Friday 3 February 2012

My Confessions (part 2)

My last few months, amongst the Swahili, were slowly coming to an end. I had spent the last, 25 years, living amongst them, and the time for my departure, was fast approaching. My life in many ways, had turned out, as it had been expected really. Without any regard for Education itself, my youth, had been spent reading, Philosophic texts, arising from Islam, having come to surely regard, anything Western, as a mockery to life itself. From it all, I believed myself, to have gained all forms of intelligences, differing greatly even, from the simplistic Western mindsets, of using only, reasoning and logic, in attempting to deal, with just about, anything dealt with. Westerners to me, were amusing creatures, who believed in working, extremely long, in solving a Geometrical problem, using reasoning alone. On the otherhand, I had no regard truly, for accumulating Knowledge in any way really, by reading book after book, but instead relying, on the music of Mozart, Amadeus, Wolfgang, to help me judge, any Knowledge thought up, or heard even, from the philosophic elements of beauty. And what of, Applied intelligences too? The Westerner in many ways, appears to believe, that he in all invented, the rather outmoded, and stone-age even, mentality, of using heavy research, to make anything real. A world to my sensibilities, that had given birth, to a maxim, and of my own making too “billion dollar research, and no result”. The Westerner to me, simply appeared, to talk, of results, that were always forthcoming. I instead, sought to engage in, attempting to recreate, the famed works, of famed Italian Artists, Buonarotti, Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo, or Caravaggio too, in my attempts really, to gain the Applied intelligences, needed, to make just about anything out there, a reality. It was amidst all this activity, alongside my Education based pursuits, that my youth was filled, with all forms of study, while spending too, my fun filled times, running around aimlessly, in the Middle East. This was all, I did, in the first 25 years, of my life, until a certain Bwana Abdullah, began taking active interest, in my works.

On his looking at my many creative outputs, and even offering, to buy some, Bwana Abdullah, often took the time and effort, not only to congratulate me, but also in all, to tell me really perhaps that, I should spend more time, running around too, and having more fun, than working simply too hard. I was always reading something, here and there, and to him, it appeared I had created existences, highly based on what I did read, in my books. They were not real, is what he was attempting to hint at, and in many ways too, did not mesh well, or co-exist even, with the real world out there, which is how, he saw it all really.

It was amongst all this studious activity, and provoking statements too from the Swahili, that I should spend more time, enjoying myself, that Bwana Abdullah, would often say to me “you don’t know whom you are. Nothing, goes on out there”, to which, I did not truly know, what to think of, or even say to really. It was not, until later on, that I came to realize, I had highly even perhaps, enlightened myself, to the very fact, that I was out of touch, with the realities, that the world out there, had to offer. It was on Bwana Abdullah’s, realizing, that I had actually come, to make this conclusion, that he again, somewhat poked fun of me, and said “you don’t know whom you are, nobody knows you anymore”. The realization on my part too, hit hard, and as a testament even, to European folly perhaps, I decided to go, on a binge driven escapade, of attempting to party all year long, in the attempt perhaps, to make myself, more real again. Nothing, was to come out of this, as I instead, horrendously even perhaps to some, began to develop, a huge distaste, for life itself, and its abounding primitivity, all over. I even began, to seek out, older companionship to mine, as they seemed in all, to be at the very same thought levels, as I was. It appeared truly, as I had been told many times previously before, I was messed up, and by intelligence too, if not really even, by Mozart outrightly.

It was about this time, that Bwana Abdullah, decided to give me, a rather fateful talk, as with my coming of age realization, that life perhaps, was probably meaningless, in all its ways and manners. “So you see now, you have a problem; and we told you, about this, but you never came, to an early realization, on it”, he had began, on what he wanted, to tell me. “So now, what to do?” I had simply looked at him, and while gesticulating somewhat with my hands, and in an Italian fashion, I had simply stated, “I don’t know, I will probably think of something”. “Think of something” he had said, while he reclined back, while even somewhat, laughing at all this and me. “I will tell you what you can do” he had said, “you can go out there, and do something” referring perhaps, to the Middle East, “or, you can really go out there, and do something else too”, he had said, while hinting perhaps, at the rest of the world. “You don’t know, whom you are, in a way you would like” he had said again, “nothing, goes on out there, but something could”, he had somewhat, again finished. “I want you to know something” he had said furthermore, “you can go out there and do something small, but not big either” “go out there, and do one thing really, do something, that you will always remember, for all time and not, something great either”. “That’s all, I have to say to you”. With that, he had finished speaking to me, and left me seated where I was, as if to think about, what he had just said, which I did start to grasp on heavily, as he walked by me, with his walking stick in hand.

