Friday 3 February 2012

My Confessions (part 7)

Its an early morning, as I lay on my bed, thinking to myself, what to do really {as with mischief even}, on this, given day. I look around my room, spacious, oil paintings even hanging, and I think to myself “its as if, I never did truly, leave Europe”. I am in, Belarus, Minsk to be exact {whose name, I do sometimes, sing out to myself}, and laying on my bed, thinking of a breakfast, of croissants and coffee {vanilla scented}, does indeed, make my mouth water, as I truly wonder, what mischief, I could very well, be up to, on this verily, given day.

Most know nothing much, about Belarus. It’s a European Country, some would say, on actually, taking a peek, or look even, at a Map. A European Country, in Central Europe, where perhaps, nothing much does happen, but trance {music}, perfidious fashions, and a Royalty inclined Government {whose economic prospects, seem to go, well hand in hand, with rather small even, motorvehicles}.

Out early, I am on my way actually, to a restaurant some distance away, to eat me, a healthy breakfast {including even perhaps, the rather reknowed, English Breakfast}. I get to a traffic stop, no traffic lights though, and by whim indeed, decide, to stop, at the traffic stop itself, and in all really, begin, directing traffic, as I pretty much, see it really. I love being in Belarus, for several reasons, but the main one possibly, has to do, with their sensibilities: Arthurian {and sensibilities too, that are pretty much, to my own tastes, and mold even}. Traffic directed for some minutes, as I distinctly notice, a Man, in a vehicle, distinctly too, looking, and staring at me even, has me somewhat, ‘heil’ the crowd/cars, and then continue skipping along really, away from the stop, and onwards, to my destination.

Unknown to many, Belarus, was once an important part, of the Arthurian world {as it is here, that specifically, the Arthurian myths, of Excalibur, popularized though, by T.H. White as being English, and even, Le Morte d’Arthur, were pretty much, played out}. A world truly, I am well acquainted with, as with my being able really too, to brag, as a ‘Belarusian’, pretty much would.

Into the diner really, and not restaurant, having past by, a market {filled really, with fruit vendors}, and even, a butchery {surprisingly, open, rather early}, I am not too surprised {but not happy either perhaps}, to see it, filled even, to its brim really {or about, 3 ¼ of it all really}. Seated though, by a waitress, who has come, to recognize me really, I do order, the English Breakfast, Arthurian too in origins, and a cup of coffee {scented}, to go with it all. I sit around, looking at the various faces, around me, some which I do recognize, others, few really, that stare even {to my slightly mouth folded face}, and my looking around, at the pretty faces, of women really {my having come, to settle in, rather sentimentally even, into society itself}. Belarus, or Minsk even, being Arthurian in all, have the kind of behavioural norms {as with dealing, with shame or embarrassment}, that are right even, up, my alley {as with me, even being improvisational, with all this}.

Meal having arrived, me having looked at the waitress, with a slight smile, and a nod to her face, I pretty much get down, to munching it all up, without due recourse, to whats, going on around me. Meal pretty much eaten, with my smacking even, of my lips, and tummy rub, in suit even, I do get around, to drinking my coffee, this time, while actively watching even, whats going on around me {as with even, ‘Belarusian’ women themselves, they too in all, being, of the Celt mold really}. Breakfast done, and with some unashamed even, stumbling out, of the Diner, I am back on the streets, having noticed Lisa { a Diner connoisseur perhaps}, and without too much further ado, I am off, to the Library, in Minsk, to read some Newspapers, Gazettes, and Comic books even {Asterix, still pretty much, being a favourite}.

Life is good, I pretty much think to myself, having enough Money in my pockets, but perhaps, the best thing, one could truly say, about Europe, modern even, is that, getting around, from one point to another, even within a Country, is probably much easier, even much greatly easier perhaps, than in all parts really, of the World. I am in Minsk now, but tonight, comfortably even, I could be sleeping, in Polatsk. That’s Europe, as a ‘civilized democracy’ to me, easy transport, and ideas too, on how to go around, saving money, as much as one can.

Looking through some magazines later, including Comic books, at the Library, I can’t but help, think of Lisa, partially, but followed in suit too, as to what, Princess Madeleine, could very well be doing, at this precise moment, away in Sweden, Stockholm. Much later, I did leave the Library, and thinking of Madeleine partially, I did actually, take a Bus, to Pinsk, for a short rest, and some enjoyment, as I had done, some months previously.

