Sunday 5 February 2012

Israel and the New World (part 2)

Father Cornelius, seeks me new accommodation. Meet new people, formed together, by Father Cornelius. Make friends, with specific member, of group. Out for the evening. A fight. A walk to the old City. Small seminar announced. Surprise sighting.

Part the Second:

About a Week after the Seminar, Father Cornelius announced to me, that I would be moving to new accommodations, that would suit me much more better. It turned out, to be a hostel much farther, from the Parish, but not that too far. The hostel turned out, to be much larger than I expected it to be, and that was a rather pleasant surprise to me, having expected it, to be no different, from the Parish accommodation. Once inside the hostel and Father Cornelius having assured that I would be, shown, to my room, he bade me goodbye, and as I watched him partially leave, a female voice rang out to me, asking me to follow her, towards my room. Once in it and looking around too, rather pleased, I once again find myself putting my bag down, and start looking around again, as I wonder to myself, what, the future really holds in stock, for me. Once more, I find myself looking out of the window, which is on the third floor of the building, to a parking lot space at the back, of the hostel. Few cars in sight, and all white in colour and upon, my entering the bathroom and looking around to my satisfaction, I am back out into the room, and thinking: "okay!!".

I have some few things, in my bag including some books, one which I pull out and get a reading, as I pretty much wait, for the next, to occur. Three hours into the reading without much reading done though, as it is all constantly interrupted, by my own thoughts, a knock on the door and on, answering it, tells me that, Father Cornelius is awaiting me, down the stairs for a group meeting. I somewhat fold my lips to all this, and don''t know what to think, but after been given instructions to the meeting place, I am back in putting on my shoes, and then headed out, to Room AB, on the ground level. I eventually reach the room, having looked at almost all the room signs, before it, and as I approach it am rather, disappointed, to find that its a, small room in all. In it are Father Cornelius, and a few others who are all seated, as Father Cornelius appears to explain something to them, on a blackboard in the room. I am in looking directly at Father Cornelius, and then back at the rest of room, but eyes targeted on the unoccupied seats. Father Cornelius, does mention my name as I walk into, the room, and towards the opposite end, with windows on it to sit, on some chairs, arranged, along it. Father Cornelius is still talking as my eyes, begin to wander through the room, at all the occupied seats in it. One occupant does strike me as interesting, but I don't pay too much attention to him, as I get back to listening, to what Father Cornelius, has to say. It all turns out to be of interest to me. Father Cornelius, is speaking of a program, created for those, with interest in, bringing about change, in one way or another. Its a program by certain unnamed groups really, to help bring change of any sort based on, rather deep I believe theological insights. I find it all rather interesting hearing about, the problems in the World explained, Theologically, as at the very least it makes more sense, than hearing similar explanations, from, Science based groups. He appears to speak, of various problems, Physiologically, as with appealing to ones, 6 senses and how, distorting them can bring about, all kinds of, psychological conditions. Seems rather up my alley, my belief that we do, truly, live in a world, gone mad and with the crazies, dominating, democracy in all its outings. On Father Cornelius appearing to be done, talking, he pulls out a roll-call sheet, and starts marking in, who is present, at the session. Names called and hands somewhat, shoot up, as, faces too turn, towards the hands shooting up. I don't get most of the names called out, but one does stand out as the character, whom I perceived as being of interest, answers out with a raised hand, to the name, "Martin McGrave". I hear my name called out too, "Raphael Mukh'tada", and I raise my hand very much aware, of the faces turned, towards me. Roll-call done and Father Cornelius, announces to us that, we shall be meeting some moments on from the present, at the entry to the hostel, where other groups await us too. We are out of the room, some folks talking to themselves, as we all begin to make it back, out, to the fore of the hostel, and once at the entry simply stand around, as we find the other groups, already waiting there. Waiting and standing and not mingling with anyone, as I am not one to engage in what they call small talk, as it often seems, rather, totally meaningless to me. I watch a figure move away and it turns out, to be Martin, or, Martin McGrave really, moving towards a vendor machine, to get himself a soft drink {which turns out to be a coke}.

