Friday 3 February 2012

My Confessions (part 6)

“Ay!, hombre, you want a barbecue?”


“Okay, but it tastes good!!”

That was a part, of a genuine but, interspersed, conversation, I held partly, with Jose, with others though, in the midsts too. Jose was looking pretty forward, to tasting, or eating even, the barbecue, that was slowly cooking, before us, pork chops, and rabbit, which to me though, was of interest, because, it was being cooked, in a rather, African manner really {it all set up, on stones, with a wire mesh, to place the meat, atop, a burning fire really}.

I did not mind, the barbecue, but I had already had my fill, eating some tasty burgers, but in many ways perhaps, as with nuances even, I guess, I did misunderstand, Jose, as with his asking really, if I wanted the barbecue, at the precise moment. In many ways really, one does find, that Mexico, and especially even, Mexico City, is a place, one is often called upon, as with speaking up even, almost immediately, and with one having in all, to act in a rightful manner, to take advantage, of something, offered, or wind up, looking pretty much, a loser, in one way or another. “No” meant, I probably, should not, ask to eat, a piece of the barbecue, later on.

I had been living, in Mexico, in and about, for close, to one year. Having proven, to Customs, that I had enough money, to in all, vacation, for even, close to two years, meant that, I would not face, many immigration issues, as I did also specify, my reason for being in Mexico, was partly religious {as with a Dubai University, seeking out my views, on religion in general, in Mexico}. To prove this, I did have, a letter, from this said University, which stated, it would consider my views, on the topic at hand. With that settled, I kind of settled to, to simply traveling around Mexico, and in many ways perhaps, seeking to find myself, as a person.

I guess in many ways, Mexico, and Mexico City itself, is a kind of paradise, for the freespirited, as with this, truly defining, the person, within us. In many ways again really, one does find, that so called or perceived even, American Issues, such as Gun ownership, are far more suited in general, as with the spirit of debate even, with Mexico, as it is probably, the only place in the World, where one can walk its streets, without a T-Shirt on, and not, attract, any kind of attention really.

Living in Mexico, was fun. More fun, than I anticipated, with this at the very least, made probable so, by the fact, that I was traveling around in all, on a Motorcycle. The Motorcycle, believed truly American in spirit, is what perhaps, made Mexico, rather American in all {that, along with, an American like braggadocio, that went along too, with the Motorcycle culture in Mexico}.

Living in Mexico, despite the freespirited nature, of everything around one, was not in all really, the easiest thing to do. I guess it had to do, with the religion thing, and being a person in all, as nothing in Mexico, seemed to work, in a clockwise manner, such that, going to a Pizza parlour, proved to be, a different experience, on each and everyday even.

I had met Jose, on one night, when I was out, in and about Mexico City, with a certain, Carlos, who had invited me, on a night out, in Mexico City itself, which, to my surprise, as with being of Italian descent even, proved to be more interesting, than I believed, it would be. It in all, involved, simply making our way around Mexico City, popping in, here and there, holding conversations, and then leaving, for a future destination. In many ways too, it turned out, to be one, of the best ways, to see Mexico City itself, and I could not though, help but think, it could even, be more cultural, with a stop in, at a Movie House {for a thirty minute flick}, or even, an Art Gallery {for mindless entertainment in all}. I was having fun doing this, with Carlos, turning out, to be more or less, a natural with me {as with my sensibilities really}, and I guess, this was what, partly made, Mexicans, somewhat Italian. Jose, was present, in one of the stops, we made, and I could not but help think, I had probably seen him, in a Californian Magazine, Hollywood movie, or even, in America itself really, as he did, look, rather American, but with a tan to go though. I kind of hit off with him, and I guess, it had to do, with the Mexican braggadocio, somewhat American too, but in many ways, appearing, to have an Italian parent, to both of them. I though, was more laid back, while Jose, more frontward, with expressing himself really.