I did not know truly, what to think, of the small lecture, that Bwana Abdullah, had given to me, other than come to realize, as I had known before really, that nothing out there, excited me. That’s how I had come to understand all this, and not perhaps maybe, from the way, he had worded it, that nothing mainly really, went on out there. It was with these thoughts in my mind, that my last moments, amongst the Swahili and in the Swahili lands too, was spent in musings and thoughts about. It was then, at the age of 26, that I left the Swahili lands, to embark perhaps, on a journey, to everywhere and wherever, with the goal really, to experience life to its fullest, by attempting to become an Immortal of sort {or as Bwana Abdullah, stated, “just remember one thing, do something out there, you will always remember” “that’s all”}.

The Airport, in Mombasa, Moi International Airport, had not been too crowded, when I made the attempt in all, to mentally leave, for Quebec Canada, before the plane was due really. Bwana Abdullah, had advised me, to start my journey there, which was amongst the many other locations, I was to try out, if my attempts, at living the memorable in any, did fail. 5 destinations, had been pointed out, with Bwana Abdullah, advising me really, to live in just about any, for a few years only, “5 to the max” he had said. “If nothing crazy happens” he had presumably said, “move on”. As I sat, at the Airport Gate Terminal, waiting for my plane, which would connect through Athens, Greece, I could not but help, notice, the mindless behaviour, by the many European and Western tourists, to the many Beach Hotels, along the Swahili coast, that seemed to imply, that they only, amongst the Worlds populations, were truly happy, or even, held the Keys, to Happiness itself. The call to board the plane, came much swifter than I expected, and amidst a few African boarders too, the Plane, would soon be leaving, for its destination of Athens. Seated in the Plane, and patiently even, awaiting all formalities to end, and looking around me, I could not but help, but notice, the high number of Women, in the Plane itself, including a few African women. African women, tend to heavily annoy me, if not irritate me outrightly, as with they, being the kind of people, to believe or see themselves, ordained even, as with a rightful entry into heaven, by having, a white person, talk to them, or even, touch them really. To me, they are the main reason, Africa remains, in eternal darkness.

The flight to Athens, was spent mainly in sleep, and the awakening too even, to eat the two pre-arranged meals, on board. The flight was an ALitalia one, and my awakening moments, spent to myself really, musing about women, in many ways. I rarely ever converse, with women truly, having come in many ways really, to see them, as amusing creatures of sort. To me, and perhaps many other mature men out there, Woman are not, stupid, as many presuppose, but perhaps really, highly irrational. I kind of believe, I have come to figure out women, in all their ways and manners, that they truly, are not the reverse, or backwards to men either, but actually more or less, upside down, to men, in their ways and manners. It appears to me too really, that men in all, as with being normal too, tend to use thoughts, to intellectualize, and think about things, and then instill, or program themselves, with beliefs. Women on the otherhand to me, are the kind of people, who use beliefs, to intellectualize and think about thinks, and then proceed, to instill, or program themselves, with thoughts. To me, the very act, of looking into a womans eyes, especially Western, is actually really in most ways, a creepy experience {as with perhaps even, conversing, with satan himself}.

