Wednesday 1 February 2012

Lords of the Dance (part 7)

Lords of the Dance

How to Truly Know Life and Not merely Observe it:

Most people out there, are truly in most ways, not truly in touch with themselves really. What this truly means in many ways is that, they truly in all, decipher {or access time in itself even}, in a truly actually, pastly manner {as with they truly even, living about, 5 seconds earlier, than the present too actually}. They in all simply said are not in the present truly.

To be in touch with oneself, is to not only live, in the present actually, but also, to view a lot of whats going on around one, in the present too actually {as with saying truly, that most out there, are not truly aware, that what goes on around them at any one moment, is not in any way truly even, acquainted or associated even, with them in all actually} {in many ways, many out there, truly know the present, much later, than when it does occur actually}. In many ways again, as with making this even clearer {and speaking about Local Community too even}, is to state, that most truly, don’t Participate in life itself actually, and as with truly even, Participating in it directly {or indirectly too even} {and again, as with Local Community too actually}, and in whats, going on around them truly {and as a result, not being in touch with their environments, and themselves too in all actually} {as with even, feeling shut out of life itself, and as a result, truly not oneself in all, and, as with the present too actually, and even, as with regards truly, to being in touch, or participating in all too actually, in whats, going on around them truly, and in ones environments in all too really}.

In helping many, truly know as a result even, that nothing much, will ever happen in their lives actually {and as with saying even, that for something to happen in all in ones life actually, one truly, must be in touch with ones environments in all really}, is to know even truly again that, the greatest things do happen in ones life, with regards, to those, who are actually, in touch, with their Natural environments {and not, the Unnatural environments, created by modern man in all actually}.

To help one understand this much better, is to know in all, how Natural environments in all {and Natural bodies too actually}, have been replaced, by Unnatural environments {and Western bodies too in all really} {as with saying even that, Western bodies in all, best fit, into the Unnatural environments, seen in the World today actually}.


Lets begin first, by talking about Time. Most are unaware, that they are truly, out of touch, with Natural Time {and as with speaking even, of Natural Aging in all actually}, but instead, are truly in touch even, with Unnatural Time {in all, Time truly born of, Power consumption actually, and as with speak even, of Time itself, truly imagined around, the availability of Power in itself too actually} {a good example being that for many, having no Electricity, or Gas fuel for the Car even, in many ways truly, makes Time in itself for many, actually in all, come to a standstill actually}. To in many ways again, help many out there, truly understand Natural Time, is to speak of, the very fact, that with Natural Time, one does notice, changes in ones Natural environments truly {and as with speaking even of, the Sun, Wind, Air etc.}, and by the Hour too really, or even actually, Daily Time periods in all truly {that in all, the Morning, generally truly, does feel different, from the Night, and Afternoon too even actually}. When one, is not in touch with Natural Time, one truly then notices, that Morning, Night, Evening, or even truly, every single Hour actually, is truly the same in all, and with no marked changes actually in either Wind, Air, Temperature etc. {and as with it even known too even, that some places on Earth, have not received regular Rainfall in all, and in the last 100 years too even actually}.

Why all this is mentioned, is not to only tell one that, unless, they are truly in all, in touch, with Natural Time actually, nothing much, will happen in their lives truly, but also {and as with being rather Political too even}, to speak of the fact too even, that it is possible even, for Time itself actually, Natural Time, to come to a standstill in all truly {meaning again, and as with speak even, of no regular Rainfall in a place in all, that Time itself, and as with saying again even, that Regular Rainfall in all, is actually born of Natural Time, that Natural Time in itself, is truly capable, of actually truly, coming to a standstill in all really}. To understand this better Philosophically perhaps, is to know for instance truly, that the Gods, or Nature based Spirits even, can forsake a place in all truly, where in all, a lot of great Violence, has actually truly occurred {so that, nothing ever does go on, there in all actually}. To speak of this Politically {as with some out there, expecting change in all, to come from America or France itself even}, is to state, that there are several places out there, where Time itself, Natural, has come to a stand actually, as with even furtherly stating that, nothing much, will ever occur out there again in all truly. Once Time stops {or comes to a stand actually}, and speaking of Natural Time too again that is, it is almost, of great difficulty in all, to get it started again truly. Examples truly, of places where Time has come to a stand {and Natural Time too that is}, are the United States of America, Canada, France, England, India, and even Saudi Arabia too actually. In these places, every single day, every single year, every single moment, truly actually, feels the same truly, and as with Morning, Night and Evening even, all truly possessing, the same feel in all actually {and again, as with speaking truly, of Natural Time in itself truly}. Again, don’t expect, anything of interest {other than the exploitation of an Immigrant perhaps}, to ever occur, in these places, and for a rather long time too even.

