Wednesday 1 February 2012

Lords of the Dance (part 2)

Lords of the Dance

How Not to load a Pistol and still win a War:

What is to be written about here, does not speak of, ‘the Art of War’, but truly really, knowing and defining, the Rights of Man. A topic in many ways too actually, disregarded by most, but truly crucial, to living everyday life, and in many ways too, believing in a more truly, prosperous, future for one and all actually. In speaking of the Rights of Man, is to first mention, it has nothing, to do with the Law actually {with the Law truly, dealing, with debating even, the rights and wrongs, and as with regards truly, to creating Peaceful, Harmonious, and ‘Unified’ environments in all actually}, while the Rights of Man, truly do speak of, doing just about anything one wishes truly, without another {or something even}, interfering, with one actually {and on such interference occurring, seeking out the Law perhaps, to judge upon the matter and not truly rectify it either}. In many ways, as with knowing even, that the Law is ever changing in itself, is to understand, that this change, is brought along, by the ever changing truly, Rights of Man actually {with these Rights, defined too really, as Lawful Rights, Natural Rights, Human/Legal Rights and finally even, God given Birth Rights}. Lawful Rights in many ways, is what truly does lie, at the very heart even, of Local Law for instance, while, Natural Rights, are associated truly, with National Law for instance too actually. Human/Legal Rights, are all over the Television media {and including the UN too}, but what most truly don’t ever talk about, are ones God given Birth Rights {as with knowing even, that your parents do owe you, for bringing you into this Planet, and not, the other way round} {and speak too even truly, of, whether certain couples in all, are truly allowed, to rear/give birth, to children in all actually, or even, if single parent households, are truly actually allowed in all really}. In all, all this is stated again, because, many a person out there, spends their time fighting the Law, without truly knowing, what their Rights are {as with even knowing, the vast majority out there, have no clue, with regards to all this actually} {as in even speaking, of what truly to tell the authorities, if wronged actually}.

In speaking of Rights, demonstrations in all, will be given, rather than have one, reading up on, all sorts of lawful terminology, as to what Rights are {as even, most Lawyers out there without a clue, are likely to have one doing}. We shall go back to the old days, and show, just how History back then, was interestingly enough, shaped by the defining, of the Rights of Man, and not, on the improving of Law actually {and as the modern times, do tend to dictate in all, this improving, as defining History in its overall sense actually}. We shall show all this, based upon a more or less Cultural study, of the United States of America, and Brazil too actually.

The golden days, of America, are in many ways, behind us actually. To understand this, is to understand the real History of America {and not, that purveyed out there actually, by the Media in all truly}. That in all, it is a History truly, of Rights, and not the Law {as many today, tend to believe in actually, and as with believing even, the American Constitution in all, to be the one and all and as with regards, to American Rights & Law actually}. Those who do wish to make one believe, that America, has always had a Law framework {and from its origins too actually}, and time since then, has been spent truly, putting it into place, would actually believe also, American History, to be truly centered around, the American Civil War {and as with the false belief even, that the Civil War actually did arise, from Southerners in all, breaking, Laws seen, in an apparent, unified, American Law System} {and one too, that apparently recognized, both North And South, as being one in many ways too actually}. All this, is modern Western Hullabaloo.

American History 101, truly lies, with talk of, the Rights of Man {and nowhere else, including France, has this debate in all, being of such great interest actually} {with the American Revolutionary War, mirroring even, the French Revolution in all, and with regards, to the circumventing in all, of the Rights of Man and not the Law too actually} {and with the French Revolution in all again, more Feminist in its ways actually, and as with regards even, to this circumventing in all, while the American Revolutionary War, actually dealt with, Lawful Rights, and as centered around, Boston too actually}.

To speak of America from the perspective of Rights, is to speak of it, from a rather even, Cultural perspective actually {to understand this all better, is to know, that America, has always truly been defined, by the Secular, and not, the Political, as modern Americans in all, tend to believe actually} {Secular too, as with knowing even, that American life, has always truly been, centered around the Home actually, and not, the Workplace in all truly}. Culturally {and as with History too again, and the Secular}, America, has had four main Centers of operations in all truly really: Boston, New York, Washington D.C, and finally, the State of California too actually. Boston, as with Lawful Rights, New York, as with Legal/Human Rights, Washington D.C., as with Natural Rights, and finally, the State of California, as with God given Birth Rights too actually. To understand this better, is to first see perhaps, how America today in all, is heavily shaped actually, by the Political {and not the Secular either}, and heavily even, dealing with issues of the Law {and as with limiting even, American Freedoms in all actually}, and all this truly centered around Chicago, Illinois, and also, Miami/Florida too actually {with Miami/Florida, the true home in many ways, of Political America, as with it even, coming in many ways too even, to truly define various Political issues, once associated in all, with the American Civil War actually}. But that was never America, for those who deem themselves, legit Natives, of the place too actually, for to be honest, it, the American Civil War, truly was in all, just a bunch of ‘nigs’ fighting {and as with they in all even, truly giving birth, to the Political mess, that is modern America actually} {and a mess too, filled even, with all forms of Crime and Poverty too actually, and Immigrant issues in all, mirroring, Slavery issues in many ways too actually}.

