Friday 3 February 2012

My Confessions (part 9)

Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques,

Dormez vous? Hm hm hm!!!

Sonnez les matines, hmhm! hm!hm!! hm!! hm!!

Ding ding Dong………………….

I am moving around my apartment, while the following song, which has pretty much, been with me, since the morning, escapes my mouth. A song, I sang in the shower, out of it {and dressed too}, while cooking breakfast, and finally, before resorting, to sitting down, before the Television before me, and watching something in it {for French Television, can be somewhat at times, really interesting, and even better in many ways, than German TV}.

The TV on, flipping through some channels, on a Tuesday morning too, I do come across something, of obvious interest: Sandra Bullock, on a Bus too, speeding on the Californian highway, in what many would say, was a stellar performance: Speed. Sandra Bullock, as with my knowing too, she is really, of French descent, has me thinking too, on just how, she is just simply, the ‘hottest thing’, and with time, has me wondering, whom she really is, where she actually does live, whom she probably, is sleeping with, and with this moving along, and with growing discomfort too {or even distaste on my part}, I can’t help, but somewhat subconsciously really, console myself, with the very fact, that she did too make, Speed 2.

The movie still moving along, as I in many ways, hold thoughts in my head, on how to plan my days really, in my now, 7th month of stay in France, having gained myself, a form of employment, I actually do like: Journalism. I am, as with being, a Research Analyst too, an Investigative Journalist, for a rather small, monthly journal {presented in a magazinette format}, and owned, by a rather influential Wealthy family, living in Paris: the Morrels. Monsigneur Morrel, the patriarch, of this family, sometimes stops in, into the family business enterprise, to simply talk with, the managing director, on certain small issues. French Economics, is something at times, hard, for many to grasp really {as with even, one person, running two businesses, at the very same time}. The world Monsignor Morrel, operates in, is of, the old French world {as with the Napoleons}, and one, highly Knowledge based, as with French Economics in all, highly defined too, not by Political life, but actually, by Intellectual Property {and the very world, of philosophical theories, on what is true, or not true really}. A world, I am rather well acquainted with, as with my belief even, that’s truly how, life does function or work {as with my further belief truly, in the Supreme}.

Sitting there, while still somewhat watching the movie, Keanu Reeves, urging on, Sandra Bullock, to do the right thing, and Sandra {as with my noticing her}, knowing what to do, but probably thinking, other thoughts, on how to deal with all this, like probably even, driving off the highway, and into a lake, somewhere really, out there in the wilds.


There is a rapid succession knock, on my door, which has me truly, wondering, whom it really could be. My making my way, to the door, and as with my somewhat, strongly associated too really, with European psychology, has me grasp the door handle somewhat, turn it slowly, and on knowing the door to be locked, slowly too, begin to unlock, the door itself. Door unlocked, I slowly open it, to find none other, to my great surprise even, than Dominique, standing there, as if even, impatiently waiting.

The world, of French psychology, is rather interesting, as with the Subconscious even, as it truly believes, that holding a thought, in ones mind for long, can very well, make it real, in one way, or another. ‘Speak of the devil…’, as the Victorians used to say, has me welcoming somewhat, Dominique, into my apartment, as with my wondering, what do I owe this visit too. Dominique in, and my realizing and knowing, I haven’t seen her, in even three months now, with my believing, we having ‘broken up’, or just not communicating any more, via email even, has me thinking too, on what, to truly say. Dominique in, as with my knowing this truly, and her being seated somewhat, on the couch {directly in front of the TV too really}, has me eventually, somewhat, joining her there. Little speak, not even a hello on my part, has me mentioning Speed, and my having cooked breakfast, and my wondering, whom truly, is Dominique, as with even, how she truly does behave {and with my in all, avoiding eye contact, and heavily resorting, to musing, as a way of speech}.

It is difficult, talking to French women, as one in many ways, has to let them, talk to you {or make you say something of interest in general}. Dominique though, proves to be torturous, as with she knowing, I am avoiding eye contact, looking up somewhat straight ahead {when I have to say something}, and looking at her, on almost completing, what I am saying. Dominique, being even more torturous, sits seductively, on my couch, body somewhat to the side, one arm up, on the top of the couch, and the other, on her leg, somewhat raised {knee high}, on the couch seat itself . She twirls her hair playfully, which to the English mind, screams out “Seduction!!!”, but to the French or Italian, simply says “Hello Dominique, comment t’allez vous?!” I am ashamed to say, I have nothing to offer, Dominique, as with even a drink, and knowing this, has me wondering whether to ask her, to travel out really, of the apartment, and onwards, to a restaurant or Café, for a drink of some kind. This I do, without much hesitation, and with my even thinking, it all, a grand idea, of some sort.

