Friday 3 February 2012

My Confessions (part 5)

I did not stay in New York, too much longer, after that, only remaining, long enough, to see everything, in ‘Chez Montreal’, function well, along a Blueprint, I had thought up, with the approval of Monsieur Beauregard. He was happy even, to see it, knowing that, doing Business in New York, was not up, his alley. He too, used to formulating really, masterplans of one kind or another, as Business really, is often done in Quebec, the Blueprint, seemed a curiosity even, as he then imagined in many ways, that this truly, was how, America did function: the Blueprint.

Jessica, had been working harder than usual, speeding things up, when nobody really, including Monsieur Beauregard, saw the need, for such action. To him, it did not matter, if the rollout, took 7 years really, as he saw no real hurry, in finishing up so soon. Jessica though, appeared to have taken off, on her own trajectory, as perhaps with believing, that ‘Chez Montreal’, was actually in all, a Web Project, that once up and running, would bring in, all kinds of money.

To help promote, ‘Chez Montreal’ even further, something I saw no need of really, Jessica and some of the other staff, at ‘Chez Montreal’, had gone, on a Media campaign, trying to get us all, including Monsieur Beauregard, all the way in Montreal, associated, with who is who, of the New York Media scene. One such scenario, as with it happening, did involve us, attending, a Vanity Fair, party, that was rather low-key, and far from what, the likes of Toby Young, would have one believe. A second party, held too by Conde Nast really, and not Vanity Fair, was far more promising, as I did happen to spot, or see really, many of New Yorks celebrity circuit, including the one and only, Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer Aniston, is one of those people, I kind of believe in, walking up to, and speaking my mind to really. I don’t think of her, as a blond bombshell, or even a hottie, or even beautiful or gorgeous either, to me, Jennifer Aniston, is debonair, as with her, having a right answer, even sarcastic, to any question, or thing really, posed to her. I did, do imagine really, walking up to her, and saying, the most sweetest of things, believing, that would faze her, in one way or another. Something like, or along the lines of “I dream about you oftenly”. Sounds offhanded, but I believe, I am the kind of person, who can pull it off, with an almost, tearly, facial expression or voice even, in suit.

I did remember, thinking somewhat, more, about Jennifer Aniston, after I did meet her, as with an introduction even, by one of the staff, with Jessica I noticing, somewhat watching, as I stood there, while Jennifer Aniston, attempted in all, to praise me, for ‘Chez Montreal’: something, I found flabbergasting. I though on the otherhand, went along, with the clichéd perhaps, “you have beautiful eyes and hair” thing, but truly meaning it, as I never do say, such things, for the fun of it really. I believe, maybe, she found that too, rather flabbergasting.

Monsieur Beauregard on the otherhand, took it all, as the opportunity really, to talk, or even sweettalk perhaps, as many New Yorker women, as he could, with my even hearing, his talking about, his perhaps, supposed, arrest, once, and a while back, while in Austria too really. Apparently, he beat up, an Austrian rather ‘badly’ even, as with the New Yorker women, then looking at him, wondering if he did, get arrested, or charged even too. I kind of believe, he too perhaps believed really, New Yorker women, to be Quebecois women, with more class.

The Blueprint in place, and thoughts lingering between Jennifer Aniston and Madonna, I began preparing, for my leaving, New York, but before my doing so, I did make, several trips back up, to Quebec, Montreal really, to see how Kyra, was fairing on, and rather too, in an impromptu manner. Kyra was doing fine, or really, as I sometimes, did infact really, notice or see her, in and around Montreal, without my making my presence, known. I did send her an email though, when I was truly departing North America, telling her of such, to which, there was no forthcoming reply, which I was happy, to deal with, as Kyra really, can be rather emotional intense, in just about, anything she does say. The Blueprint in place, speaking really, of not troubleshooting really, but actually, of Staff development, as compared to, product development itself too, I basically told, Monsieur Beauregard, the organizational structure, of ‘Chez Montreal’ did not necessarily, have to change, as with it growing, and the opening of more stores even, that really truly, the business could expand, from a delivery service perspective, and innovational change, based on the Staff, learning how to promptly, and quickly even, deal or handle really, any problems, arising, based on the Messaging System. The catch though, was what truly, was this, Messaging System, to be like really? In my opinion, there being, different Messaging Systems out there, the Staff, could at the very least, work up, to the ‘Enterprise Messaging System’ level, before thoughts on changing, the Blueprint in itself, did actually really arise.

