Friday 3 February 2012

My Confessions (part 11)

In continuum…………

“In Utopia not working is never an option. Nor is there any excuse for idleness. There are no taverns or ale-houses, no brothels or opportunities to be corrupted, no cases decites or secret meeting-places. Everybody, in full view of everybody else, gets on with his or her job and makes good use of their free time. In a system where the people have customs such as these, there is bound to be plenty of everything. Moreover, if – as is the case – wealth is distributed equally, it will come as no surprise that there are no paupers or beggars.

The inhabitants of Utopia, discuss such things as virtue and pleasure. But their first and chief subject of debate is the source and nature of human happiness. During supper there is always music, and after the meal a variety of sweets are served. They also burn incense and spray the hall with scent. They joyfully embrace the principle that ‘all pleasures are legitimate, provided that they do no harm.’ That is what life is like for the Utopians.”

Utopia, Book II

Thomas More

11.00 a.m

Hong Kong Standard Time

Tuesday, September 29th

I wake up, running late, for nothing in particular too, though I am supposed, to be meeting someone, at around, 12:00 p.m. I have been living in Hong Kong now, for about, 7 months really, and about too even, 10 years, since, I did leave the Swahili coast. I am out of my bed, luxurious looking even, in a small Hotel too really, somewhere, in Hong Kong City, which I jump out off too {while, noticing, the luscious even looking in all, black, coverings, across the bed}, and start to make my way too, towards, the shower really. Hong Kong, is a rather interesting place, and much bigger, than most believe it to be, it actually too, being, an Archipelago, rather, than an Island, as many, have often, been made to believe. Out of the shower in a jiffy, dressed up too, I begin to make my way, out of my apartment-room in all, and, head on towards, the meeting spot, I am supposed in all too, to be meeting, a certain, Paul Hum really.

Out of my apartment-room in all again, and heading on outside into the streets of Hong Kong City, and, via too, a back entry in all really, I, can’t help but, feel excited, or even, great exuberance too really, at the very fact even, of, actually in all perhaps, being, in Hong Kong really. Hong Kong, is a great place in all really, but many of its peoples, don’t truly, appreciate this fact {they believing perhaps, that, they are in all, simply more westernized, and in Arthurian fashion too, than even, Japan really}. To me though, it is not, that Hong Kong City, is somewhat Arthurian in all, that does excite me, but truly really, the peoples of Hong Kong themselves, who are amongst in my opinion {and to my sensibilities too even}, the more, funnier, humorous, and even, engaging in all, people too, you will find out there really {even moreso, than, Americans actually}. How does one though, actually handle or deal with things really, as with the case of me even, running late, for my meeting, with Paul Hum. This in many ways, is truly, what lies even, at the very heart, of Hong Kong life, as with my having coming to know, that just about, every moment of living in Hong Kong, calls for one, to deal with, or handle or tackle even, something, that requires, ones attention in all really. In many ways too, I do perceive this in all, being the main reason, why, many of Hong Kongs peoples, are not too happy with themselves, as with my noticing even, that, they in all, attempt to deal with {or handle stuff for instance even}, in a rather, stiff, anglo-saxon manner, which they falsely even, presume perhaps, to be, actually, European culture really. How to deal though, with my late engagement, does not bother me really, as in many ways too, dealing with things in general, and as a ‘European Moor’ too even, calls, upon, my using even, my natural abilities, in the fighting art, of Sharpshooting Wrestling {which in many ways, is somewhat truly too, how, I actually am all for Sparta} {and the greatest Warriors too really, of them all }. It is here though, as with my running across a group, I am somewhat acquainted with, and my in all, actually doing {or performing even}, a flying back side kick, and landing somewhat appropriately even, and with my looking too, at the group, whose names I never do really mention, whenever, I do see them, but instead, somewhat run up to them, and, introduce myself, and cordially really too. I do know Chen, one amongst the group, who is the most, engaging, of them all, as with he even, questioning really, my, philosophical sensibilities, on just about, anything of interest. This time though, they simply just look at me, and somewhat, make small frowns, and with shaking nodding heads, turn back, to their conversation, while I somewhat too, head off {fastly even}, towards, the meeting place, I am supposed in all, to be meeting, with Paul Hum.

