Sunday 5 February 2012

Israel and the New World (part 3)

New formulations on Idea. Small meeting with Mukh'tala. Socializing Israel. Mysterious sighting. Out for the night. Meeting Alexandre. A riot. Private musings.

Part the Third:

In the following days, past the weekend and on a monday too, Father Cornelius after the finishing of our class, announces to us that Simon Mukh'tala, will be coming in during the next session, to have us get started fully, on our projects. It is on our part he announces, to be able to fully present, our ideas to him {Mukh'tala}, for any further input, that might be required to get us fully started. I had spent the weekend partially thinking on the idea, to myself and already had fully decided, to give it a religious organizational perspective, rather than the doomed economic and rather western too, perspective. Martin was still of the mind that, attempting to turn it into a business opportunity {involving, computer networks too, of all kinds}, was the way to go but to me, it was just another big waste of time in thought. Martin could very well explain what he was thinking, but that was about it as his explanation, was rather semantic in nature {making all sense but none at all}. His basic belief, was that we attempt, to collect the thoughts of others using semiconductor technology, and sell the info to anyone out there, for a profit. I didn't really know what to say as the whole idea, went very much against my own sensibilities, and just seemed too outlandish as talk of the technology required, was dismal in nature. I had a better idea I believed to offer to Martin. One rather theological in nature, religious, and in all, rather Islamic too. "How about", I mentioned to Martin, "we collect the moods and emotions of people out there, using this, semiconductor technology you so love, but instead of attempting to sell this, using it to attempt to create, more positive moods as with creative cultural ideas". To explain all this to Martin, my rather simple opinion was that, we simply sensed the moods and emotions in Israel {or Tel Aviv really}, and then sought to change these moods {if mainly, in the negative}, with cultural ideas of our own imaginings. Martin could very much see what I meant, but I could very well too see that he was thinking, about Money. "Its rather simple", I said to him, "we shall get religious funding, and all will be well and dandy". Martin did not really know what to say, but I could see he was rather partial, to the idea and I sought to explain it to him, fully, by creating a report that I believed, would very well serve the purpose.

The idea to me was rather very simple, if not rather perfect too. This is what we were going to do. Martins idea was at the basis but in a rather, different, implementation. We would not collect thoughts as Simon Mukh'tala had dared us, but instead really, seek out moods and emotions. These moods and emotions would then be parsed, through Martins semiconductor technology, and the output would be in many ways, the psychological profiles and natures, of the people affected. I did not deem this too hard to do, as psychology is a rather huge branch of academic thought, but I also wanted to do it, from a rather historical perspective. On explaining this somewhat to Martin, all he could do was look quizzically to me, on the historical perspective that I had put, forward to him, before his saying "The Hermetica?!" "Yes" I replied, "The Hermetica Corpus". Martin continued to look somewhat at me, as I stated to him that the Hermetica, could be of use to us in helping dealinate, the emotions and moods collected from Tel Aviv really. Martin did not know what to say, but he thought it all rather original {if not unique}, and I sought to calm any fearful queries he might have, by saying to him that, that is what, Israel {and Israeli research}, was all about ,"originality, in a way to please and hurt dogma, of any kind". He kinda bought into what I was saying and with that part done, came the second as he looked me in the eye rather calmly, and then said "then what do we do, with all that information?". "We use it to, in general really, change these moods to those, we kind of deem appropriate". Martin did not really buy into that, that such power really was available, to us, but I kind of told him he was thinking, too large and outlandish {"we shall do small things, even sell croissants, if deemed right"}. I did assure him that further ideas, would grow on his understanding, the second part to it all. "Generating good ideas Martin, will not be done by brainstorming really", I tell him, as he sits back waiting to hear what I have to say. "How then?!" he asks again, looking at me rather quizzically. "Rather simple" I begin, "we shall form a Cult". Martin kind of lights up almost smiling as he turns his head somewhat, to scratch at the lower part of it. It is then I get, into