I do begin to think of what Father Cornelius, was talking about, amidst folks laughing somewhat, to themselves, and amidst too, a heavy drone of talk {appearing meaningless}, and his whole idea that, many problems out there, are in fact rather communal, and physiological in nature, does appear to make sense, if you at the very least believe, that most folks out there are kind of loopy. That I know through my readings of St. Thomas Aquinas, but the newer part of the problems really, been Physiological does have me thinking, as to what that really means. To me at the very least it appears that, Father Cornelius is saying really, that the world has gone nuts in some way or another, and the people out there are getting affected, physiologically by all this. Some might say, "sounds hocus pocus", but at the very least to me it does strike up, and fire up too, my imagination. We are ushered in, into a large hall at the front entrance, and as we all make it in looking around as if even worried, most eventually find themselves, standing, rather than seated. In no time another door to the hall, opens up and Father Cornelius and two others, make it into the room, one who then sets out for the podium. It turns out to be one of the Priests, the Rector, and as I turn to look at the other figure, find him not to be anyone, I know, although half expecting to see, the other priest I too dined with. The Rector who goes by the name, of Father Tedias, asks us to remain silent, as he begins to talk to us about the meetings, we just had. Everything has gone a bit too fast for me, and I kind of get the feeling that everything, should really be starting when in reality, it is all, coming, to an end. Father Tedias speaks somewhat with an Italian, accent, and as his rather booming and authoritative voice, rings out through the hall I begin, to keenly listen in, to what he has to say: "Many of you, already might have, a pretty good idea, of what, it is, we are doing here. Most of you perhaps, have been, to the closed door, meetings, we just held, and probably are wondering, what happens next. In the next few days, we shall be holding, another, seminar, where you shall all get, introduced, to newer members, who will guide you, through, what we really, expect of all of you. You have probably all heard, of what the next, few weeks probably hold, but if not, do make sure to pick up, some of the brochures at the entrance, on your way out. The details are in them, and we do expect to see you, at all the compulsory sessions outlined. Please do enjoy your evening, and do take heed, of all that has been, said. Thank you". And with that, Father Tedias exits the podium, and makes for the door, he just came through in.