That’s whom, Bruce Lee, was actually, to Hong Kong {he knew, how to deal, or handle things, in such a way, that, he never did have perhaps, have, a single problem, while, living, in Hong Kong}. Running around somewhat Hong Kong City now {or walking fast really}, I can’t help, but, think of Bruce Lee, and the olden times, that have ceased in all, to exist, in many ways, and in the World really. Let me explain myself more clearly, and hopefully too, help many understand even, whom, Bruce Lee, truly was. We live today, in a rather, highly Sociological World, with many, not knowing truly, what, this, does truly mean. It means really, that, whenever we are faced, with any kind of problem really {and even, of the handling kind too}, we often, immediately even, tend, to seek out, a Sociological solution, to it all {this meaning, we actually look, for a place, in our cities even perhaps, we can go to, to in all, solve or deal, with the problem actually}. Historically though, Humans, have been, rather Psychological, in nature, as with when they in all, did face, any problem really, they looked at it, from, the psychological perspective, and, would then in all too, seek out, psychological solutions, to it all {whether it be, prayer even, a condiment, or even too perhaps, a ‘Philosophy’ of a kind really}. That’s whom, we were, in the old days, with the modern ways though, sociological too, and unknown to many, having with them, the most interesting, of origins really: the Swahili. For it was the Swahili actually unknown to many, traveling to Victorian London {and filled even, with the chaos, seen, in the world of Dickens}, who, did decide, to introduce, the Sociological, and into London itself really, which, with time {and with the Victorians too even}, would, spread all over, the World, and result, in the modern ways too, we do live by. Living, in the Sociological, requires, rather different mindsets, from, those, of the Psychological, with, many though, still, adhering, to the Psychological, while for instance though, problem solving today in general, would perhaps, best be associated {philosophically speaking too that is}, with, Martial Arts even, rather, Sociological in their ways {such as those, seen, amongst the Swahili, which, too even really, became, Victorian in their ways, as with the case, of Stick Cane fighting, many, often do associate, with Victorian Social figures, but, emanating truly, with, the Swahili actually} {a good example of this, can be seen, in a source such as ‘Raising Cane’ by Octavio Ramos}. Interesting Martial Arts, that have one, highly, thinking, in a Sociological sense {as with even, the, very modern idea, of, Social esteem really}, and the attempt in all too, to always, look, respectful, in, just about, any place and time really.

Bruce Lee though, was, many things, to Hong Kong, and the World even perhaps. For it was by him, other than the Sociological, that, I did in all, seek, to refer to, as, with his having even, created, the, rather highly Psychological, Martial Art, of Jeet Kune Do, whose, philosophies in general {and as with problem solving too really}, worked, rather well, even, in the Sociological realm. The ‘career’ of Bruce Lee, can, be said, in many ways really, to have been threefold. First off, you have the Wing Chun Years, which taught him perhaps {and in many ways too really}, how, to be truly, ‘Hong Kong’ {and, not, Cantonese either} {as with my even knowing, that, the general culture of handling or dealing with things really, and at all times even, in Hong Kong, makes the people truly in all, not, Cantonese/Chinese actually, but, in all really, ‘Hong Kong’ actually}. Second in ways, was he having become truly, a Free Form Fighter, so excellent in his ways, he, could take upon, 50 opponents, at about the same time even {and, with Bruce even, having, gained infamy in the Middle East, Oman and the Emirates really, for actually, beating up, people, who believed, his ways, were in all, outmoded} {unknown to most too really, Bruce Lee, actually, made, most of his movies, in, the Middle East, Oman, and, not Hong Kong, as, many, do falsely believe even}. It was this Bruce Lee to me actually, that in many ways in all, did truly exemplify, what, Life was truly about {as, with the Psychological even, and the concept too really, of Spirit}, as with he even, unknown to most truly, having, become, a Philosopher {par excellence} {but many in all, not, appreciating this, due, to the hesitant like manner, he, often, expressed himself in, while speaking, in English}. His Jeet Kune Do years {or movie making years too really}, were to me in all, appreciated really, only, mainly, via his Movies, and especially, the ‘Big Boss’ too really.

