differing even, Infrastructure in all truly {meaning again that, the development of Nairobi as seen today is rather Independent in its ways, and with the end result being a weird looking even, Physical Infrastructure in all even (and as with speak even, of its prevalent African Designs, and not Egyptian Designs either (and as they should be in all truly))}.

There are 8 main ways in all though {or Designs even perhaps}, of looking at Durnham/Nairobi in all, and they in all again will be presented below in all too really:

Religious Organizations/Bodies:

The first way of viewing Nairobi in all, is from its Religious lifestyles actually. This actually is truly a prominent way even, of viewing Nairobi in itself as it truly is in all, and as the only Design perhaps, that today in all again, does truly work in Durnham/Nairobi actually {meaning that, the Kenyan Government in most ways is not truly responsible in all, for the running of the City itself actually, but is only called on to solve any major problems that do arise, and usually by many a Religious leader even}. To make this somewhat difficult topic easy even is to say that, Religious Organizations/Bodies in Nairobi, tend to help train in all, Kenyans even, in what they do call the Trades & Skills (including Accounting), and Trades & Skills too, that are truly in all ways even, responsible for making Durnham/Nairobi today, rather operational and functionable in its ways really. In all, whether these groups be Christian, Islamic, ‘Kenyan Indian’ or even Swahili/Islam, they in all are truly responsible for, my knowing even that the Shop I often do visit, has Bread in it always actually. In many ways though, these Religious Bodies/Organizations are far more important than one thinks them to be, as in stating even that, they are in many ways truly responsible even, for enforcing the Law within Nairobi actually {and with most Law Bodies in Kenya itself, highly based around (or run even) by Religious Bodies/Organizations in all truly}. This though speaks in all again, of much more bigger opportunity in all than most believe actually, as speak of Law in itself truly, speaks even actually, of putting law & order in a School, Workplace, or even in the field of Advertising/Business Promotions in itself truly {meaning again that, all these Law based functions in Nairobi today, and responsible too for making it rather stable actually, are in all run by Religious Bodies/Organizations in all too really}.

Tribal Dens:

Tribal Dens in all speak of a facet of Durnham/Nairobi life, that many do know about even {meaning that if you ever read a Kenyan Newspaper, and even heard the word/term ‘Political Circles’, they in all are speaking of Tribal Dens in all seen/found in Durnham/Nairobi (and speak even of Nairobi/Kenya, as a rather Tribalized place even}. What this all means is that Kenyans in all, do tend to this very day, to very much associate Tribally {and Tribally too, in a Biblical fashion and not African either}. They do this though via visiting many a Tribal Den in all {and with this speaking even of an Eating Spot, a Touristic spot or even a Persons Home in all truly}, and to simply talk about doing Business in all (and in a Deal-making fashion too actually) [or what in Kenya/Tanzania they do call in all again, ‘Biashara’ actually}. An interesting way of doing things {and as with the Tribe even}, as it does in all breed competition between Tribal Dens actually {and not tribes either really}, and as in saying that, it is this facet of Durnham/Nairobi life, that is responsible for the very many even, Factories in all one does see in Kenya/Nairobi actually (and including Tanzania too even really), the Nairobi Stock Exchange, and finally even, Nairobi/Kenyan Corruption in all {and as with talk even, of ‘Political Circles’ in all truly} {and talk too, of Politicians in all favouring one ‘Tribal Den’ actually (and not tribe either), and over another actually (and as with this even, the best way perhaps to understand even, talk in all, of a tribe such as the Kikuyu being divided in themselves truly)} {In many ways even the part of Durnham/Nairobi in all, that does unite it with to the rest of Kenya even} {and in many ways again, talk abounding in all, of competition between the Kikuyu tribe and the ‘Indians’, and with regards even, to Kenya’s Manufacturing Industry in all too really}.