We are out of my apartment, my noticing even, the TV switched off, and my looking at the apartment itself too, as I close the door, and lock it, with Dominique standing close by too, my ‘juices’ churning, as I wonder truly, whom I am, when I do all this. We are out, of the apartment complex, and to my surprise, Dominique, has a car close by, a Renault {as with my thinking, this is France today, the Renault, and not, Georges}, has me entering it, precautiously, while Dominique, acts, as she truly knows, what she is doing. What to say, of French Women? To answer this best, is to probably speak, of the rest, of Europes famed women, as with primarily distinguishing them, from the French {Women}. Italian Women for example, are famed, for highly distorting one really {for they are the kind, to highly mess, with ones senses, as with this truly, being somewhat, what, Seduction is truly all about}. The kind of Women, who stare at one, and stare too, as if to make one feel, not even uncomfortable {that being the English}, but somewhat really, inferior, as with one, not knowing really too, what they are talking about. Women in all, who put down somewhat, those, who think they know more, than they actually do. English women on the otherhand, are highly speech driven. The kind, to dig ones accent, or even, manner of speech, as with this, truly dictating, whom, one is as a person. The kind, to talk down to one, if really, they don’t want one truly, in their midsts, or even, close presence really. Women really, who try to upraise one, based highly on speech {and one being able too, to match them really, at their speech levels}. You then have, the Deutsch, or German Women even, who are actually, unknown to most, the kind, who like, to be excited emotionally. The kind, who like to hear something naughty, or even, the kind to want, to play ‘footsie’, at the dining table, but truly too also, the kind, who dig a man {as with seduction really}, who can make them, squeal, shout, or even, blush heavily {and the Women too also, who have been greatly a target in the past, for the bored and lonesome, Italian seducer}. French Women though, have been known, to influence or impact one, based on what, they do generally call ‘the System’. The kind, to make one nervous {as with entering ones system}, and the goal afterwords, for the Man, is to rise up, from all this, as with not, being nervous around, a French Woman really, and her highly, cultural ways {simply in all really, escape all this nervousness, as with expressing oneself freely, and one then, truly, becomes a highly expressive being}. A rather difficult way to live, as a French Woman leaving one, can have one, remaining jittery {and non-performing}, for a long time even. Dominique, as with my not wanting it totally, already appears somewhat, to be, seeping in, into my system.

As we move along, even speeding {as with my surprise even, that Dominique, as a woman driver, actually, can speed a car}, has me looking at the car, its dashboard, and even the car in general really {it being, a convertible} {a Renault Megane convertible}, as I somewhat casually glance, at Dominique, as if pretending really though, to look at whats transpiring, on her side of the streets, has me attempting too, to make myself, as unnoticeable as I can be, while not failing to realize or notice, just how, sexy, Dominique looks in the car itself. In many ways really, Cars, are not my thing. I guess, I am more, of a Motorcycle guy, and more along the lines too, of German Motorcycles, such as those manufactured, by Norton (UK) Motorcycles, and especially perhaps, the Norton 952 Commando, or even truly, the Commando 961 {while in most ways really, when it come to cars, the only cars, I truly identify with, are Italian, as with my even, being able, to fit fully well in, within them} {and as with an end goal of life too, to simply enjoy, driving around, in a Gallardo produced/made, by Lamborghini}. Along the streets of Paris, and my not even knowing where truly, to place my hands, in this rather French car, I can’t help but notice the streets, in a way I hate perhaps: Urban. Paris, is urbanizing {a disastrous way of living, western, that has me developing, a distaste, for nothing really in all, but as with my wanting even, to start vocalizing, in a rather Italian manner}, as to me really, urbanizing, as done today, is no different really, from other basic forms of living, such as, the African Village for instance. Its kind of, just dumb stuff, and perhaps best seen through, the economics of it all, driven truly, not by money even really {or wealth too even}, but actually simply, just survival {in one way or another}. A way of existence, hard to explain {as with its psychology really}, but one, that noticeably, wears down one, with time passing by.

We arrived, at what looked like, a rather large Coffee Shop {almost similar too really, to a mall like store}, and we go in, to what actually turns out, to be, a rather large even, Coffee Shop really {with high rise windows, to go with, on the side, facing the streets}. We are in, and as with awkwardness even {as with me wanting to state, ‘this is not too French’}, Dominique, asks me to find, a place to sit by, while she gets us, something in all, to really eat. I do find such a place, near to the street windows, and somewhat sunny too, and I sit there, looking out of the windows, into the streets themselves, and then back, into the Coffee Shop itself really. The kind of place really, that shocks me even, as with it actually, being in France {it looking more suited, for America in general}, and I, wait, wondering, blankly really, whom I really am, within it all. Dominique, does arrive with our drinks {to my embarrassment even}, as with how really, everything is happening, and as I stand there, she places everything on the table {carried in all too, by a tray}, and we then somewhat, somehow, sit down together, to start in all perhaps, dining {on all this}. Places like this, make me lose enthusiasm, for anything {as in, they actually really do}. They somewhat simply, drain down my energy levels, and make me truly wonder, whom I am, with all this around me. Dominique however, offers me a Mocha Latte, and her, a cup of coffee really, and alongside both these, are croissants {that actually, do make me smile}.