Arriving close to my appointed destination, I do wonder if, Paul Hum, is still waiting along, knowing him, to be actually perhaps, but wondering really, how, to deal, with Hong Kong social customs, that do frown in all, on truly, being late, and in any way really. Arriving, at the interestingly even, placed, outside restaurant-café, I do notice, Paul Hum, getting ready, to munch on something, with a female companion {younger than he}, close by, and another seat too, I do notice to be empty in all, but, perceive really, to be occupied somehow {by someone else}. I walk up somewhat, cordially even, to Paul Hum, and in many ways, before, my speaking, have, him notice me, by, sight really in all. “Ed”, he somewhat says, as he looks quickly away from his meal, and then around, before his even, pointing, at a distant table in his view somewhat, to, which again, he does ask me, to draw out, a chair from, and place it, somewhat, near by him. I do this, while noticing his companion, wondering too, whom she could be, as Paul Hum, is, a kind of loner in all, but one too really, I am prone to like, he, in all too actually, being, of Japanese descent really. Seated next, or somewhat by him even, I can’t help, but notice or hear out even, his voice, somewhat say “Want something to eat?!!!”, to which too in all, I somewhat, don’t, truly take to, as with my having, come, to develop really, a habit in all, of eating perhaps, in certain spots really, and in Hong Kong City too {and my behind my head thinking, I, will get something in all, to eat, later on really}. Lynn, his womanly companion, Hum that is, is, somewhat talking, to Paul Hum {as I sit myself fully too, comfortably even, into my seat}, about, a looming trip, to Europe, that Hum in all, does, not seem really, to care about. Lynn, or Lynn Chen even, is actually, Asian-Canadian really, and I kind of know her this way {with Asian-Canadians too, being the only Canadians, I do communicate with, or like even} {and with the exception perhaps, of both, Avril Lavigne, or Celine Dion even}, and I somewhat attempt, to make this known, and perhaps best really, via, a facial expression of a kind {and as with somewhat knowing her really}, which, she does not take to, in most ways really {though I do believe, she, does somewhat, recognize, it too really}. Lynn is attempting, to ask or tell even, Paul Hum, to take a break, from his job/work {and as a Police Informer too}, and travel with her, to Europe {which I then do believe, as with even, a subconscious hint on her part, the reason, for her, not, taking to me somewhat really}. Paul Hum on the otherhand, is still rather undecided on all this, as with him appearing even, to want really, to visit, France, and not, Germany, as Lynn really wants him to. I don’t really know, what the Hullabaloo, about Europe is, anymore. Many I believe, don’t truly know, Europe as it is today {African somewhat}, or even, as it really was {believing it, to have been, like, Victorian England in all really}. Lynn, somewhat too even, like Paul Hum, is what you could call, a Dilettante. A person in all, Artsy in their ways {playing a violin here and there, or taking even, an English History course at their university really}, and then falsely believing themselves somewhat, and in many ways too really, European {and with the Dilettante too actually, the general intelligent being, associated in all really, with the Victorians}. Europe is dead, and as Lenny Kravitz even, once did proclaim really, “RocknRoll is dead”, for many truly too, did not see, Europe, as it once really was {with they in general, falsely presented, with an image of Europe, highly material in its ways, when Europe in the past really, was not in all, about this}. Whom were the Europeans {as with my saying even, modern Europeans in all, could somewhat, be called, ‘Afro-Europeans’ (and as with they even, having, gone somewhat, African in their ways really)}. To fully understand Europe, and especially as said, to someone like Lynn {obviously in love too, with the Victorians, and not, Europe, or Canada/Vancouver too either}, would be to say, that Europe, was truly all about, Communications really. For in no other part of the World, did Communications in general, reach, such high levels, that, they in all, turned, Europe itself, into, a Paradise of sorts really. Today though, modern Europe is in all, highly stunted, with regards really, to, Communications really, with they in all, actually, being perhaps truly, ‘Africaine’ in their ways {and life in Europe too, generally mirroring, that, seen, in Africa really}. In many ways too, seeing Europe primarily, from its Communications, would help one in all too really, understand even, European Architecture {which many in all, heavily falsely assume, White really} {as with European Architecture too really, truly Arthurian in its ways, and designed in all, from understanding, European Communications truly}. That’s probably, how Lynn, does falsely see Europe {its Architecture}, which she perhaps even, falsely assumes too, White in all, with my perhaps in all, making it known {as with an education even}, that White in Europe, was always truly, Robin Hood {and not ‘Arthur’ either}. Europe is dead, I would say to her, its old customs gone, and with time perhaps, to be reduced to the levels even, of African ‘bootyshaking’ morons {and as with Communications too even }, and as with those even too, seen often, in many, of Europes danceclubs really.