Mexico though, in itself, turned out, to be a rather difficult place, to live in. With all forms of activity, going on at one minute, and the next, total silence. Its as if, doing things, by routine, was pretty difficult {which I did notice too}, with my seeking in all, like Carlos perhaps, to plan my days, based around, my sensibilities really. Once in a while, Carlos, and even Jose, did pop in, to ask if really, I wanted, to join them, for a meal or two, which in most cases, I did agree to, after all, I did truly notice, I acted rather naturally, with Mexicans in general, and on further inquisitiveness, did actually discover, was due, to the fact, that Christianity in Mexico, was actually, of the Italian variety too, as with mainly really, the worship, of Italian Marian figures {such as the Ave Maria, or even, ‘the Sacred Heart of Mary’ too}. With time though, I did discover, that being in Mexico, with my sensibilities even, and my Islam based mentalities too {which Mexicans found, to be somewhat, what separated me truly from them, as with Mexican mentalities even, being, rather uniquely Mexican}, would prove in all, to be, more of a difficulty perhaps, than I believed it would be {but not, outside, Mexico City though}.

What to say of Mexico? The Food? Somewhat Italian. The Women? Somewhat Italian too again. The Architecture? Mexican really {as with Navajo Indian}, but in all too, dressed {as with City planning really}, in an, Italian style. That was what, at the very least, made me feel comfortable, and at home even, in Mexico itself, as with my more or less, being aware, of my surroundings, and basic routines too in general {I for instance, getting hungry, at the same time, as most Mexicans would}. In my stay, in and about Mexico itself, traveling somewhat really, on a Motorcycle {as with Mexico itself, being rather safer, than most think it, and even, rather efficient really, as compared, to Canada for instance surprisingly enough}, I did happen to travel, to Monterrey, which one Mexican ‘woman’ {girl, in more or less, her sensibilities}, made me aware, was rather African {as with in general, Mexican women thinking, the Middle East, is rather African in all}. Monterrey though, turned out, to be rather Portuguese in nature, as not only, with the Architecture perhaps, but rather too even, with the way of life, with the only thing, African really, turning out, to be the Food {which was somewhat, Ibo like, in nature}. Mexico in all, was turning out, to be more or less confusing, in one way or another, as with what, truly constituted, a Mexican Identity, other than, the rather well known {and seen even}, Mexican mentalities. That was Mehico, Mexican mentalities, which in many ways too truly, were more or less, Californian too, in their ways and methods, and perhaps, one could say, California, was Mexican {as with it even, being somewhat, a Mexican State, due to all this}.

I did meet, Mexican women, I found to be interesting, as with my in general, not taken, to be too fair, to the so called ‘fair sex’ {as with my belief, they lack, the inherent sensibilities, to communicate, effectively, as men do}. Women, in my belief, do think, but not along the lines, of whats, best, for everyone. Mexican women though, are rather beautiful, and engaging somewhat truly, but perhaps, the old ‘adage’, belief even, that, ‘the older the wine, the finer the taste’, is true really, of Mexican women, as Mexico perhaps, is the only place truly, where one meets, a beautiful Mexican woman, and charming too, and then later, get to meet, her even more beautiful Mother, and more charming too really.

What to say though, of Mexico? Its Nature? Beautiful, but not really, captivating {as with those, who have been, to the Swahili coastal lands, or even, within, the Horn of Africa too}. It in all, is rather hard, to say, anything about Mexico, without at the very least really, coming to an agreement, that it is all, a ‘Brogue’ really {and not a Mix either}, of many things, with something perhaps, at its very center {or core really}, which, on my further questioning, discovered really, to be rather heavily even, psychological, as with being Mexican, somewhat similar, to being, a European Moor, as with perceiving oneself truly, as a Psychological being, and not, truly, a Cultural one. The ‘Brogue’ in Mexico, seemed to be put all together, to make Mexicans even perhaps, more psychologically superior, than the average. What though, this Psychology was, was not immediate in understanding and knowing, but as I soon discovered, I would eventually, figure it out, and for the fun of it, send part of this Knowledge, back to the so said Dubai University {as with a superiority complex even}, and the whole of it maybe too, to a Mexican, who turned out, to be named, Cesar.