We are seated there, somewhat drinking and eating all this {as with taking really, minimal bites, with the following, look away} {and drinks too drank, with a somewhat, upward look really}, and to my sensibilities, Italian, this is simply, a disastrous way, to do just about anything. We try to talk, while doing all this {as if, it’s the civilized thing to do}, and on done eating and drinking, we sit around somewhat, to talk. For me, avoiding eye contact, seems somewhat in place, as Dominique in many ways, tries to stir up, even the smallest really, of conversation. “So, you are now working?”, she says to me, as with me even, noticing her rather soft voice, and all I can say is “yeah, yeah I am, and…..its okay”. Its hard, holding open conversations, with French Women {with open conversations truly, being in all, an American thing really}. With French Women, one truly wants, to be Candid with them really {and not ‘Candide’ either, as amorous Americans can be}. Candid really, speaks of in many ways, speaking ones heart out, as with telling the truth, and not backing off, from giving as such. Looking into Dominiques eyes, as with her somewhat giving off a facial expression, stating perhaps, ‘there is, a failure in communications here’, has me looking directly into her eyes {as with me noticing, how brown they are, and how cherry red her lips are too}, and candidly, I do state {somewhat looking away again} “you are just too beautiful, I find it hard, to talk to you”. My face burns, red even, and for the first time, I do notice, I am seated on the same table, with Dominique, and as I look away, I give off a smile {even a laugh truly}, as if, I am the victorious one here. I guess, I only easily talk to, Italian Women, with holding conversations, rather easy with them, as with my being able, to poke fun at them, and while still in conversation; like if, I was talking to Monica Belluci for instance, I would probably say “You know, the only good thing about being Italian today, is actually seeing you……. {even in Jail}”. Sounds crap, but it is not advisable, to know Italian Women too well {as with the saying ‘the female, is the deadlier, of the species’}.

We are out again, driving on the streets of Paris, this time, Dominique rather silent, as with my having really, looked into her eyes again, while in the Coffee Shop, and noticed, they then now, being distant actually {and with my even, somewhat being happy at this, as with me truly, not knowing, whom Dominique is, or truly is even, with me} {and a belief truly too, that our ‘parted’ eyes, would probably later on really, join up again}, I can’t help but look around me, arm now raised on the car door top, I want to say something, but noticing Dominique, to be indifferent, I simply look around, at the streets, noticing the rather many Condominiums, that have been, erected, and primarily, by an elitist South American immigrant class, who are also too, rather, Political in their ways. This all, makes me think, of France and Paris, culturally, as it now, being nothing actually really, like it once was. Culturally, urban existences, having given rise, to ghetto like cultural existences, and the Politically minded South American immigrants, have brought with them, a highly Celebrity like Society {as with this truly, being, their culture even}. As we arrive, at a new destination, and my noticing, Dominique leave the car {at what, as I look upfront towards to, is a restaurant of a kind, without her even, alerting me on all this}, I too get out, of the car, while somewhat exclaiming out, the Swahili phrase word “ala!!”, as I do notice, Dominique actually, walking towards into, and up a stairway too, into the restaurant, which actually makes me in all, jump out of the car. I am standing there, wondering what all this means, when I decide, to coolly make my way, towards the restaurant itself, up the stairs, as with my knowing really, how to talk well, to French people in general. Up in towards the restaurant, I walk in and towards to, the doorman, and noticing Dominique nearby, back to me, standing talking to someone, and as with decorum really too, I look at him {him thankfully, being actually truly, French}, and point at Dominique {as the words, ”I follow her here” I somewhat state to him}, to which the doorman, looking at Dominique actually, asks me to silently, walk in, and as with my doing this, surprisingly enough {as with my saying even, ‘Alors!!’}, I notice and see, Laurent, motioning at me and the doorman too, to come by his way. ‘Thank God Laurent’, I find myself saying, as I truly begin, to make my way, to his table, where he is seated by, and eating too, with none other, than Monsigneur Morrel himself.

The visit to the restaurant, was kind of really cool {it actually in many ways, being rather Emirati} {as with my even discerning, an Emirati presence in Paris}, and it in many ways, had me thinking, of whom I was, in Paris, and especially, from a cultural point of view really. Paris, is a huge place, with many things to do, but today really, with urban lifestyles popping up {and the Americanization of France in general}, and celebrity lifestyles too {and of the British kind too really}, has me thinking really, of the death, of France {and Paris even}, as it once was really, culturally. Many have a hard time, figuring out France, as it once was culturally, but as with some gene-based memory work, I do find myself, actually truly seeing it all, by understanding perhaps truly, that French cultural life, had one term truly, underlying it all: ‘Alors!!’. That was it, ‘Alors!!’, and simply moving around, looking to see, just how many times, one could utter it, in a single day {and the very basis too even, of French Economies, French Intellectual Property, or even too really, French Philosophic works}. Thinking of this, has me been brave, even daring, as I look through many, entertainment like magazinettes, looking out really, for anything, that will make me say ‘Alors!!’, and then, thinking of Dominique actually, and the best weekend out too even, she probably has, had, in a long time to come.

It is about, 7 months, after the restaurant incident, which now sees me, working actively, at the Morrel owned, ‘La Secretaire’. A magazinette journal, political too, with Political musings, of whom the French are, in an ever changing, global environment, too fast at times, to predict even. A rather interesting concept really, as with this truly, being up my alley, in providing, an interesting perspective really, of French culture, and this all too, done in a rather, Italian way really. With the help of Laurent, who helped me somewhat, get this job {as with my looking for one, and he helping out later on}, I learnt, where to go in all, in doing my Research really {as with libraries, and archives even}, with my being excited, knowing myself, to be rather good, at this Research game {and having plenty of interesting material too, to work with}. The managing-director {or ‘le directeur-general’}, at ‘La Secretaire’, a Mnsgnr LaCroix, had assigned me, several small tasks really, as with a new article even, in the Journal, talking off, the impact, of outside immigrant cultures, to France, and what all this meant, for the French really. My very first assignment, took me to a small Cultural Center, African, to investigate really, the attempt in all, to make African Dance, a part of French culture. To me, it was at the back of my mind, ludicrous, as with asking really, what African Dance, had to do, with French culture. The Dance itself, was typically African {interesting}, but other than that, its impact onto French culture, was rather unknown really, In my opinion, as I did state in the article, the French have always been, martial folks, and not, war-like {as African Dance too, very much is}. In many ways too really, as with this being ludicrous, being Martial, is superior, to being War-like, and at the very worst, introducing African War-like sensibilities, would have backward intonations, to not only French Architecture {which is Martial in nature}, but also too, just about, every other facet, of French life {from French cuisine, to even, French dress itself}. An easy article to write, as with my even, not thinking too much of all this, but actually really, seeing truly, the impact, that such an introduction, would have, to the French.