“Bishops, plainly neglecting worship, benedictions and other such religious ceremonies, live like kings and almost seem to believe that it is a mark of cowardice unbecoming to a bishop to offer up his valiant soul to God anywhere other than on the battlefield.

And how sharp-eyed they are when it comes to looking to see if they can find in any of the writings of the ancients something that will strike fear into the hearts of the wretched people to coerce them into paying them more than the tithe that is their due! Not even the tonsure serves to remind them that a priest should shun all the desires of this world and fix his thoughts on heaven and heavenly matters.

In the same way, the pontiffs, who are so diligent when it comes to collecting money, delegating all their arduous apostolic work to the bishops, the bishops to the heads of the churches, the latter to their vicars, and the vicars to the mendicant friars, whom following their example, entrust to the sheep shearers.”

Chapter LX. Concerning the bishops

[Erasmus of Rotterdam]

Talk of Europe though, tends to deaden me somewhat, as many are still under the impression, that the old European ways, manners and courtesies too even, are still very much alive. Paul for instance, seems to want to tell Lynn in all, that he would rather, visit, France, than Germany too really, as Lynn in all does proposes. I kind of know Paul Hum, in a way I like, and in a way too, that Lynn in all, does, not take into account: the very way, he does Communicate. Paul being in all, of Japanese descent, does know something in all too really, about, Oral Communications {and as compared too even, to Speech Communications really}. Unknown to most out there, the vast majority of the World, tends to use, Speech Communications, in their ways, and not, Oral Communications {with the exception truly, of three places, in the World: Kenya, Japan, and France too even}. Oral Communications in general, speak of in many ways, talking perhaps, using, a drawl in all, which in all too, is the very way, I do often, communicate, with Paul Hum {and with Hong Kong too, and with the exception of Bruce Lee too also, using, a not well formed really, form of Speech Communications in all}. In many ways truly, Oral Communications, being higher, than Speech Communications, once made Kenya, a rather wealthy and prosperous country in all really, before, its Communications levels, were lowered in all, to those, of African Speech Communications levels, which at their best, are similar, to what you do see, in, a 50cent Rap music video. Europe is dead again I say, knowing most out there, to acquaint Europe, with its Architecture, and not truly realize even, that European history, is much older, than they in all think it to be. In my perspective in all, Europes history really, can be seen, from the following four perspectives really: Nature, Communications, Architecture, and European Culture too really. It is the first two phases one could say, that most don’t ever talk about {as with my knowing even, that Sherwood Forest, is actually located, in Blackpool}. From a Nature based living really, comes then in all, a time, of Communications Development in Europe in all, and all too really, shaped in all too, by Mozart, Hood (Robin that is), and ‘Arthur’ too even. In many ways too really, European Communications, are probably in all, best hidden, in traditional European music, and in the form of Song too really, as with the case even, of Arthurian Bluegrass Music {which is still, the native music in all really, of Europe } {and not, Irish Celtic Music either}. Bluegrass Music, that I still to this day, use to define myself {especially as averse, to ‘the African’}, and in many ways in all too, at the very heart, of, what does truly define me, as a ‘European Moor’ really.