Modern/Western Kenya:

To some surprisingly enough, the above two facets of life in Durnham/Nairobi, are not Modern/Western (and as the Modern/Western World might attempt to claim) {but actually truly in all, speak in many ways even, of at the very least their being, Victorian in origins actually}. The Modern/Western World in Kenya though, often tends to show itself, primarily in the form, of the Financial Industry actually. In many ways, a facet of life in Durnham/Nairobi, that is truly probably, rather Useless in its ways actually. The Financial Industry in Kenya, speaks of lending money to the average Person out there, in their hopes even, of doing Localized Business {what this means is that someone apparently spotted an opportunity to make Money out there, and the Financial Industry is ready enough, to lend them this Money and with the hopes, of making a small profit from it all actually (or even, attempting to turn it in all again, into a Business opportunity actually)}. All this again speaks of a Kenya in all, as being based around Skyscrapers even, Private/Aid Organizations, NGO’s, and everyday even, African Market(s) activity {and as filled even, with Street Peddlers in all actually}. At the very heart of all this though, is what can be termed the Communications Industry (and including Cellular Communications even), and in many ways too even, whenever one does hear the term the Middle East & Africa, it actually truly in all, does refer to the Middle East investing into Communication Networks & Systems, and as seen in Africa too really {which apparently even in all though, speaks of Street Peddlers too really, and as with this even, a facet of life as seen in the Middle East actually, and not truly African either)}. In many ways, the group that brought you Communications in Kenya, Skyscrapers, and low-level Islamic/Muslim looking Building {but in all again, the very part of Kenya/Nairobi, that works most poorly (and that which many a Western Government/President in all, is most likely to talk about even, and when talking of Durnham/Nairobi too that is)} {meaning again, it is this facet of Durnham/Nairobi in all, heavy in investment actually, but mainly responsible for any National/Foreign Debt, that Kenya in all today, does face in all truly} {in all again, Kenya to these folks speaks truly of, the Communications Industry (and Communication Networks & Systems too really)} {and Networks and Systems too, mainly used in all by those operating even, in the other facets of life seen in Durnham/Nairobi too really}. In all again, Westerners in all {‘White people’ and ‘Mulattos’ too even}, with no clue on just how Nairobi/Kenya does work actually {as in saying that, the Kenyan Financial System is probably the worst performing Financial System ever, conjured up actually (and as with the belief even, that its possible to truly define a City in all even, highly based around Electronic Communications Systems & Networks, and not Cultural/Historical life either}.

Media Kenya:

The very world of Media Kenya in all, does exist in all truly as a Political Force even {and with it at the very least even, consisting of putting up rather huge Billboards even, where all kinds of things are advertised actually (and as can be seen even, in too really)}. In many ways even, the very world of Media Kenya in all, is rather diverse actually, but at the very least, one can say it is heavily grounded even, in Kenya’s Retail Trade Sector actually {and talk of all those Malls even, one is likely to see, in all on actually} {in many ways, when on reading a Kenyan Daily and hearing the word ‘Political Forces’, it does not speak actually of Politicians in all truly, but actually truly really, forces seen within ‘Media Kenya’ actually (and Forces too, associated with ‘Political Crime’ in all too really)}. Media Kenya in all again, is divided truly perhaps into Radio, Television, Magazines & Newspapers, Entertainment spots, and even the Popular Foods Industries in all too really [and including speak even of Beers and Wines in all too really]. These folks in all again, attempt truly to do what they do term, Business in Nairobi mainly [meaning again, if you ever hear a Person identify themselves as being a ‘Nairobian’, they truly in all live in the sphere, of Media Kenya actually (which even speaks truly of, many a Brownskinned Kenyan in all too really)}. There was a time when Media Kenya in all, was heavily controlled by Government actually, but in many ways again, a time even, when Kenyan Business {grounded in Retail Trade too} {and speaking even of before the 1990’s in all too really}, was actually well run in many ways even. The early 1990’s though saw Kenya in all, opened to all forms of Media in all again, and from outside it such that, what they do call ‘Americanization’ in all {and lower end even} {and as with speak perhaps, of Californias Ghettos even}, started becoming the norm actually. It appears that this freeing of the Media in many ways even, has made Kenya rather backward in all actually, and as in saying that at the very least, Government controlled Media in Kenya before, was in many ways even, somewhat truly Victorian actually {and speaking again, of looking to buy a rather popular interesting Book even, and rather than listening to a rather lackluster Popular CD in all actually}. In all again, Media too, talking of Investment into Kenya, and not only by Asians in all (with they truly referred in all even, as ‘Kenyan Asians’ actually}, and coming in from the Middle East and India too even, but also seeing Investments in all again, into Kenya itself, coming in from Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa even {and speak too even really, of African Trade in all actually}. They though, have managed to turn Kenya/Nairobi, into a kind of ugly mess actually, as in saying even that, they have no proper view in all, of what kind of Media even, truly does truly work in Durnham/Nairobi even {meaning in all again, most of the peoples seen in Durnham/Nairobi, are not driven by the Popular at all actually}. To make this even more difficult is to say that, this group has come in all, to define Urban/City Planning in Durnham/Nairobi {and disastrously too even}, and as in saying that, many a person in Durnham/Nairobi in all, tends to congregate even, around Business venues, set up by these folks in all truly, and in all again has resulted, in Durnham/Nairobi, looking pretty much ugly in most ways really. In all again, rather poor Media in all {including Poor Satellite Television services actually}, but whenever one does hear of Kenya/Nairobi becoming a future International Business Destination even, it is from the perspective of Media Kenya {and Kenyan Retail Trade even} {and not, Modern/Western Kenya either} {and as with saying again that, Kenyan Media in all, is best grounded even perhaps, in an International Magazine culture perhaps, and not the Infrastructural (or Retail either)} {meaning again that, an idea in a Singaporean Magazine perhaps, could very well work, in Durnham/Nairobi in all too really}. In all and as a finality even, this facet of Durnham/Nairobi life, is singularly in most ways even, responsible for most of the Chaos (and including garbage seen anywhere even), that you do see/find in the place in all truly {and including even, Traffic Jams in all too actually} {and an ugly facet of life in Durnham/Nairobi, that the Mayors Office in all, would probably best be advised to look into (meaning again, just bring back the old Victorian ‘mtindo’ (or in all again that is, flood the place with made cheap Magazines even, from all over the World actually)} {and ‘mtindo’ too, highly based around even, the Renting in all, of Public/Official spaces actually (and a perfect Business opportunity even, for Government/Serikali in all actually), and inorder, to hold a function or two really} {this, or face the danger even, of turning Nairobi in itself, into more or less, a Californian Ghetto in all actually}.