the whole gist of it: "The Cult is already there", I begin, which I farther explain to him via a report, filed on his computer. Our Cult has its origins in the Holy Roman Empire, and the rule of Charlemagne. Its name, was the Theban Legion. Their job was rather easy for highly creative Charlemagne, who sought to make his ideas real, and with the Theban Legion very much, responsible, doing so. Martin was rather apprehensive to all this, not knowing what to say, but in my opinion it was not too difficult, to foresee. On hearing {and reading all this too}, Martin appeared to have one question "Who gets to be St. Maurice?" And with a somewhat folded mouth, I replied to him "I do". Martin then somewhat looking at me, as if disappointed somewhat then, mutters out "And who am I?" To which I respond by saying, "St. Gereon". "Its all going to be rather easy", I said to him "as the template to it all, is already there". Martin did have a look at the names, of all the other Saints of the Theban Legion wondering whom, they could be. He did have another question, which I expected from him "And whom gets, to be Charlemagne?" To which I gave a reply as follows "Charlemagne, will not be physically present, and will be replaced, by the more esoteric works, of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart". Martin was not buying that, but I gave him the basic premise to it all, as he dared to laugh "We simply listen to that stuff, and get really creative". "Okay", is all he could say, as I believed he had finally, seen the light.

It is all the above, in a report that we, somewhat handed to Mukh'tala, on the day he was supposed, to meet with us all. Martin sat rather silently, as the report in all, announced, the re-birth, of the Theban Legion. Simon Mukh'tala did show up before the start, of our next class where he then sought, to collect the various reports, and give us his feedback after the class. The class ended with Father Cornelius asking us, to move to a new room, and we arrived there, to find the mentor, SImon Mukh'tala, having much it appeared, gone through the various reports. We were in to the room in no time, and stood around while Mukh'tala, went around speaking to the various groups, on their ideas. He finally did make it to us, after really Martin, had very much had conversations, with just about all kinds of people, who sought to greet him out. Simon Mukh'tala did make it, to us two and while, noddingly shaking his head somewhat, said "This is an interesting report. I don't know really know what to think of it, but it does make sense to me, in what you are trying to do". "All I can say is that, you have forgotten one important aspect to it all; You have not taken into account, the social nature of Israeli Society, as Israel has much more people, than you think it does. You have not really outlined, the market you are serving and you should know too, that some of the people out there, are rather crazy, when it comes to religion". "I will buy into it if you can show me, that you are aware that, Israeli Society is rather complex in nature, with all kinds of people in it, and the fact that you organize yourself as a religious organization, might be troublesome to some of the people, on the streets out there". Having said that and left us, me and Martin eventually do find ourselves, leaving for the hostel again as Martin, does not know what to do about, the rather long query that Simon Mukh'tala, had put to us. I though was not too intimidated thinking, very much that, I knew the answer to all this. During the week and after the pondering of it all, in many ways I did arrive, at the understanding that Simon Mukh'tala, sought to have us know. The very fact that Israel, has very many people living in it, and not all are united, is all he was really saying "They are not all one, and all of them are associated, with different centers of power", is what he seemed, to get at. Israeli Society to me appears, on pondering it all, to be of different peoples and they, having different social based names, too {most known, to those, acquainted, with Israeli politics}. You have those associated, with the major religions and known historically, as the Israelites. You have those associated, with the military and known as, Israelis. You also have those who are pretty much loners, and self-religious and are said, to go by the name of, Yehudi {many too being scholars}. You finally too have I believe, a fourth group who are very much, made up of immigrants, from around the world and claiming too, Jewish ancestry and go by the name, of, Beta-Israel. Having come to this conclusion, I could very well see what, SImon Mukh'tala had meant, as we were attempting, to create a center of power, without knowing whom we were, or even, whom the people out there really were. At the very least I pondered, we still at least had some, basic understanding of it all.

