Screening vs. Labeling:
This posting in all ways truly, is based around the very simple fact, of Screening and as versus even, Labeling actually. For the two do differ, and as despite many knowing this, they do differ, in rather fundamental ways too actually. To summarize in all this posting is to say, long gone, are the days when Screening, was a rather popular act in all, and before Labeling in all ways truly, did become the norm actually. To say the least again, is to say, that Screening, has to do, with naming another {with all kinds and forms of names even}, while Labeling, is rather actually discriminative in its ways truly, as it does, have to do, with limiting, human locomotion/movement, and in just about all ways truly.
Once upon a time, on Jack falling down the hill, most would name/screen him perhaps, an Apologetic; shortsighted in his ways, and not caring too much, about one thing, or another too actually {including making Jill, look very much, truly uncomfortable, and in her ways actually}. Today though, most would be quick to label Jack a Doofus, or an Idiot even, not too thoughtful, about representing, or respecting even, a Social Image and of a kind too really.
How did we get this far, terrible even, and in our ways truly {and a world of torments, and labeling all over, that truly has us, wondering, whom we truly are in all really}. To speak of this directly, would be rather too highly philosophical, historical, and even, downright technical, as in attempting truly, to represent the truth in all actually. However, there is another way in all, to go about speaking about all this, and it very much, has to do, with an oftenly obsessed topic in all too really: that of Sex.
Sex, something truly spoken {or said about in all actually}, but to this very day, apparently truly, remaining a great mystery even, to many of us out there actually {so much so, and as I will attempt to point out in this posting, that until we move past uncovering the mystery in all of this, nothing much, will happen out there, with regards, to human progress in all}. Whats there to say about Sex, that truly in all, has not been said, by a mind, olden or ancient even, that would actually truly, blow away {the ancients and oldens that is}, blow way, their minds in all truly. Let me get down by example, to show in all, how the obsession with Sex, has led, to the most pitiful even, of human living, and in the name, of Modernity too actually, as many in all, do label even, our present times in all too actually.
Let me first expose something small about Sex, and the past, and as it is perceived even, in the present actually {and as speaking, of the modern mind too that is}. For you see, Sex in the past, and philosophically speaking too that is, was truly based around, Physiology actually {and as with even, mastering in all, Language abilities too in all really}. One mastered Language, then sought out, a Female companion in all, to impress, with ones use, of Language truly, and with the end result even, probably in all, procuring Sex actually. That’s how, the Romantics of the past in many ways, truly did operate. But what of Today though? What can I say than, with illiteracy more of the norm, Sex as a topic, has taken far more interesting proportions {and more interesting even, than I could ever, have come to fathom actually}, for someone out there, truly did decide, that the very act of procuring Sex, truly in all, did deserve even, an Organizational format, to do it all actually {hopefully, in helping make this clear, is to say, that the Organization, is a higher Philosophical existence, than Theology, or Psychology/Sociology too actually is}. Hopefully, this is understood as, that there are fools or morons in all even {do I sound preposterous saying this}, who do ask of us, to actually Organize ourselves, in the task even, of actually, procuring Sex {and as with two or three friends even, staking out a drinking den actually, or a Bar too even, talking with each other, or advicing each other even, on the women visiting, and just how in all, to go about getting, Sex, from any of them} {Mein Gott, Mein Gott, I do not know what to say, but to speak philosophically even, would be to speak of, just how pitiful in all, life has truly very much become in this day and age, when people in all, do organize themselves actually, and to actually too, procure Sex, and not even, Great Food in all actually}. Mein Friends, let me make this much more clearer perhaps, and as the German mind in all, probably very much would too really.
