Friday 3 February 2012

My Confessions (part 10)

A man, has a collection of jewelry and mints, that he does, truly treasure. A collection at the present, housed in his home, but to which, he now wishes, to store safely, in a Bank deposit account. He prepares to do this, with the account in question, actually housed, in the City of Cologne, and far away, from Bonn, where he does live. He prepares to actually do this, by having, the Bank in question, offer him, a safety depository box {or an armoured suitcase really}, where he is, to store, his valuables in, and hand them over, to a security team, emanating, from the Bank, to safely transport them, to his now, new deposit account, in Cologne. On the day he is to do this, the security team, arrives at his home, to take over the depository box {it now firmly shut}, and proceed then, to leave, immediately, for Cologne. He however though, the man in question here, has handed, another box, a suitcase really, to his daughter, who is to travel to Cologne, from Bonn, by train, and hand this suitcase, to a certain young female, who is then, to take, the new suitcase, to her father {the Manager of the Bank in question, and the young female here, now carrying the actual valuables, his daughter}.

This is what, I do somewhat mainly make out, while residing temporary, in Hamburg, Germany, and while perusing a Gazette really, filled, with German news, that states clearly, that the security team here in all mentioned above, did not actually make it, to the Bank in Cologne, safely, but with an incident happening, the safety depository box, did find itself opened, and found filled too, with, rather heavy stones too really. It is while reading this, and my taking a pause too, that I do find myself asking, musingly, whom truly, are the Germans.

While living in Germany temporarily, and awaiting too, a visa really, to take me, to my next destination, I do find myself, living, in between, both Hamburg and Munich/Munchen. Of all Europeans out there, including the Portuguese, it is the Germans, that I am the least, acquainted with. Germany in many ways {or the Germans really}, have more or less evolved, rather differently, from other Europeans {with what, makes others believe them truly European, being, a rather prominent even, presence, of Arthurian Intellectualism}. The Germans, unlike other Europeans, have in most ways always, treated, the Church {and European Christianity}, as simply really, a problem solving tool {and of the “Confessions” kind too really}. In many ways though, as with my casually only, greeting, the Germans {and while in Germany too}, I do have made really, the most, interesting, of observations, of German life in particular, based heavily really, on my, profound even, knowledge, of European Psychology in general {with the psychology here being spoken of, being of, the Erickson kind really}. Germany in most ways {as with the Germans themselves}, have always been, three-fold in nature; with this referring to, their historical adherence really, to Ancestor Worship & Veneration, Kardecism, and in many ways too {as with what makes them rather Arthurian}, their use in all, of the Supreme Law {as associated though with Merlin}, in formulation or doing, anything, they so seek, to do. It is this last aspect in all really, that makes me, believe myself, to truly know the Germans, with the main exception being, their Knowledge Base {mine Arthurian/Italian/Islam, and theirs, heavily based around, not only, German Scholarship, but also, such said Scholarship, as associated really, with, the German Church}.

Today though, Germany, feels disconnected or even rather remote really, from its past, as due mainly, to three main things: Modernization, Immigration, and finally, IT {Information Technology}. These three, while believed to be a continuation even, of German life, have actually replaced its three main forms of existing {Ancestor Worship & Veneration, Kardecism, and even, the Supreme Law too}. The end result, as with the Germans truly, having evolved, around Ancestor Worship & Veneration, is a huge {or even significant really}, disconnect, from themselves {as with what, it truly does mean, to be German}, and even {as with Modernization really}, a failure, to believe really, in a Future {and as even with the past, and the present too, creating boundaries really, such as the Berlin Wall, to prevent them in all, as with seeing all this, a rather large problem, that the future really, does not, hold, much in store}.

In many ways, this is what, Erickson, did truly theorize, when attempting in all, to speak of German life {and its stagnation too}, as with the Germans really, putting blocks to their seeing the Future, based highly on, Anal or Oral retentive issues for example. For the German mind, in denial forever, the future, holds little or no promise, and with the end result being, a Society really, as with an Escape even, highly driven, by Morbidity {in the form, of not only violent thoughts, but also, vagrant sexuality too even}. The Germans, are slowly dying {as Immigration issues too really, has led to Germany, being, overswamped in all, by, Immigrants, who in the future, might, number much more even than, the Germans themselves} {with German here too, heavily defined, not only by blood and genes, or German lifestyles and Scholarship, but also, by German Religion itself, and the German Church too really}.

Flying over Italy, and over towards really too, my next destination {in East Asia}, I can’t help, as with my knowing and feeling, that we have actually, left Europe in all {and perhaps, as with my musings too, and as with wondering even, how ‘Madde’, will fair on in the future really}, I can’t help, but look down through the Plane window, and wonder too really, what the Pope, could be doing, at this precise moment. To me, Italy today really, seems a rather distant place, with my true connection to it in all, being, the Italian Ancestors {Caravaggio, Raphael, Donatello, and even Buonarotti}, whose blood, I do feel even, running through my veins {on hearing, their names mentioned}, and whose voices too really, I hear even {upon, looking, at Italian Architecture, Italian Art, or even simply, by listening, to Italian Music really}. In many ways, Italy to me today, is pretty much, a painful experience {as with it, being highly emotive, and with me too, somewhat acknowledging, that life today for me, cannot possibly perhaps, get better, than it once was}.