Before my leaving, I did too manage also, to send Jennifer Aniston, a note, and through her PR too, thanking her, for gracing me, with her presence, as a final Requiem perhaps, and also too, hopefully, she to be the one, to remember me, and me not her really. In many ways perhaps, I do hate having, lingering thoughts really, of any woman, who impacts me in anyway, as with my not, being able, to contact or see her again really. I do remember too, recommending to Jessica, to watch more Sports, rather than mindless television, and also did ask her, to buy herself, some Opera, Italian-American, to somewhat, guide her, in living in New York. I did meet George too, George Lopez, before my leaving, and said hello to him, in a parting manner, somewhat swahili-omani too, in ways and manners really, but I did not truly tell him, where I was really going to, other than stating, I would visit Montreal, before my departure really. George greeted me heartfully, as if, we would probably meet again, in Oman, and with lesser thoughts of Madonna too, on my mind, I began, to pacefully, began preparing, to leave North America.

My plane, to Kingston, Jamaica, left on one early morning, in August, and on a Tuesday too, as with my not visiting, any other part, of America. On the flight, to Kingston, Jamaica, I could not but help, look out of the window, believing myself, able, to see into America. America, so romanticized, that all crimes in it, are truly blamed, on the Television. To me, America in most ways, had fallen off, something I did happen to, notify, the New York Governors Office, or the Governor himself really, and the New York Chief of Police too, in a note, sent to both of them, on how, to deal with ‘minority’ based crime, in New York, by asking them actually, as with a guarantee even, that turning, the environments, of these folks, into, Interesting places, as with opening, a store, filled, with only interesting stuff, and as really with interesting too really, would in all, actually deal with, criminal elements really, in New York. One finds that, non-Interesting people, tend to avoid, the culturally Interesting {and not the intellectually interesting really}, as with even truly, moving away, to other places and spots really. A guarantee, I said to both of them, in a note sent, as with even, turning any neighbourhood in New York, with paint simply even, to simply, look interesting, would in all too really, help New Yorkers, deal, with the urban sprawl, seen all over New York, and after, New Yorkers in general, could slowly, dismantle, this rather interesting now, urban sprawl, in rather perhaps, interesting manners too really. I did give a guarantee, that it would all really perhaps, actually, really work out.

Flying over America, I could not but help, think to myself, that what had actually befallen it, was not, immigrant issues, or even, new politics arising from such {as with American Political Parties, attempting to accommodate immigrants}, but actually truly, the rise, and rise again, of a ‘nig’ syndrome, that would eventually, if left unchecked, would see, America destabilize, and fall too even. Flying on the Plane though, I did note too again, that most of the passengers, while identified as Americans, were not actually as such, as with my knowing, true and genuine Americans, from the way, they actually do say, things really {in a similar manner and way, to me really too}. Many of Americas problems, especially coloured ‘minority’, are often blamed, on a legacy, of slavery. To most, this is not exactly clear, as with their believing, slavery, to have been, a rather harsh experience, failing actually, to realize truly, it was actually really, an Institution {in an Institution filled America too}. Most fail, to realize, that Slave cultures, in America even, were far more developed, than what arose, after the fall of slavery, in the so called, Antebellum South: the ‘nig’ syndrome. The ‘nig’, in America, was actually born to, of those raised, in environments, within America, lacking in all, Institutions, of all kinds {this including, the so called, rednecks}. Slave cultures, in America, were far more developed, than most believe them, to have been. At the very least, they gave America Jazz, Poetic Wisdom {of the streetsmarts variety}, and even, a variety of Inventions too. The ‘nig’ though, as with most of America’s Institutions collapsing, in favour, of Privatization doctrines of a kind, has come, to be prevalent all over America, and giving rise too, to the most distasteful really, of material cultures, that the average European Moor, would probably squirm at. America, may have thousands of schools and universities in place really, but most, rarely do function really, as they averagely even, should.

