Thursday 9 February 2012

Bantu Moor in America (part 3)

Part 3:

I wake up one morning, not much later from my dinner with James Gandolfini, and sit up on my bed. I still haven't truly internalized, that I am living in America, probably due to the fact that, I am still not paying any rent. Life is nice, I kinda reason to myself, in a feeling manner, and then decide to get out from bed, and take a shower. I enjoy my shower, mainly due to the fact, that I actually think of it, as an American shower. I am out again, and back to my room enthusiastically. All this, probably due, to the fact that I have no idea, where the day will lead. "That's America for you" I somewhat proudly think to myself, reasoning somewhat, that just about anything can happen to me. I am soon downstairs, and ready to eat up something. I get out a box of cereal, some milk and make the good ol' cereal-milk dish. I have somewhat noticed, I do not feel too hungry, when I am in America. My dish is eaten, while I peruse the Tv, for anything interesting. I somewhat don't expect anything of interest, but I do somehow know that something interesting, will pop-up. The breakfast is done, followed by a banana, and all is downed, with a glass of water. I feel good, I guess I eat, to feel good. Others eat probably to get satisfied, and Italians to me seem to eat, I believe, to get accentuated, as the most probable best definition, of Italian food. I am out of the house, almost in a leap, and set out for the "Joy Club". I kinda feel its far away, although its not too far, or perhaps, its because I don't enjoy dealing with American junctions. To lengthy in length and wait. I cross the junction, without noticing anyone, on downwards in the direction, that was once earlier pointed out to me, and eventually find myself at the break, leading me to the "Joy Club", on my left. America, does not appear to have any corners, its too wide for that, just about everywhere. I get there and into the club, and with a wide smile, proceed somewhat, to look out for a place, to put up, at the bar itself. It's a Saturday, and there are people there. It does not really surprise me, but it does for two reasons; there are people there early enough, and they are not Italian. I get in there, and as I mill around looking around, as my favourite spot is taken or gone, I begin to feel apprehensive. I look around some more, and I begin to notice or feel, that I kinda look awkward, doing what I am doing. There are some stares, which I glance at and ponder, but think nothing too much about. I kinda feel closer to Italians, than the people in there I believe, so I just relax, and peek around. There is movement, from the back of the bar, and I see two people I recognize, conversing somewhat shortly, yet not. It's the barman, and the man who got me my apartment house. The man starts making his way out of the bar, and as he does, he notices me and quickly somewhat says, "Come with me." I don't know what to say, for I believe I am thinking, yet I am not, as I somewhat hesitate, but follow him from behind. We get to a pick-up truck and he says, "Jump in." I do as he says, and before too long, we are headed off to another destination. We arrive at what appears to be simply a wide doorway to me, and he gets out and while in front of the truck, motions for me to follow him. I get out too, and follow him from aback. As we get in, I wonder what kind of place this is, just to get in, and be met with a view, that automatically tells me, that it's a trendy club. I look around impressed somewhat, I don't think too much of clubs really, but this one looks good. As we do really get in, the man takes a bend, and I just walk in slowly, looking around me. As my eyes settle on the insides of the club, I see a man with his hands stretched out over a long U chair, with his legs crossed over a low table that is placed right before the chair; its Al Pacino. I notice him, and almost begin to smile to myself, but decide not to. He has a serious countenance on his face, and so I glide myself to the right, and somewhat stand there, almost in the shadows. I am standing there somewhat looking at him, while also at close times, turning to seek out the man I came in with. I cannot see him, and I don't believe I will soon, so I turn towards Al Pacino, and somewhat look at him, appearing somewhat confused, which I am. He on the otherhand, simply holds a downwards gaze, which appears to be looking down, but also very much at me. "Whats the matter kid?" he says unto me, somewhat precisely, and I just look back at him, and not really knowing what to say. He waits a moment too long before saying, "go down there, and get yourself a drink", while pointing and glancing to my right and below. I do as he states, and eventually find myself, at a level down from above where I came from, and slowly but steadily, make my way to the bar. There is a woman there, behind it, she is working, putting away some things, with her back to me. I somewhat stand there, having noticed she has blond hair. I keep on standing not too long, as she then turns around and asks, "what can I get ya?", with a small smile on her face. I notice she has sterling blue eyes, which I momentarily look into, and then turn to look just opposite her, before saying, "what do you have?" She somewhat folds her lips, as if not knowing what to do, and then sets out to make something for me. I don't know what it is, but it is pretty hot in the beginning, but ends up in a sweet taste, somewhat the way I believe, alcohol should be sold. I begin to sip-drink