I have been living, in Belarus, for about, one and a quarter years now, having convinced, the Belarus Government, that I was a Social Expert, doing some research, for a Dubai based University, and having, more than enough money, to survive on. They agreed to it, knowing Europe, to be fastidious even, to those with enough money, as with they really, seeing them perhaps, as layabouts, in a European Law System, where crime in all, is dealt with, procedurally, and not, systematically {as with America even}. Procedurally, as with some, unashamingly, looking for all kinds, of loopholes, to take advantage of.

The last time, I was in Pinsk, I had the pleasure, to be invited, to a local Dance. A Dance, that turned out, to be right up my alley, as with it, being in all, rather Arthurian too. They danced the Gavotte, a said French Dance {that historians, take a bit, too seriously, as with French culture really}, but to the Arthurian, it being too, of Arthurian origins really, it is simply, a dance, for the amusement of ladies, swines, and insects too even. I did not meet though, anyone, who reminded me truly, of Lisa.

What to say truly, of Belarus, as with my erroneously even, seeking out adventure {Arthur style}, but finding instead, modernized living worlds {as with actively, having truly, home based lives}. That in all, was the problem, with Belarus, they probably, had truly even, forgotten whom they were, as Arthurians really {with the exception, of the Gavotte perhaps}.

Who was Arthur? And how really too, did he actually, live out, his life, in Belarus even? The answer to this, already really known, had me looking around, Belarus itself, at the modern changes, highly transport based, as compared really, to the Arthurian Belarus world, that, was formerly, highly ‘communications systems’ based. That was the key, to understanding, Arthur in Belarus, ‘high communications’, and adventure in suit {as with the Arthurians believing truly, in all, being possible}.

I was kind of a loner, while living in Belarus, not enjoying pretty much, the soviet communist styled, kind of Community mentalities, seen all over, the Country really. Its as though, I knowing it truly, that ‘Belarusians’ {they being truly too, of the Celt mold, as with the Welsh Celts really}, were once, a rather independent people, whose mentalities, were of the Welsh Celt kind, and in all too, people driven, to survive, against all odds.

To truly understand, why I was enjoying my stay, in Belarus, while somewhat too {as with being a Social Expert}, writing down my own thoughts, of Belarus and Europe even {as with what too, the Swahili do call ‘Maandishi’, or perhaps even, as with the works of Herodotus himself}, I started somewhat, unraveling {as with a past understanding from my heart}, who truly, were the Arthurians, in Belarus.

Whom truly, were the Arthurians {for most knowing nothing much truly, of them, but actually in all, pretend really, to do so}. To know them, was perhaps, to see them, as they truly were, structurally {and in a four part formation too}. Their world, consisted, of the following luminaries perhaps: Arthur, Robin Hood, Mozart {there having been, several Mozarts, several of them, Arthurian}, and finally, the Celts {and especially too really, the Celt Druids}. That really, my friends, was what, structurally, made up for, the Arthurian world, everywhere, it was seen really. An existence, as with the Celts {and especially, the Celt Druids}, replaced now, in Belarus really, by a Royalty driven Government {with unknown to most too, Celt women, whether Irish, Scottish, Welsh even, being truly, the most beautiful women, in the whole of Europe} {even more beautiful, than the French}.

To foresee this much better, is perhaps to know, whom the Arthurians were, with language {it being Arthurian English truly, spoken wherever, the Celts were}. An English perhaps, today, made rather popular, as with imitation even, by Sean Connery really.

The Arthurian world, is not pretty well known, from an intellectual perspective {it being associated today, with a handful of written works, presupposed really, to tell truly, of the Arthurians} {with most not knowing truly, that the Arthurian world, in most ways, was truly, the heights, of Europe itself}. The Arthurians though, studied one thing mainly, rather deeply ‘Psychology’. But unlike, the modern Psychologist, who studies, various psychological states, as conditions really {whether it be, splintered personalities, split personalities, regression, depression etc.}, the Arthurians, viewed all this, and much more, as merely States really, which could be discerned out, by understanding, what the ancients perhaps, did call, the Supreme Law {as with each of these states, being well understood, as with entering them, and coming out of them, via, a Supreme Law}. That was chiefly, whom the Arthurians were, as with Robin Hood, being a merry fellow one minute, and a dead set killer, the next. This though, was not all, the Arthurians were {as with understanding, psychological states even, and the creating of, livable States, around them}.

