Wednesday 1 February 2012

the Niger’s Last Sigh

the Niger’s Last Sigh.


"History has no truth to it”, many a merry madman might tell you, for it is obvious to most, that many never do learn, from their mistakes. But what is History to most, than what is perceived even perhaps, as being nothing else, than a number of tales, of errors and mistakes made, and someone having to suffer, for it all actually. A History, for those who truly think, their Mothers, to be a gift from God himself actually. 

“There is nothing to do out there” many will tell you, and surely, they are as right, as can be, but one truly wonders, what did drive the ancients, knowing nothing much either, to do as they pleased. Isn’t it very much the same state, knowing too much, and knowing nothing at all either truly? The former believes, all is done and said, and the latter, nothing truly in all, is easily possible. 

But History, has never been to those, offered opportunity as some might want you to believe, but those who truly did know {and unlike the Niger too that is}, that the Universe, is more than a rock or tree in ones way. For the Niger, is too simpleminded in his ways, to imagine a Universe more complex, than that filled, with stones and rocks, seemingly unmovable, and in many ways even, seemingly too, placed, by God himself, and as to appease him even actually.
Far off in the land of Europe, History once reigned all over. Everyday, was a living moment, with a story of sort, to sing all about. They truly knew, the Universe as it was {no fruit or plant eatable, to be seen all over}, but those who sought to conquer Europe in all, did it with one belief: “God truly helps those, who do help themselves”. A Europe, unlike what many a comedic man might tell you, rather beautiful in its views {but I can tell you, not a single plant eatable or fruit, to be seen in sight actually}. Perhaps, what can be best said is that, Cain and Abel, were pretty much European truly. 

The land of the Islamists, is one whose History, trouble filled in its ways, and falsely even believed as such, due to a lack of organization in itself actually. Their History in all, is one recorded in the form of an Account {and of happenings truly}. A History, speaking of organizational problems, and those who seek to do away, with standard organization in all, and in an attempt too, to profit in all ways, from their ways gone afar too actually. To know this History, is to know truly, that the Islamists, have mainly been Sea-farers in all, rather than Desert dwellers actually, and deem the Universe in all, to be filled with opportunity unseen actually, if only truly, one could tell the most marvelous of tales, to make it all seeable. The Account as History, and the birth of Accounting itself too actually, and probably too even, the most marvelous storytelling ever heard even {and as with the foolhardy, believing truly, only they truly know, God, and his ways too actually}.

But to the Niger, all the above might seem, to be fable itself, for to him in all actually, Europe abounds with food all over, and the Islamists, were never truly, fishermen without a sigh {but in all perhaps, fishers of men actually}. To him, the Niger, all ‘this’, was seemingly placed there, by God himself actually, and placed too even, readily truly, for the taking in all actually, and by those to arrive, first at the scene in all too actually. Those who do live in the Northern Lands {including America}, believe themselves truly, the equal, of the European. They see themselves as kin, but not knowing, that the European, is no longer whom he is, taken to frivolous partying in all, and his failure even, to understand that Society in Europe, was never born of such {frivolous partying}, but the need, to survive as one saw fit actually {Wealthy and Grandiouse even} {with the modern European though, taken to eating, once a day, and in the name of a self-economy in all truly}. Europe, and its Universe, was in all ways truly, ‘Cain and Abel’ actually, and the Northerner, knows truly nothing, of ‘Cain and Abel’, but believing himself, an inheritor, to Wealth, he truly had no part, in making for himself truly {and dreams too, of being a Conquistador without a clue, filling his mind and brain all over, and as the Niger even, is taken to wanton eating and sleeping, and on any given opportunity too really}. The Islamists on one hand, know whom they truly were as with History itself, the Prophet Joshua, and it is here again, that they truly do envision their Universes, in a similar manner, to the Northerner actually {as with it being even, of the same mold, as that envisioned by the Prophet Moses} {and making the Northerner and Islamist in all, more of kinsfolk actually, than they truly believe themselves to be in all truly}. 

To the Niger though, running around even as a minstrel would, believing one day God himself to favour him, as he did those who have even, truly never worked a day in their lives {the Islamist as they truly believe him to be}, their hopes lie in all, in fashioning themselves as Europeans actually, with they believing, and talking endlessly too, of whom one day they truly will be {Kings and Queens, favoured totally by God himself, to rule over, the World in its entirety}. For European Society though {as with the Ignoramus, and the Niger too even}, was never one of mindless talkers, but those who truly did understand their Universes, as Cain and Abel did actually {to be filled with sufferance all over, and the greatest song/story, to be sung, and speaking of great misery and woe, on what rightly done, turned out all wrong truly really} {they were never, a number of Frenchie partygoers is what, is been said here}. 

