Sunday 5 February 2012

Israel and the New World (part 1)

This piece of work, is inspired by the beliefs of, St. Thomas of Aquinas. It is not a political piece, but a tale of, an adventure, through Israel. A tale of seeking understanding, by attempting to realize, that, knowledge of self can be gained, from self-inquiry, rather than, from, seeking it from, the outside. The belief that, the heart as the Indians believe, is an opening, to self-understanding, but in reality too that, ones emotionality, can be a better guide, to this, in these rather, hedonous times, we are in. Hedonism, is the religious doctrine, that many adhere too, leading to confusion as with ones basic nature, and that, in actuality, seeking to know oneself through hedonism, is actually, seeking to discover, that one is actually, the devil.

Israel and the New World

This piece below is rather, in several ways, an essay of some kind. It is written, in a didactic style, suggesting really that, the thoughts espoused here, are mere observations rather well observed, and ares in many ways, a political doctrine of a kind, in these, very isolative times, we live in. In many ways it suggests, that, politics, has failed in our lives, and that all that is left, is the singular person and some friends, in probably seeking out, survival, in its various forms. The term the New World here, does not refer to, the Americas, but instead to the very fact, that, with the belief, that secular politics has failed, the World, is very much open, for the taking. Israel is the choice, for the origin of adventure, in self-inquiry and knowledge of self, as in many ways, most out there, don't really know whom they are, as a body, and not a mind. The basic belief too that hedonism, is the attempt, to discover, oneself, as a body and that, in several ways too, learn, how to please it. Its really that simple, that many in todays World, are truly, seeking, to please their bodies and feel good about themselves, rather than seeking knowledge of their selves, through evolution. As a result really, Politics as an institution has collapsed, as Hedonism, does not have, any political thought, to it all.

I arrived in Israel, on one warm morning, having jetted in, from the United Arab Emirates, and in many ways, jet-lagged, due to feelings of anticipation. For most who hear of Israel, they believe it, to be three things: a very Religious Land, a technological hub, and finally, the place, at the very center, of, the Middle East process. It is said though too, that Israel, is the very land of daredevilry. That if one wants to truly, test, their mettle, then ones journey, truly begins, in Israel {with beliefs perhaps, that, Mossad, could actually take over the World, if they wanted to}. I am one, who is prone, to several imaginative thoughts about myself, and I do question why, I think as I do. I have dreamt, of taking over Microsoft, and whats disturbing to me, is the very belief that, I could actually do it. In many ways I find myself asking myself, why I think, the way I do. It did occur to me, that knowing myself from a historical sense, might provide me, with the answer, I was very much, seeking out. I arrive in Tel Aviv, in many ways seeking out, employment of some kind, and unlike in my more recent youth, I don't expect good things, to happen to me on my way, to what, I am seeking out: nothing, but, everything. I want everything is very much how, I thought, in my recent youth, but am coming to understand, that seeking out, understanding with regards to oneself, is the everything, I am really searching for, and concluding really, in nothing {but tranquility itself}. In Tel Aviv, I am met by a Rector, from a local Parish, Christian, who has agreed in all, to look out for me. I am more, in this present age, for Islam, but I still, do find, conversing, in the Christian manner more easier to follow {as Islamic talk, can be, rather dictatorial, if one knows not, whom they are really well}. To the Parish we take off, leaving behind, a trail of gas fumes, as the Rector seems, to want to leave, the Airport, as soon, as possible. Not too much talk between us, as the speeding vehicle, moves, like a get away car, and Tel Aviv, from the ground level, looks rather more, like a rather developed African city, than the Middle East itself. I do get a glimpse, of the beaches and even see, people moving around, in beachwear, as the vehicle continues, to speed off.

We eventually arrive, at the Parish and once in it, I am shown to a room, small in size, but rather too, very adequate. Having put my things down, a bag to be precise, and looked around, I do find myself looking out, of the window in the room, to find a backyard that looks pretty much African. I don't know what to think, but I do, find myself automatically consoled, by a belief that, Israelis, are actually rather, very intelligent, people, and that what lies before my eyes, means nothing. Having settled into my room, by actually sitting down, and looking around, and even going into, the lavatories, I actually find myself, somewhat consoling myself, that am actually, somewhat, on the Swahili Coast, with the beach, very far away. A knock on my door later, and I open it to find, the Rector asking me really, to come out and join him and others I believe, for a small breakfast. I agree almost immediately, as I have never truly heard, of anyone, saying no to a priest before. Out of the room and following him, I do find him somewhat eager, to engage in conversation with me, which I find somewhat, troubling {as I see him being, more intelligent in thought, as, I am a person, who is prone to think, in the following streamlined process: creativity, religious entities, and finally, intelligence}. Moments later at the dining table, where we are met by two other priests, I sit down, to wonder really, why all this. We sit down to dine, and, after some salutations from the priests, which I attempt to return as politely as possible, we are ready, to chow down, whats before us. Its all American food, and I know this, as it looks, normal {European}, but tastes somewhat offhand, to the left perhaps {just not as satisfying, as in, convincing}. We begin to talk, and I don't really know what to say, as they appear, to be rather very intelligent, and know things, from a perspective I don't usually engage in: Theology {I instead, seeing most things, in the World, from, the perspective of religiousity}. We are talking, saying nothing much, as one of the priests, appears to take me in {by sight}, and actually I believe, appears too, to ponder my motives, in coming to Israel. I do find myself saying, that I have no real work prospects available, but believe myself, intelligent enough, to find, something, to interest me {in supposed economically viable Israel, as with opportunity}.