I did not chase, any Mexican women, somewhat to the chagrin, of Jose and Carlos even, who both did travel partly with me, in the beginnings really, of my stay, but I do find, my presence around women, akin, to driving, a Volkswagen Beetle, in and around, any city in the world really, as with it really too, attracting, all kinds of attention {from amusement, to curiosity, to even partly, antagonistic behaviour really}. On the otherhand though, I probably should have mentioned, very jokingly even, that I did find, Mexican actresses, rather attractive, as with age even really. That though, was truthfully said, as with believing even, Carlos, or Jose {but Carlos really}, could get me, a blind date, with ‘one of them’ really {there is just something, about, a beautiful Mexican Woman, that makes one, want to act, wantonly even. One, in many ways, has to be Mehico, to deal, with a Mexican Woman, or perhaps, attempt instead, to be rather direct, in a casual, Italian like manner; apologetic, religious, but forthright really}.

With time though, traveling around Mexico, dealing with issues, of direction itself {within life, and general direction too}, and in all, finding that, being acquainted, with Mexican actresses, in any way, was cause or reason even, to file for dementia, as I wondered really, whether I should leave, earlier, than I ought to, but instead in finality, sought solace, in the various Cathedrals all over {and the difficult dealing too, with Italian Marian figures in all}, but sooner or later did discover, that most Mexicans, did not know, whom they truly were, in Mexico itself. This in time, did somewhat relax me really, and with time too, would lead, to my being asked, by Mexicans themselves {or Mehico really}, to join them {as even, with non-committal participation}, in all kinds, of Community activities, geared at, better understanding, whom they were. This all though, not to my true taste really {as with my being, more of the scholar kind really}, did lead though, to the meeting, of all different kinds, of Mexicans, and the realization, that Mexicans in all {as with simple psychology}, could be described, from what Carl Jung, did call, the Unconscious. In many ways too, this was made aware to me truly, based on various dreams I had, due to all this Community based participation. With time though, I did discover, that some Mexicans, did truly believe, I had a, kind of answer, to whom, they really were {or could be really}, as with my being even, an Angel really, believed, to house such an answer perhaps, to what, they could very well do, with their lives. Something, I took in, as with their perceiving really {some, unknowingly really even}, my being, Italian, in one way, or another.

I did spend, lots of time alone, thinking about Mexico, enthralled by it even, feeling comfortable, with its Italian like natures {including Mehico}, and the belief, that I was not, up to any mischief, other than ‘attempting’ maybe, to sleep, with the wife, of a rich man. I did though believe, somewhat strongly maybe even, decipher Mexico, for what it probably, truly was, which did in all, surprise, many Community based leaders, and Carlos and Jose even {not withstanding, Cesar himself}, as with Cesar too even, making all this, rather somewhat known, in a Mexico, where the masses, appeared in all, rather disillusioned, by a ruling Elite, of French origins too {though not truly French}, who in many ways, had placed limitations, on Mexican life, as pertaining too, structural ideologies, that any Mexican might have, on improving their lives, by in all too really, deeming them, rather American, and not, true, to Mexico {or even Mehico}, itself.

Mexico, has a rather interesting History. Its original peoples, said to be Indian, Navajo and Taino too, are said in all, to be the true spirit, of Mexico itself. This is somewhat true, as with perceiving Mexico, from the Psychological, and the Unconscious too {all this, being rather Taino}, and also, from Mehico itself {at its core really, as with manners even, being Navajo really}. That was true really, of Mexico {and as with its origins even}. What happened next though, is the root cause, of lots of debate really, of what truly is, Mexico, in all really.