The plane still making its way to Jamaica, amongst the rather even, loud talk, of some of the passengers, I could not, but help look out, of my window, as we were nearing Jamaica really, believing us really, to be flying perhaps, somewhere across from, California itself really. Looking out of the window, I imagined to myself, or began to do so really, with attempting perhaps, to see, or wonder truly, what, Arnold Governor Schwarzenegger, could be doing, at the precise moment. I also believed, I could somehow see, Barack Obama, president, being driven around, in his limo, going somewhere, I believed, looked somewhat interestingly enough, like, the White House {for some reason unknown really}.

I arrived in Jamaica, feeling rather elated really, at even being, in the place in the first place. The plane, almost arriving in Jamaica itself, had me looking towards the window to my opposite, across the plane itself, as with my believing even really, that Hayiti, was simply across too really, from Jamaica itself. Kingston, Jamaica, the plane having touched ground, and me along with, the other passengers exiting, I am one, of the few people, who actually do look around, once outside the plane itself, as if looking for signs and symbols, to guide me, to my exit. The Airport in Kingston, is not that too big, but still, no signs really exist, to tell, the average traveler, exactly what to do, on exiting a plane really. We all make, our way, to the exit terminal perhaps, with my seeking to avoid maybe, moving in tandem, with the other passengers, for no truly, good known reason really. Inside the Airport itself, we are met, by a scene, of policemen, of the paramilitary kind, with somewhat semi-automatic weapons, and German Shepherd guard dogs in tow, somewhat even barking, orders, loud enough to startle one, telling us in all, how to get along, and within, into Jamaica itself.

Kingston, Jamaica; the checking in, at the Airport, did not take too long, with the exception perhaps, of the checkin gate teller, looking long at my passport, Emirati, and wondering even really, who I really was too. There is a middle, Arabic name to my name, ‘Al-Muwadi’, which she appeared, to somewhat believe in, as in seeing me, an outsider really, to the Americas themselves. Inside and within Jamaica, I stand outside the Airport itself, looking around, for a Taxi. This is not Africa, despite what many, the Media really, might have you believe, as Jamaicans, are not the kind and courteous types, to outsiders from it really {with the exception perhaps, of Haitians really}. I am not fazed, at my not knowing really, what to do, thinking and feeling, I will be able to deal, with Jamaica, Kingston really, by navigating it too really, using my Islam based mentalities. Jamaica, unknown to most, has a culture, that victoriously perhaps, glorifies death, and this too, not being too different, from those who are firm believers, of ‘Allah’. I stand there, looking with a serious face even, even somewhat looking offended too, at the lack of signs in all, on what to do really, despite there being, some taxi drivers, laying around. Someone calls out at me, with a gesturing hand really, and raised too, to make my way, to his pals and buddies really, which I decide, to accept, as with my picking up my bag, and making my way to him. “Where do you want to go to?”, he asks, I looking at the man, as if I have seen him before, the kind of Jamaican, who probably formerly, was a Kikuyu too. Into the Taxi itself, some moments later, despite my not being too pleased, at the perceived nuances, criminal even, I detect, as I enter into, the Taxi itself, we do eventually head off, to the hotel, amidst talk too really, about my being, Emirati.

Having checked in, and now standing looking around, my hotel room, I kind of find myself, wanting to leave it, as with picturing myself really, simply seated on my bed, doing nothing much really too. I do notice though, a Computer, with Internet access to it, as with a Yahoo page, blatantly showing itself, which I take in, with some satisfaction. I did leave the room though, somewhat having changed my shoes, and jacket too, and made my way, to the hotels diner, to maybe seek out, something small to eat. The hotel, is serving, some Indian based foods, including the East African really, Samosas {surprisingly enough to me}. I do buy some Samosas, and on eating them, decide to make my way, to the outside, of the rather small hotel, but spaceous really, as if, venturing, into Jamaica itself.