The breakfast done, and one of the Priests and the Rector, decide on leaving, leaving me behind, with the other Priest who goes, by the name of, Father Cornelius, who then decides, to engage me further, in conversation as I believe, he finds me, a rather curious creature {happens all the time}. We begin talking about Israel {theologically}, as he tells me things of what I do see, in a rather sense based manner. The talk is rather interesting {taking place as we walk to the outside of the Parish}, and I don't know, what to make of it really, as I do not believe, I will actuall, use the knowledge, in a rather direct manner {knowledge requiring strategizing, and being political, while I see myself, as being of, common sense, and heavily grounded in religiousity}. It is rather interesting, and Father Cornelius eventually does ask me, if I have any, real thoughts, on my work prospects, as he believes, I have no, real understanding of Israel. I don't really know, what to say, and I show my displeasure, on my face, as if to suggest, that he has caught me, unawares. I do though throw out, some suggestions including my desire, to work, as a translator {believing the prospects, huge enough}. Some more talking including, girl talk, somewhat makes me, believe, that Father Cornelius, does not know me, as well, as he believes he does. I am in israel really, to find peace {somewhat perhaps mistaken, from the perspective, of the Media}, and I believe, a simple job with a simple lifestyle, is all I need to eventually arrive, at the tranquility, I seek out. We do not talk too much after that, and eventually arrive at the Parish again, via a route I had not anticipated. Back in, Father Cornelius, greets me goodbye, and promises to meet me soon again, with more information for me, about whom, I can be, in Israel {or Tel Aviv really}.

It is a Friday evening, when I am next really aware, of my existence and I find myself, pondering, about the future. One of the main reasons, I have no work prospects, is because I look, too much into the future. In many ways, I am more apt to believe, in Armageddon theories than an, actual future, as most talk out there, on the future seem to me, rather taken, from, a hollywood script {in many ways, it being, rather, meaningless}. I don't know what the future holds, and therefore, do not really know, what to look out for {and I am not, one of those, for a 'lets wait and see', mentality}. As a result really, I have come up with a Philosophy, for my life atleast, that attempts to please me, and have me living, dignifiably. It is my belief, that the philosophy of Life, espoused today, is none other than Hedonism. The very belief, that most people out there, are rather unhappy, and therefore seek out happiness, in pleasure of all kinds. It does however turn out too I believe, that eventually they do, numb themselves out, before arriving at deaths gates, and as a result, find themselves in a greater unhappiness, than that spawned, by endless daydreaming. I on the otherhand ascribe to, a different philosophy. I do believe that Emotionality, and not Pleasure, holds the key to happiness, in this present Age, we live in. That by seeking to understand ourselves through Emotionality, we in many ways too know our selves, from a historical sense. As for example wondering why, one loves Apples very much, but lives {and was born} in Africa, is the kind of problem I ponder to myself. In all I do believe that, discovering one self from a historical point of view {historical identity}, will provide one with an impetus, on not only knowing, how to live in this present Age, but also very much, what to do with ones life. But I do too totally believe, that if one can truly see, their personal history from a historical sense, then they could very well too, see, into their future in a historical sense. Thats the philosophy I adhere too, which keeps me at peace, as I wonder why, the Blue Mosque {and Turkey itself}, look more familiar as with regards to Emotionality, and in many ways too, as with regards really, to feelings of a past historical presence {as in actually, feeling myself, walking, in the Mosque}. In a world where I believe many, simply make up Identities, to live by {and accompanying histories too}, I do believe that knowing ones self, from the historical perspective {and through Emotionality} eventually leads, to tranquility {as perhaps too, with, past achievements in a world, where nothing of interest actually, goes on}, and this tranquility eventually exposes, the future for one to see, and therefore perhaps, leaves one to plan for, such a future lifetime. Thats my belief {philosophy in all}, as to me the only book, that makes perfect sense, in this Age we live in, is 'The Courage to Be' by Paul Tillich {who actually attempted, to prove, there was something major or of interest, happening, in the World out there}.