The end of the week as in Friday really, arrived much quicker than we had anticipated, and my search for an Identity for our group, had not seen any fruitation yet. I was even playing with the thought {idea really}, of Systematic Identities, as of one seeking, to create an Identity based on, the thoughts, of others in Society. In many ways really not their thoughts on others, but on Society itself. That Friday, Martin, did convince me that we should, head on out, for the night. I agreed to it all, as I had denied his requests, twice previously and saw it right, to accept this time. All dressed and ready for the night, Martin and I leave the Hostel, and set out for a place, I had no idea of really. As we were walking along talking junk really, we appeared to come close to a set of rather long stairs, headed on downwards. Martin began to descend before I could, and with I following him quickly, we soon both made it, to the bottom at the same time, as we alighted from it all. As we were walking on we happened, to come across a rather curious looking, building, that appeared to very much have inhabitants, in it very much too, doing something. It looked somewhat too, like a temple and there was some, strange singing and chanting, come out of it. Both me and Martin stood silently for a minute, as we both had been caught, with some fright. We looked at each other rather dumbfounded, as we wondered what all, the chanting, could be about, as it sounded rather strange, in all. Still standing silently and also too, having looked each other in the face again, Martin with a finger to his lips {as if requesting silence}, suggests rather silently that we take, a peek at whats going on. My face somewhat falls, as if crestfallen not really knowing, what to make of Martins request. Martin though is already on his way, towards the building and inside the gates, as I having stopped, shortly, to watch him decide too, on following him in. We are both within the compound, of the building {which looks in all, like a rather, small temple}, and we begin to head on towards, an opening {as with, a window really}, to seek out what all the chanting, and scary too, is all about. We finally do make it, to a rather large window under which, Martin having gone through, to its otherside in a lowly fashion, looks again towards me, and with face motioning towards the side {as with the window}, in many ways asks me, to have a peek too. We both turn our heads almost simultaneously, and as we both begin to peek, into the windows {requiring our standing on our toes}, I quickly duck on seeing something, with Martin following in suit too. Not too pleased is he as he looks at me, and this time I steadily follow, his turning to look, inside the window. Inside the temple like building appears, to be a Cult of sorts with figures dressed in red hoods. I don't know what to think {if I do so at all}, as I am held spellbound, if not totally in fright, at what appears to be going on. We are both looking in, when a reign of terror apparently, appears to take hold of me as I swear, that one of the heads in the room, turned, to take a look at us {if not me especially}. I duck and as Martin watches in shock, am of running back towards the entrance, we came in through. I am out and as I wait for Martin to show up {and rather surprised too in all}, see him too come out, running, as if in a shock; "I think they saw us", he says, as he too states that, a turning head saw him. We take off running and remain rather silent even, after stopping a bit of a distance, further on. Eventually we both do, reach, the final destination which turns out surprisingly enough, to be Rave Club. I don't really know what we are doing there, and as we finally get in, I stand around attempting somewhat, to question Martin as this to me, seems rather up my alley in the belief that, the world out there, is all Hedonism. Martin appears to be waiting for someone and as I am looking around, at all the somewhat crazy movement around me, thinking that Martins friend better show up right now, if not, immediately {I do find this out, on his waiting for someone by putting, the question to him}. Martins friend shows up, a girl, and very much too also, from the UK, and in no time {a jiffy even}, we are out of the Club {and thank God too}, and onwards, to another destination. Martin is talking with Pauline, as after exchanging some quick hi's with me, she continues very much engaging Martin, in conversation. We are walking on and as Martin holds, conversation with Pauline I turn to thinking, about, Hedonistic Israel from the perspective, of the people around me. There are dozens of them and surprisingly enough, from the UK, and even Australia and America too. We eventually make it to a Cafe of sorts, which turns out to be in the same place, that a fight we witnessed, broke out {by the Riverway}. There is a Cafe {if not a restaurant}, with rather many people of all sorts, as the Riverway itself is surrounded, by all kinds of