The Hospitality Industry:

Many might wonder if Kenya’s Government {or ‘Serikali’ even}, truly does play a role, in the Affairs of Durnham/Nairobi really {as in stating even that, Law in Kenya/Nairobi in most ways truly, is in the hands even, of many a Religious Body/Organization actually}. In many ways even, speak of the Kenyan Government in all, and in Durnham/Nairobi too that is, is to speak of in all again, the Banking Sector actually. One has to realize just how in all, Kenya’s Government in all again {or Government Officials too really}, do truly operate like in all actually: as Investors truly. They apparently are elected, to help deal with the many Infrastructural problems even {arising from a poorly planned city in all again}, and in all, Government Investment speaks about, dealing with these rather many even, Technical issues actually {and as with the rewards and perks of all this even, based truly around enjoying oneself, in Kenya’s rather popular even, Hospitality industry actually (and speaking too even really, of Kenya’s Hotel Industry in all truly)}. In all again, interestingly enough, Kenya’s Large Scale Industries are covered here {including Tourism too really}, and unlike in other places in the World where Large-Scale Industry in all, is used to Produce things actually, in Kenya, Large-Scale Industry in all again, is actually used to deal with Technical/Infrastructural problems, that the Government in all, might face in all truly. An interesting way of looking at Large-Scale Industry, and with the Kenyan Government in all again, facing calls even, for Privatization actually {and as with the false belief even, that outsiders to Kenya in itself, truly do know how to deal with Kenya’s Technical problems (and without speak too even, of a major revamp in all too really)}. In many ways, the whole scenario does appear to work but in some ways perhaps, calling for proper Population Management in all {as in the Government even, and in previous times too really, attempting in all to speak on, whom the perfect person from Durnham/Nairobi in all again, truly is (and as in saying that, there is something just not right about doing things this way as at the very least, there is noticeable Ecological Damage in Durham/Nairobi, that appears in all, to originate with this group actually)}.