Mexico, is a brogue, which I did decipher, due mainly, to problems like this, being more truly too really, to my nature, as with my perhaps even, seeing myself, psychologically, more or less truly, as a ‘Systems Analyst’, of one kind or another {but perhaps truly in all, an Analyst really}. That’s Mexico in many ways, signals from everywhere, as with the Unconscious, and Mehico too, leaving one perhaps, rather dissatisfied, with life, on receiving, poor signals in all really. Mexico in many ways, as with perhaps my taking a break, from normal interlocution {as with me, being a center to all this}, and attempting in all, to present, my discoveries, on Mexico itself, as with truly showing, what being, a ‘Systems Analyst’, is truly, all about.

Mexico is Taino and Navajo, that is rather well known. What is not known perhaps, is that, Mexican Women, are actually really, Taino {as with the Unconscious}, and structural Ideologies too, based on, the Marian worship, of Italian Marian Figures {like the Ave Maria for instance}. Mexican Men on the otherhand, are actually really Navajo {as with mentalities really}, and mentalities too, driven by the need, to fulfill, a dream of one kind, or another {as with even, meeting or dating, a Mexican actress}. In all really, as with my discovery too, these mentalities, Navajo at heart, are best exemplified, than none other, than Zorro himself {as with even, fulfilling, a dream of any kind}.

The next thing of interest to me, was Mexican Music, which in many ways, I found even, rather somewhat more creative, than even, Jamaican, or North American music too really. This too, had to do, with the influence, of Taino culture {as with its Music really}, based on using, Taino musical arrangements, in other kinds of music, out there {from Jamaican Reggae, to even, American Rock} {and in the mold, of believed to be, Jamaican, ‘Roots Reggae’, as with Bob Marley, and ‘One Love’, or even, American Heavy Metal, which too, is of, Taino inspirations really}. Musical arrangements and formations, I somewhat mentioned in a document/parchment, as with Cesar too really, turning out, to be a rather, interesting talker, of whom he was, in Mexico {and not Mexico itself}, that in all, these, arrangements and formations, as with inspiration really, could be applied, to dealing, with Mexicos Political and Economic problems even, based truly, by looking, at any Political or Economic theory out there, and seeking, to apply, these Taino {musical}, arrangement and formations, to these theories. Something I was rather sure, would work out, far more well, than most Mexicans believed, as with even, making, Mexico, a superpower in all really.

Mexicans, falsely believe themselves, somewhat African. Something, I have discovered, messes even, with their Psyches, as with they, falsely perhaps believing, they feel or think, in a similar manner, to Africans in general. This is partly too, but not directly, as with Africa itself, but actually in all, through, Portugal really. There was a time, when a Portuguese King, by the name of Dom Pedro, but called in Mexico, by the name, of Vincente Guerrero, decided to make, Mexico, his home. The Portuguese Kings, they believed too even, to be of Italian origins {as with ancestry, and heraldry even}, were known, for a rather brash kind of humour, that has come, to define Mexico in all today{as with problem solving really}. It was Vincente Guerrero, or Dom Pedro really, that in many ways, decided to introduce, Africans, into Mexico, they in all, being Ibo, and part of his forces, used in all, to deal, with all kinds, of problems seen, in Mexico. In many ways, I guess, this was what, made some Mexican women, refer to me, as African. What though, was the major, influential legacy, of Dom Pedro {as the said to be, Mexicos, first president} {or ‘el presidente’ to be exact}, was that, his African {Ibo} forces, came to define in all, Mexican Physical Images, as with regards really, to Musculature {and the birth even, of the Mexican Cowboy too really}. In many ways, that’s what makes, Mexicans, rather African, they have African {Ibo} like bodies. Other than introducing, Portuguese humour {which eventually became, rather Mexican in nature}, it was Dom Pedro, that saw, to the creation, of not only, Mexican Militias, but also, Mexican Gangs {mainly seen though today, in California, as societal problem solvers, of all kinds really}.

In many ways, the Haitian Revolutionary Images, often shown, of Haitians, and of said, Congo origins too, standing firm and tall, with Machetes, hanging by their sides, and Muscular too in all, were never, associated with the Haitian Revolution, but actually, with the Mexican Revolution, and the creation even, of Mexico itself {as with defining Mexico, to be a set of problems, solved by a Portuguese/Mexican kind of humour, and the use, of African {Ibo} like bodies too}. The Haitian Revolutionary War, was actually fought out, by black skinned French Moors in general, with the warfare, being of the ambush kind, and in many ways too, not too much different, from special-ops, and the American Navy Seals {and unknown to many too, American special-ops, do have, a Haitian base of origin really, to them all}.