And while the Northerner awaits for their Moses, to tell them of futures, dreams and Universes even, to be conquered in all, that one day truly, the Northern lands will be no different from Europe itself {and with they falsely believing, this truly lies even, with Sea based Trade actually} {and with their never knowing too really, why the European, became a Seafarer: opportunity sought out, where toil and turmoil had failed in providing, a solution within Europe itself actually} {in many ways, to be as blank as the Northerner likes to be, they, the ‘Futurists’, are nothing more, than nigs yapping}. 

Yet the Niger, continues to dance around, believing even lately, that one day, the Islamists, Europeans, or even Northerners too perhaps, will all be gone truly, and they then, the Niger that is, can truly begin, living life, out in Europe, or the Islamist world too actually. 

And what of Asia? A land no one truly, does care to know about {but whimsically speaking perhaps} {as with there even, being nothing much truly, to talk about truly}. For them though, History, has been group formations in all, attempting to solve problems, that the Elites or Ruling Powers too, do believe suitable for all actually {and with they even, believed righteous, in terminating those, who do fail in their ways too actually}. A History, no one cares too much, to know about, but on studied further more even, a History, of Religion denied, and greed taking over, and with even, the most simple of solutions sought out, when the Dream, has by now, pretty much faded away {and truthfully said even, a History of Simpletons in all, truly benefiting even, from hundreds of prayers, to God himself actually, to truly deliver one, who will walk them in all, out of their living Nightmares actually} {and whether his name, be Krishna, or even, Gautama Buddha himself too actually}. For them, the Universe, was always pretty much, like, the Biblical Story of Daniel himself truly. 

To those who lay south of the Northern lands {the Sons of Amerigo}, History seen, but History unknown, as they simply believe, their Architecture even, to be a testament, of whom they truly are {and have been} {and something they truly believe, like the ‘Prodigal Son’, to be truly whom they are, and defining their Universes even, and a mindset in all too actually, of those, who have truly failed, to live out life in itself too really} {Cowards to the heart, they though seeing themselves, the next Lionheart, but always truly waiting, to return home, and onto their warm beds actually, believing themselves, Courageous even, for simply having left it all actually}. 

They though, still are not the Niger, whom truly believes, any Tree seen or Rock observed, is an obstacle placed by God himself, to prevent him, the Niger, from doing just about anything, and not, the Rocks and Trees, manifestations even, of God in himself too actually. For to the unknowing again, the land of the Niger, encompasses a Universe, similar to that seen, in the Biblical Story of Esther, and not Job, as the Niger would have one believe {Africa in most ways, is a place ruled over by Obeyance, and as the Kings of Mali, truly understood in all truly} {the Niger on the otherhand, and as a whiner too actually, truly lives by Obeisance, and in all ways truly today even, a slave for hire in all actually}. 

the New Frontier: 

The story of Europe, has pretty much been said and done with truly, and New Frontiers, await to be conquered in all too actually. Probably only, a new interpretation of the story of ‘Cain and Abel’ in all, would do it all justice again {as with wanting to return to Europe in itself, and in the name of Conquest too actually } {and live it out, to heights even, that Lionheart himself, never truly envisioned}. But all that is not of too much interest, as a New Frontier, and in the name of Abyssinia too even {Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia}, truly lies to be conquered in all {and with a Universe in all too, envisioned actually, along the lines of the Biblical Story of King David, and the ‘Book of Kings’ too in all really} {and a Story in all, and as with Myth too actually, truly originating, in the land of the Spartans, and as Walking Gods too in all truly}. 

A Universe/Myth, that truly promises, to build the greatest of Civilization ever built {as with acknowledging even, it was Egypt and the Sphinx}, and a Civilization too, truly as with the Majestic, believed that of Kings {and with King David even, said to be the greatest of them all too actually}, and Civilization too, that truly promises atleast, to have one goal in its sight {and as with Religion too even}: that being, not a single Niger {or of his ilk too even}, in sight truly. 

the Moor 
2012 A.D {and not 854 B.C.E}