people, simply milling and standing around. We sit on the outside and everybody there, appears to be from the UK and as we sit, on a nearby table I see one of the clients, seated to himself and on our table too, simply listening in, to whats going on around him. He is dark haired, swarthy skinned, and as we sit a waitress makes a rather quick entry, to our table, as if to take our orders. Orders taken and Martin even having greeted, the sole body on our table, he and Pauline get to talking, as I look up the person opposite me, noticing him obviously to be French. A stare towards him for some time, and he eventually offers, a kind of salutation by asking, surprisingly enough, if I am Israeli. "No!!", I somewhat say, if not adamantly wondering why, he would ask, such a question. Israel to me appears, in many ways really, to be a land of grandoise opportunists. It is one thing that I sense, rather easily as all kinds, of folk might attempt, to befriend you, having you think that you are a, disservice, to them. His name turns out, to be Alexandre which he does mention to me, and which after I tell him, that am called, Raphael. I am prone to put Alexandre, in the same league as the opportunists one finds in Israel, but later on find him, not to be as such. Seated there by the Riverway, I fail to notice that it is, filling up, instead appearing to watch Martin, attempt to make conversation, with Alexandre, Pauline, and some of the revelers, around us. The Riverway by now is rather filled to an extent, one would call, scenic. There are many people from apparently it appears, all over the World, simply appearing, to have as much fun, as possible. The whole scene appears to be dominated, by the Anglos, and their voices sweep through the air, with a competition arising between, the Australians and Americans on whom, can pretty much scream, the loudest. The whole scene starts very much, to be disconcerting if not, annoying, as Alexandre of most of the people I notice, appears, to be the most irritated of all. Alexandre does not appear to be an Opportunist, and I don't really know where to place him, as he is not in Israel for any formal reason. His presence though, does make me aware of the revelers, around me {the Anglos, and their close friends}, and much later on after the night is through, it does hit me that they, all fall, into a new category of a people in Israel, aptly known to most, as the State of Israel {a huge party circuit, dominated, by the Anglos, and in many ways too, a milking cash cow, for the State of Israel}. It is Hedonism all over and as I sit there, pondering to myself why we are really there, I do notice Pauline {Martins girl}, staring rather blankly at me, while Martin continues, to engage in conversation, with Alexandre {Martin, surprisingly at first, but then not, at all, speaks French, rather well}. I don't know what to make of Pauline, as her stare simply much suggests, she wants to engage, in a conversation of sort {which I don't really, take interest to}. I am rather picky, in the kind of women I engage with, and Paulines rather, big blue eyes, suggest to me {on looking into them}, she is not of, my type. Am rather religious in all, and the women I seek out must fit, a certain religious profile {for me, in this case, they must fit the feminine profile, of St. Candidus, of the Theban Legion}. I look back at Alexandre {my eyes formerly at their corners, and gazing at Pauline}, as I turn to wonder, what Alexandre is up to really, in Israel as he pretty much, avoided, the question in all, when his conversing with Martin, reverted, to English. It appears to me he might be looking, for some guidance in rather, hedonistic Israel {spiritual or even, religious}. The State of Israel might be of, interest to many, as it is the social Israel, that history in many ways, associates with the evolution, of Israel itself {the Israel of King David, and KIng Solomon}. A rather interesting history as, at its heart has been, the very issue of finding, acceptance, in all its forms {in many ways such acceptance, being about, the opposite sex}. One might even say that before, David and Solomon arrive on the scene, Israel, is in many ways renowed, very much, for being, a Sodom and Gomorrah kind of place. To make a rather complex and long history short, King David apparently creates, a social order, based on a hierarchy of wealth. Solomon later on creates, social order, with the most magnificent of, architectural works. However though, their efforts do eventually fail, as Israel appears to be laden, in memory, with its Sodom and Gomorrah history. Later on it does appear, that someone decides to turn, the whole scene to one, of meeting the most perfect, of people and even finding, perfect love too. That appears, to have failed too, as Hedonism is back in full swing, in the State of Israel, today. Pauline still appears to want to engage, in conversation with me, while Martin appears to still very much, want to engage Alexandre, in a