My second assignment {it now being an assignment, rather than a task really}, was somewhat as enjoyable, as the previous one. It had to do even really, with a possible visit, to none other, than the Societe Nationale Gendarmerie {or the French Police to be exact}. Most who believe too, they know the French, or French History even, never truly speak, of the so called, Gendarmes. For to know the Gendarmes, is to know, that French history, has not been one, of Parties, and Ceremonies too even, but one too really, filled with all forms, of danger and violence, that only, the now made infamous French Police, could deal with. The Gendarmes, were not Musketeers {that is well known}, with Musketeers, being more or less as with today really, Lawyers perhaps, and of a kind really {and well acquainted really, with French Law in general}. The Gendarmes on the otherhand, since the times, of the first Napoleon, have actually carried, firearms {which is something, most writers, of French History, fail to note}. Perhaps seeing France this way, from the Gendarmes, and not Musketeer, is to perhaps see France, more, from its Religion based Institutions, and not, its Language based Institutions [such as Dress, to Speech, or even Success stories too even], and often too, based around, the Musketeer. Could the Gendarmes, have been said, to be more or less, a ‘Religious Army’, to maintain Religion in France? {seeing it all this way, is to know perhaps, how large and grand, France, once was}. What is French Religion though?, in many ways, this is what, I do set out to discover, knowing this, to be a much harder task, than most are bound, to believe it to be. Of all French people, that I possibly best identify with, the ‘Gendarmes’, would probably be at the very top, for in France, I have always communicated, in a similar manner to them really. To see France too, from its Religion based Institutions, is to perhaps see it, from its Papal like Figures {the most famous too, being the Bishop}. For that’s whom the French, have traditionally been, with Religion: a ruling Bishop {and of the Cardinal Richelieu fame too really}, the ‘Gendarmes’, and finally, its Infrastructural architecture {this being, its Transport networks, its Military Defences, and finally, Resources acquisition} {with all these three too, tied, to the Religion based Institution, of the King of France} {with the Queen of France on the other hand, tied, to France’s, Language based Institutions}. What though actually, constituted French Religion today? This is what I set out to discover, on attempting to tackle {as a Politician perhaps would}, what in many ways, ails France today, politically. Most perhaps, would view this problem, from more or less, a cultural based perspective {as with France, being a top Nation, in todays World}, and not, from a Philosophical one {as with whom, were in many ways, truly, the enemies of France}. To view it, from the latter view, is to perhaps view France, from its Architecture, its Women, and even, its Nature based beauty {while those viewing France, culturally, tend to view it really, from its Infrastructure, Society, and Lifestyles too even} {with French Lifestyles, even those afforded, by its Socialist mentalities, being truly still, at, the top, of what the World today, has to offer}. I take, the former view, philosophical, as Georges himself perhaps would have, done too really, when I do set out, to discover, what truly ails, France today, in an assignment, having to do, with the pollution, of some, of France’s many water bodies.

Seated in my little office space, at the main office grounds, of ‘La Secretaire’, I find myself, pleasantly, listening to a Mozart musical piece, while I recline, in my rather, properly designed, Office seat, and while thinking somewhat, of this new assignment assigned, alongside another too, having to do, with Dating in France today. Mozart, Wolfgang, Amadeus even. Probably too, the most famous, of European names, but unbeknown to most, Mozart {and his heavy Arthurian ways}, was never truly, prominent, in France {for the French really, have always truly listened, to their own, Musical composers, with the only, European name, to gain ground in France, being, Bach really} {and this too, making them similar to the Italians, who have traditionally only, listened too really, to the music of Vivaldi, when not, listening, to their very own}. What though, to think of Dating in France today? Many probably wonder, whom ‘European Moors’ are, when they actually, do go out really. I think of this perhaps, as I think too, of the office staff in some ways, and their so called, social lifestyles {this including, a certain Miranda, and South American too really, and even at times, Laurent himself}. Laurent, does not take, to talking to me often at all, with him simply saying, hello, when we do sometimes, meet really. Surprisingly enough though, as with my being even, rather wide eyed really, Dominique, has somewhat become, a part, of the staff too. Dominique {as with my questioning even, whom am I really, when I think of this, while typing really, on my computer}. I don’t, actually, sexualize French women at all {I knowing them, in a way, most French men would probably hate: lovingly}. For I know this to be true, that I know, the average French woman, much better, than the average French man does. That’s whom, I have always been, with French women, with Georges too perhaps, not too different, as knowing a woman lovingly, is knowing her, as a true friend {and making, Georges, and the Queen of France, more or less really ‘partners in crime’, rather than, just, associates, or just simply close even}. I know Dominique this way, and I also know, Laurent, senses {or knows this to be true too really} {for the French man, has always sought, to know French women this way, and not, sexually even really, as with they too, French men here, knowing that, French women, have always really only, been sexually attracted, to French men}.