I do make it to the front entrance again, and pick out some pamphlets, which I then consider taking back, to my room to look through. Back in the room and looking through the pamphlets, I begin to take notice and interest, in their contents as dealing, with the times of the sessions and their teachings respectively. I take interest almost immediately, as each of the sessions appear to be, of rather interesting lessons in themselves, as they all appear to teach one, how to take an idea had, to its manifestation. I like the whole thing, a process really, that appears to tell me that any idea, I have, can come to fruitation, on following the lessons, to their very ends. I get to thinking, as Ideas are as numerous to my mind, as Israel is, to the Middle East process. Later on I decide to go down, for a drink, and a snack, or two. There is a canteen nearby at the entrance, almost cafe like too from which, I order a sandwich and a coke, to take back to my room. I am going back to my room, and near the entrance the door next to mine, on my right a bit far too, opens up and out comes out, none other than Martin, or Martin McGrave. I see him and as I turn, to my door raise my hand, partially, as if in a salute, and say out a quick, hey. Martin returns the hey, with a finger point, and says too "You are Raphael Muk...", "Mukh'tada", I finish up for him, as he greets me I having met, his hand half way through. "Going back into your room", he says to which I nod, while saying "yeah", and as he walks away, while bidding me another goodbye, I see him walk away, and I am in, to the room, to get eating. Two hours later having eaten, and now reading while still thinking a knock, on my door almost, startles me as I somewhat make it quickly, to the door to see, who it could be. At the door standing there is Martin, and upon seeing me and greeting me again with a hey, wonders if I want to come on down, as he and a few others are going out. 'Okay!', I find myself saying as I pick up a jacket, and speedily put on my shoes as Martin waits outside, the door. Done, and we are out and headed on downwards talking crap really. At the ground level we are met by a rather, small group made up of, about three people whom it appears, to me have been put together by Martin himself {in many ways, they seem very surprised, to see me}. Two are males Israelis, and one a female, Israeli too but appearing to me, to be somewhat, German. We are out and walking on to, somewhere, with none of us really saying much {lots of unwarranted attention I believe, on my part}. Martin is intending to get everything going, as with talk really or speech, even, without too much of a success, while the girl in the group, a Katharina, appears to be answering, blindly, to anything Martin says. Small talk at hand and mostly sightseeing on my part, as I let Martin handle, any conversation that strikes up. We are soon at a part of the town, that looks very much western as I notice, line along line, of cafes lined up, along the street. We are soon inside, one of the Cafes, looking rather, English too, as we head on, to a table, and I quickly look around thinking, that its very much, a donut shop. We are all seated and immediately almost too, a waitress shows up to take our orders, as I begin to feel a stingy sensation, on my skin. I have been in such situations before, and as orders are made for coffee, and yes too, donuts, I find myself ordering, a coke, and a chicken sandwich to go with, as I sit back and think knowingly, why the evening will turn out, abysmally. I feel I believe Katharinas eyes, on me, and notice too very much that, Johannes and Joachim, seated across next to me seem to have, noticed me. I don't really get along too well with most people out there, other than French, and Italian folk. And as small talk pursues I feel very much, preoccupied in distress as I hopefully hope, Martin will take control of everything. Talk turns to nothing much really but the familiar, where are you from stuff, and as Martin attempts, to make Berlin, a topic of, interest, we all pretty much, sit back and watch or hear, rather desperately in my opinion, him doing so.We are out of the Cafe eventually, and headed out towards another destination, with Martin not talking too much, but with Katharina saying stuff to him, as Johannes attempts to have me talking too. We arrive at a partying spot, more of a city square with a fountain in the middle, of it all, and all kinds of folks standing around talking, and when we arraign ourselves along a riverway, with our backs to the railings, Johannes and Joachim eventually excuse themselves, to join another group a bit far. It is me, Martin and Katharina, left, and as Martin engages her in conversation of sort, I mostly listen in, judging it all, with a misbelieving attitude really. Talk centers on Germany, but eventually turns to talk, about the connections, if any really, between Germany and Israel. I see Katharina as German, but Martin appears to see her, as someone who goes in between, Israel and Germany, while Katharina seems to claim, she is somewhat totally Israeli.Katharina claims that Germanys', connections to Israel, are rather secular if not, cultural, but Martin appears to think, they play a major role, in Israels economy. To me though, having heard of Germanys connection, to Israel, do see it more, from the perspective of, trading {that Germany is Israels, largest trading partner, and in many ways too, handles, their trade}. It makes sense to me I ponder to myself, somewhat, with an Italian retinence, but Martin appears to believe, the ties between Germany and Israel, to be militaristic in nature, and even the possibility that, Mossad, has an office, in Berlin. Katharina seems to be somewhat persistent, in stating really that, she is Israeli, offhandly, and that in truth she knows, nothing much, about Germany. I on the otherhand believe she truly knows, nothing much, of Israel. Israel is a rather strange place, and in many ways from what I know of it, appears to be filled with all sorts of opportunists. In many ways too though, these opportunitists unlike those, in other parts of the world, tend, to be, rather organized, if not, in a militaristic manner. In many ways too, they appear to resemble, French Revolutionary 'opportunists', such as, the Sans-culottes, who although having, a basis, in protesting, during the French Revolution, appeared too, to be out, for power, of any kind. In many ways one does find that, their basis rather strong, but as they move along towards the, end ground, everything appears, to fall apart including, civilization itself. As we are standing there still talking, a fight breaks out, and we all turn to look behind us, as we are all rather amazed, at whats happening. Martin seems totally fazed, at the idea of two westerners, fighting each other, on the other side of the riverway. Katharina herself is dumbfounded as she appears, to wonder why two Israelis, would do this. I on the otherhand watch it all, as the case of two opportunists, settling scores that were simmering, underneath, their way to power. They appear to fight as if, out, to eliminate each other {with a fatal blow, of a kind}. The fight over and Katharina even looking away, partially ashamed, we begin to make our way back, to the Hostel without too much, talk, between us. We arrive there and me and Martin, part ways as Katharina, heads on towards, to her destination.