conversation, while he on the otherhand, chats up Martin nonchalantly, but appears to be open, for conversation with me. I though sit back still, in many ways really having expected, really, to spend the night somewhat, chatting away, with Martin. In many ways though one can feel, the restlessness in the air, as the people around us seem, very much to be, somewhat unsatisfied, with everything going on with them perhaps, and the place too. Vagrant opportunists are everywhere as the Hedonism, appears very much, to be totally, in full swing. This apparently is the State of Israel, that is a common feature in the news networks, as with attempting really, to protect it from, Palestinian 'terrorists'. The night wears on and at some point, Pauline suggests to Martin, about leaving, which he declines too after which, later on {and a cellphone call later}, she eventually leaves, with some friends of hers {Australians}, who show up to meet her. Greetings from them to us, are returned nonchalantly by me and Alexandre, while Martin promises I believe, to later call Pauline. On Pauline leaving Martin turns to engage me, in conversation {nothing much}, as Alexandre becomes more emboldened, as he begins to talk of the too many, people, around us {apparently, he appears, to spot, trouble, all over}. He tells us too that, he is in Israel for a temporal visit {no agenda really}, and wonders what our schooling project, is all about. I don't care to speak about it too much, and Martin on failing to find the right words, quits attempting to do so. I wonder at where Alexandre is staying, to him, and he claims to be living somewhere, in Tel Aviv, we both know nothing about. Martin asks either of us if we want, some food, as he apparently is famished, to which Alexandre agrees to {surprisingly enough}, and I follow suit in accepting, the offer. We are munching on some sandwiches with fries, with screaming all around us, and I for that matter don't appear to have, much, of an appetite while Alexandre, eats on, as if very much in the know of something. Martin eats interestingly, as if, concentrating on the food before him only, and very much appearing to finish up, on munching anything he puts into his mouth, without looking up but still, gazing at the food, on his plate.

The eating over about thirty minute ago, time finds us again, leaning by the metal railing, by the Riverway, as the crowds continue to surge on in number. In no time really the place, is packed to the brim as figures, from all over the world {Anglos really, and their friends}, on both sides of the Riverway appear, to be making all sorts of noises, as if in, celebration, of something. A fight breaks out somewhere and not too surprisingly enough, I later gather, its all over a girl. There are other such skirmishes in the crowds, and all on the otherside of the Riverway, with us watching it all from our side, as we attempt, to engage, in conversation. As all this is going on we mainly listening, to some screaming chicks, on both sides of the Riverway, saying nothing but apparently, saying much, as a bigger fight erupts, on the same side of the Riverway. It is over as soon as it started, but threatens to flare up again. I don't know what to think of it all, and when Alexandre says to me, its best we leave and I saying the same to Martin, he who on the otherhands, somewhat demands we stay much longer. There is some pushing on that very same side of the Riverway, to which we now all take, a rather big interest in, as it appears very much to be, getting out of hand. As this is going on to my surprise really, a rather large police convoy, shows up on the other side of the Riverway. There are hoot calls from the revelers there, on noticing the police, and the pushing becomes, even more aggravated. While all this is going on and everybody is watching, one of the police officers in the convoy towards the left end of the Riverway {we facing it}, pulls out a megaphone and speaking I believe in Aramaic, begins to ask the crowd, to disperse. More shouting though erupts from the crowd, which has by now stopped shifting vigorously, and is now simply apparently awaiting, more instructions from the police. As all this is still going on, out of no where really the surging returns, and this time more violent than before.The Police officer again speaks into the Megaphone, admonishing those doing the pushing I believe {as he speaks, while he points and his voice, seems to suggest it too}, and we turn again to look into the crowds, to see what their response will be. Pushing and surging still going on and we still, looking at the crowd, when suddenly and unexpectedly, a gun shot, appears to go off which makes all of us, on this side of the Riverway, to turn to look towards, the Police at our own timings, just in time too to see, one of the officers still having, an automatic firearm still raised, in the air. Crowd continues pushing {we are watching them again}, and we can distinctly hear, female voices screaming out, as