What is the Organization? An Organization, Philosophically speaking, is not something, truly in all, about Management skills actually {and as many a University out there even, or an overzealous Professor too even, would have you believing in all actually}. An Organization, cannot be spoken of Technically {and as many even, a University Course in all would teach actually}, but actually truly, can only be spoken about, Philosophically in all truly. To perhaps help best, the average mind in all understand, the complexities of what truly does lie, at the very heart even, of an Organization, is to perhaps again, resort, to Jungian, and Freudian terminology in all, and as with regards to this truly. The Organization in all again, can perhaps be best described basically, in the following manner: a Collective Unconscious, Heart based Understanding, and finally even, Heart based Intuition. To make this clearer, is to say again {and as speaking even of, the Collective Unconscious actually}, that the way we do choose to organize ourselves, very much has to do, with whom, we are Genetically, and from an Ancestral perspective too even. In all, in getting into a group fight for instance, it does not serve well that an Englishman for instance really, to organize himself in all, as a Japanese person would {despite what many a Managerial expert even, will actually in all tell you really}, without at the very least the Englishman in all again realizing {or recognizing too even}, that his Ancestral makeup in all, will hamper truly, with his winning the fight in all as it is actually {simply said, one probably fights in all, and as speaking of everyday life even, in a similar manner, to ones grandfather, or even, great grandfather too actually} {but not truly perhaps, ones father in all too really}. Heart based Understanding, speaks of in all, utilizing any Knowledge in all too, and procured actually, in a manner, that’s best truly, for all in the Organization actually {as with knowing even, why many a named Private Organization in all truly, would close, its membership in all, to most outsiders there in all actually} {and not only due to the Collective Unconscious actually, but evolutionarily speaking, the very fact even, that many of us out there actually, are not us evolved in all, and as compared to others really, as with regards even truly, to the Heart in all actually} {simply said again, some of us, are heartfelt truly by nature, while others, actually truly do struggle, to be as such actually: think Africa here}. Heart based Intuition, and in all truly, is what made many a rather famed Organization of old {think the Arthurian Knights of the Round Table here}, rather even, respectable and reputable in this very modern age and day even, as with knowing too even, that Heart based Intuition, speaks of procuring all forms of Knowledge, at an almost, Real-time manner even {and as with even, speaking of having, a truly postulation based in all, great Conversation actually} {for that’s whom in all, the Knights of the Round table actually were; holding great Conversation into the night, and as with attempting truly, to make out even, what was going on actually, in any given situation, and within any area of interest too actually}.
Having knowing this, that the ancients in all {and speaking of the Knights of the Round Table too actually} {and even truly too, the Knights Templar in all too really}, did actually use, Organization as a Philosophy in all, to garner great Wealth actually, how pitiful then, is it that, many a mind today, would use such a highly based Philosophical idea {the Organization}, to attempt in all, to actually, procure Sex {and truly even, as with those understanding Philosophy in all, it must be said the world even, must have gone actually mad, when the average Scientist in all, uses a Supercomputer, and one running with the best of Scientific Computing Software actually, to in all add up, the very sum, of two decimal numbers actually} {and hopefully, as with owning a Computer even, this joke did get through actually, as it is no different in all, from actually using the Organization, to actually truly, procure Sex in all}.
Sex, and Physiology. Not too much to say here, other than, developing Language Skills, Thought based Masculinity/Femininity {and not that of Brawn either} {and as with the rather dumb belief even, that Physical Strength concurs all}, and finally, an adherence to Local Law in all perhaps {as with knowing even, what to do as a civil being actually, when out even, in the largest city out there actually}.
In many ways though, Physiology, is a much lower {probably the lowest even}, Philosophical idea in all, to be seen out there in all actually, as with many even, a small community in the Indus, having actually, truly mastered it, Ages ago in all truly.
But lets speak of all this again, from the perspective truly, of Screening vs. Labeling {for to use Organization in all, in procuring not only, Sex, but Money as Commodity too actually, is a ‘Labeling fest’ in all truly} {and in just about every way actually}. What truly does happen perhaps, when one does attempt to use, the Organizational format, in procuring Sex, or Money as a Commodity too actually? In attempting in all, to understand even, the Psychology in all this, is to say, that using the Organization format, to procure such base ‘products’ in all, leads to certain manifestation in ones life in all actually {from a lower end in all, it actually leads to developing even, feelings of Vileness in all, and which truly leads too again, to Self-Mutilation in all actually} {and with all this taking time, and as with saying once in, one, cannot easily get out of it all actually, and speaking of Self-Mutilation in all even, as with overdosing, on drugs in all truly}. On the other end, perceived the higher and truly in all, Positive end actually, the end result, is often the developing of thoughts in all actually, and of the Despicable kind too even, and the wish in all again, to actually Mutilate another truly. That’s what would happen to one, on using the Organization format in all, and weekend after weekend that is, in attempting truly, to procure Sex actually {as with saying even, that the problem is not that it does not work actually, but actually truly, is no different in all, to attempting, to a kill a Fly actually, and with a Shotgun too} {it truly in all, speaks of madness truly}. In all, one is always, a true {and even sure, and sore too actually} Loser, in using the Organization format, to attempt in all, to procure not only Sex, but Money as a Commodity too actually {with all this speaking again, of what they truly do term, Psycho-dynamics in all actually} {as with stating even truly, that those who do certain things in all, move or walk even, in certain ways too actually}. Win Sex in all via this route, and one becomes Despicable in their ways or manners too even, and with time truly, do seek even, to Mutilate another actually {and as with forced sex too even} {and in the bid, to actually feel good about themselves truly}. On the other end, Vileness on not getting the Sex desired, and in all again, becoming Self-Mutilating, and as with even, becoming truly rather servile or docile even, and in ones ways too actually. That’s the Organization today, and what happens to many a Person out there, employed in all, in a modern Organization actually, and as speaking of Time too really {in all, a breakdown in ones mental stability truly, and as with even truly knowing, one is surrounded, by the most vile and despicable, of People, one could ever truly meet}.