In the following days I am notified by Father Cornelius, of a seminar of a kind in Israel, that might be of interest to me. I do take note of his suggestion, and almost automatically notify him, that I do intend to visit, the seminar with him. It appears to be a rather large seminar in outing, and as I find myself thinking about it, I do feel myself believing, I might discover myself again, at the seminar {not only historically, but perhaps too, with regards to self-intimacy}. The seminar takes place on the following thursday afternoon, and on that very afternoon after leaving the Parish {and patting the Parish cat on my way out}, we arrive at the Seminar grounds, to be met by a sight, of rather many people present. Its in a religious building of a kind, and we eventually all make it in, before many of us start, to somewhat simply mill around, waiting for everything, to start. Father Cornelius asks me, to get some pamphlets and look through them, as he appears, to be part, of the organizing group, of the whole thing. I read through the pamphlets and discover them, to contain information, on prospective economical opportunities, for those with ideas, on various entrepreneurial activities, to engage in around the world, for those apparently, seeking, to make, a difference. In many ways for example looking for people, with a computer science background to help, set up a network {and even business}, somewhere in the Sudan. I sit through the seminar, with not too much enthusiasm, unlike in the past where thoughts, of money would have had me, showing far more interest, than probably needed. In many ways too in all, I do believe that a translators job, will pay me adequately {despite having a science based education}.

I find Life somewhat at times, difficult to live. In many ways really, its all due to the fact, that nothing out there inspires me at all {in most ways}. Its as if my imagination, strikes up on hearing of some idea, and then quickly shuts down, as I can in many ways foresee, not the implications it holds, but the energy levels it inspires {in many ways too, rather low}. I stopped reading Forbes magazine, some time back as in many ways, billions appear to me, to inspire the same fervour, as some hundred thousands. Life is totally lacklustre to me, and in many ways I do find that all, I truly am seeking out, is peace {in all its forms}. I look around me at faces, hidden behind laptop computer screens, with cellphones and other technological gadgetry abounding, amongst folks who appear, to be out to actually, rule over the World. There are few even, in military apparel, and I do realize that, they actually believe, the World, is for, their taking {as with the attitudes, i perceive in them}. I look around me again and do find really, that in thought, many believe that, the problems of the World, have a technical basis to them. That any problem out there, could be resolved with technology {of all kinds}. I used to think this way {once upon a time}, before I came to the realization, that the World is actually really filled, with crazy people. As a result I find doing just about anything rather difficult, as common sense has long been lost it seems, having being replaced by a pragmatism, very much isolative {if not, discriminative}.

How to get through Life really? For me, in a World filled, with crazy people, I somewhat believe that just, about anything, is possible, if one can understand, crazy people. And in many ways while having thoughts, of making money, I do find myself thinking more, in the orthodox manner {as in, traditional}, and perhaps as in, writing, a best selling novel. Why not? I find myself asking, believing that, if one could truly, understand crazy people, then one could engage, in anything, they wanted to. While many out there do believe, that they need, all the money {surprisingly enough}, all the wealth, all the contacts, all the education, and even, all the girly support, to make it through, life, I do have, the belief, that, understanding madness {in all its forms} is all thats needed, to get through life. It is here then, I found myself, discovering the works, of St. Thomas of Aquinas, as in many ways he ascribed, to a lifelong philosophy that, totally makes sense, to me. Thomas Aquinas, who is said to have lived, during the Roman times, and in times too, of great adversity, came to believe that, in a world gone mad, most people feared, doing anything, due to a rather great fear of pain, in all its forms. In many ways he taught, that most out there seek somewhat, to be uncontaminated, by having life, go as smoothly as possible for them {in all really, having it go, as they, want it to}. He believed that, people in times, of great adversity, sought, to remain, innocent {in all ways}, but live life, totally fun. To summarize his theories, he said {in as many words}, that those, who seek to be perceived, as being innocent {as in kind of, worthy, or in fact, really really worthy}, feared, anything bad, happening to them {people seek, such innocence, in times, of adversity}. He then sought to ask what, was the worst thing, that could happen to one. On thinking up something as such, he then asked himself, what, he would become, after such a happening {who was he?}. He found by deduction {and induction too}, that he did not know, whom he would be, after a great misfortune, because really, he did not know, whom he was, before the misfortune happened. In a World then, without, too much of meaning/Identity, he then sought, to create one, based on, religion, so that, he could know whom he was, at the present, at all times. His identity creation though, was rather external in nature, and, was based, on a few pillars, of thought:

1. The Nature of God: In many ways, he asked, who was God, and how did God, perceive him.

2. The Nature of the Trinity: While seeking to formulate, an Identity based on, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, he mainly asked too how, he could formulate, such an Identity socially. In all, he was asking how he was, like the Father, Son, and, Holy Spirit, and how he could then, apply such knowledge, to the social world.

3. Prima Causa: He pondered how to, intelligently, trace back any happening, in the World to God.

With these three mainly, he believed he could create, a life to live by, by in many ways really, seeing himself normal, in a World perceived crazy, which very much, served, as a political doctrine, of a kind. By creating such an Identity, he could also probably, foresee, what could, happen to him, and in many ways too, limit that from happening. At the basis of this was the belief, that the world had gone mad, and was filled with crazy people. In all really he believed, that the purpose {or main goal} of life, was to get through it, with as little suffering, as possible.

I do believe that Aquinas' philosophy, can help one attain, anything they seek out, in this life, while atleast understanding, that the very opposite, could probably, happen, to one. In my world though, I believe in using, Aquinas' philosophy, to simply get, through life, with as few problems, as possible.

On the seminar ending, we returned to the Parish, with small talk, of the whole thing.