Heading off away, from the restaurant-café, with Paul Hum, who is still not committed, to Lynns plans in all, does see me too, looking around, Hong Kong City, as we in all, walk back, to Paul Hums working place, and as a Police Informer {and at a somewhat too, closeby, Police Station }. Looking around me, at the Arthurian Celt designs seen, in Hong Kong {and not British, as many falsely believe}, I, do realize, that most people in Hong Kong, are not truly aware, of their surroundings even, as with they even truly, not acknowledging, that Hong Kong, is truly, one of the best places in the whole World, you could possibly want to live in {and as with Lynn even, showing, great enthusiasm, in visiting Europe itself too}. Whom are the peoples of Hong Kong truly {other than the fact too really, they are darker skinned in all, than the average Chinese really}. The History of East Asia, is much older too, than most, believe it to be, and with it even, having, a surprising even truly, origin: the Arab world. A version in all, of East Asian History, never truly appreciated by East Asians in all, as with they truly even, never, coming, to really love themselves as they are, but instead in all, heavily, defining themselves really, based around, the rather even, poor, Speech Communications levels, seen in East Asia today {and based around comparisons even, to ‘anglo-saxon’ speech really} {they in all truly, don’t, see themselves, as I would perhaps}. East Asia’s origins, and as with Civilization even, is acquainted in all, with China, but with the missing component, of the Arab world really, to make it all clear. For unknown to most again, it was the Swahili Shiraz Arab, that in many ways truly, did lay the ground, for the creation, of Civilization, in East Asia in general really. They did this, by coming even, to strongly rather influence, the general Communications in all, seen, in East Asia {which, are actually, Swahili like}. To make this even more clearer, is to speak of, what these general Communications were, as, unknown to most, they consisted of, spreading a general culture, that came in all, to, define East Asia, at its very core even: East Asian traditional music, East Asian Weapons fighting arts, and general even, East Asian Speech {and the reason why, even Japanese really, does somewhat, sound, like Kiswahili}. To me, a romantic version of East Asian History {as with my knowing even, Swahili cultural ways really}, but one, never truly appreciated, due perhaps in all today really, to modern Hong Kongs, rather huge even, Publishing Industry {and of Magazines too mainly}. A Publishing Industry in all, that attempts in all too, to tell, not only, the peoples of Hong Kong, how to act and behave in all {and in an ‘anglo-saxon’ manner too really}, but an Industry too in all again, geared too even, towards, the rest of East Asia {and in many ways too, heavily even, responsible, for splitting, Asia, into two, distinct, Political Speheres : East Asia, and Southeast Asia}. Whom could one say, are the peoples of Hong Kong in general, and, why is Japan, to this very day, still, the most important country in all, in East Asia really {and Asia too even}? As with even perhaps, my, indulging myself in all this {and as with even knowing and saying, that East Asians don’t truly know me}, would be to say, that, while the general Japanese Intelligent being, is Samurai in all even {and in all too perhaps really, a Warrior-Teacher}, people in Hong Kong, could at the very least in my opinion, see themselves {and as with general Intelligence too really}, as Warrior-Priests {with the Priest part too, somewhat, Arthurian in its ways, as this in many ways in all, would, make the people of Hong Kong City, comfortable really, in their environments} {for that’s how perhaps, one, does generally live in Hong Kong: as a Priest of a kind really}. In many ways though, to consolidate all this, would be to give, Hong Kong, an archetypal figure {along the lines of Samurai}, to help see themselves, as Warrior-Priests, and not, falsely believe themselves {as with their true potential in all really}, to be akin in all, to, the celebrities, they do see, covered really, in, magazines, published in all too, by, Hong Kongs Publishing Industry.