In many ways, as with materiality even, it was the Arthurians, that gave Europe, the Bookstore, the Concert, Wine and Beer Festivals, the Diner, Polo, and even, party filled Society. Those were the Arthurians, in Europe really. Yet still perhaps, that does not, sufficiently, conclude really, in whom they truly were. Their politics, were not, of the European variety truly {but actually more Italian inclined}, as with European politics, highly defined, by Austrian politics in all {and Austrian German too}, while the Arthurians, had their politics truly, defined, by the Celts {but especially really, by the Celt Druids, known for their magical practices, which actually too, did emanate, in Ancient Greece, as with Sparta really even}. Those were the Celt Druids, Sparta, in Europe, and probably too, up to no good either.

As an Artist myself, I found, Belarus, to be lacking in all this now, and their communications even, hampered in general, as with being shy even {compared to the Celts, and the Celt Druids really, who communicated perhaps, and not easily said and known too, based on their, strongly identifying with, the Celt Moorheads, that would eventually, be best, symbolized, by the Arthurian Knights Templar} {they too, being different, from the Italian Templars}. That’s whom, the Arthurians really were, as communicators, and personalities even: Knights Templar.

The Arthurian study though, of the Supreme Law {which is what, partially made them egyptian like}, was partially based, around, what they do call, Self-made Law {which today, is falsely believed, to be, Man-made Law}. This Self-made Law, manifested mainly, in the form, of Arthurian wisdom, such as the rather known, ‘Infinity Clause’, ‘Courage of Heart’, or even, sayings that would not, be alien, to Bwana Abdullah’s own collection perhaps, of sayings {such as “there is danger, in knowing, too little, or too much even; either, can get you killed”}. This Self-made Law, by which, the Arthurians individually, lived by {and hence in many ways too, they too, being presumed, rather lawless}, was actually truly, at the very heart, of the creation, of Arthurian materiality. While many, are acquainted, with some, of the literary works, of the Arthurian world, most truly, know nothing, of their various other works {such as swordsmanship, architecture, paintings: of the mona lisa kind, foods: such as the English Breakfast, or even, the rather unknown, secretive, freemasonry literature}. Materiality, not of the Baroque kind {as many would presume, it being, of the individual kind too}, but actually, of the Renaissance kind {with the Arthurians, being mainly, Renaissance Artists, as truly, with Freemasonry, the Celt Druids, and Sparta itself really}. That was Arthur really. It was Mozart though, with his Renaissance kind Music, that gave birth, to Arthurian disciplines, such as Game Theory, Dynamical Systems, Applied Mathematics, and even, European Sacred Geometry. That too, was Mozart. But what of Robin, Robin Hood that is? He, unknown to many, was a philosopher, and not only, the writer, of several Freemasonry texts, and also too, the real originator perhaps, of European Metaphysical Philosophy, as with the said case, of Aristotelian Metaphysics, as with the case too even, of works, such as ‘New Science’ by Giambatistta Vico, but actually written, by Robin {as with a pseudoname really} {to understand this better, is to know, that the Celt Druids, and Celt Freemasonry, actually truly, have their origins, in the Italian Roman Celt world} {for that truly, was Freemasonry: Arthur, Hood, Mozart, and the Celt Druids, in tow along too}.

All the above truly, was done too, in the attempts also, to decipher, the Supreme Law, Greek style really {as with the Celt Druids themselves}, and as with Sparta too, having some egyptian affiliations {in thought}.

It was all this, I was thinking, of telling the few, ‘Belarusians’, that were open to me really, there being, an Anton, who seemed more though, like a Jake, a Hannah, who too, seemed more though really, like a Christina, or even Alaksandar, who to me really, would have been more suitably named, Allan. Partying with them, gradually that is, as with my knowing even, what did constitute, their average routines really, I did notice, the huge disconnect, that they in all, had, to perhaps, their old ways {partly perhaps, being due to immigrants too, from the rest of Europe, and a population growth in general too}. Arthur, would not work too well today perhaps, with so many outsiders, to it really {Belarus that is}. What to say to them, as with keeping upbeat {as Hannah did notice of me really}, or even, as with being mainly unbashful in all {with worry} {which today, can be said, to be modern religion}, I could not bring myself, to speak of, how, the Arthurians in Belarus, did keep themselves upbeat: via the worship, of a Celt Druids perhaps, wild imaginings even, and the festive worship too, of a Big Giant Owl, that has come, to be associated, with ‘American Freemasonry’. That was Belarus, for unknown to many, the worship of the Owl, as a Mystical bird, not only does keep one rather upbeat, but is known too, to heighten, ones Touch senses, as with even truly, being, a Renaissance Artist.

