Sunday 19 February 2012

Fundamentalist Islam

Fundamentalist Islam

The West vs. Islam:

The term ‘the West’, is often heard by many, who believe it in all, to be at the very least, associated with Western Materiality, Western Wealth and ‘Western Technology’ too even really. A term to many, signifying Power even, that many a person out there, has been inbred even truly, to grandly fear in most ways actually. This term though, is very much misunderstood, and can only truly be well seen and understood in all, by magnifying it truly, through the lenses of Islam in all really.

The West, in most ways truly again, does speak of a Body of Knowledge in all, emanating even, from Modern Socialist Europe, that mainly in all again, has to do with the Regulating of Human Behaviour in all too really. A Knowledge Body in most ways even, rather Feminist in its ways actually {and as with speaking even, of Parenting in all truly},.and that desires, to have Human Beings all over truly, behaving in a certain set manner, that the West in all, truly does believe right for everyone actually {or at the very least, for the Economic livelihoods of the Western World in all too really}. A Body of Knowledge in all again, rather Psychological in its ways, highly exploitative, and in all truly too, meant to ensure that those perceived as enemies even, and of the Feminist West, are subjugated in most ways truly, by at the very least, making them, develop an Inferiority Complex of one kind or another actually.

Islam in many ways truly, is something in all, poorly understood by most who do come across it {and including even, many a person from the Middle East too actually}. In most ways, it is presented as being a Religion, a Social movement, or even as with it having its origins in all, with Prophet Muhammed too actually {and a Social movement in all again, associated with criticizing the State in just about anyplace truly} {and as is the case even, with Islam in France in most ways truly}. A better way though, for the average person to truly see even, Islam, and as it truly is, is heavily based around, its Literature, its Symbolism, and even its Music/Dance in all really {and as with saying again that Islam, is such a highly complex microcosm in all truly, that it has actually in all, develop Traditional roots (Literature, Symbolism, Music/Dance), whereas, most forms of Thought out there, tend to arise, with the Traditional, but with Islam, developing the Traditional, after its Philosophy in all, was envisioned by Prophet Muhammed actually}.

Human Behaviourism:

What exactly though, is Human Behaviourism? At the very least, it can be said to be all about three main things: Intellectual Order, Emotional intensity and Psychological support in most ways truly. That these three do determine in all, all of us in most ways, as Personable beings actually, and that their Regulation in all, can either be about developing our Emotional selfs to the highest levels, or in the opposite, having us strongly view things, not from the perspective of they being Unique actually, but actually truly, from the perspectives of Superiority, Equality and Inferiority too even really.

It is here, and as with the Traditional even, that one does see how Islam in all, truly does differ from the West in that, speak of being Unique in all, is truly heard in Islam, while the opposite negative states in all {of Superiority, Equality and Inferiority}, tend to dominate Western Thought on Human Behaviourism in all ways truly.

While the West and Western Thought in all, are highly obsessed with the State in all actually {and as with it truly, defining all forms even, of relating, to be seen in a Society} {and as with stating too that, Racism and Discrimination in the Western World, are highly even, systematized actually}, one does find in all that, Islam to this very day, is still acquainted in all, with talk of Social states (and rising up in Social Image even), Political conditions (and ones Past history) and finally even Economic circumstances (and Present environs in all too really) {and as with stating even, that in Islam in most ways, ones Social Image in all, does not go together, with ones Political state or even ones Economic conditions, and as does happen in all, in the Western World actually} {and as with stating even truly, Economic conditions and Political states even, and the Western World too really, speak of the fact of truly unchanging environments in all, that in most ways even, mirror a Society in all, heavily embedded in a culture of Caste and even Authoritarianism in all too really}.

Islam in all, when viewed from the perspective of Human Behaviourism, is actually truly, a hotbed of Creativity in all, and truly along the lines even, of ‘Tales of Adventurism and the Moor’ in all too really.