Arriving at the Police precincts, and my following Paul Hum somewhat in, with though, most of the peoples in it, not, taking, too much offence really {as I do know, how, to walk in, an Arthurian official manner really}, we do head on, towards, the back, to where someone else, an assistant Police Informer too, Philip Lo, is seated, while, talking to some, of the other part-time staff, and mainly too even, a certain, Cathy Lu really, who, is somewhat, busily, working away really, while, still paying attention, to what, Philip, is saying. “Maybe I should try becoming a real cop or something” says Philip Lo, while still somewhat, looking, at Cathy, and her on the otherhand, somewhat bending her neck swiftly, and in a response too even, while I do find myself saying {having, come, to be somewhat comfortable with the part-time staff}, “you could then change your name, to Johnnie Lo”, which I do finish up saying, while, think of Philip, and as a cop really. “Whats up”, says Paul Hum, as he closes in by the group, and while speaking too even really, specifically, to Philip Lo, while in the distant somewhat, I, do hear, Cathy Lu, somewhat say openly, “Johnnie Lo, fast-cop shooter”. “Nothing much” says Philip back to Paul, while distinctively even, noticing me really, and, I somewhat too, looking subconsciously even, towards, Cathy Lu really. I have thought many a time even, of finding employment in Hong Kong somewhat, knowing that, its pretty much, possible, despite the pervading, East Asian mentality, on, how, things in general, should happen really. Upon my arrival, 10 months ago, I had looked through Hong Kongs even, rather interesting magazines and newspapers, seeking, to see, what work I could find {part-time even}, in a Hong Kong too, totally ridden, by, Economists really, and of all kinds too even {and preferably Harvard educated too really}. In my opinion though, and thinking as an Analyst too, the ideal employment really in Hong Kong, would probably perhaps best be, a Market Analyst really. My seeing this, has me thinking, of becoming, a Dating Specialist, as with my truly knowing, one could very well do this work, from, a Market Analyst perspective, and, not, the Cultural {as, most around the World, do so today}. Walking around a Hong Kong, that in many ways, does serve even, as a Shipping Hub, and as Macau once did, for, the rest of East Asia, I can’t, but help notice, all the different kinds really, of, products, sold in Hong Kong {and with a lot even, to be shipped off really, to, the rest of East Asia}. It is my noticing this, that has me thinking, of becoming a Dating Specialist, based around, creating, dating environments associated in all, with, a lot even, of the paraphernalia, that, one does see, in Hong Kong really {from comic books, to cheap perfumes, and even, sex toys to go too really}. Philip Lo, is not too enthusiastic, about, having to go, really, to, a certain place in Hong Kong City {near the ports even}, to handle, a certain assignment in all, handed to him, by, Cathy. He makes this known, in his rather even, perfect drawl really, and I kind of find myself, wanting, to see, if I could go along with him {something, that Cathy does point out to even}, as hanging out, with Philip {or ‘the Lo’ as some do call him}, can be pretty much, fun in itself. Working in Hong Kong though, is not as easy, as one thinks it to be, as getting around the place {and if not walking too}, can be, much rather difficult, than, most believe it to be actually {and probably, the only person who truly knows how to do this, being, Jackie Chan, as with my even, having, spotted him in a convertible too even, speeding off, in Hong Kong City, in a manner, too, that made me stop in my tracks in all, and, somewhat even, unconsciously, nod my head as with my even, taking the time, to watch him actually, speed away}. Hong Kongs ports, are in somewhat of a disarray really, mainly due, to a Bureaucratic system, that no person in Hong Kong really, truly, wants to work. In my opinion though perhaps, as, I and Philip, do get going in all, the, older model, seen around the World, of, having prominent Families, manage, Ports, would work, rather well in Hong Kong {and especially too even, in my opinion too again, with the Swahili, serving, as Managers of a kind really}. Working ports in all, is much more, difficult, than, most would believe it to be, with, my even believing it, to have, a, certain genetic component, to it all.

