Thursday 2 February 2012

Lords of the Dance (part 8)

Lords of the Dance:

How to Read Literature:

Many out there, have truly attempted perhaps, to in all, truly read, a piece of Literature, and in the namesake, of understanding in all actually. They however, tend to believe, Literature {and Classic Music too even}, to be the stuff, of Intellectuals only. They think, its hard stuff; and stuff too, one actually has to try in all, to truly understand actually, or truly even really, believe themselves in all even, simply Intellectually Inferior actually, and to those who in all, attempt to proclaim to others, that they know this stuff, better than others do {and including even, many a Critic in all too actually}.

This little piece here, will attempt in all, to teach one, how to simply in all again, read Literature actually {and even, listen to Classic Music in all truly}. It is simply guidelines in all, that will attempt, to have one appreciating Literature in many ways, as with knowing even, that Literature, was meant to be appreciated {and not enjoyed actually}, while Classic Music, is meant to be enjoyed truly {and not appreciated} {with many a University Professor today perhaps, pointing out things, in the inverse, to what has just been mentioned above actually}.

Here are 5 main guidelines, to help one, in truly learning, how to Read Literature in all actually:

1. Natural Progression: When one reads Literature, the key thing, is to attempt in all, to decipher actually {or discern too even really}, the Natural Progression to things happening in all actually {as with even perhaps, popularly speaking, how Justice in all, is metted, or delivered in all too really}. To speak of Natural Progression though, is to be attuned actually, to the Natural Curves perhaps, that do flow, throughout the Literature {this meaning, that just about everything mentioned in the piece of Literature, must be connected to each other, and truly based around, Participation in all actually} {i.e. there must be a good reason even, for why, a Vase for instance, is mentioned in a piece of Literature}. In all, and as with attempting, to discern this Natural Progression, don’t be afraid, to ask ‘dumb’ questions, about why for instance, someone would put on, a lily white dress, and to any occasion too actually {this all again, is not something, one asks another, as with even, learning to dance to a song, is truly about, one all alone actually, attempting in all, to discern, the flow or rhythm, to the song itself} {you simply, cannot get answers, to asking another, about the flow in a song}.

2. Psychology: There are many out there perhaps, who have been introduced, into the very sphere, of Literature in all, via a University Course, that in many ways truly, asked them to think ‘deep’, about what they were reading. When one again, speaks of a piece of Literature, being even, a masterful work truly, one in many ways, is truly speaking of it, as being multi-dimensional even, and in the way, it is presented in all actually. To understand this better, is to know perhaps, that one can view Literature in all {good Literature that is}, from the Physiological, Psychological, Theological, Ontological etc. perspectives truly, as with even stating too really that, many a University Course today, attempts to present, Literature in all, from the perspective, of the Theological {i.e. attempting to figure out in all, and as with being ‘deep’ too even, whether there is Sense, to what is being written about actually} {and as with knowing even, that Theology in all, is a rather Religious way in all, of speaking of Sense and in its ways, and Literature presented as such, can probably best be understand perhaps, based on the framework provided in all, by Paul Tillich for example, and in his work ‘The Courage to be’}. In all, what is been said here is don’t be to quick, to buy into anything said about Literature Theologically, without attempting in all perhaps, to judge it, via Paul Tillichs work. However though, there are those who painstakingly even, attempt to read Literature based around Physiology actually {as with it speaking even, of Language abilities in all, or even, Thought based Masculinity/Feminity}, and in all, attempt to read Literature based on actually reading every word by sentence and grammar, or even, attempting in all again, to see just how, the characters in it, truly act in all really {as with this truly based around, attempting to understand, a piece of Literature, paragraph for paragraph in all actually}. This is truly an outlandish way of reading Literature, as while it does work for some rather basic Literature, or even, really good Literature too, it is truly, a rather olden way even, of doing things in all actually {and does not work today, as with most Literature sold out there in all really}. The best way though, to read Literature, is from the Psychology of it all {i.e. speak in all of the Jungian Eros force, the Soul, and finally even, Human Voices heard actually}. In all, truly attempt to listen, to the sound even, of the Voices of the characters, to be seen, in the Literature itself {and as with fun, and amusement in all too actually}. Yet still, the Eros force in all, can best be seen, in most pieces of Literature, as with attempting in all, to discern actually happy, sad, forlone, angry etc., moments, in the piece of Literature itself. Finally, and the easiest way in all even to read Literature, is from the Soul of it all {and something today, associated heavily, with Music actually} {and with modern Music, not as good, for the Soul, as many tend, to believe it to be}. In speaking of the Soul, try in all, to discover, the rhythm or tempo, of the Literature in all actually, as with saying even, this is truly about, attempting to discern even, the speed actually, by which things do happen {as in knowing even, that many a piece of Literature out there, is actually, much more fast-paced, than many a Movie seen in a Local Theatre actually}. This, the Psychology of it all, is truly, the best way even, to read Literature as in attempting even, to Understand it all actually {as with this even, speaking of the basics actually, of most Literature, that is worth reading in all actually}.