Then what, of America and Mexico? Other than perhaps, the Mexican War itself really; Unknown to many too again, Mexico and America, appear, to be engaged, in an endless even, Cultural War {masquerading, as a Border War}, with unknown to many, the culprit here, being actually in all, America. The so called ‘Border War’ between America and Mexico, actually has to do, with Cultural Images, and who truly, does embody them really. For instance perhaps, unknown to many, the rather famed, American Cowboy Image, of Dallas, and J.R. Ewing too even, is actually, of Mexican origins {as with, the Mexican Cowboy really}, but then, appropriated, and used, by America, to engage, in a Cultural Border War of Conquest, with Mexico, as with regards, not only to the seeking of power, that this Image drives one to do, but in many ways too also, a War driven too pastly, by the need to gain power, based on Oil discoveries themselves. Other than that, Mexico’s and America’s true connection to each other, lay truly, with a popular motorcycle {or popular mechanics even}, culture, that in many ways, sees the American Chevy, and Harley-Davidson too, strongly even, a part, of Mexican culture, as with Mexican Family life even, emanating through out Mexico, from the use really, of American cars in all.

The next discovery, of what truly was Mexico, would prove, to be somewhat African again, and at the very heart, of Mexicos today, political problems really. Mexicans, on getting rich and wealthy, had to protect, their wealth. This interestingly enough, historically that is, was done somewhat, via the use, of Africans, Angolan too, and known, for their Military skills really. Africans, Angolans really, who provided, all forms of security, and protection too, and in many ways, came to heavily define, as with culture really, the Mexican City, of Guadalajara. It is this though, formation really, that has proven, to rain havoc really, as with Mexicos Elite classes, coming in all, to use, Mexicos Militaries, to protect them in all, from the angry Mexican people {and in many ways, reminiscent, of the rule, of Eva Peron, in Argentina}, but having, a French originating Elite {of the post Napoleonic kind}, and similar too, in nature even, to the brutal rules, of Argentine Dictators, such as Jorge Videla, who in many ways, used, Military formations, having said origins, in the Venezuelan Military System. A problem too in all, rather hard to deal with, as with it even shaping, Mexican people in general, to be passive watchers, of everything, that goes on around them. A problem in my opinion, that could only be solved, not by Jihad, but mainly really perhaps, by Intifada {and speaking truly, of a cultural revolution, of Mexican culture itself} {as with my recommending even, that Mexicans, get rid of their Mexican first names, and replace them, with German names, and all this too, having the elite classes, not able really, to identify them; second, recommended too, was the abolition, of the Mexican State, it being French in nature, for a Free State in all, as with Mexicans acknowledging, that each and every Mexican, had the right, to walk into, any establishment really, within, Mexico, as with all forms of Mexican relations, to be only, truly defined, by their Aztec heritage} {thirdly, as with Religion really, or what actually, those in the Middle East do call, ‘Dini’, it being too, a set of firm beliefs, one is ready to die for, I recommended in all, their practice perhaps, of ‘Mystical Islam’, it being a branch of Islam, highly associated, with talk really, of all kinds of Devil beings, and Djinn, or even, Angel-like beings; that in many ways, one does find, Mexico, to be somewhat filled, as with the Unconscious even, with all kinds, of devil like folks. A kind of Islam, as personified really, in texts such as ‘The Keys to the Treasures of Jannah’, to be in alignment, with Italian Christianity, as with Italian Christianity itself, being, rather obsessed even, with the talk, of the devil in general}. That in all ways really, was my true recommendation, to Cesar perhaps in general, as with probably, Mexicans coming in all, to understand, their rather violent natures, and their willing, to accept, harsh military rule, as being in all, rather normal.