it, and momentarily stall, to look at the barwoman. She has her back to me, and upon some little time passing, I turn to the other side of the bar. I am seated there, looking out into the club itself, and feeling pretty good about it. I just don't know, but there is something about being at a club in the later part of the morning, as an entrant, that makes one feel like a loser. But this club, looks pretty good, and makes me feel good too. I enjoy being there, I think, and some moments later, turn somewhat on my stool, to take a sip-drink, of the drink, that lies on my right. As I do so, someone crosses over and peeks over the bar, and while pointing says, "Tina, can you get me that axle". I take my drink, drink wise, and then proceed to put it down, while looking at the person, that just crossed over. Tina has already shouted back at him, "one minute!" and as he stands bended over the bar, I look at him, and am taken aback. I point at him, with my arm shortly extended, and then say to him with a surprised look on my face, "You're Ralph Macchio" and he simply looks downwards somewhat towards the bar, with his eye that I can see, and while also somewhat looking at me, says, "Yeah, I am." He continues to hold this position, while my mind simply runs slowly amok. I always saw Bruce Lee, as a kind of demi-god, sent on earth, to show people, how to kick butt; but I knew his stuff, was pretty much theoretical, for me atleast. But when I saw Ralph Macchio deliver that final kick, I pretty much knew, it was on. The Martial Arts for me, have been an interesting adventure of sorts, for once you instill in yourself the belief that, you can whoop peoples asses, with flying kicks, helicopter kicks and even bone-crushing power punches, you kinda start to believe just about anything is possible. When the end credits to the Karate Kid stopped 'rolling', the end result, was a not too considerable collection of Martial Arts books, an acquaintance with Japanese and Chinese terminology, eventually leading to Confucianism. In that way, I can pretty much say, that Ralph Macchio, had a somewhat big impact on my life. Tina hands over the axle to Ralph, and he kinda walks away with a swagger, and pretty much soon, I am all alone, as Tina makes me another drink, before leaving the bar. I sit there all alone, but feeling quite good. The whole club, has a very positive energy to it, and I kinda feel good being there, all alone. When am done, with my second drink, I sit around wondering whats up. I look up one level, and I can still see Al Pacino up there, and I am like, "all is well still". As I am just sitting around, before deciding to get up and walk around the club, Ralph Macchio walks over from a distance and says, "Hey, you wanna hang out?!" I am taken aback somewhat, and then somewhat say to myself and him, "okay". We set off for the top level, with him ahead, and as we get to the exit, he turns somewhat and says, "Whats your name again?", and am like, "Bantu", and then promptly fold pout my lips. He looks at me quizzically and says, "Bumto?", and I am about to answer with a negative, when Al Pacino shouts out at him and says, "Just call him Al." I quickly somewhat turn to Al Pacino, and then to Ralph Macchio, and with an open gesture of my hand, say in my mind, "okay." We head out, after another single glance from Ralph Macchio, and soon enough, we are next to his ford mustang. In we go, after a bit of hesitation on my part, I don't really know why, and soon enough, we are at his pad, or what looks like it. "Take a sit man" he says to me, and heads up upstairs, while I walk in looking around, carefully. Am thinking, "I'm gonna get me, one of these." So I sit myself, on a single sofa, next to a big one, and just look around me. Its pretty white, all over, and lots of glass too. "Its cool" I say to myself confidently, and simply sit by, waiting for Ralph to show up again. I am still seated there, when the door open again, and in come a bunch of Italian guys, who without much of a hello but a quick look, make for what looks like the kitchen on one side inside, and an open recreational room, on the other side. They go in there, and start playing a game of a sort, something that looks like foosball, but it ain't. So, I am simply seated there, while also glancing to my right occasionally, to see what those guys are up to. Ralph hasn't shown up yet, and I don't really know what to think anymore. The door opens up again, and a couple of femmes, walk in. I kinda look back as they pass by, and notice one of them is Tina. I kinda smirk to myself, when they pass by. So, I am still seated there, and Tina and her buds, are inside the Kitchen talking with each other I believe, and the guys are still playing the game. I just sit there, for this is all new to me. After some while, Ralph shows up, goes into the Kitchen, says hello nonchalantly, gets some drinks in a bottle, goes over to the guys, peers down and they talk something audible and loud but not known to me, leaves them, comes over in my direction, says out "Hey catch", as he throws me a bottle with a drink, which I catch, and then watch him go back upstairs. I don't really think about what happened, but I proceed to open my drink, and almost drink it down. Its sweet, really good, and I don't really know what it is, as it has no name on it. I have been down seated for a while, and eventually muster up some bravado, to walk into the other room. I was thinking courage before, but settled on bravado. So I get up, and with an almost seeable swagger, walk over towards