I leave my office for a while, to visit the main office space {it having several desks in it} {with one, occupied prominently, by Mnsgnr LaCroix, and another even, housing, Miranda herself}. Laurent is there, and he, is actually busy, installing, a computer network, of some kind. “It does not work!” he exclaims somewhat, as he probably wonders, as the rest of us probably have {once or twice in our lifetimes}, why computer technology, and software, just never simply, seems to work, when or how, it should. Miranda, is talking about, her night out recently, to a celebrity filled Gala, that surprisingly enough, was attended even, by none other, than Johnny Depp. I turn back, to what I was doing, while somewhat thinking, of social life, mine, in France, Paris, as with my not being bothered, about not having one truly, as with knowing, social life in France, to be truly totally, embodied, in the phrase word “alors!!”. Whom though are, ‘European Moors’ socially really? The answer truly, said even, is that, they have always been, rather Prussian, in their ways. Most out there, know nothing, of Prussian culture, believing it, to have origins, in German or Germanic even, cultures. Truth is, the Prussians, were actually, French-Italian {with what, makes most believe them, German like, being, their names, such as Von Clausewitz, which are actually, Arthurian names really}. It was the Prussians too, that gave Europe {and not the English actually}, Saville Row suits, the Jersey laden English bookworm {and in a Country house too}, and finally even, Frances rather famed, Yachting culture {this, coming through though, Russia itself}. With me though really, not to engage too much socially out there, my being Prussian socially, has to in all to do, not only with, being inspired by the works of Pushkin in general, but in many ways truly too, gaining ideas, of what to do socially, from perhaps, what could be said, to be the seminal work of Prussian culture {Tolstoys, ‘War & Peace’} {as with asking even, where I could possibly find, a real life Bear, in Paris, and place it, in Dominiques office}.

Laurent, is still tampering, with his network, and computer {he trying in all, to install, a computer network, in the office space}, and perhaps wondering, why it all really, is not working {as with his not thinking perhaps, that most software out there, is pretty much useless, in one way or another}. He has a HP computer with him {to me, the first mistake really}, and he is in all, using really, American software {as with American mentalities even}, and finally, he is trying to install too, a Ring Network, within the offices {which in all, is really a failure, to understand in some ways, Network theory}. Ring Networks, are common in Grid Computing, and used specifically, to actually solve, problems {and not actually, used as networks themselves} {it is something small, about computer networks, most truly know, nothing about}. I attempt, to point out many things, even disastrously, to Laurent, as with his not knowing truly, what he is really doing. First off, as with obvious really, I point out, that using Open Source Software, is the way to go, they in all, fitting rather well, with French mentalities really {with a lot of Open Source out there, from the Middle East, and Europe itself too really}. Second off, having made that noticeably said, I do mention, that HP computers {as with him, openly querying why}, are kind of useless, for France, they in all, being based, on Risc/Misc Architecture, when France, as with Organization itself really{and even Architecture}, is somewhat organized really even, along the lines, of Harvard Architecture computers {such as those seen, with certain Dell computer brands} {as with my recommending, Dell, for France really}. Thirdly, in a long winded explanation even {as with my knowing French people, in a way I really like, in that, I am capable, of identifying with them} {this meaning, in a general case, that looking into their eyes, arouses similar feelings, to looking into mine, and through a mirror really}, I do attempt in all, to make some of the people in the office {as with Mnsgnr LaCroix actively listening} {and with my being shy even, somewhat, similar to the French themselves}, that French sensibilities, are of the most interesting thing out there {they, being unlike other sensibilities, including Italian, which are in all, often founded, on righteousness}, that French sensibilities on the otherhand really, are highly based {as with French sophistication too}, on Communications networks {something about the French, most fail, to realize really, their ability in all, to widely even, sense out, a room, filled with people, as with somewhat, adapting to it, as with this too, defining, French sensibilities, and French sophistication in all even} {what is said here, is that, its hard in all, to put down, a good French man, or even too really, kill one, in a crowded room}. This all was said didactically {as with Dominique looking on}, and as with mentioning to Laurent even, that what he wants to install, is a Computer networking protocol, and not, a Computer network {as Computer networks as was mentioned, are used specifically, to solve problems, and not actually, as a communications protocol itself}. All this, Computer networking, is not too different, from Bluetooth technologies for instance {which are about, networking, and not, networks}. Bluetooth I suggest, would work swell, for the office, it being in many ways too, rather French {Bluetooth that is}, in its ways. I look around, when done saying all this {and seeing a nod, from Mnsgnr LaCroix}, proceed to face Dominique, and somewhat, give her wink, with my right eye. Soon after, I am back in my ‘office’.