Mexico too, appears to have in general too, a severe even, ‘Soul’ problem, as with their Souls, being of, the Caribbean variety, and in all, prone to severe depression, of the inferiority complex kind. This in many ways, is what facilitated, a culture of witchcraft really, in Mexico, with Mexicans perhaps in all, forgetting, that the Mexican Soul, was in all too really, embodied, by the Mexican Flag, with my own understanding though, that, the colours of Green, White, and Purple even, were better suited to Mexico, rather than the plain combo, of Green, White and Red. Colours in all really, Green, White and Purple, would make for, unique really, Mexican Souls, as with ensuring too really, peace and harmony, and a knowing too, that Purple somewhat, was reminiscent too really also, of the Aztec Empire itself.

The next problem, facing Mexico, and generational even, in the making, was perhaps, at the very root, of most, of its Economic problems really. Mexico, appears to be culturally diverse, as even, with being segregative {and divisions of all sorts really, seen, by Mexican State really too}. Interestingly enough, this problem, was threefold, and its manifestation really, would lead, to a much more, larger problem, than Mexicans themselves, would have deemed possible: the very creation, of Latin America itself. Mexico, was originally, in its olden times, populated all over really, by what, they do call, Barrios. Barrios, are often misunderstood, but, misrepresented really mainly, as being, some sort or kind, of ghetto really. In reality, Barrios, do have far more ancient origins really, they been seen too, in Ancient Egypt, and were simply, parts of a town really, where people, highly character driven {and not, personality wise}, would simply mingle, with each other, in an environment, that consisted, of drinking dens {and not bars or pubs}, eateries {and not restaurants}, and finally even, stripclubs perhaps {of one kind or another}. A place really, that Mexicans, and even the ancients perhaps, sought to free themselves, by perhaps too in many ways, acting wantonly {as with getting, into a fight or two really}. It was all fun, nobody really got hurt, but, there were stories really, at the end of each ‘day’, to be told of, of Mexicans, the ancients even, and life itself in general too. But something went wrong. Someone decided, that Mexico, needed perhaps, to be uplifted really, in soul and drama, by having, an egalitarian class {rich and educated in all}, permeate, Mexican society in itself. While Mexican Cities, were once rather driven in all, by Barrio visitors, someone deemed it right, than an egalitarian class, of the rich and educated, be responsible, for driving, Mexican Cities, to worldly success even. An egalitarian class, having in its roots, in Cuba, and as with pretensions perhaps, associating itself, with Waltz dance, as a sign, of royalty even. Hence began, a battle, between this egalitarian class, and Mexican workers, that would eventually, see many of Mexicos Barrios, turned, into ghettos even, and with a kind of violence, that many, mistakenly associate, with Brazilian Favelas {they being, simply really, community based dwellings}. In all actually dear reader, ‘City of God’, never did happen really, in Brazil, but actually, in Mexican Barrios, now turned, into ghettos. To solidify its identity, this egalitarian class, added to its repertoire perhaps, an Artist class, that was in all, responsible, as with helping create even, modern Contemporary Art, for a number of Art pieces, similar in all too, to South American, or Colombian really, Art, in helping atleast, showcase to all, a societal image, that would be the envy, of them all. Funnily enough, this Art, highly featured, a number, of blond haired ‘Mexicans’, who apparently, were now considered, Mexicos, intelligentsia, in many ways. This intelligentsia class, on my meeting them along the streets, of Mexico City, are actually of, Canadian origins, with they in all, attempting to claim, if not german origins, then apparently, Mexican ‘mountain’ origins {as with explaining, their fair skins, and even, blond hair too}. It was the dumbest thing, Canadians, masquerading, as an intelligentsia class, in Mexico, but they had somewhat, as with Mexican women really, solidified even, this belief, into the Mexican psyche, in many ways. To all this, I apparently simply stated, that both these, egalitarian class {of even, Cuban and South American origins too}, and intelligentsia class, be abolished, in favour, of a Californian styled egalitarian class and, of course, the Office of the President of the United Mexican States {or even ‘Oficina de la Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos’}. Surprisingly enough, Mexicos egalitarian class, with wealth and riches even, had risen to levels, allowing it, to physically move even, to America {while retaining, its prestige}, and while there, were responsible, not only, for the fomenting, and creating too perhaps {as a geographical, and political region too}, Latin America {with those, at the helm of all this, deemed in all, Hispanics really}. A Latin America too, filled with all kinds, of despots, and dictators, and a rather, disastrous American foreign policy, to go along, with it all {as with unprovoked attacks even, on independent states, such as Nicaragua}.