the Kitchen, and find myself almost stopping, at the entrance. I do stop, not too long, as I wonder where to go, within the Kitchen, or over to the guys. I stop, and I sense, they kinda notice, so, I pretend to start thinking noticeably. Its kind of the way Denzel Washington thinks, waving his finger, while pondering. I ponder, while looking into the Kitchen somewhat, and then back over to the guys, and I notice, I am starting to become hot. I walk into the Kitchen, and look around, as if really looking for something. I see Tina, I believe she somewhat sees me, and with an open gesture of my hand, find myself saying, "nope." I turn around, and walk back out into the living space again, and back to my seat. I sit there, and I do kinda feel my blood drain, for an unknown reason. I am seated there for some while, when Ralph Macchio, shows up again, and begins to head for the Kitchen, but somewhat stops while heading there and looking at me, and says, "Hey, why don't you come over." I don't really wanna get up, I just want to sit for almost another long time. But I do, and slowly begin to meander towards the guys, while attempting to twist around unpainfully, my right hand little finger. I begin to get there, but I can somewhat hear myself go, "tsk, ah ah ah ah", but more in the way, Mexicans say it. I do get in there, near the guys, and I look down at whats up or going on down there, I don't really see much, and turn towards into the Kitchen, and I can see Tina see me, and Ralph bended over a high raised Kitchen table, talking with the girls. I don't know, my hair begins to itch, and I begin to make my way in slowly. I am thinking at this moment, that at the very least, Tina will call me over. She doesn't, she simply sips her drink, while talking to everybody else. I walk up to the table and get there, and find myself, looking around somewhat. I pause at the table, and stand there, while putting the fingers of one of my hand, on the table itself. I look around, this time, I notice, nervously, I am hot, if not sweaty, and while Ralph keeps talking, I just simply look at the back-side of his head. He is explaining something. He finishes up, and says, "Yeah, that's kind of the way I see it" and goes into the fridge, pulls out a drink, and begins to make his way, to the guys. I simply look at him, all this time, Yep, I notice when he passes by, I am sweating somewhat. I look back onto the table, and somewhat fold my lips upwards, and look at Tina again. She is talking to the girl, on her right. I look at the other girl, look above her, with a folded mouth upwards, and turn to look at Ralph again. He has just finished talking to the guys, and he is making his way out, back into the living space. I turn again, almost immediately to Tina, and she is still talking to her friend. I look at the sink, and set off to make myself, a glass of water. I drink it, while looking out of the window, and into some greenery at the back, and when I am done, after several pauses, set off back to the living space abruptly. I sit on my seat again, and just look frontwards, almost very still. I am still seated there, when Tina and her friends leave, with a quick goodbye, and I look over to the guys, who are still playing the game. They seem totally engrossed, and I just don't know what it is they are doing, as the game makes absolutely no noises, on its part. They too leave, and once again, I am all alone. Its in the late afternoon now, and I am thinking, I should be getting home, but can't just leave, because I don't really know, where I am. Later, not too much later, Ralph shows up again, and sits midway of the sofa, next to mine. He just kinda looks straight ahead and then says, "I kinda have to get going, mind if I drop you on my way?" Am like, "okay", and wait for him to go back upstairs, to get himself ready. He is down again, drops me off at the "Joy Club", and I stand watching him leave, before heading for home. Later that night, I have been watching some TV, and Bon Jovis Always, is nearing to an ending. I am looking pensively at the TV, and thinking about Carla Gugino. I am thinking, I could have handled that argument scene, better than that guy. I can see it all, how it would happen. I get in there, after Carla calls me up, and she shows me the portrait. I just stand there and look and wait, until, in my version, Tom shows up. Tom is the guy who painted the portrait. I go over to Carla and say,

Bantu Moor: "Carla Honey, why don't you go wait for me in the car."

Carla leaves, and when she is gone, I turn to Tom. I just look at him, and then match towards the portrait, pick it up, and leave a fifty dollar bill, on a small table nearby, as I look at him and then match out. I am in the car, with the portrait behind us, it's a wagon, and Carla Gugino, turns to me and says,

Carla: We don't do that. Bantu Moor: Do what? (looking at her) Carla: That! (small pause) Carla: The whole get me home quick, and make love to me. It's a white thing, we don't do that here.

The whole conversation, is now actually taking place on the sofa at home. The portrait, is straight ahead of me. Carla, is seated at the other end of the sofa, wearing her red dress.
Carla: You just don't know me, as well as you think you do. Bantu Moor: (fold mouth strongly) Carla: You just seek to possess me, you just don't know me, as you think you do.

I turn to look at her whitely skin, look back at the portrait before me, and then back at the cutting image of her seated on the sofa. I fold my mouth again, as I stop to think. My mind kinda goes blank.