I did know though, what could really though, make Belarus, a much better place, as with overthrowing even, shackles placed upon them, by Communist beliefs, of all kinds {with ‘Belarusians’ I imagine, believing these beliefs, to be a form or kind even, of Religion really}. Beliefs really, that had them living, in communist like, community based lifestyles, that they believed even, reinforced them truly, spirit wise perhaps, as a people. Belarus, as with the Arthurians truly, had their lives, based primarily, around what some do call, the ‘life force’. A force, said to permeate, every inch really, of our bodies. For the Arthurians though, living life truly, all around the ‘life force’, was highly associated, with the worship actually, of the Greek God, Hercules {with the Celt Druids in particular, spiritually evolving, along such lines, as with a belief, that the end of it all, led, to a heaven, ruled and dominated, by none other, than Hercules himself}. That was the Celt Druids though, but for the other Arthurians, the worship of Hercules, and the ‘life force’ in general, could have been said, to be primarily all about, developing, ‘High Communications’ really, and also too, developing really, Adventure prone Individualism. That’s basically, how, the Arthurians, did leave really {with ‘High Communications’ here, speaking too, of magical experiences and practices really}.

I could very well, see, the Herculian aspects, to most ‘Belarusians’ really, after a failed, and improperly too, executed really, dance attempt with Hannah {at a party surprisingly enough, Lisa was at}, and in many ways, ‘Belarusians’ in general, probably failed in all, to understand, whom Hercules, as a Greek God, truly was, as with the kind of problems, he did actually bring, into ones life. Hercules, as with the Arthurians knowing this too, was/is capable, of having, Dual sides {with each side, taking, morphologically different physical aspects, as with Hercules truly, being able to exist, in three physical forms actually}. One side of Hercules though, has one truly see, everything in their world, from the perspective, of madness {the whole goal of ‘Hercules’ this way, is to attempt, to see, the whole, of it all} {as with there, truly not being, any madness, but change perhaps actually, needed really}. On the otherside, Hercules, has one see, life, from the perspective, of problem after problem, with the attempt in all {as with wholeness too really}, to actually see, all problems, as originating, from a singular sole source/’problem’. Something, rather difficult, to explain, to the layman, as with perhaps even, the use, of laymans language really.

To make all this, clear though {as perhaps even, with noticing, the Belarusian Greek Orthodox Church, in Minsk}, I did attempt perhaps, as with goodwill even, to write, to two individuals, on how, Belarus {and ‘Belarusians’ too in general}, could very well, not only, raise their standards of living, but live also, highly modernized lifestyles, which in many ways, would partially mirror, the Arthurian world {in wealth and riches too}. It was all too simple perhaps, my seeing all this, but actually, more, from an Italian perspective {as with this being similar, to my Islam based mentalities}, and all this, centered around, Italian Papal Law. It was all too perhaps, rather clear even, as with realizing, that Hercules {and madness}, were all about, ‘High Communications’, while Hercules {and lots of problems}, was all about, adventurism based Individualism. I just had, to make all this, rather Italian, which was not too easy, as with stating, that in line, with the Celt Druids worship, of Hercules, and the modern Belarus Government today too, that Hercules in Italian Christianity, had been made manifest, in Italian Papal Law {that truly, Belarusians, as Individuals, needed no modern Government truly, but a true understanding really, as with individuals even, of Italian Papal Law} {which, was a high form of Law, than that taught at Oxford perhaps, and could be applied even, as with Individualism too, to the Money Markets for instance, and all other, such profitable endeavours}. That was, at the heart, of what, I did intend to tell, Jake {or Anton really}, but wound up telling to, a University Professor {in a Letter}, and even too also, to the Mayor of Minsk {in another letter too really}. Yet still, Italian Papal Law, and Hercules too really, could be better understood by saying, that Hercules, was manifest too, in Italian Sainthood, in the form, of St. Thomas of Aquinas, and also, St. Augustine of Hippo. That St. Thomas of Aquinas, dealt with, all forms of issues, pertaining to madness, and St. Augustine, truly did live {and master}, a rather troubled, and problematic life really. That was what truly really, the average, Belarusian, needed to truly, become independent, and start living, life, as an individual. A life too, of ‘high communications’ {as with Londons financial district}, or even, adventure based Individualism {as with trips, to Paris oftenly}. To summarize all this really, as with Hercules somehow even, I did recommend, to Anton {heartfully even}, but especially really, to the University Professor, and the Mayor of Minsk too, that having ‘Belarusians’ truly read perhaps, a work/text, such as ‘Code of Canon Law Annonated’ by Ernest Caparros, would {as with Anton really}, at the very least, make them, rather wealthy in mind. That was all, they truly needed, to live successfully even, in Belarus {this work in all, being rather Papal, and not, the true Italian Canon Law too really}. A work, Belarusians, having evolved worshipping Hercules really {as with their Church, and lifestyles even}, would be prone, to understand.