the pushing keeps going on with apparently, no intention of quitting. It is then without too much, surprise, but with an equal amount of shock really, we see a teargas canister, fly through the air, into the crowds on the other side. At this moment I am standing there, watching everything and rather believing too, that the crowds on the other side, have absolutely nothing to do with us on this other side. The surging there has almost ended, as the folks there start to very much flee, the whole scene. It is while this is all going on, and not knowing what to expect when I hear, shouts of surprise from our crowd, and almost instinctively {and intelligently too}, look up in time, to see a teargas canister, flying straight into our side of the Riverway, and directly somewhat above me {and over to my back}. Pushing begins as the people on this side begin too, to flee 'our" scene. I am not really too excited or even, overexcited, as perhaps due to my euphemistic knowledge, of teargas which is said, to at the very least have one, crying. Coughing does exit the our crowd, as we all begin truly to flee, the whole scene as some screaming, from our crowds suggests probably, another teargas canister is in the works. I am off almost running but can't seem, to make my way out and look behind to wonder at, where Martin is. Martin is somewhat right behind me, as if awaiting me to lead the way, and this sudden and unknown pressure has me, seeking out Alexandre. The Riverway has buildings far apart on both its sides, housing restaurants and cafes in them. These buildings though are also separate, from each other with pathways and paths even, allowing for one to make it out, of the Riverway in many ways. We are running as the opposite crowd is too, through these pathways in many ways too, seeking successes as in escaping. Through them we go as our running, is heavily interrupted {if not moderated} by rushing, and then a slowing to a tee as we wonder, what could be the problem, upfront. Through one pathway and there, standing some distance from it {and apparently watching too}, are police officers in rioting gear. I hesitate a moment as I don't believe the officers, will not lay a hand on me, but voices from behind me suggest it best, that we all turn the corner, and keep on running {we all do this}. We are now somewhat jogging along, female voices from all over screaming out loud, when another gunshot has us totally, fleeing that scene. Martin is right by me, behind me, as we enter a pathway, that goes through a tunnel, and surprisingly enough connects us, to the other side of the Riverway {I do question, where the river is}. We are on the otherside, thinking it all really safe, just to be met, by a rather huge crowd waiting too, somewhat for the next to happen. The people there are different, different voices and smell rather different too, as we merge with them and are running or moving, to the back of the buildings on that side. At their back, we are moving again along with the Riverway, trees abounding everywhere, when some distance traveled we meet, with a police convoy, who almost immediately fire, a teargas canister into the crowd, and a gunshot to follow. Back inside the pathways between the buildings, we all rush in, and at this moment I am not looking out for Martin, as I expect him to be somewhat, behind me. Into the pathways and back onto the Riverway, and the opposite side too has people shouting out, and screaming too {women}, as they appear to very much claim, victory, over the police efforts. While still in there voices shouting suggest, that arrests are been made. Don't really know what that means, as I have never pictured myself in a police cell before, and while all this is going on, we now almost at a stance, still, with Martin looking around as if we made a rather big mistake, and are met, with a voice saying that the police have surrounded, the Riverway {in one way or another}. We don't actually believe this as we don't really see it, but on waiting some more we do discover that, both ends of the Riverway appear to be blocked, by the Police {the only escape roots left now, being the pathways}. Pushing and surging begins again and as it becomes more intense, someone in the crowd has the audacity I believe, to actually break one of the windows, of one of the cafes nearby. Totally startled are we all as we turn to look, at the madness ensuring somewhat in front us,when the police begin to move in, into the crowds, from both ends. A crowd mentality tells us the only escape routes left, are those only, through the pathways and we could probably, be arrested on that side too {through them}. Teargas canisters fired into the crowd, and the crowd now running somewhat speedily into the pathways {with some then surging back}, as both sides of the Riverway are somewhat closed, to escape as Police officers, wielding truncheons begin to flow into, the crowds themselves. There is some thwacking as people actually begin, to get thwacked, and me