Seated in my office space again, days later, I am thinking truly, of what, Dating in Paris, is truly all about. How though really, to think of the French socially? In many ways, thinking of France today, is to say really, that its most esteemed members socially, are Football players, American celebrities, and finally, the rather Wealthy in all too. That in many ways, is considered the tops, in French dating {as with similar, social based hierarchies, showing up, amongst youth, in France today, and in many ways too, somewhat making France in all really, somewhat American, as with general society even} {a problem, as with the death of France itself really, to be seen widely in the future, if not, mitigated immediately}. Whom really, were the French socially? To answer this, is to know, of the three types of French people really, that made, for France socially {and in most other ways too really}: French Heroes, French Legends, and finally, French Greats. French Heroes {they too being, brown skinned Moors}, were heavily associated, with its Language based Institutions, as with they heavily defining, French manners, French dress, or even, French speech too in many ways {with names, such as Jean-Jacques Caffieri, or even, Moliere, a few of these, to mention}. You have too also, French Legends {they being white skinned French}, and in many ways too, strongly associated, with Frances Religion based Institutions, and in many ways in all really, speaking of, French escapades {as with those too in many ways, spoken off, by Dumas, in his many works}. Yet still finally, you still do have, the French Greats, and it is here, that outsiders to France {mainly Italian though}, become too, a part of French Society, as with the French Greats, truly in many ways, setting benchmarks, with regards, to French Intellectual thought really {and in many ways too, a group of people, associated, with Frances mainly unknown, Intellectual Class} {an Intellectual Class too, as with its members really, that attempted in all, to define French Society, from the topmost layers of Parisian life, to the Regional France communal like existences, whose lives in many ways, are embodied, in the Fabliau}. Perhaps to many too, the most famous today, of these French Greats {as with his demonstrating, his intellectual theories even}, was Georges. That was France back then though {as the most exciting, and perturbing even, place on Earth really}. While thinking of all this, as with my hearing, something, openly noticeable to my ears, I do exit my ‘office’, to get me some water, and to find actually, Dominique, has a TV set on, and is actually watching too, a TV show on it, in the office space. I get my water, and on making my way back, stop to watch, and as with my watching and looking at Dominique, point out, at CSI Vegas character, Nick, and actively say “You know, that’s Michael Dell”, and as with looking at Dominique again, and she perhaps, trying, to be cool somewhat, says {while pointing too, with an open hand, at the screen}, “that’s not Michael Dell”, to which on looking at her again, I do say “that’s Michael, he does all that, as part time stuff really”. I make my way out, of the confrontational space, and back again, into my ‘office’, for some more musings really, on French Society in general too.

The article I did write, was not to prove, to be flattering at all. In fact, if it had been printed, on a National paper, it probably would, have caused an overseas outrage, if not, a national one at the very least really. Exchanging French Greats, for French football players, or even, French Heroes, for American like celebrities, was to me, a despicable decision, with magnitudes similar, to the collapse in all, of the [i] Ancien Regime[/i] itself. Despicable, as with all this, a rather disastrous in all, Americanization, of France itself, with all of Americas problems {racism, drugs, prostitution, violence etc.}, all popping up, and amidst too apparently, the greatest, of Architecture really. To me, a Reform of French Society, was all that was needed, but with this too, not too easy to see, unless, one truly saw, what was once, at the very heart, of all French Society {the Italian Papal office} {and perhaps in some ways too, not too different perhaps, in my musings, from my little office space, at ‘La Secretaire’}. Today though, what lay at the heart, of French Society really, was an overzealous even, French Media, proclaiming French greatness, but partying afterwards really, in an American style actually. To me, to explain this perhaps clearly, to the reader, is to say, that the worst of this Media, consisted of, raunchy orgy having parties, while that, having to do, with Italian Papal media {as with a decree even}, was in many ways, a murderous affair {and involving even, a prominent French man}. Thinking of all this really too, had me thinking, of Dominique herself again. I am not sexually attracted really, as said before, to French women {as with wanting actually, to have sex with them}, with the only Women, I do dream of spanking perhaps, being, the Deutsch, and the Swedish too really {and not even the Celts either, who are left in many ways really, for romantic affairs truly}. With French women though, or Dominique especially, lying on the grass, talking crap {as with she, truly, knowing what I mean, or what, I am truly thinking even}, and at times, playing “handsie’ with each other {an alternative form of flirting, to ‘footsie’}, and at the most, soft kisses, and nose rubs to go, are in many ways, how I do think, of French women sexually {with the English though on the otherhand, it all being, a play, of annoying them, and then, attempting, to please them} {as with even, the rather hard act, of simply attempting, to make, an English damsel, laugh}.