Commercial Nairobi:

The term Commercial in many ways, tends to be misunderstood by most actually as it in all, does not refer to Commerce in all truly. Commercial in all ways even, speaks truly of Knowledge exchange in all actually, and in many ways speaking even of, our desire in all, to seek out Knowledge naturally even, and in doing, just about anything we might so wish to do actually. To speak of Commercial Nairobi in all, is to speak of it more or less from its ‘Divisions’/Districts actually {and in all even, speak of better Government Services, and as with regards mainly, to Energy Consumption in all truly}. In many ways though, what they do call Commerce in all again, speaks mainly of Products actually, to be used, in helping minimize Energy Consumption in most ways really {and in Durnham/nairobi, and Kenya too even really, speaks of its famed Nakumatt and Uchumi Supermarket Stores in all too really}. In many ways speak even of Local Politicians in all, providing better Government Services {and as with Systems too really} {and from Transport even, to Sewage disposal, to simply even buying Sugar in all truly}, but in all again truly, speaking actually of Accessing Knowledge in all, in helping deal with any kind of problems, one might face as an Individual actually {and as with speak even, of Health issues in all too really}. In all, speaking again of Small-Scale Business in Durnham/Nairobi, and in all, Commercial Nairobi even, is highly defined by its Militarized/Policing units even, and mainly even perhaps, its Transport Networks in all ways really {and as with this again, all about Knowledge Access (and speaking even truly, of many a Marketing Firm, to be seen in Durnham/Nairobi actually)}. In all again complicatedly perhaps, the very sphere of life in all, that did bring one, the Internet in Kenya actually {or ‘the Net’ as many would call it even}, and whenever you hear any person from Nairobi in all, referring to Nairobi itself as ‘Mtaa’, they are truly speaking even of, Durnham/Nairobi in all, from the perspective of Commercial activity actually {and as with saying even that, this is the main center today, of life as seen in Durnham/Nairobi, and has in all even, defined it rather poorly even, from the the main events, historical even (and including Colonialism even), associated in all, with the city truly}. In finality is to say that, the most Political of life in Durnham/Nairobi {and as with Violence too even really}, and speak even of, Durnham/Nairobi, as divided into Political Districts and Districts too, probably in all, lacking in any form or kind of Knowledge even, one might need at any given moment {and the rather volatile world even, of local Kenyan Politics in all actually (and as with speak even, of Councillors and Wards too that is)}. Perhaps in all again all this best viewed even, from the perspective of the rather many ‘Estates’ {British styled Housing that is}, seen all over Durnham/Nairobi too really. Durnham/Nairobi in all, as uncultured place even {and as many who do populate these ‘Divisions’/Districts in all, tend to be in general, listeners, of Popular African Music in all too really (or even worse, crappy Rap Music actually) (and such as 50Cent perhaps)}. A realm that exists but does not, as with it perhaps today best defined even, by Internet Access as seen in Durnham/Nairobi and as in stating that, Durnham/Nairobis Webtraffic in all (including Governmental Websites too even really), is probably the best way in all again, to view Commercial Nairobi in all truly {and with Transport in all again, being the major issue of this facet of life in Durnham/Nairobi, and as with it even, an underlying cause to the violence associated with Colonial Kenya actually, and before even that is, the Internet did come along truly}.

Popular Nairobi:

Many out there might be mistaken in believing that, Nairobi’s truly International Image even, arises in all, with Modern/Western Kenya actually, or even truly, Media Kenya in all even. In truth though, if you are an outsider to Kenya/Nairobi in all, and have ever heard fondly about it even, then you should know that all that, emanates in all from, Kenyan Educational facilities actually, International-Foreign Institutes in all {and including Embassies/Consulates}, and finally even, Kenyan Policy/Political Bodies actually {and where the UN in all again, does meet Kenyan actually} {what is been said here is that, most do not hear of Kenya/Nairobi, via Tourism actually, but mainly in all, via Educational Initiatives, of most kinds truly (as with speak even, of Kenya’s rather great and diverse even, Foods in all truly)} {and speaking again, of Kenyas unknown, but rather famed Chefs in all too really}. If you are an outsider to Kenya itself even, and travel to Nairobi, you will most likely find yourself in this section/facet, of life in Durnham/Nairobi {the Educational that is}. In many ways even, a facet of life in Durnham/Nairobi (and Kenyan too even), truly responsible in all even, for helping define and form even, a National Kenyan Identity actually {and as with speak even of, what does constitute Kenyan Manliness/Womanliness in all, and Kenyan Manners & Etiquette in all too really}. In many ways again, the only part of life in Durnham/Nairobi, associated truly with speaking fluent modern English in all truly {and as with even, Kiswahili in most ways, not being heard of other than, in the form of popular jargon such as, ‘Hakuna Matata’ even} {and with this facet of life in Durnham/Nairobi even, associated in many ways even, with Residential lifestyles, seen in the place truly}. Nothing much to say about all this other than, if you are in Kenya now, and within this sphere of life in all again, don’t seek out Tourism for fun in all truly {it mainly associated with another facet of Durnham/Nairobi life actually (that of Government business in all truly)}, but truly in all again, seek out the ‘city’ of Naivasha perhaps, and simply hang out and have fun there actually {as in saying that, those in this facet of Durnham/Nairobi life, should view Kenya in all again, primarily from Naivasha actually} {and as with helping even, create an International scene in all is to say that, Popular Nairobi is heavily associated with ‘Party Kenya’ (including ‘Home Parties’ even), and with Naivasha in all, the best choice for all this (and other than chaotic Nairobi that is)}. In all, life in Durnham/Nairobi, actually best identified in all, by International-Foreign Institutes, and all forms even, of Diplomatic Channels actually {and finally even, as with saying that in all, it is possible to find rather good Training in all again (Educational that is), on just about any topic even, considered of importance/interest, and to most out there actually (surprisingly enough that is) (and as with speak even, of a city whose constituents in all, don’t care too much about reading actually)}.

General Feel and Moods of Popular Nairobi:

Cultural Nairobi:

This facet of life in Durnham/Nairobi, does not actually truly exist even, but is in all ways even, the most important part of it all actually {as with stating again that, Durnham/Nairobi is best driven in all, by the Cultural, and not by Politicized Imagery either}. In all, while Popular Nairobi attempts to give Kenya even, an International Image, and Modern/Western Nairobi, attempts to give it in all, a rather poor even, Cosmopolitan Image, Cultural Nairobi speaks of Durnham/Nairobi in all, from the perspective even, of it having a Worldly Image actually. At the very least, this speaks of the Real-Estate/Housing Industry, the Money Markets (and talk even of High Quality Services actually), and finally even, Cultural/National Arts Centers in all truly {and as with Durnham/Nairobi even, viewed as Cultural Center in all truly, and from the rest of Kenya too even really} {and speak even of, Nairobi in all, as distinct even, from the rest of Kenya too even really (it being mostly even, uncharted territory in all actually)}. In many ways even (if not all actually), this should be at the very heart even, of life in Durnham/Nairobi itself (and not Commercial Nairobi either) {as in saying that, for a City to exist over time in all, it must have a strong Cultural/Historical foundation to it all really}. Cultural/National Arts Centers too, primarily responsible in all, for creating culture for the Masses actually, and as with knowing that in Durnham/Nairobi, this at the very least calls for even, those highly knowledgeable even, in Oral Communications actually {and not an ‘expert’ either, from the Middle East, America, or even the Western World too really} . In my opinion, Durnham/Nairobi in all, is capable of becoming a Cultural Mecca actually, as long as one can find even, Creative persons in all {they mostly totally lacking even, in Durnham/Nairobi today actually} {and at the very least even, from the perspective of Oral Communications too that is}, and speak too even really, of High Quality Services in all, speaks even, of thinking of it all from the perspective even, of Oracular/Oracle based Knowledge forms actually {as with giving someone in all again, what they truly need in all really}. In all, Oral Communications, the Net/Internet, and the Creativity of a Chaucer even, in helping in all ways even, make Durnham/Nairobi, one of the premier Cities of the World actually {if not the Premier even}, by at the very least even, speaking of its Aesthetics as not being ‘White’ actually {with most out there today, heavily associating Aesthetics in all, with ‘White people’ actually}, but Aesthetics too, rather Egyptian in their ways really {18th/21st Dynasty Egypt that is}. In all, at the very least all this is deemed even, as nothing more perhaps, that a Culture based Website on Durnham/Nairobi itself actually {but in all ways truly even, speaks of one being highly knowledgeable actually, in Oral Communications in all truly} {in many ways even, one does see a fine interplay between the Net/Internet and the Housing/Real-Estate Industry as with each even, guiding the other along, in their Progress truly}.


‘the Architect’

‘the Net’, Karen/Durnham-Nairobi