The trajectories of modern Organizations {and as with Labeling even}, are truly easy to see in all actually {a rise up, a small spike down, a further rise up again, and then, its all downhill from there actually} {and a downhill too, velocity wise, depended on just how, vile and despicable, ones associates in all, truly are} {this again, was Wallstreet 1980-89, when groups of all forms of comical Persons in all perhaps, using the highest even, of Organizational Theory in all too really, decided to not only procure Money as a Commodity in all, but Sex too actually, using the Organization format, Wallstreet, and leading in many ways, to the almost, collapse in all, of the American Economy} {and Paperwork too even, lining up, a whole highway perhaps, and filling up in all, the very Offices, of the SEC; the Securities and Exchange Commission that is}.
What of life in the olden days, before some ‘Ungenious’ that is, decided to become ‘Ingenious’ in thought and manner, and introduce the majority out there, to the rather hard in all, Idea, and to understand that is, of the Organization in all too really. Back then, they used Psychology. Psychology too, with some Sociology in all, thrown into it actually. To understand this better perhaps, and as with speak of Sex too that is, is to know the very realm even, of Psychology in all, does state that, at one lower end in all, of Experience truly, is Self-loathing, and at the higher and truly positive end, is probably in all truly, what they do call, Bliss actually. The Psycho-dynamics in all, of Psychology, can best truly be associated in all with, what Jung did call, the Eros force, the Soul {and as with going to Hell even} {and as with knowing too even, those who do use the Organizational format for pettiness, are off perhaps, to hellbound places, that even the Pope, wishes nought, to hear about}, and finally even, the Human Voice actually {as with many today even, speaking very much, like vile creatures of a all kinds truly}. That’s basic Psychology, and life was truly lived around these three Philosophical in all, Psychological constructs actually, and with end goal in all again, to experiencing Bliss actually {and while avoiding in all, Self-loathing too actually}. In the old days, if one could not get Sex, they became Self-loathing in all, and with time, simply did not feel good about themselves perhaps, and developed in all, evil thoughts of a kind or another {which the local Priest even perhaps, did get to hear about in Confession too actually}, or even, simply became Animal like in expressing themselves, and as a Voice too actually {and barking out orders even, to just about anyone out there, and in their sight truly}. This is whom, the ancients were even {and as speaking even, of far as back even, as the 40’s and Fifties too actually}, and People in all, who truly did live around, Psychology, as a Philosophical construct in all actually, as with truly in all again, understanding why this life in all, was simply much greater even, than that seen today actually. In all truly, life in all, based around, what even, the Ancients {Greek, Egyptian in all perhaps}, truly did understand, to constitute, Bliss in all too really {hopefully this is understood, by knowing truly, what Bliss is, one then can seek it out, in just about anything, they might so actually wish to do really} {from work itself, to plotting a revenge in all, to even, simply cooking a meal too actually} {the Sex Experience in all again, is lower truly, and in many ways actually, than true Bliss is}. In many ways though, knowing what true Bliss was, offered one, the most vast even, of life experiences in all, and as with knowing even, that any Sociological constructs in all, popping up, and in this world too even, had to do, with co-managing {remember Co-Managing?}, the Eros force, the Soul, or the Human Voice even, and in their own right too actually {as with speak even, of a Car repair shop in all, the Local Church or temple even, and even finally perhaps, the Local Court of Law truly}.