Most acquainted, with Italian History, or Culture even, fail in all, to represent Italy, as it once was really. In many ways truly, this has to do, with them, not including, the primary role, that the Italian Church, played, in everyday Italian life. However though, the biggest misrepresentation of Italian life and culture, is from the false perspective really, that it was heavily driven, by Community, or even Society too {as was the case really, in Europe} {and with, everyday existences too really}. Italy, was different; in most ways truly, it was grand, and on an everyday basis too. To see it though, as it once really was, is to know really, that Italy, was once, a rather important too, Center, of Mercantilism {as with the Italians, and Marco Polo too even, and falsely believed Spaniard, but actually really, a Medici, having in all truly too, invented, Mercantilism itself} {before that, people simply sailed, the seas and oceans}. This is truly really, the key, to seeing how grand life, once, was in Italy {as with Italian everyday life, heavily, influenced even, by Mercantilism, and in the form actually, of Trade, Business, Commerce, and Knowledge Access itself too} {an everyday existence, where one heard, great music (even new), on a daily basis, ate, great foods, drank champagne even, on a daily basis, attended great Opera or Theatre, almost weekly, and, imported great things, from books to drinks even, which were enjoyed regularly too, and in all, had the most interesting of people, visiting Italy, on a monthly, or yearly basis even (including even too, the later Egyptians)}. That was Italian life back then, a non-stop occasion really {as with every such moment, of awakening even, being more or less, an occasion really}, and one as mentioned before, totally driven, by the forces, of Trade, Business, Commerce, and Knowledge Access itself {and in the name too, of Mercantilism} {this in many ways too, gives me the idea, of restarting Italy all over again, and with real Italians too, based on creating, a Religious Organization, and of the Knights Templar kind, as with it, highly based on, my even, excellent research skills, and in all, the creation even, of a New Age kind of Mercantilism, not primarily based on Trade, but actually on, Knowledge Access (and as with me, and other Italians again, well capable of, providing, crucial and pertinent information or knowledge, to those, who need it, when they need it)}.

In all though really, Italy today, is pretty much lifeless {with Italian Mercantilism, as its major existence really, all together dead too}, and as a result, the only true way to live in Italy today, would be, a strict religious existence {as with knowing even, that, Italian Architecture and Organization, is highly based around, Italian Christianity really} {to understand this perhaps, is to understand better really, that Italian Christianity, highly based around evil and sheitans, did believe too, in the idea really, of the Miracle, and this too, somewhat embodied really, not only in Italian Architecture, but mainly too really, in, Italian Organization} {this again, the belief in evil and sheitans abounding everywhere, is what, makes, Italian Christianity, similar, to ‘Mystical Islam’, alongside too even, what they do term, the Holy War (and introduced into Islam too, by the Italians), and finally, as with the miracle really, a firm belief, in ‘Mystical Islam’, in Djinns, and magical happenings too really}. At the very least, living in Italy today, not only requires, a strict adherence to Italian Christianity, but also in all too, as with creating camaraderie in an Italy, where lifestyles and living, have heavily been based, on the Individual, the very use, of Arthurian English {which is the English too, historically, spoken in Italy, being in all, the best way perhaps, for communicating} {with Italian in all, deemed, too heavily cultural, in an Italy, no longer really, Italian anymore} {as with Caravaggio, or Raphael, being in many ways, the quintessential, Italian really}.

In all, traveling along towards the Middle East, all this, does have me thinking, of whom one truly is, on this very Earth. For many too really, the answer, lies with God. In the past though, one however did find, that a strong belief, in Ancestor Worship or Veneration even, held the keys, to all this {with most truly, fearing this form, of worship, due mainly, to the difficulties it poses really, as with obeisance, and in all, the very fact, that the Ancestors, are capable of, harshly, punishing one, if they so deem it, to be fit really}. Yet still, one finds that, the easiest way of engaging, in Ancestor Worship or Veneration even, does involve too, what they do term, the Humanities {as with reading the famed works, of ones ancestors/people really, and then, subscribing, to do, as they would have done, if having lived in all, today} {in many ways too, this is a disturbing or though-provoking even, way of thinking of life, and as to do, with its repercussions really, as with realizing, that most out there, come from lineages, with no proper Humanities in all too}. For me at the very least, originating or starting, a Knights Templar like Religious Organization, would be in along the lines of all this, as with subscribing really, to the thoughts and beliefs, of Marco Polo himself. Many truly, fail again perhaps, to see, the major fallouts, as with regards really, to not having, a proper Ancestral lineage {as with the case, of the African, and the very fact that, African history, is in all filled, with examples of slavery, colonialism, poverty, primitivity/’witchcraft’ etc., and in all, what this truly does say is that, they are in all, extinct, in one way, or another} {this again, based on understanding evolution, as with the primary belief, that one, cannot afford, to make mistakes, in the start of anything, and hope, to correct them later really} {Africans in all, as with knowing our Ancestors, strongly influence, our Thought systems, are in many ways too, people, always truly, dealing, with tormenting thoughts and illnesses, based, on their past history} {with mental illness in general, rather highly common, amongst Africans}. In many ways though, as with believing even, that Ancestor Worship & Veneration, can be the key, to grounding one, and as with one really too, realizing in all, that they, can be in all, the source, of all torment really too, in ones life, it is here too then, that I am mainly too, Shiraz, as with my turning, to my Shiraz Ancestors really, such as, Maulana Thanvi, or even, Andre Rigaud {who though, believed to be Haitian, as with his helping, make Haitian history, was actually, a Shiraz (or ‘European Moor’ actually)}. In many ways too in all, a way of giving one, a basic direction in life, in a world today, where, watching a great movie, is in all too, deemed, somewhat, a big success of a kind.

End of Part 10……………………