Tuesday 27 March 2012

'the Siesta'

The Siesta and Abyssinia.

'the Siesta' in many ways truly in all, does refer to just about any form of recreational activity in all truly, that does mirror sleep in itself actually. With regards to Abyssinia in all again, it in many ways in all even, actually speaks of Hemingway's Kenya {and as with Colonial times too really}, and speak too in all actually, of a small even, Party gathering in all too really, and with the sole purpose in all, of its participants, meeting and mixing in all too really, with each other, and rather freely too in all actually {and as with simply even, stopping by to just say Hi actually}.

In many ways in all again, 'the Siesta', alongside the Country Hotel, the Country Club, or even a persons Backyard in all too really, is truly recommended for those living in Abyssinia actually, and as with it in all again, all about having people in Abyssinia, meet with each other regularly (and even oftenly actually), and in an Abyssinia too, where most in all tend to be loners somewhat actually, and often in all don't get to meet with their Neighbours in all truly, and in most ways even actually {and as with a recommendation in all even, that these siestas take place in the Evening (for about 3-4 hours), and as with signs too even, of a strong Community in all, they taking place everyday of the year actually (and including Sundays too that is)}.


'the European Moor'