Kingston, Jamaica, with the following ensuing thought, of Bob Marley, carry me, into a place, I kind of know historically, but always do see it, rather culturally. Kingston, is not always what, you think it to be. It is not Africa, at the very least. The city, while having poor even, urban developments, is rather clean, but in many ways, what does make it second-world perhaps really, is the lack of ignorance, from most really, of its peoples too. The streets are clean, the people, acting rather civilized in all too. It is not Africa, with its horn-blarings, or peddlers too, running all around either. As I am walking around, I see many Jamaican men, some lightskinned, whose presence I do question, as with viewing their shade of brown, more Carribean, than Jamaican really. Even then, there is still, a dangerous side, to Jamaica, Kingston really, most truly, don’t well understand too, as with viewing it really, from the perspectives only, of, perceived poverty really.

I walk around Kingston, looking around, and noticing even, few women, walking in and about the place itself. It seems, like, everyone, is at home, or locked up, in an office somewhere. I do though eventually see, real Jamaicans I believe, they looking too like, Damien Marley, or Beres Hammond too, to whose placing or positioning really, I do make it into, as with it, being somewhat, of a restaurant and eatery, left in all, rather wide open. I go in there, buy myself a drink, some samosas to go with too, and settle somewhat, near the group, to in many ways truly, listen in into their conversation. To say like most, listening to Jamaicans speak, is rather pleasant, would be a cliché, what though, most do miss, about their conversings, are their scientific musings, often put forward, in Jamaican terms, that often makes, Jamaican philosophizing, rather interesting in all really, to listen to. There is no talk, but there is, as a question, is eventually directed towards me, about my origins, which, are stated, as being really, Mombasa, Kenya.

I eventually, did leave the eatery, when they started speaking generally, but interestingly too, about America, New York, and even Quebec Canada itself. To Jamaicans, it appears, North Americans, are the kind of people in general, lacking understanding, from an empathetic perspective, knowing it only really, from a structural one.

Jamaica, is not what really, most, think it to be. It is falsely believed too even, as having its origins really, with Slavery and Africa. This is not true at all, as Jamaica, does have many rather strong, European and Native Indian elements too, into it. Watching the news at night, of Kingston, one is often surprised, at the gun violence perhaps, that erupts, in the so called, Shanty towns, and not ghettos really, not truly understanding this, from the failure, of those coming into Jamaica, to assimilate really, into its original cultures. Jamaica, never did have slavery, but actually had, a rather harsh, Indentured Labour system, of labourers perhaps, from Africa, who were highly, mistreated, by the British, who brought them along. All this, happening, during the times, of America’s Antebellum South. Before this, Jamaica, was actually populated, by black skinned and brownskinned, Europeans, who settled, into the Island itself, during the violence, that mired Europe, during the fall too, of the reign, of Napolean the 2nd, with they in all too really, dividing, the Island, into the European side {or Spanish side really}, and, the British side {or African side really too}. Since then, Jamaica, has at the very least, phenotypically, being divided as such, European vs. African, with many, of its white populations, actually, on the African/British side. That though, is not Jamaica fully truly.

Many falsely believe again, Jamaica, to have, an African Soul, as with rhythms, and music even, failing to actually realize, the Jamaican Soul, which does drive its Drama too, is actually, of the Tomahawk, or Sioux even, Indian kind. Knowing this too, is the basis, of understanding, Jamaican violence, as with Tomahawk/Sioux Indian culture, being, highly temperamental, but remaining rather civilized, in that, any killings, born of its rather interesting Dramas, were carried out, using, the Hand Axe {most, don’t really know, what this means, other than perhaps, being made to be aware that, killing, with a gun, spear, or knife even, is far much easier, than killing, with a Hand Axe}. That’s how, the Sioux/Tomahawk Indians, were civilized {if you killed, you did it, only, with a Hand Axe}. This culture though, having being adopted, by African Labourers, after the end really, of the Indentured Labour System in Jamaica, it in all too, grew into a culture really, of violence, even great, that has seen, Jamaicans, European vs. African, go against each other really too {in a so aptly named, Eur. vs. Afr, ‘War’}. In all ways perhaps, this does speak, of the failure, of the Africans, to assimilate, into Jamaican culture, with they, attempting this assimilation, via rewriting Jamaican history, as with speak, of imaginary even, figures, such as Queen Nanny. All this, never did happen though {African Indentured Labour, on being freed, eventually find themselves, living, in Jamaican Shanty towns}.