On the very next day I get invited, to take a walk to the old City, and simply look around. The group consists only, of me, Katharina and Martin, with no sighting, of Johannes or Joachim, who did not accompany us either, on our way back from the outing, yesterday. We take a bus there and eventually alight, at a stop with a small shopping arcade, near it. The shopping arcade appears, to be the very entrance to the old City. We begin walking in without too much, talk, but with Martin attempting, to get something, going. He talks of the shops nearby, the people, the weather, and even, the Ice cream vendor nearby too, as he asks us both, if we want any. Meaningless talk if not humourous I find myself thinking for I do realize, I do like Martin as I feel, comfortable around him, comfortable enough to tell, Katharina something stupid. As we walk along the question, of Religion does pop up, as both Katharina and Martin, wonder towards me, if I am Religious {as in practising religion itself}. I deny doing so really, but instead making it known, somewhat, that I am rather somewhat well acquainted, with the idea of Religion itself. As we make it along with Martin appearing now, to make dumb statements to the both of us, I begin to think of the old City, and Religion itself as Katharina, pretends not to hear Martin or think him funny. The old City appears to be, rather Christian and even, Islamic, other than, Judaic. The main form of Christianity practised, is Russian Orthodox, but there is too an, Islamic presence, as with preachers and even, some rather small mosques {or praying spots actually}. The Jewish presence appears to be, rather inexistent and none of the people, appear, to be Jewish {apparently they all mostly, left, to settle in Turkey, with the Ottomans}. In most ways Israel, is rather Christian and Islamic, and instead one finds that, it is Turkey, that is mostly Jewish and not, islamic really, as most believe it to be. There are some historic sites on the way, including too, a Theban cross, which has its origins, in, Egyptian Coptic Christianity. The Theban cross is of great interest to me, as it is a cross that I pretty much like. It is too rather a draconian kind of cross, as practise associated with it, requires one to be, rather upright at all times and failure to be so, leads one, to a great misfortune, unaware. One has probably seen the picture, of a matyr like figure holding on, to a cross while appearing surrounded, by molten lava itself, and holding tightly, hoping, not to fall into the lava. In many ways thats what, the Theban cross is very much like, as with regards to practise. I do find myself asking as we walk along "Are all these Israelis?", with Martin somewhat turning towards me, and saying, "I guess so". Not what I expected as I can obviously see, they are not to me Israelis {and all looking rather European, as with their facial structures}. Israel appears very much in many ways, to be a melting pot, of unlikely, immigrants. In many ways too it appears, people are drawn to it, for no apparent good, reason, at all. As a result one does not know, how to make sense, or order really, of everything without perhaps, the religious presence in the place. In all really if an Israeli, does not claim, to be Islamic, Christian or, Jewish, one does not really know, whom they are at all. Israeli is not a true Identity, that one can use to define another {other than associating it perhaps, with the military}. I find myself somewhat rather noticing, the religious symbols along the way, and in some ways too find myself, identifying with them in one way or another. I do look around to see if there is, any religious symbol particularly Israeli, by nature, and while I do spot the Islamic Crescent and Moon, I know that it truly instead, represents the whole, Islamic world. The Russian Orthodox cross appears to me, to be rather Russian by nature, and I guess whats left really, of all this, are the Religious books/works, all around that one, could identify with, and are not, mainstream religion. The Koran does strike my eye, but in all I do find myself, thinking, mainly, of the Theban cross, which appears to me to be, historical, and at the very center, of, the historic evolution of israel.

On the very next day after, our, first scheduled lesson, Father Cornelius announces that, a seminar will be held, after the class to have us, started on, brainstorming, on our prospective ideas. The seminar to be first held, in the main hall before, we are to be divided, into our respective groups with a mentor, kicks off almost immediately, and as we stand in the hall again, this time with our respective groups, Father Tedias announces that, the goal of the seminar, will be to have us meet, with our respective mentors. We are ushered off to our respective meeting places, which turn out to be rooms, with see through window paneling and seats, that suggest in many ways, a lounge instead. Once seated on the somewhat curved seats, and others standing nearby, we wait some time before, Father Cornelius walks in, into the room, with a new member, a Man I immediately recognize, as being of, Saudi ancestry. Father Cornelius introduces the Man, as Simon Mukh'tala, and after the introduction and the Man himself, asking to know us by name, somewhat nods apparently knowingly too, on my saying, 'Raphael Muk'tada'. I don't usually go by the name Raphael, as I have discovered that living, in this rather Anglociszed world we are in, most tend to know me as Ralph {in other parts of the Middle East, I am somewhat fondly known as, Mukhi}. The Man immediately gets down to business, as he wonders aloud what we think, he can do for us. Some say he is there, to be a guide. Others say, he is there, to lead them on {or even, correct them}. Some believe he is there, to listen to their ideas, and in many ways, shape them. I believe he is there, to improve on my ideas. The first session turns out to go, rather slowly as none of us, seem, to have, any good ideas really thought up {I have one, but find it, rather, radical, to explain out}. He does however ask us, to throw out some suggestions. On doing this he sits back, as if expecting to hear the mundane. Someone talks, of the Zambia, and the attempt, to rehabilitate, a community apparently torn apart by ethnic violence. He likes that, although, he appears to have heard it all before. Another group, surprisingly it turns out {to the audience that is}, speaks of Germany, and attempting to turn a certain, formerly East German town, into an Eco-City of a sort. Interesting too, but I believe, as the Man does too I believe, none of us are too interested, in living, in an Eco-City. Martin does say something, and he suggests he wants to work on, a project involving semiconductors. The man Simon Mukh'tala, appears to take interest and asks Martin, if he has any foreseeable ideas {after all, semiconductors, and very good ones too are as cheap, in Israel, as milk is, around the world}.