About 7 months after all this, not too much, had been done, on my assignment, on what was ailing really, France’s water bodies {the attempt in all by someone actually, to actually pollute them really}. A stop, had been put in place, while I had worked, on other tasks given, which had been of some interest, to me {as with they, being rather modern in their states, and as a result, of not too much interest, philosophically, or artistically even}. The France that I worked in, was different, from the olden day France, in ways, I cared not to know, too much about. To see this much clearer, is to perhaps best, see France, as it truly was, in the past, and on a daily cultural basis too really. First off for example, is to speak of, Group formations, as seen in France today, and in the past too. In todays France, the most popular Group formations, are 2, 4, and 6 even. Formations too, rather alien to France, as the 2-person formation {rather popular in France today socially}, has its origins, in the British world {as with two people even, meeting, at either ones home}. You have the 6-person formation, rather common today, in French family life, and having its origins truly, in 60’s France, with Americanization attempts really, in all. Finally, the 4-person formation, is rather popular, amongst French youth today, but one too {as with Celebrity society even}, rather heavily, crime prone really. France in the past, was rather different. For social contact, you had the 3-person formation, with three people in general, engaged, in conversation frankly, and the very formation too, that allowed, French men in general, to launch, any sexual escapade even, as with even too, having French women, notice one really. You then have, the 4-person formation, which in France, was heavily, Family oriented. Finally, you had the rather famed 5-person formation, which not only, spoke of 5 people meeting in a group, but each actually, being in all rather, individual, as with communicating didactically, with other group members really, and even too, a Group formation, that in all, allowed one {as with chance or luck even}, to launch really, any kind, of profitable initiative really, and of any type too {and the kind of Group formation too, once seen heavily, in France’s Drink/food joints too} {France’s parks on the otherhand, could only be transversed, in a 3-person formation, and not one or two either}. In many ways too, the new Group formations that France adhered too, left me in all, simply lacking any interest, in engaging, in everyday French cultural life. Another reason, for great uninterest in France in general, was the kind of Society too really, it did house {it being actually, of the Wordly nature, as with Emiratis even, being part of it, and not Global either too}. France did once have, Global Society with it, which to many unknowingly, is rather different, from Worldly Society. Worldly Society in most ways, is Celebrity filled, and one heavily based, on visiting friends of all kinds, in ll kinds, of social spaces really. Global Society on the otherhand, as seen in France previously, consisted truly, of all kinds of European peoples in general, while living in France for instance, having affairs perhaps, not only in Paris, but also, back to really, in their home countries {as with traveling there, even oftenly}. Affairs, such as living in France, but having ones teenage son, live, in Austria for instance. A world though, Global Society, that would eventually, see France led, into, Revolution, and Civil War even, as not only with, the arrival of immigrants, from the Americas, but as with they too, bringing their affairs, to France {and of, the violence filled kind even}. Violence, as with these immigrants too really, that would lay, at the very roots, of the French Revolution itself. Finally though, was the fact, that long gone, was French materiality {including natural foods, such as bread, or even, rather good tasting croissants}, in exchange, for not only mainly, modern European materiality, but as with France having many social problems too really, African materiality {including, the popularizing, of African music in France} {and not too different either, from a French King perhaps, listening, to rap music}. In many ways really, I did not have too much, of a great enthusiasm really, to engaging in French life, as it was at the present, actively. I did however, eventually begin my work, on my assignment, and to what, did ail, France’s water bodies, as with Monsigneur Morrel himself, giving me, the ‘go ahead’.

The Violin is one, of the most extant, of instruments, out there. It in all really, is able to give performances, of such great clarity, as with they really even, stimulating ones brain, to open up, in all foreseeable ways really {sensibilities, or structural formations even too}. Of all the great composers out there, one names stands out, as having had, the very ability, to program ‘taste’, into ones mind {that being Mendelssohn, and a Prussian too actually}. Acquainting oneself rather fondly, with Mendelssohn, programs in one, the ability, to discern fine taste, in just about, anything really {as just by looking, at wine for example, one can know, if its good or bad, or likewise even, simply looking, at a woman, one can discern, if she is virtuous or not really}. That in many ways, is Mendelssohn, but in even further ways, is his ability, to strike up ones imagination, vivaciously even, such that, anything of good or bad taste even, can be figured out, as with regards really, to its creation {as with truly even, simulating, how a woman, who captures ones attention, goes about, doing, just about anything, in her life}. It is this primary intelligence {my acquaintance with Mendelssohn, and fine taste even}, that I decide, to bring to my work, alongside too, my rather Italian Intellect, and finally, my Islam based (‘mystical’) mentalities.

The Seine river, unlike its England based counterpart the Thames, is a river, that flows right through, Paris itself. A river, of similar magnitudes to the Thames, but surprisingly enough, never spoken about really, by most French ‘culturalists’, or historians even. Yet still, one does find, that the Seine, unlike the Thames, has never truly, been a part, of French {or European even}, culture really. It has in most ways though, being associated, with one facet, of European life, that I, as a ‘European Moor’ {and of the Middleton kind too}, truly do know, about: ‘European Drama’. For it is in many ways, the very thing, that most ‘European Moors’, truly did invent: European (everyday even) Drama. Standing at the Seine itself, with Laurent to accompany me, I can’t help, but simply, by looking at the believed contaminated waters, of the Seine, somewhat {as with my Mendelssohn inspired imagination}, see really, to just how, it has come to look {murky that is}, as it is, in these present times. Once rather clear, the Seine now {as with its waters really}, is in all, rather dark and unclear, with various forms of waste even, floating, along its sides. An atrocity I think, as I wonder, whom in all, is responsible, for all this {with some erstwhile discernment on my part, intellect based, seeing this having its roots, in WW2 France, and the rise, of its manufacturing base really}. To me though, while Laurent stands there, somewhat inspecting the water, intending even, to do some tests on it, I can’t help but think, that all this, goes alongside too even, the fall in standards, of French Architecture itself, or even, the very definition, of what truly does make for really, a genuine, French women {with the French, as with even their materiality, always, having sought out, genuineness, or warranty really even, in anything, of worth or value}. Modern French Architecture on otherhand, as with the modern French woman even, in many ways truly, have a warranty, of only about, 50 years to the max {and after that, France really, as a disastrous looking ‘existence’ for all} {for again, it has always been, French love actually, as with the Diamond even, that have, always, been forever}.