Yet interestingly enough, the most limiting maybe, of Mexicos situation, was in all, the very presence, of Spain, in its midsts really. A presence, many Mexicans, do associate, with their speaking, of Mexican Spanish, but truly, may not have, a full understanding, of what this all meant. Mexican Spanish, is kind of interesting, as with it being Spanish, but pronounced actually, in a French-like manner {and its vocabulary, appearing too even, somewhat, French}. To understand living in Mexico {or Mexihco even}, is to know, that it in all, is a rather signal filled environment. That in all, moving around Mexico, really involves, understanding all kinds and forms, of signals, and in many ways too, attempting, to interpret them, appropriately. The problem though, with Mexican Spanish, is that, its not a signal based language, but actually, an image filled one really. Images too really, as with Mexican contemporary art, that attempt in all, to show, Mexicans, how to behave in general. Yet still, those who primarily, operate from the Unconcious, and the ‘Power of the Dream’, tend to realize, they operate truly, in a signal based manner, and not, an image filled/based one. Those, who have truly mastered, all forms of signals, and signaling even, in Mexihco, truly own it, as with success, women, and Zorro too really. Mexican Spanish in all, limited, the innate intelligences, of Mexicans, gained through the times and ages, by in all, attempting to make them, operate really, by Media, and State driven Images {they too, being really, of Hispanic, and Latin American origins}, rather, than having, Mexicans, decipher really, all forms of signals, sent their way. To this, I recommended, to Cesar perhaps, that Mexican Spanish, be relegated, to Mexican Barrios, and instead, a highly signal driven language, like Modern German (Deutsch), be used, by Mexicans in all {and in general too}. A language, not culturally German, but one, emanating, from attempts really, to solve, German Economic problems, in a post war Germany, and the rise too even, of Germany today, as an industrial power.

In many ways, all Mexicans truly, being Taino/’the Unconscious’, or Navajo/’the Dream’, and with they, interpreting really, all forms of signals, could in many ways be termed in general really, ‘Systems Analysts’, of a kind or mold really {with the highest of this, being, a ‘Real-time Systems Analyst’ perhaps} {all this too, as with my acquaintance even, with Jung and Freud, and their branches of Psychology, had me in all, thinking really, of creating, my very own branch of Psychology, or what, some would probably call, ‘Systems Psychology’}.

After sending all this, to Cesar, and being made aware in all, by Mexican Community leaders, of its impact perhaps {as with their telling me really, that I understood them heart and Soul}, I sent some of it, back to the Dubai University, as with asking them even, to solidify perhaps, ties, with Mexico {which I believed, would be a superpower, in one way or another}, by in all, asking them to help, foment ties, not of the cultural kind, but individual really, by in all, helping spread, ‘Mystical Islam’, in Mexico itself {with Islam, being in more, advanced, that Western Social Ideologies as, with they really, still in all, promoting, cultural ties, while Islam in all, promoted really, Individual ties, as with Carlos even, being acquainted, with the Vice-President of the UAE, while Jose, being not}.

Soon after, about three months later, and after seeking out {or asking really}, my contacts, in the said Dubai University, for funding, to carry out more research of this kind, and with my partying even, some more, with Carlos and Jose too really, and with my even, spotting of famed Mexican actress, Veronica Castro, in and around Mexico City, I did leave, Mexico, for my next destination {which would be, European}.

End of Part 6…………………….