3. The Undercurrent: To speak of the Undercurrent in a work of Literature, is to speak in all, of what truly, does drive it in all actually {as with what even, is the main source truly, of all events, arising truly, in the work of Literature being read}. This, is not too different, from reading in all, a Newspaper actually, and attempting in all again, to discover in all, the Undercurrent, that is the true cause, of many an event seen, in the Newspaper itself {as with even truly knowing, if what is being printed is the truth, or not}. One in all, should realize, that Literature in many ways, was in the olden days, what Newspapers, are today actually {attempting to help one, discover, an Undercurrent to life itself truly} {as with Literature even, capable of being outdated, unless re-written, to fit more recent Times actually}. Having said this, is to know, that initially even, one should read in all, any Literature they do have, as they do in all, a Newspaper actually {i.e. reading it even, rather fast actually, and not even truly, paying attention, to every word seen actually} {with the ability to read Literature, word by word, and at a comfortable pace too even, based highly upon, being attuned actually, to the Natural Progression seen in it} {this again, not too different from dancing to a real good Song, from start to finish, and rather well even, by truly capturing, the flow of the Song, and with time too presumably}. Simply read it, and then attempt to truly discover, whats going on, by attempting to find out in all even, the Undercurrent to it all actually {as with even truly knowing, that the Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, has the French Revolution, as its Undercurrent actually} {and for those with discerning minds, rather than read up, on the French Revolution, simply attempt, to discover what was going on then, based on asking questions on the characters, not too different, from the way, one would question even, just about anyone even, mentioned in a Newspaper in all actually} {with this though, when applied to Literature from the past, not too rather direct even, and as with even reading a Newspaper written about 50 years ago in all actually}. In many ways again, this is truly, the best way in all, to read Literature, and with exception of Masterly works too even, one should not disregard Literature in all, as being outdated actually, but truly again even, a source of History itself {as with helping one know ones World much better}, but also truly again, the very source even, of many an Idea, on simply how, to deal with life in itself actually {as with one even, capable of going through life itself and successfully too even, having only read, Literature in itself actually }.

4. The Centerpiece: Many when reading a piece of Literature in all, attempt truly, to actually understand, what is going on, and at the very moment too actually {as with reading even, a Magazine in all actually}. Literature though, tends to progress in all {and as with Natural Progression too even}, similar to a Movie actually {and where Understanding in all, comes often later, than before in all truly, or even, the present too actually} {and before, as with a movie preview too actually}. Many a University Professor seen today, will ask one in all {as in helping one see whats happening in the Literature itself}, to strongly even, identify, with a certain said, Major Character in it too really {as with knowing even, that good Literature in all, has no major Characters to it actually}. What one wants to do, when not truly understanding even, a piece of Literature in all, is find a Centerpiece to it all even {which could very well be a Character, or even, a Vase too actually}, and by which, to put ones efforts of concentration in all, so as to attempt, to actually See, whats going on in the Literature itself actually {as with saying even, for many a Movie out there, the Centerpiece, is the Camera filming at hand, or even, the Music often heard in any scene truly } {and music even, which if shortlived too even, often acts, as a point of reference in all, by which, to judge, whats actually going on, in any Scene truly}. Again, don’t simply pick out any Centerpiece in all, but choose one truly, that attracts one actually {even if it be, a Womans bosom in all truly}, and simply, attempt to See even, whats truly going on actually {as with knowing even, that any piece of Literature in all, can be interpreted, in rather many ways truly, and all this truly dependent in all, on the Centerpiece of choice, and by any Reader too actually}.

5. Purpose: A lot of Literature out there, is not truly of the Cultural Variety actually, but in many ways actually, does attempt in all, to point out even, a Purpose, for living life in all actually. This, is the main reason, why anyone in all, should attempt, to read Literature in all actually {but as with knowing even again, Literature interpreted as such, is truly even, regional/Cultural in its ways too even really} {at the very least, such Literature, can be studied truly, from the perspective of Purpose in all, and by an outsider to the region/culture of its origins}. In many ways though, studying Literature from Purpose, speaks truly of, attempting to see actually, what the Literature in all, is actually Telling one {and not, what it is Saying} {with whats said in all again, speaking truly, of the Undercurrents, in the Literature itself actually}.


The European Moor