Friday 10 February 2012

Tales from the Deeps

Tales from the Deeps


'the Moor'

'Tales from the Deeps' is in many ways, not a literary work in itself {and as with many even probably believing it, European literature in many ways actually}, but actually is, more or less, of a Philosophical Tome really. It is a work, that can be viewed, from three main perspectives really, and as with it even, speaking truly of, a Self-Searching Soul in many ways even. To perhaps expound on this further, is to speak of the Moor and his ways {and with they even, not only rather highly Cultural even, but truly even, rather Psychological in their ways actually}. This though, does pale with our current realities, that are highly Technical enough, and in many ways too even, speaking of realities, Problem filled even, and by the second too actually. To state that the Technical is inferior to the Cultural, is to in all again, go about on speaking actually, how one truly in all, does define the Technical actually. To the Westerners, it speaks highly of, Technical Research {and running into, Billions of British Pounds even (and lots too even, of not too believable results in all actually)} {as the Moor in all, truly believes even, that Western Technical Research, was best exemplified in all, by the'Dot.boom' burst in all really}.

Is there another way though, to view the Technical? {as with this even, attempting to make it somewhat romantic} {but truly still, viewing it inferior in all, to the Cultural actually, and due in all again, to the Problems, Psychological even, it does give rise too actually}. For the Moor in many ways truly, the Technical can be said in all, to be viewed in three certain ways really. First of, speaking of the Technical itself, is to speak of just how, one does see things in all and as they truly are, and with this, not based on Perception actually, but truly really, on Self-Investigation itself {and as with why truly, one does see things in all, and as they appear to be actually, and not, in any other way that is} {and speaking too even, of the Mystical experience in all too really}. Second in all, is to speak of the Psychology of it all {that the Cultural in all, and as with the Jungian too even, has a far more superior Psychology to it, than the Technical does} {with the Freudian, and his ingeniously viewing the modern/Western World rather humourously even, a good example even, of Psychology seen with the Technical today}. The Moor though, in many ways truly, does acquaint even, his theories on Psychology and the Technical, in a more or less similar manner, to Erik Erikson in all actually. Thirdly is to say that the Moor in all, does view the Technical, and as with it actually, having a rather poor even Trajectory/life to it all, than the Cultural actually does {and with the Technical highly perceived even, truly inferior, in Religion and Spirituality, and as compared, to the Cultural too actually}.

What they do term a Tome is in many ways too even, how the Moor in all, would actually represent the Technical World actually. 'Tales from the Deeps', is such a Tome, and in many ways, was supposed to be a work in 5 parts, but never truly did get beyond, the second part {and mainly due, to some modern/Western Technical difficulties in all really}. It though, is put up here, to help others view the Technical in all, from a Psychological perspective actually {and not Sociological/Routine}, and in many ways, and as with the Westerner even, could very well speak of, a Neo-Modern existence in all {and as with Africa too even} {but one still in all, rather truly even, inferior in many ways, to the Cultural world actually}. In many ways though, a simple piece {but a Tome too actually}, that describes Londons change in all, from the Cultural (European), to the Technical (Modern), and the interesting problems in all {falsely by many perceived as Group problems actually}, that did arise in all {but still truly knowing that, for the Moor, and the Neo-Modern too even, the Technical, is a highly Individual life actually, and as with the Tome too even, and not, a Group, Government or even, Society based life in all actually}.

In all again, a life truly {and as with the Tome mirroring even, ancient Mythology somewhat}, truly calling into question, a simple view even, which being, whom one is, and as an Individual actually {and as with a Sign too even}, and whom one is again, as a Group member in all too really {and as with a Symbol too actually} {and this mirroring even, everyday life truly, as seen in a simple form even, amongst, the Khoisan of Botswana for instance really}.