“Religious and monks are so universally loathed that even a chance meeting with one in the street is thought to be an ill omen, and yet they themselves are gloriously self-satisfied. In the first place, they consider it is the greatest form of piety to be so uneducated that many of them can’t even read. Then, when they bray like donkeys in church, repeating the psalms, and quoting the number of each one without understanding a word of them, they imagine they are charming the ears of the saints with infinite delight.

Some of them make a good living out of their squalor and poverty, for ever bellowing and begging for bread from door to door. There is no inn, carriage or boat where they do not make a nuisance of themselves, much to the detriment, it goes without saying, of all the other beggars. In this way, these delightful fellows, with their filth and ignorance, their boorish and shameless behaviour, claim to be in our midsts the living image of the apostles! Some are so strict in their religious observances that they will wear nothing but Cilician goat’s hair for their outer garments, and fine wollen ones next to their skin. There are others who shrink from the touch of money as if it were poison, but are not at all squeamish when it comes to wine and women. They all take extraordinary pains to single themselves out in their rule of life, endeavouring not to be like Christ, but merely unlike one another. Some delight in calling themselves Franciscans, and these are subdivided into Colettines, Minors, Minima and Bullists. Others prefer to go by the name of Benedictines or Bernardines, Brigittines, Augustinians, Williamists and Jacobites, as if it weren’t enough to be called Christians.”

Chapter LIV, Concerning religious and monks

[Erasmus of Rotterdam]

In a speeding car, and with Paul Hum at the back too, Philip Lo driving, Hum in many ways, does tell Philip, of, Lynns desires, to visit Europe in all really. Philip in many ways, believes that, to be a great idea even, visiting Germany, while, Paul Hum does point out, he would rather in all, visit, France really. Listening to this conversation in all, makes me realize somewhat, that people in Hong Kong, are out of touch, with, themselves, and reality too even. Out of touch with reality, as with my even hearing them speak of Europe {or Germany too even}, makes me realize in all, that they have been ‘took’ {or bamboozled even}, by an overzealous perhaps, Hong Kong Media really. Unknown to them perhaps, Europe today, can best be described, as being ‘Afropean’ culturally { a mesh even, of post-Napoleanic European cultures, and, African cultures too even, as with modern Europeans too even, somewhat carrying, African genes in them really}. In many ways too again, ‘Afropean’ culture, does in all involve, work, sleep, and hanging out too even, with moronic Africans in all really. For me though, Europe in all today really, has been reduced, to nothing more perhaps, than, a Spiritual Retreat. An environment too really, which in all too, does activate in all, my epigenetic memory really, and reminding me too even, of whom, I once was in many ways really {with this too though, done, through certain literary sources, paintings and nature based photography too even, and finally even, European traditional music really}. Many out there do not see Europe today, for what it truly is: ‘Afropean’, and due mainly, to getting their knowledge in all about Europe, from too many unwarranted sources really. It is the African really for example {and as a late migrant arrival into Europe itself too} {and after its fall too even}, that makes most believe that Europe, is still very much alive really. Then there are those, who don’t even truly know, how, real Europeans do look like, due even really, to somewhat in all, mentally disturbed South Americans really, proclaiming and preaching to all, they are truly, of, European descent {as a litmus test too though, would be to say, true Europeans in all, are akin to me really as traditionals in all, and as with behaviour in general too even, and not, African musicians and footballers too even, or even too really, Antonio Banderas}. You then have, the Americans, who in many ways attempt, to make most out there believe truly, that American Speech, is at the top of them all, when in reality, it was once former German Speech in all {as with the case even, of Rob Pilatus from ‘Milli Vanilli’, and a Deutsch too even}, and Speech too really, falsely even today, assumed American really, as with it too really, heavily used, in, American TV Comedy shows {such as ‘Friends’ for instance}. In many ways too, I do somewhat discern even, that Pauls desire in all, to visit France, has to do, with the wrong impression perhaps, that French Women in all, are, still very much demure in all even {as with their using even, Oral Speech really, to in all, please one, sexually even really}, when in reality too, French Oral Communications, have fallen, to levels even, somewhat below, those, still seen even, within Kenya really {with French Oral Communications too, reaching their heights even, with, ‘Georges’ actually} {and as with he even, having, truly in many ways been, French life, at its most dramatic really}.