To speak of Islam and as with presenting it politically to most out there is to speak of, the three branches of it, that do exist in all actually: Fundamentalist Islam, Secular Islam, and finally Traditional/Clerical Islam {and with Islam again, truly differing from the Islamic, as with stating even, that the Islamic constitutes of a Body of Knowledge, that truly does differ, from that of Islam} {Yet still, one does find that Western attempts in all, at criticizing Islam, are actually truly about criticizing the Islamic (and as with Osama bin Laden too even really), and rather than Islam (and as with speak even, of Gender and Racial inequality in all too really)} {and with the Islamic, hampered in many ways truly even, with regards to these two issues (and the false belief even that, racism in all, does not exist in the Middle East, but truly actually does, with those who do adhere to Islamic Bodies of Knowledge in all too really}.

How though, does Fundamentalist Islam (and as with Osama bin Laden pretending to be a Fundamentalist/Islam in all truly)), Secular Islam, or even Traditional/Clerical Islam, differ from each other?

To get at the very heart of this is to say that Fundamentalist Islam, is highly associated in all, with Mysticism (and Islam based Mystical writings), while Secular Islam is highly associated with Creative Art/Writings, and finally Traditional/Clerical Islam with Religious Scholarship in all truly. In all ways truly again, while all three bodies of Islam {bodies as in saying that, those who do practise them do develop different Physical Images at the least even}, are seen in the Middle East, Traditional/Clerical Islam, is the main form of Islam in the Middle East actually, while the other two, are seen more or less amongst fewer groups in all truly, and as with the case even, of Swahili groups in the Middle East in all, practicing Secular Islam actually {and not Fundamentalist Islam or Traditional/Clerical Islam either}.

To see all this much clearer even, is to say that Traditional/Clerical Islam, is highly associated with Prophet Muhammed, while Secular Islam, is in all ways truly, highly associated with Al-Bukari, and finally Fundamentalist Islam, is truly in all, having at its very heart, none other than Solomon himself actually {and as with Fundamentalist Islam even, the main form of Islam in all, seen in Yemen actually} {and speak too even really, of Yemen in many ways being similar really, to Abyssinia in all (and rather than the Middle East itself actually)}.

To understand the above again {Yemen and Abyssinia}, is to say that all these three bodies of Islam, seem to have found different homes, and as with regards in all, to scholarly works arising from all of them actually. While Clerical/Traditional Islam has a home in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain even, Fundamentalist Islam, is mainly seen in Abyssinia (Kenya, Ethiopia & Somalia), Yemen and even the Swahili Coast too really, and with Secular Islam, actually today highly associated in all, with Islam as seen in the Scandinavia/Denmark actually, and not the Middle East/Qatar either truly {with Islam in Qatar today, actually more Institutional in its ways, rather than Secular in all truly (and Institutional too, along the lines of Mohammedanism in all actually)}.

To see all these three bodies of Islam much better even, is to say that, Fundamentalist Islam is not only associated with Mysticism (and of the Swahili kind too even really), but also truly, the worship of Djinns in all, and as with it even, having the Swahili Arabian Nights in all {and such as the Richard Burton edition actually}, as its main primary texts actually {and as with Solomon even, in many ways truly, a figure similar to David in all actually}. Secular Islam, while associated with Creative Art/Writings, is also truly, based around attempting in all, to truly understand Natural Law in itself {and as seen even, in either the Scandinavia, or even, the Middle East too really}, and has in many ways too even really, texts on Islam based Law {and the History of Islam itself}, as its main primary texts too actually {and all this again, centered around Al-Bukari’s writings in many ways truly}. Finally, Traditional/Clerical Islam, as with it based around Religious Scholarship, is not only strongly associated with Allah, but also has the Qu’ran (and the Hadith/Sayings of Prophet Muhammed), as its main texts in all truly.

In all ways in concluding this is to say that, Islam perceived as such {Fundamentalist, Secular, Traditional/Cleric}, is not about Religion and Organization, but actually truly in all about, moderating in all again, Human Behaviourism {and in all ways truly even, one can truly see that, Islam is probably the most freest of environments in all, and as compared to the Modern Socialist West that is (and minus the Scandinavia), and its open culture in all even, of Racist/Discriminatory Behaviour in most ways truly} {and with perceived racist sentiments towards Westerners by the Middle East in all again, actually truly originating with its Islamic populations, and whom in all again, are associated with a Human Behaviourism Body of Knowledge, that truly defines Human Behaviourism in all, highly based around jealousies or ‘petty hates’ even (or what in most ways truly, Carl Jung, did actually call, the Shadow Archetype in all truly)}.

'the Italian’