In all, and as with internalizing this even, is to state, that Natural Time in all, tends to strongly influence, our Moods and Feelings, and in many ways too even, asking for use naturally even, to truly actually, Participate in Life in itself truly {and wherever again, it is truly occurring in all actually} {as with asking friends even, and strangers too actually, to join up, in a Barbecue actually}.


As a result, of most out there, not being in touch, with Natural environments in all really, the end result, is the creation actually, of Unnatural bodies in all too really {or even, Western bodies too actually}. To understand this better is to know that, that when one in all, does not participate in Life in all actually {or even truly minimally participates in it that is}, one in all again, develops a Personal Psychology even, that is Unnatural in most ways too actually {as with speaking even again, of Unnatural environments in all too even}, and a Personal Psychology in all, prone to Crime actually {but as with saying truly again, that those who do participate in all even, and in Unnatural environments in all too actually, truly again, do actually develop, Crime prone Psychologies in all too really}. In todays Unnatural environments {meaning environments in all where one does not Participate in Life actually} {and with true Participation in Life itself, speaking truly even, of worthy things in all to do, and as they occurring naturally, and in Natural environments too really}, one finds that, Abnormal Psychologies in all, are truly associated, with what they do term even, Paperwork actually {as with the modern World, obsessed truly, with Paper in all, and for the purpose truly, of recording the Abnormal behaviour in all, that most people out there, Moderns actually, truly possess}; and as with this Abnormal Pyschology in most ways truly even, born of the Unnatural Western environments in all, we all, mostly do even, inhabit in all today actually {and with Moderns in all, subscribing to a Psychology, one would best call, Freudian actually}.

With Natural environments in all again, and as with they even, somewhat hard to comprehend even, and for those lacking Philosophical understanding too actually, they truly in all though, can simply be defined in all as, environments in all truly, where worthy Participation in all, is truly called for, and by ‘Community’ in all too actually {and with whats defined here as Worthy, Philosophical too even, and in its ways too actually}.

Modern Ingenuity:

While most out there, do realize, that the modern World truly, does face lots of problems in all actually, many in all again, truly attempt, to go on with this Facade {and the rather false belief in all even, that life, will get better for most in the future truly}, there is known evidence even, that modern Man in all, has truly, made some advancements in this life actually {but advancements too actually, not associated with our Natural environments in all, or Natural Time too even, or our Natural bodies actually}, but advancements in all truly again, born of, the choosing by Man in all, to inhabit actually, Unnatural environments in all truly {and with these advancements in all again, benefiting only a few, and as with they even, all about protecting one (and as with speak of Security systems too actually), from the Unnatural environments in all, many of us do inhabit actually} {and with these advancements again, not born of Natural Time, meaning in all that, they will never truly, last with Time itself actually} {and in some cases, become outdated, in Months too actually} {and speak again yet even, of Economic collapse all over truly}. Yet still, one must acknowledge that, some Ingenuity in all, is used, in attempting even, to solve modern problems in all too actually.