In all though too truly, I do somewhat believe, I truly do know, why, people in Hong Kong, are not truly appreciative, of life in Hong Kong itself really. Its like they in all, don’t see perhaps, the general culture to it in all really {Hong Kong that is, as modern too even, and politically independent too really}, other than that again, that is in all, work related really. Its as if nothing ever does truly happen in Hong Kong {even with all the Media seen around}, but perhaps too really, all this said, from, a rather individual perspective really. I don’t take modern life {and work life too really}, rather seriously in all, believing it even, to be majorly flawed in its ways really. A way of living even, rather ancient in its ways, as with many made to believe in all, that a life, based around, hard/difficult work really, and a peaceful/calm relationship, is the very way really, one should in all live life {with peaceful/calm relationships too, defined perhaps, as obeying even, and as with the men too really, the woman, in the relationship}. Life in the past, Psychologically even, was rather different in all really. Unknown to most, as with Life in the past too showing great wealth in itself, work life, was rather easy in all {and one too even, could easily get, another, to help them truly, in anything they wished done} {and the main reason too, for a great abundance in all, of all forms, of wealth really} {if not even, simply, from the perspective too even, of the past seen even really, and rather famed too even, grandious Historical Architecture}. In the past though, it was the relationships {of all forms too really, including, those work related, and outside work too even}, that were difficult in all, as with even two workmates really, having a fight at a bar, and on the very next day too even, working, harmoniously, with each other really. This in many ways, was what made life then, ‘Larger than Life’ really perhaps, as something interesting too really, was always occurring really, around the corner too. Even more boring, are the Politics seen today, with perhaps even, a televised debate in all, speaking of Health and Education issues too, seen, as being of prime importance really, when in actuality really too, Humans in all, mastered, Health and Education, back, in the Egyptian times really. Nothing much perhaps {as with interest maybe}, does happen out there {as even, Bwana Abdullah perhaps, would somewhat point out really}, but my understanding this even, has in many ways to do, with present Hong Kong, and as a place too, where life and Politics in all, could be rather interesting, if this in all too, was to be well understood {that life in many ways today, is inverted really, and has no point to it in all} {and especially even, from a Monk-Priests perspective really}. Politics though, back in the good old days, were highly intense even, and people back then, truly lived, Religious lives for that matter really. Perhaps in all, a good explanation of all this, would be, a source such as “The Great Arab Conquests” by Hugh Kennedy, and the kinds of Politics too {as with Intelligence and Evolution}, that did make, Japan today even, what it truly is {the country, with the most Intelligent people per capita even, and in the whole wide world too even} {and even perhaps, the most advanced Nation in the whole wide world too again}.

Thinking back though, of Hong Kong in the present makes me realize too even, that, it’s a place in all in general, where, one does see {or catch really} Funny moments, if, one is actually paying attention even. This in many ways too, speaks of, walking around Hong Kong City even, and a lot too perhaps, and something, not too hard to do especially, in the Nighttime, when Hong Kong City, is rather, beautifully lit up. In many ways though even, as with attempting to spice up Hong Kong life, would be to perhaps in all, somewhat, find a way to mention to someone {as with direct Speech even}, that, Hong Kong, could in many ways spice up its life in general, with, an input of Media {local even really}, coming in, from, Malaysia actually {and as with they, not only interesting people in general too really, but also in all, Malaysia that is, somewhat multicultural really, as with even, many, of its Cultural designs really, shaped in all actually, by Swahili Shirazi culture} {and as with Swahili Shirazi culture too even, amongst, the most humourous, you will ever encounter in all really}.

End of Part 11…………………………..