Hopefully, all this, to be made real, and with my even desiring, to settle one day, in Belarus {and even marry perhaps, a Belarusian}, I could not but think, but to ask, whom would Arthur be, in modern Belarus today. The answer, was not too difficult, to fathom and see in all, as with my believing, he would probably, be a rather highly successful really, Social Analyst {with Lisa’s hand, in marriage too perhaps}.

Soon after, but later really, after seeing Lisa again, at another party, and having failingly too, to successfully {or properly really} wink at her, I did too, leave Belarus, and make my way over, to London, England.

I arrived in England, not through London actually {thinking London today more or less, a cesspool really, and to my sensibilities too, and one too also, that even makes, Nairobi, look like Paris}; my arrival actually, was through York {thinking the City pleasant, and thinking to myself, that a stay outside London first, would help me better, appreciate, London itself}. Getting into England, is not easy, but, actually is {if you do know, someone living there}. I was fortunate enough, to be acquainted, with the Swahili community in London, who saw, to my safe passage, into the ‘first world development’ that is England in all. What truly separates, England {as with the reader perhaps, noticing my distaste of the place}, from the rest, of Europe, is poor transport/transportation, poor services {an outsider hellhole}, and most of all, the overpricing, of just about, everything, and anything too really {as with Chinese made sneakers, in a Chinese factory, with no running water in it, costing one, £ 199 in all}. England, or London to be specific, is a financial stinkhole, as with finance even perhaps, probably being understood, at a Finance 101 level {and in all, as with the discerning reader really, I would even recommend, Nairobi, as better value, for ones money} {with Dubai, Muscat, and even, Riyadh, rather nearby too}.

Living in England, can be pleasant, if one truly, understands, how to go about, doing this. That in all really, living in England, even with the money to do so, can be rather difficult {as with even, enjoying ones life really}. Most, falsely do believe, that it was/is the English, that have always, maintained, the highest living standards, in England {this being in all truly, rather false} {for the prize indeed, does go, to the Arthurians}. It was they {as with the Celts even}, and not the English, that lived best, in England, and once upon a time too really. England then, was a heaven/haven, to behold.

Having decided, to live around, England itself, before paying a visit, to London, I was lucky, to get a free laptop computer, from the Swahili community, via the graces, of a certain Bwana Mwagonah. With this lucky find, but having to travel, to Ipswich for it, I got back really, to living around and about, England itself. I was Shiraz and did not, fit in too well, with the Swahili, in England.

Most really, don’t know, what Shiraz really means truly. In general really, the Swahili, are of three groups, as often, ethnographically anointed as follows: Miji Kenda, Bajuni, and Shirazi. The Miji, are more like Farmers and traders, while the Bajuni, are more or less Business oriented, and the Shirazi, being more really too, rather Religious in nature, are actually truly too, Scholars really {and of all kinds too}. Shiraz, while perhaps, ethnographically anointing, a ‘European Moor’, are a group, associated, with the Shirazi {with Shiraz in all, being more or less, like, Monk-Priests} {or in modern speech perhaps, an Analyst-Writer}. In many ways, it is Shiraz, that does put out, ideas, of interest, to the Shirazi, who then, mull and think over them, as a Scholar, would really.