To truly understand this Ingenuity, is to know that in all, it first off, stems from past time eras actually {non-Modern}, but truly again, is to say, that this Ingenuity, is not what it seems in all actually {as with stating even, that olden day Scientists and Philosophers even, would this Ingenuity, Childs play in all actually} {and Ingenuity too, speaking truly, of the Marvel actually}. To truly understand this again, is to understand {or know truly even}, what truly does lie, at the very heart even, of modern Unnatural environments in all too actually {that their ways in all, can easily be predicted actually, by Unnatural Cycles in all too really, and Unnatural Cycles truly defined in all again, by Time and Frequency (T/F) Curves in all actually}. To understand this better, is to know, that Natural Curves, are actually rather hard in all, to Plot out {as with they truly, occurring only, in the Time domain, and with the greater problem even, of truly in all, defining, what Time actually is} {and as with the example even, of the ‘e log’ natural curve actually}. The Curves though, seen in modern environments in all actually, are highly, rather inferior, to Natural Curves in all, as with they truly even, only determined in all by, Linear Time actually {and not, Non-Linear Time, and as many a Professor out there even, might attempt in all, to make one believe actually}, and with these Linear Time Curves, easy in all, to transfer, to the Frequency domain in all, and as with stating even again specifically, that just truly about, everything going on out there actually, and in our Unnatural environments today that is {and speaking of technology too even}, can truly in all, be deciphered and interpreted even, from, turning its Operatings in all, into Linear Time/Frequency Curves truly {and as with stating even again that, the pre-modern times, had Technology and Natural environments in all, truly based around Natural Curves, and such as the Natural ‘e log’ Curve for instance} {and with these Natural Curves again, only able to be interpreted in all, from only the Time domain actually, and not, the Frequency either} {and with the great debate in all again, being in all truly, what is Time actually} {modern Scientists in all though, truly are minions actually, and as compared even, to the past actually, and think more or less truly, like infantile Children, while believing in all, delusionally that is, that we truly are even, and Philosophically speaking too that is, like the Greeks of old in all actually}.

In all, the modern World {and not the Ancient}, was actually born of, the Wheel actually {and as speaking again even, of the Car in all too really}. The Wheel though, as an olden invention, is truly actually, of Islamic origins in all, and as with knowing even, it is truly based around, not only Frequency Curves {but Frequency Curves truly actually, able only to be interpreted in all, from a Linear Time perspective actually} {what is said here again is that, the Wheel is a rather simple invention, whose operations, are truly Frequency based, and not, Time based actually, but can be converted truly (and as with a Frequency-to-Time Transform even), into Linear Time itself actually} {and with a lot of Non-Linear Time research in all, and that done in Universities out there actually, the dumbest Hogwash in all, you will ever actually hear}. In all, why this is mentioned is because, the Wheel in all, was actually truly, the basis even, of modern Electronics in all actually. To understand this better, is to understand, that a modern Ingenious mind in all, decided to take, the Mechanics of the Wheel {and in Frequency domain too actually}, into the Linear Time domain, and then, Ingeniously perhaps, somewhat invented, modern Electronics, and as based around, the Capacitor too actually {and not, the Resistor, and as many today, tend to falsely believe in all actually} {in all again, what is been said is that, what does fall under, modern Electronics in all, is simply the study of the Wheel in Frequency domain, and the transferring even, of that Knowledge in all, into the Time domain actually, and via Research in all again, this Knowledge, is used to create, simple Electronic gadgets in all, that many do believe, to be at the height even, of Human Ingenuity in all actually} {one must be reminded again, that the Ancients (and as with Astronomy even, their basic Science in all), did use Natural Curves, and whose ways can truly in all, be debated actually, as with asking even, what truly, is Time in itself too actually} {and Curves too even, that one cannot transform in all really, into the Frequency domain too actually} {and as with life in the past again, not having, any Frequency truly, and to it all actually} {and Frequency as a finality even, what does constitute Money even, and in our modern Unnatural environments too actually} {and with Linear Time finally again, used to measure in all, Power actually}.