and Martin literally probably for the first time, truly noticing each other, start to take off for the pathways too. Our retreat is blocked by the very fact, that some of the crowd, actually surges back into the Riverway passage, to our almost surprise and even, instant shock. We are totally cornered with many though, still pushing ahead to get through, into the pathways. Me and Martin appear, to be at stand still wondering what to do next, as we somewhat watch police officers, encroaching on us from both sides, some thwacking away at whatever is on their path. We again look towards, one of the wider pathways before us, before to our instant shock see more, Police officers begin to make their way through it. It is all dashing now at the remaining pathways, roads blocked as people now, are dashing even attemptedly through the police convoys, in a bid to find a rather empty pathway, and make a break for it. Me and Martin are totally caught up in all this, and on my realizing {almost automatically}, that we could get arrested, even on passing unhurt between the approaching police, and seeing the the way before us almost blocked too {as the police allow, few people to get by them, as with escape really}, find myself turning, to look, at the flowing river behind me. Approaching officers, the thwacking still on, as one of the {now} escapees, in the passage who attempts to flee through the Police officers, gets a rather good and loud thwacking {to my almost dismay}, that has him on the ground, and has me automatically turning around, onto the railing and ready, to jump, into the river. I am not the only one who thought of this it appears to me, as when I did hit the river and eventually somewhat settle into it, did see other bodies in it, along with me {Martin included}. Across the river, swimming, climbing up the walls on the riverside {as I distinctly notice one of the police officers watching us}, are done with the climbing almost immediately, having found some new strength, to cling on the stones protruding somewhat, on the riverside walls, and eventually to the other, almost empty now, side of the Riverway, as some in the water are aided out, by those watching, from this side now of the Riverway. Out of the water, and Me and Martin, make a break for it, and eventually, make our way back home {with no talk between us, of our wet clothing}.

The next few days are spent alone, very much, although Martin does notify me, that some of the rioters were actually, arrested, and charged too. I don't really know what to make of all that happened, and Martin says naught about the jump, into the river. There are tales of some party revelers, leaving Israel apparently, in protest, but I do not take heed to any, of all that, as I am back to thinking about, our project, and not caring too much for the hedonistic world, out there. Many of my recent musings on the project idea, has me taking into account the State of Israel, and even Alexandre too. Its simply my belief {grandoise in nature}, that our Cult {Me and Martins}, can actually help deal, with Israels Hedonism, in a rather more appropriate way. I am though rather surprised, by the existence of the State of Israel, believing it to be nothing more really, than a Police force. More thought on all this though, has me connecting the dots really as in the role, that American Lobby groups {supporting Israel}, are involved in all this {so is Israels innovative economy, as with technology}. I don't really foresee us facing any problems really, as our Cult, is attempting to bring social change, and even too unite all the people, of Israel. In an Israel today where most, are seeking the perfect person {as even with perfect love}, I muse to myself the probability, of changing all this to a newer way, of relating between folks, based on enlightened personalities {an Israel, where one meets, the most, interesting and funny, of people}. I think of all this rather backwards, that is doing something socially, that attracts such folk to Israel {or even changes those, in Israel, to as such}. I also believe that our Cult, could bring together all Israelis {divided politically}, and in many ways perhaps, I find myself really formulating very much, the very concept of Systematic Identities {Identities that very well fit, into the various moods and emotions in a place}. Thats all really the Cult, has to do {create Systematic Identities}, and probably cultural environments too, they would very well fit into. Seems like a rather good idea to me {something St. Candidus herself would most likely think up too}, and in attempting to make it all real {as in actually seen}, I find myself eventually turning, to St. Alexander of Bergamo, for all this and more. In many ways though, the stage is set, theoretically, for everything else to be uncovered {and fit right in, into the theory proposed}.

Later on that same day, me and Martin have a late lunch together, in another side, of town {and far away it appears, from the Riverway}.