Living as Shiraz, or ethnographically, as a ‘European Moor’, is more or less, Arthurian, in its ways really {as with the Swahili in general, having, English/Welsh Celt like sensibilities, with some French too really, to go}. Structurally though, the Swahili, are more or less, ethnographically said, somewhat Omani {as with the Sultanate, having come, to influence their ways, in many ways really}. Shiraz though, living Arthurian {or Italian Celt really} {and an easy way, to retain ones, Italian ancestry}, is truly in many ways, a Freemason like existence. It in all, speaks of living, like Arthur, Mozart, or even Robin, probably would. Being Arthur, is not that difficult, as with certain works, like those of Sherlock Holmes {Arthurian, with Sherlock, very much too, like Arthur, and he too also, very much, a Monk-Priest, or even really, an Analyst-Writer truly}. Being Mozart, is all about, being acquainted, with his rather, highly Religious works, and to my preference also, a study even, of, Dynamical Systems {as with being a Technologist even really}, and as a hobby too. You then have, Robin, Hood that is, who in many ways, one can keep in touch with, by reading, Freemasonry texts in general {not understandable to most, as with understanding them, truly having to do, with grasping really, the flow of the language in the books, and then being presented, with a vision here and there, of what, is truly, being spoken about really}. Other than that, a regular reading, of Aristotelian Metaphysics {and especially, of the Italian mold}, keeps one, philosophically and psychologically even, sound. To top this all, is perhaps, a rendering in all really, of Italian Canon Law, into Islam perhaps, as with the case, of works, such as those of Maulana Thanvi. That perhaps, as with living in England too, as a ‘European Moor’, is how in general, a Shiraz, does truly live like {as a Monk-Priest, and employed truly too, as an Analyst-Writer}.

In many ways, as a Celt too really, I did write to Bwana Abdullah, to in all, state perhaps, a belief that, the Swahili, were better off living, in Belarus, than in modern day England, as with Belarus, more to their suiting, at the very least, from the perspective, of sensibilities. I did believe, that Belarus too, provided far more opportunity, than England perhaps, ever could.

One of the things though, that truly makes me a Swahili, is the use, of Knowledge Bases, in everything we do {as compared, to the Western use, of accumulated Working Knowledge, Research style, or even, Islam itself, and its obsession too, with philosophically obtained, Knowledge Bodies}. Knowledge Bases, are pretty much, Arthurian, but Swahili too really too. In all, this does involve, acquainting one, with perhaps, the defining text, of any subject broached out there, and then, via the use, of ‘Supreme Law’ {well hidden too, in Mozarts, rather Religious works}, using it, to advance oneself, to heights unknown {the Swahili though, do differ, from the Arthurians really, and as with the Celts mainly even, in that, while the Arthurians, were rather gifted, psychologically, as even with, deep spiritual practices, of the Celt Druids style, the Swahili, are heavily acquainted even, with deep spiritual practices, of the sociological kind though}. In many ways, they would heavily really perhaps, enjoy, living, in Minsk, Belarus.

If most, who know of England, as it once was, were to visit it today, then, they would probably, never be back again, for a further visit. Living in England back then, being difficult too in all, was made rather possible, by the presence, of Celt Women {Europes, most beautiful, sophisticated, and even perhaps most intelligent too really, women} {and more too, along the lines, of a Duffy}, which saw in time too, the invasion, of England {and its surrounding regions}, by outsiders, of all kinds {coming from Spain, or even, the Americas themselves}. An invasion, driven not only, by Arthurian lifestyles {that had seen them really, become rather prominent, with the Knights Templar}, but in all too, a general disbelief, that so many beautiful women, could be seen, per eyeball movement perhaps, in just about, every locale really, in old England. Back then, rather than the shopping mall, life in England, as with entertainment really, was heavily, based around, the Concert Hall {and the giving of all forms, of wonderful performances, from theater, to excellent popular music too, and even simply, great conversation} {not to count too, the rather many, beautiful women, to be seen there really}. Perhaps really even, one of the highpoints, of Arthurian life, back in the good old days, was when Arthur, Robin, and the Celt Druids too {Mozart, having no part in all this}, planned out actually, a rather successful even, invasion, of Nubia in Africa {a rather unknown event really, that eventually saw, Nubian, Black African presence, kicked out, of England}. That was back then, unlike today, where the Nubian, is back all over England, parading like a Parrot, in search, for self-glory {with the English too, in tow, and along the lines too really, of a Conga Line}.

My stay in England, proved to be more, of a curiosity even, as with Dickens, being rather a good religious read really {as even, with the idea, of an economic boom too really}, and while today, most view England even, from, a Socialite perspective really, I in all, saw it all really, realistically I believe, from the perspective, of a Political Analyst {an England to me, to collapse perhaps, in a decade even}. My views on this though, will be held back, for another chapter really.

End of Part 7…………………..