In many ways too again, Jamaica, is most closest perhaps, to Hayiti. While the Haitian Soul, is actually really, French and Quebecois, its Heart, is actually based on, an intellectualism, arising really, from Haitian Vodou {and one, rather interesting too, to those possessing, esoteric beliefs, as followers of Islam, are bound too}. The Jamaican Heart again though, believed North American, and probably most popularly, espoused by Bob Marley, is actually in many ways truly, Dickens, and as with Dickens London too even. In many ways really, the chaos one sees, in Jamaica, is rather similar, to that, of Dickens London. Yet still, one might wonder, if there is Africa truly, in Jamaica? The answer is yes really, but not, from the perspective, many believe it, to be. Africa in Jamaica, is actually structural, and not truly, Jamaican {as with assimilation really}. The structures you see in Jamaica, including Government, are actually rather African, this going down, all the way, to the Jamaican household, which is somewhat, rather structured, in an African manner. Yet still, this is not truly Jamaica, unlike the viewings perhaps, of North Americans, who view everything really, rather, structurally in all. Jamaica instead really, is Heart and Soul, Dickens and Sioux too really. Probably too, the best representation, of the Jamaican Heart and Soul, Dickens and Sioux, is seen, in Timothy Whites ‘Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley’. In many ways in all, I eventually, as with feeling safe really, from Jamaicas rather prone to be violent, African elements, find myself navigating, the whole place, from the Heart, and not too different perhaps too really, from Nicholas Nickelby himself.

I eventually though, did leave Kingston, and make my way, to Montego Bay, to simply, in many ways, enjoy myself, as I would be staying, in Jamaica, for only three weeks really. Money, was not to be a problems, as Jamaica, is served in many ways, by both Canadian, and Quebecois Banks too really.

Living in Montego Bay, proved to be more enjoyable, than I believed, it actually, would be. I got to meet, a fella, then again, a chap, then truly too again, a guy, by the name, of Steven. Steven is European Jamaican, as with his origins, being Belgian in all. In many ways truly too, what does separate, the different European elements in Jamaica, are their sensibilities, which again truly strongly, do differ, from the chaotic and messed up, African sensibilities, that also tend to abound. I enjoyed hanging out with Steven, as he was the kind of person, one could pose, a dumb question too, and still in all, get somewhat, a serious response, to it all. Steven, is kind of, an avant-garde Economist, seeing all of Jamaicas problems, from an Economist perspective, rather than, the highly cultural, as I am wont too. While not hanging out with Steven, I did find myself, a small place, rather than a hotel room, to live in, which I did find myself, enjoying tremendously even. To me, while in Northern America, Jamaica, or Montego Bay really, truly does feel, like a home, compared, to Quebec, Montreal, where I do perceive myself, as being, a rather, cultural figure really. I got to meet too, a certain Cassie, described in Jamaican speak, as being ‘high yella’, but on speaking to her, as with my eyes widening, and my realizing in all too, did actually did discover her, to be of French ancestry, she too, able to speak French, unlike the vast majority, of said French speakers, who can only actually, say things in it, and not, actually speak it. Cassie’s family, had traveled from France, during its chaotic years, and settled in Jamaica, and since then, she had become Jamaican, more from the expressive point of view. Friendly and amiable, I did find myself, somewhat distanced really, from Cassie, as with her viewing, herself to be of French ancestry, and my viewing, as a European Moor really, the belief, or fact really even, that France, ceased to exist, when my kind of ilk, did leave it. In many ways too really, speaking to Steven, and knowing Europe to be somewhat still Europe, I did discover nonchalantly perhaps, or I did discover really, that what actually, remained Europe, of Europe today, was Belgian, or Brussels really too. A Europe too, I was never actually, acquainted with, believing Brussels perhaps, to be the figment of imagination, of all, kinds and forms of speakers really.