Sitting back in my ‘office’, with Laurent somewhat proudly proclaiming, the Seine, to be somewhat, contaminated, at levels higher, than acceptable EU regulations, to which, the others, don’t take to, eagerly {or enthusiastically even really}. Its as if, its simply a broadcast, to be made, and a fact even, to be stored simply, in ones memory. In many ways too, this has to do, with the question itself, of French Religion, and the French Government itself. In many ways truly, as with French Religion really {and not French Government/Administration either}, this in many ways too, has to do, with how to look, at French History itself. Today, this involves really, looking at French History, from the perspective, of Infrastructure, Society, and Lifestyles even {all rather modern too}, and in many ways too, all this, having modern French Politics, at its very heart {as with the attempt really, to sustain all this}. This though, is not how, French History, has been viewed, traditionally {as with it really, consisting, of French Architecture, French Women/society, and finally, French Nature based beauty}. At the very heart of this though, has always been, French/European Drama {which in the past, was heavily determined, by French luminary figures, such as Georges for instance}, and in many ways too {as with Europe today, having the poorest qualities of life, and not standards either}, heavily even, today that is, defined really, by, the African {as with primitivity too in general } {and as with French/European Drama today, nothing, of the Middleton kind, but actually, of the Nollywood kind really}.

Looking, at the pictures, photos really, of the murky waters, of the Seine {taken by Laurent}, I can’t but help {as with European history itself} {and my Italian Intellect too in suit}, to piece together the pieces, of why, France in all, faces even, a collapse, of the Revolutionary War magnitude kind even, due to its present ways. My intricate knowing of European Drama, tells me really {as with history itself}, that at the very heart of all this, probably lies, the French/European Woman {whom though often praised, can be amongst, the most, if not the most actually, stupidest, of women out there}. The decaying Seine, the fall in French Architecture, and the French woman now, unsophisticated in most ways, tells me, to save France atleast {as with the dictates, of its Historical Greats, Heroes or Legends}, I will have to call, on my ‘spiritual powers’ {associated, with European spiritual practices, such as Kardecism, and actually too also, of Arthurian origins, the French Ancestors too, and finally, the guile most today, associate, with what some do term, Afrocentric History (it though, being the History actually, of ‘European Moors’, driven in all, by Kardecism, and the European Ancestors)}. France faces a serious problem, one its Government/Administration, can never handle, but can only, truly be faced, with those associated, with the French/European Ancestors {and with my thinking of all this, coming up with none other, than the name, of Caffieri}, as with my thinking, of his guiding me through all this {with visions even}, to pinpoint, what truly ails, France today. Many fail, to understand, the French, and in alignment too, French/European spirituality. The French, as with other Europeans too really, have always been, rather heavily psychological {as with this even, merging, with their spiritual practices}. Knowing this, is to know and see, just how, the French today, are out of touch, with their basic natures really, as with France today mainly, Sociological {and in all too, not only practicing, a sociology emanating, from South America really, but one too really too, filled, with mainly, American-like problems, including, those of the ‘nig syndrome’ variety}. The French, like other Europeans, have primarily been Psychological, with this then followed, by the Sociological {and not, the other way round}. Knowing this again, they being psychological, is the key to understanding, heavily transformational even, European spiritual/psychological practices, such as Kardecism. Kardecism as mentioned before, while Arthurian in its roots, does go along too, with French Madonna worship for instance, as with Kardecism really{and as with Physics perhaps even too}, highly associated, not only, with what they do term, the Supreme Law, but actually too, the physics based reality perhaps, of String Theory {it emanating, from the Supreme Law too} {and in alignment too, with European spiritual practices, speaks of, making a ritual offering for instance, and having, ones realities, transformed, rather greatly even}. That in many ways, was the Law, associated, with the Bishops of France {when in all, things truly, got out of hand, in a France, once filled, with all forms, of debonair like characters}.

I left France, after engaging, in all this, as with being guided, by the spirit of Caffieri, led me to know and see, that nothing much, had changed, in France, since the Revolutionary times. Frances problems, that threatened, to truly fully even, destroy it, did as I suspect, emanate from, its Womenfolk really. Womenfolk too, of a rather interesting Psychology, as with they, somehow or somewhat even, led, to fornicate really, with all forms of immigrants {including the African}, and as a result, developing, a great self-hatred, that they believed, could only be cured, by lowering or destroying, anything, of worth or value even, they did deem, to be associated, or acquainted with them really {this including, not only the Seine, and Frances Nature, but also, its Architecture too} {not to speak of either, any personnel even, they believe, truly belongs with them (including, their husbands even)}. A great self-hatred really {emanating too, with French Madonna worship, and its greatly forbidding, of fornication in general}, that has French women, as with Revolutionary France even, calling for Revolution, not to bring about change really {as many do perceive}, but actually, to lower or destroy France, in itself {and in an act even, of self-mutilation}, as with the overall attempt really, to feel good, about themselves.

A small offering made on my part, directed in all, by the spirit of Caffieri, saw me leave France almost immediately, knowing that, France today {as with the Revolutionary times}, and the ‘European Moor’, remained, as what, they truly have been, since those hideous times: ‘Enemies at Heart’.

End of Part 9………………………………….