But what if mes amies, if I was to tell you, that the Ancients in themselves {the Egyptians truly perhaps}, had mastered life, to heights even, greater than that, of the Organization actually {and speaking too even, of what they do term in all perhaps, Ontology actually}. What would you say, if I told you that the Greeks in all, would consider our way of life today, akin actually, to those of wild animals, seen formerly, in Ancient Greece truly {and as with speaking even, of seeking out Sex in all, as a tool actually, for our Esteems in all again, and not even truly perhaps, living out life actually, based around, seeking out Great Food truly} {and as Cat even, probably in all, does think about truly}. At the very least, to speak of Ontology again perhaps, and basically too, is to speak of it, and as the Romans of yore, would probably have spoken about it in all: that is, speak of the Greek/Roman God ‘Apollo’. To speak of the Roman God ‘Apollo’, is to speak even of, the Virginity Cults even, that once did spring up, all over Italy actually {and not just Rome itself truly}. Cults in all, that asked their adherents, to give up on the Sexual experience in all, deeming it even, rather backwards, and lowly even, in taste actually, and in search too again, for an even higher experience, than Bliss itself actually {that in all being again truly, Euphoria actually}. Euphoria, as with it even {and as with the Egyptians again truly}, representing the higher and truly in all, positive end of Ontology actually, with the lower end in all again, truly speaking of, a Person in all, Self-Castigating in their ways too actually {that is, everything done in all, is an error or mistake of a kind too really}. It was these Virginity Cults in all actually, that did make truly for, many a famed Roman in all, and whether it be, Marc Anthony, Gaius Antonius , Manius Aquillius, Lucius Vorenus, or even Titus Pullo too actually, and they responsible in all, for taking Roman life, to the very realms, of the Gods themselves {and as speaking even, of Experiences experienced day in and day out actually} {with Roman Civilization truly, more a factual and truthful representation even, of life today, than Egyptian or Greek Civilization in all too really were}.
That’s whom the Ancients were {for those who truly do look down upon them}, they truly in all, did understand even, what Euphoria, or Bliss truly were actually {and as with a further statement even, truly did understand again perhaps, what Ontology and Psychology too as an example, truly were} {and as with speaking even, of their Essence in all actually}, and in all ways truly too, anything done in all, from feeding the Cat, to cooking a Meal even, to developing Technology actually, was done highly based around, what truly did constitute, Euphoria or Bliss even {and with all this made clear perhaps, by knowing even, that most Technology today in all, and as with upraised positive feelings actually, can best be associated in all, with the Adrenaline rush actually} {and as with it even, a pseudo-sexual experience in all too actually}. For the Ancients though, their technology was in all, rather magical actually, and which is what, true Magic truly is about {experiencing true Bliss, or Euphoria too even actually}.
To perhaps again, understand better, what Ontology does entail in all, is to speak of it, from the perspective, of Side Effects actually. For instance, the very realm even, of Physiology in all, truly speaks of side effects in all again {and as with ones ideas in all, either working or not working truly}, based highly around, Sexual fantasies actually {that anything done in all too actually, speaks of Esteem issues in all again, based highly around, fantasizing even, in some way about Sex too really} {whether it be all about having the women glancing at one, or even perhaps truly, they in all actually, mocking one truly}. What of Psychology on the otherhand, for it all perhaps, the Side Effects that is, truly again, speaks of a rather favourable {or not too favourable again}, visit, to a Sociological construct in all, and of a kind truly {with a Five-Star Hotel perhaps, sought out, and a Prison too, to be avoided truly, in all ways too actually}. What of Ontology? What of the Virginity Cults of old? {and as with knowing even, that the side effects of modern Organization, truly lie, with acts of Mutilation and Self-Mutilation in all too actually} {making the world today, a far more evil place, than most believe it to be actually}. What of Ontology again? Would it be madness {and as with speaking even, of Oscar Wilde in all actually}, to state that, the Side Effects of Ontology in all, is an evil seen, or evil heard too actually {and as with evil itself, manifesting physically even, and readily too, coming after one actually}.
In all, this is how to end, the debate about, whom the Greeks and Egyptians in all again, truly were {that is, how did they actually, differ from each other} {and with Greece, not a continuation in itself, of Egypt actually}; for the Greeks in all, life truly was perhaps best measured, by the number of Sexual fantasies for instance, Sociological constructs even, or even truly again, Evil manifest in all, that could truly arise or occur, and with just about, any Situation thought actually. For the Egyptians on the otherhand, their ways were more direct actually, as with truly aspiring, not for Bliss or Euphoria in themselves actually, but actually truly, ‘true Bliss’, or ‘true Euphoria’ in all too actually {making Egypt in all, Heaven on Earth itself actually} {and for the Greeks, they in all again, truly debating, what truly was Evil, and as with speaking of, ones actions in all, highly favourable to one, but destabilizing in all too perhaps, to another, believed good in all too actually}.
In ending all this, is to tell most out there, that the above truly, does constitute, what the Europeans in all, did call, Salvation actually {as with freeing ones mind, from all fearful thoughts too that is}. For those in all, who have ever truly attempted, to live life fully out, and in these rather fearful even, modern times we do live in actually, then in all ways truly, it is Salvation {and not Redemption as many a mind today will tell you}, that is truly needed, in ones life {and without being too self-serving again perhaps}, is to say in all again, that those seeking Salvation, could best be told actually perhaps, that this is truly it.
Other than that mein friends, what more can I say than,
Hasta Luego
And sincerely again, do have a great day.