I did find myself though, enjoying my interacting with, or staying around really, Cassie, as the only brownskinned women, I truly do like, are of French descent. Thinking of Cassie, as she near me even, I wonder to myself, if she probably does know Rihanna {another French, as with ancestry even, living, in the Americas, and popularly too, known as ‘RiRi’}. I am not, too fond of brownskinned women, as they are the kinds of people really, always rather political, as even, with their politics, happening even too, as with right now really. I am more, of the religious fold, and my thinking, of even having, a private home in Jamaica, Montego Bay {as with my even, posing this question, to Steven}, has me envisioning, a home perhaps, more, of the Dutch fold, as with a simple house, filled with all kinds, of European furniture, European Art, European Instruments, European scholarly texts, a Television set, showing the Food Channel too perhaps, and probably too in all, a collection, of rather good films {all this, as with the European, being of the Dutch fold really}. I kinda think really, that’s whom I truly am, in Jamaica, and Montego Bay even : a Fleming Dutch.

More time spent with Cassie, I enjoying her company, due to her Artistic nature {she writing poetry, and making paintings too, but all too really, rather highly even, political}, I did find myself, musing, about, what Steven actually really, did think about Jamaica itself. I kind of saw his views, misdirected, as with him, being an Economist perhaps, while I saw Jamaica really, as not only, from the cultural, but maybe even too, from the perspective, of a Financial Analyst really {and looking into perhaps, the cost, to Jamaican society and way of life in all, based on how really, Jamaicans, were presently living}. In an act perhaps, of the perceived requiem kind, not only, did I as with my writing down really, on a computer too, my beliefs, that change in Jamaica, could be done, in rather small ways, but rather culturally too, in name and nature really. First off, rather than having Jamaicans, dress in rather militant clothings, including modern suits, I in all, told Steven, that changing this, to Martial clothings, such as Leather pants, or even tight fitting t-shirts, would in many ways, change, the temperaments, of the average Jamaican, to be truly really, Sioux/Tomahawk Indian {and as with civility really}. Second off again, I told Steven, in a rather mundane manner even, as with his being a rather too, highly structured Economist, that getting rid, of African structures in Jamaica, was the first step, to Jamaica emancipating itself, from even, IMF based politics too. These structures, could be replaced, by E-Services {or personalized services really}, as with an entrepreneurial Jamaican, seeking to open up, a Resort Home/House, to rent out, to visitors/tourists to Jamaica itself, instead, of having, a Hotel Industry in place. In my opinion too, a ‘registered brothel’, as with it even, having health based checks of a kind, truly does work rather well, in Jamaica, as compared, to the sexually charged, highly structured too, dating environments, that permeate, most of the Western world. In many ways too truly again, to prove my point, I did make it aware, to Steven, that even Bob Marley’s music, falsely believed African {as with its structural forms really}, was actually North American, as with his music, being structured, in a similar manner, to Country music {other Jamaican forms of music though, such as Dancehall reggae, are actually really, structured, in an African form/manner}. Finally, to top it off truly, as with issues of education, which very much bothered {or bugged even}, Steven {as with a ‘life work’ even}, I advocated, the introduction, of a scholarly culture, highly based around, the Library, and in many ways too, strongly associated even, with Christopher Colombus {as he in many ways really, being perceived, as an ancestor figure of a kind, as with he, said to even, have spent a lot of his time, in Jamaica, and amongst, the Sioux Indians} {It was Colombus probably too, who also asked them, to move, to the New York area too really}. That to me, was Jamaica, as not only, did reggae music, go well hand in hand, with a scholarly culture, but a Jamaica, I also truly envisioned perhaps, as with architecture really, not only, based around E-Services {or personalized services really}, but one, similar in ilk and mold, to Dubai based architecture, such as that, of the Jungle Hotel in Dubai, or even especially too really, the ‘Burj Al Arab’ hotel.

Soon after, as with my thinking, all this, would probably change Stevens fortune, and put him, in line, for longstanding employment {or a ‘plum job’, as some would call it}, I said goodbye, to Cassie too, not wantingly really, as with my believing even, I might get to see her again, eventually, one day really, and with my promising even too, to discretely and secretly too, send death threats, to Rihanna.

My next destination, as with my knowing it too really, turned out, to be Mexico City, Mexico.

End of Part 5……………..