Our group eventually splits, into smaller groups and I find myself, partnered with Martin, as the Man himself goes around, the newly formed groups, listening in, to their ideas. He eventually reaches our newly formed group, as Martin is saying something, about Semiconductors. I am partly interested in what he has to say, as I pretty much know, the theory of how, semiconductors are supposed to work, but am not convinced, of their actual working, with regards, to the software. To me in many ways, its all talk.The Man, Simon Muk'tala, does reach our group, and Martin almost immediately, begins, to talk again somewhat, of his idea and semiconductors. He does not really know what he wants to do with them, and hopes to hear of some great ideas. On hearing all this, and quickly looking at me, the Man wonders, if either of us, have heard of, System Processes. I nod my head to this while Martin, says a rather emphatic no, and the man then asks me, to explain to Martin what, System Processes are, as he runs off, to another group. I don't really know what to tell Martin, as I am somewhat prone to explain most things, from a historic sense. I do tell him though, that Systems Processes in the Middle East, have their origins with an Italian immigration, to the Middle East, and their creating, a theory, on the operations, of systems and not, networks. In many ways I tell him, figure out, a system {as with a process really}, that can actually tune in, to the thoughts of another system out there, and use such thoughts as a feedback loop, to create a reality, as with the process itself. Sounds totally nuts but Israel, and especially Tel Aviv, are one,of the most, best run places in the World, due to their having mastered, Systems Processes. Martin sounds dumbfounded as in even, wanting to ask how I know all this. The man returns soon after and asks us, and especially Martin if he is aware, of what Systems Processes mean. Martin shakes his head knowingly, and Mukh'tala then tells us, of how really to enhance, on the whole idea. "Israel, is not, what, you expect it to be" he begins, "as nothing much, goes on hear", he finishes. "In many ways, its a rather, boring place, and thats because, peoples, enthusiasm in general, tends to die off, rather quick". "In many ways too, business here, is, rather difficult, as people lose, interest, in things, rather fast". "What I would say to you, is this", he continues, "I want you, to think up, any, kind of system, that allows one, to pick up on, the thoughts of others, and is even, capable, of sending them, to those, who might, deem them interesting". He looks at us, rather blankly, and I think, "sounds rather nuts". Martin does not know what to say, and I believe that our Minds, are blocked by the very idea, of how to implement, semiconductor technology, in all this. It is my belief that even, if we do get it right then, at the very least, the software, will still fail us.The Man has already, left the group, and I am thinking to myself as Martin appears, to be totally blank, on all this. He does return again, to hear our new thoughts, and asks specifically, to hear what, I have to say. I don't really know what to say, but i find myself rearing towards, the lawfulness angle, of it all. Simon, appears, to know very much what I mean, but he points out an alternate angle, which would be considered, illegal, in this age. He tells us, of old day Israel, and how it pretty much functioned "In those days, just like today, nothing much, happened, and Israel, was still, very much, a bore". "However though, they did have certain religious sects, that somewhat practised, some forms of magical practises, wherein if, the energy levels, in the place fell to a low, their practises raised the energy, and enthusiasm levels, and in many ways too, instilling them, with positive thoughts. Today though, many find that illegal, and attempting to actually, find out what others are thinking, is legal". I find myself pondering what he has to say, as he leaves our group again and Martin, seems somewhat really, totally, dumbfounded, as I can pretty much see, he does not think of things, from a religious or organizational, perspective. In many ways, he is all, business.

The seminar ending Martin and I, head off towards the Hostel, with our thinking, our very own, thoughts. Martin is not one to say, what he is feeling really, and I do sense that, he is not too happy, with the organizational perspective, I had put forward to him. On the other hand really, his business perspective makes no sense, and is likely to meet, some legal offsets before, he makes it through, to the dreaded game, of staying afloat amongst, declining business. As we head back in the late evening, towards the Hostel, Martin does ask if, I am game for going out that night, which I decline too, stating that, I feel rather tired. As we walk along towards, the Hostel, I notice a small shop along, the way, with the Occitan Cross, on it, to my surprise {the Occitan cross, is believed, to be a shortened, version, of the Theban cross}, and in many ways, it stands out rather strongly, as if coming straight, from the past, and even awakening me, to such existences. It flashes across my eyes, as I eerily gaze at it, and it appears to be stamped on my memory, as I wonder to myself why, it somewhat frightens me. We are back at the Hostel, and I to my room as Martin, bids me goodbye until, the next day, and prepares to go out, for the night.