The Plane arrived, in Greece, Athens, the following morning, after a brief stopover, in Algeria. Greece, Athens; having spent a lot of my youth too, reading on Greek History, the last place perhaps, I ever thought of visiting, was Greece itself. While disembarking though, from the Plane itself, I could not but help truly notice really, that I truly was in Greece. We made our way, to the various checkpoints, after which, some of us, were ushered, into another terminal, to await, our connecting flights, mine, to Quebec Canada. As I sat there, in the Airport terminal, I could not but help look around, even perhaps seeking truly, a window in itself, to look out perhaps, at Greece. Having grown up thinking Italian a lot, being in Greece, was making me aware, as a European Moor, I was truly Greek. Lots, has been said, about Greek History. A lot too, as with Westerners mainly, and highly a misrepresentation, of the truth really. There are those for example, who always speak of, Greece, as being the Mother even, of Western and European Civilization. That Greece, has always been, somewhat Western, and as a result too, part of the European Continent, as Egypt too, is deemed in all, African {as with Continent really}. Truth is to me, that Greece, always belonged, to the Greek Gods, Gods too, that the Atheist modern European and Western minds, have no ability really, to grasp and understand. To them, the Greek Gods, are simply statutes, and of the ancient mold too even. Greece, and Egypt, were never European, or African either, but belonged in all truly, to the Greek, and Egyptian Gods {it been said, that they, were even, somewhat similar}. There are those, who attempt to speak, of Greece, linguistically, as with claiming, all European and Asiatic languages, to have sprung up, from Greek itself. Funnily enough, Greece today, is heavily inhabited, by white skinned speakers, of Indo-Iranian languages, they having made their way, into Greece, all the way, from Northern India. These same Indians, attempt to prove to all, that they actually built Greece, with their own, bare hands even, amidst help, offered by the rest of modern Greece’s populations, which are actually Jewish, and speakers too, of Afro-Asiatic languages. Greece though, was never Indo-Iranian, or Afro-Asiatic even, but Semite. It is here, that Greece too, shares a common identity, with Ancient Egypt, they too, being Semites, with the exception somewhat, of Upper Egypt {or Kush, as some call it}, who were actually, Semitic, and not true Semites. Greece, was always a Nation of Semite speakers, and not a Country, of Indo-Iranian or Afro-Asiatic speakers {who truly believe themselves, Greek, by claiming, Semites, to have had, elongated noses, as a major identity identifier}. Greece was Semite, and its peoples perhaps, similar, to fluent speakers in all really, of Semitic languages, such as Arabic, or even Swahili too. It was while holding these thoughts, and attempting too in all, to identify, Italian, as being truly, a Semite language, and not fully a European Romance language, that I began, to ponder and ask to myself, what it truly meant, to be a European Moor, other than, from the simply well known too, psychological perspective. I knew, being a European Moor, felt more Greek, than Italian, despite being well acquainted, with Italian Intellectual thought, more than Greek. The pondering, led to my asking, how I would fit, in a Greece today, ruled by Elites of all kinds, and heavily based on, Facial Features, Gender, and Race {as perceived through, Ideologies held}, and as with Greece today, mainly Western ideologically, but pretending still, to be ruled in all by the Greek Gods, and under the perceived moniker, of Helles, and not ‘Classical’ Greece, or Ellada truly. Maybe then, it was the language, that I, could speak fluent Greek, while the vast majority of Greeks today, as being non-Semites, struggled to do so really. I however, arrived at the right answer I believe, when I questioned truly, what lay, at the very heart, of being Greek, and Greek life itself, to which, the answer did arrive, in the form, of Race & Creed. To the modern Greek, the Ancients, were all rather white skinned, and looking too, very much, like Indo-Iranian speakers. To me, as a European Moor in self-discovery, Greece, or Helles truly, belonged to its various populations, Spartan, Trojan, Trajan, Greeks, and several others, Semites too, who made Greece, their home. To me, as a European Moor, and an Orthodox Christian too, Greece, was most highly symbolized, by Sparta, to whom all, European Moors, truly owed, their obedience too. That was Helles, Sparta, and as I looked upon several white women, walking around, and talking to each other, as if they were, truly at home,

Several hours after this, even many, the call to board the flight, to Quebec Canada, is made, and as I make my way, to the boarding spot, at the Gate Terminal, I cannot but help look back, and truly realize that my heart and soul, and as a European Moor too even, has always been, Spartan. And despite, the ever omniscient presence, of the Greek Gods, Greece to me, was always, Sparta really.

End of Part 2……………………….