Most today, don’t truly understand, what Identity in all, truly does stand for {as with even owning, an Identity Card of a kind in all truly}. One finds then, that Identity today, is largely interpreted, from our environments actually, and not Religious Symbols in all, and as was the norm, in the past too actually. To understand this better, is to know, that associating ourselves with Religious Symbols {including even Religion based Literature actually} at the very least, truly enabled us, to get in touch, with not only our Natural environments, but also, Natural time truly {and as with Natural time in all, truly represented again, by Natural Curves, which in all, are actually truly, embodied, in these Religious Symbols} {and Natural Curves too again, such as the ‘e log’ curve, leading to Success in all, in rather easy ways actually (and via asking one in all, to be strongly even, attuned, to these Religious Symbols in all too actually)}. Identity though today, is highly based on, our environments in all actually, and as truly speaking of, where, one truly in all, can Fit into, within these Environments actually {e.g. Restaurants, Clubs, Office Buildings, Churches etc.} {that in all, if on looking around ones environments in all, one can in all again, be made to Fit, into the Environment, that in all, truly actually, does encompass, your Identity actually, and Rights even too, and the ability in all again, to Survive actually} {in all again truly, the less environments one can be made to Fit in (and as with most of them today, truly Western actually), the more miserable a life, one truly lives (and as with saying even, one in all, truly lacks an Identity actually)}.

In all, and as with knowing even, that life can be rather easy in all, is to truly find, a Religious Symbol in all {including a Deity even}, that one, can truly attune themselves too, and then truly, lead an easy life perhaps, as with stating even, all this Scientifically, is truly based on, the attuning of oneself even, to the various Natural Curves found in Nature actually {and such as the ‘e log’ curve too really} {and as with speaking again even of shortcuts in life too actually} {and Natural Worlds too in all, perhaps best explained, via speak of Social Games, outside the realm, of modern life in itself actually (but truly also, able to influence modern life in itself actually)}.

Clones & Duplicates:

Most out there, tend to fail to realize, what truly does stand for, modern Social, Political, or Economic successes too actually. That unknown to most, the Biblical saying that “there is nothing new under the Sun”, truly does apply, to our modern Times in all truly. To understand this better, is to understand, modern mans obsession perhaps, with Cloning in all {and Cloning Technologies in all too actually} {and such as Wetlabs even}. That unknown to most, what many a person today seeking Success in all does {and as with speaking even, of the Western World and Copyright Infringement too actually}, is actually in all, Clone {and as speaking specifically, of Duplicates even}, a past Success in all truly really. What this does mean {and as with looking at modern markets today actually}, is that, most products seen out there in all, truly actually, resemble each other truly, and as with saying even, they have all been Cloned/Duplicated, from an original Master Copy actually {as in even stating perhaps, and as with a Comedian like Chris Rock too that is, that all RnB Songs, are actually, one and the same too really}.

To understand this lack of creativity in all, is to know, that whats missing in all this {and as with an equation even}, is what truly, does constitute, the Master Copy actually. Unknown to most again {and as with talk even, of not only Social success actually, but also specifically, Economic, and truly less so, Political success}, is to say, that there are those out there, who truly in all, do possess olden Knowledge in all too even {and as with what even, did constitute for, Economic success in olden France} {and attempts in all again, to replicate it actually, in this modern day truly} {with the best example of this perhaps, being the repeated use even, of all forms of Cons used to make money truly, by Conmen and Conwomen in general too actually}. What truly is been said is that, most are unaware that Knowledge in all {deemed even, rather highly important actually for survival today}, is in all truly, missing actually {and as with Bookstores too even}, and that this Knowledge {as with what did build, olden and great Civilizations too actually}, is been used by a few, to attempt to replicate past/olden Success, and in these modern Times too actually {and as with saying truthfully even again that, the Glorious Days of Mankind, are in many ways truly, gone in all actually}.

In all truly, Success in todays world, can best be summarized perhaps, using one single word:


{truly understanding it, and then easily applying it, to ones ways in all actually} {and with the easiest way to do this, being seeking out, a person in all, one could truly in all too, call a Master, and then again, truly studying their ways and in all too actually}.

To conclude perhaps is to say, that this in all, is truly again, what Knowing a modern Life perhaps, is truly all about, and not simply sitting by, and Observing it happen actually {while awaiting truly, and as with most out there even, for something momentous in all, to happen in ones life actually, and barring, disaster in all too really}.

Hasta la vista

Chip Donaldson

Nebraska, Ogallala