Saturday 31 March 2012

Traditional Knowledge Systems

Traditional Knowledge Systems and Abyssinia.

Abyssinia in all, is truly in many ways even, still a rather mythological place actually, without its having in all, any form or kind even, of Traditional Knowledge Systems in all really {and as with they in all, used to legitimize any existence, and in just about any place too really}. They though {those in Abyssinia that is}, are not too much different from the rest of the World actually, as with saying even that {and thanks to the UN too really}, that many a form or kind even, of Traditional Knowledge Systems in all, have been swept aside by the Western/Modern World in all really, and in favour, of Western Knowledge Systems {and as with speak even of Western/Modern Arithmetic/Thinking, Writing/Presentation and Reading/Memory in all really}.

Below though is very much presented, Traditional Knowledge Systems in all again, that those in Abyssinia can adhere to, and with regards to daily Survival in itself actually, or even truly again, with regards to seeking out Success in itself truly {and without pursuing any form in all even, of standardized Education that is}.

1. Holy Books: the Qu'ran (the Fundamentalist Islam version), the Bible (those supported in all, by the Rosicrucians too really) {and as with stating in all that, Holy Books in all do allow for one, to access in all even (and individually too that is), all kinds truly even, of principles in all that one, can truly apply in all even, with regards, to thinking on just about anything actually (and the so called world even, of Esotericism in all truly)}.

2. History: From that of Mathematics, and to that of Architecture in all even {and as with this in all again, allowing for one, to gain Worldly Knowledge in all, and on just about anything too really}.

3. The Transcendental: This in many ways truly even, refers to the Psychological in all, but speaks primarily in all even, of how one in all again, does attempt to truly conceptualize the Human Being actually {and as with the fine example even, of seeing the Human as primarily a Subconscious Mind in all, or even, as the Unconscious, or even truly again (and as with the Biblical that is), in the form of the Holy Trinity too actually (i.e. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit)} {in many ways even and in all truly, the Transcendental does refer to what some do call in all and when speaking on Egypt that is, as being 'Aegyptus' (or the Greek-Egyptian too that is); that in all, Knowledge Systems seen in Egypt differed in many ways actually, with those falling under Egypt in all, referring in all again to those in Egypt, who did seek to primarily operate as Mediums actually (and while acting as Receptors in all, to the various Deities seen in Egypt in all truly), and with a 'lower' Egypt in all again (and best called Egyptian too really), having Egyptians in all, identify truly, with a certain Egyptian God or Goddess too even, and in all again, attempt to truly communicate with just about anything in all really, and as this God or Goddess too actually. In all truly, there did exist three kinds of 'Egypt' in all (and as with ranking too actually): Egypt, Aegyptus, and finally the Egyptian (and unknown to most too actually, the famed 'Deity' Anubis/Anub, was actually 'Aegyptus', and not Egypt or Egyptian either)}.

In all again, the above Knowledge Systems are deemed in all even, highly more superior to those seen in all, within the Western/Modern World actually {and as with saying that, Western/Modern Technology in all again developed, in Israell, is actually done by those, highly trained even, in Religious/Biblical matters actually}.

Tudo Bem