It was Boston in many ways though, and as with Lawful Rights, that did give birth, to America, and as a place truly, of endless fun actually {as with saying even, that America truly, has always had Lawful Rights, allowing for one, to do just about anything, short of committing murder, with, a Bazooka in all too perhaps}. It was New York on the otherhand, and as with American Court Rooms even, that truly did give birth, to the America, that allowed for one, to sue another, for the most appropriate action even, bestowed on one too actually {as with even, suing a woman in all, for just being too beautiful, and one on the otherhand, sexually disoriented, in just about anyway actually} {but with knowing too, on losing the case, one could be handed in all, a rather heavy penalty even, than they believe in all possible}. Washington D.C in many ways represents, truly does represent, the tumultuous History of America in all, as with a few even, attempting in all, to create a National Law framework for all, but accused in all again, and by most in America, of interfering, with their Natural Rights actually {and all this again, truly speaking of American Freedoms, American Liberty, and American Civil Liberties too actually} {and in many ways too, an unknown History of America, speaking even of, Secret Organizations in all, willing to dominate American Commerce or Wealth too actually, by implementing Law, where any such Economic opportunities, do show up in all actually}. Finally, you have the State of California, and a region of America in all, unknown to many actually, but truly associated, with a realm of their lives, most truly, don’t ever think about: ‘God given Birth Rights’ {and as with knowing even, religiously speaking that is, that on being born, God truly, does offer one, certain Rights, that truly do allow for one in all again, to live life, as they pretty much, do want to actually} {and speaking again, of all forms and sorts, of Dreams in all too really}. It was the State of California though, and in many ways truly, that not only did give birth to Hollywood {and as Hollywood even, originally based around the idea, of defining American God given Birth Rights in all too actually} {and as with the further belief even, that God is American in all perhaps}, but in many ways too, the very State actually, that did give one, Howard Hughes {and the very realm even, of Hughes Aviation in all actually}.

How though in all, to go about defining, the Rights of Man, is not too easy actually {and as with knowing even, it takes into account, Human Nature, or our Natural environments too actually, and finally even, the very realm too really, of Human Communications in all actually}. For many though, this attempt in all {and as with truly knowing even, that the Rights of Man, do truly lie, at the very heart of Life in all actually}, has been made truly, via the Arts/Media arena actually, and as with this in many ways too even, perceived by many today {and as with Evolution too actually}, the easiest way in all perhaps, to go about doing all this. Take Boston for instance, and as with it even, coming to define American Lawful Rights in all, and highly based around, its creating, American Folklore actually {and the very world too even of Uncle Remus, or Br’er Rabbit too actually}. In many ways though, it is American Folklore, that truly does make, ‘American Whites’ in all actually, different from other Whites out there too really, and as with ‘American Whites’ too even, natives in all, truly in most ways, defined by American Folklore actually {and with other Whites out there, truly defined in actually, and in most ways too even, by regional Religious lifestyles in all actually} {and as with speaking even, of Religious Doctrines in all too actually}. You then have the State of California, which via Hollywood in all too perhaps, attempted in all, to define actually, American God given birth Rights {and as with truly knowing even, that these Rights in all, do actually lie, with God himself, and not, with Womenfolk in American Society too actually} {and as with Screenwriters too even in all, writing Screenplays in all again, where the average American, is truly perceived even, as being favoured by God actually, and in just about anything they do actually} {and in many ways too again, the very realm even, of American Fiction in all actually, and speaking too even, of the likes, of Jackie Collins for instance truly}. Then you do have Washington D.C, and with the Natural Rights of Man in America, not truly embodied in the American Constitution as many falsely do tend to believe actually, but actually truly, in American Religious Writings {and of the Mystical variety too even really}. Finally again, you now have New York, and speak even, of American Human/Legal Rights actually, and all this as with the Arts and Media Industries even, truly speaking of, not only Popular American Music actually, but also, of American Literature in all, and including especially even, American Non-Fiction works actually {or what they do term even, Science-Fiction actually}. In all ways, this is how Americans in the past, truly did define, American Rights in all, and making America, one of the most interesting, and enviable places truly, one could ever live in actually.

That though, was America as I once remember it {the freest place on Earth}, before all forms and kinds of, Immigrants in all, invaded it, and turning it, into the massive Ghetto, it is today actually {and a massive mess in all, coordinated and ruled over truly, from Chicago, Illinois, and not, Washington D.C, and as many today, are often made to believe in actually}.

Lets however move on, to the other interesting case, of Brazil too actually, and show how in many ways truly, the very World even, of the Rights of Man, is of far more interest really, than that, of upholding the Law in all actually. Brazil, a country as with romance even, truly capable even, of rivaling France with regards to this actually {romance} {and as with further stating that, Brazil, is more of an Immigrant country in all, and in many ways too really, than America truly is actually} {with America in all again, truly suited for the ‘Legalized Alien’ actually, and as speaking too even, of a person seeking opportunity of all kinds actually, rather than a person in all, an Immigrant that is, attracted to America in all too really, and for Cultural reasons in all too actually}.

Brazil in many ways though, and as with speak even, of Natural environments in all, and even truly, Human Communications in all again, is actually truly in all, an easy place even, for one to oppress another actually {and if the other truly, has no idea even, of their Rights in all actually} {something to do perhaps, with the Air in the place too actually}. Defining the Rights of Man in many ways, was often left, to Native Indian American tribes actually, before in many ways, Brazil in all, did become intertwined, in World Affairs too actually {and with the end result being, the World in all too actually, begin to visit Brazil, and for many a reason too actually}. Brazil then, not having a proper Law framework in all, finds these visitors in all too again really, interfering in their way of life, and even, threatening in many ways too, to take over actually, and speaking even truly, of what does constitute, Brazilian Culture {and what again, truly is not}. It is here in all, as with it all coming even, to define a National Brazilian Consciousness, that one sees in all too again, the very entrance even, of the Capoeirista too actually {with a lot of National Brazilian issues in all, actually pertaining, to what is Brazilian Culture, and what is not either actually}.

For Brazil in many ways, their hugest problem perhaps, has always been, how to define in all, the perfect Human actually {and as with this even, giving birth to all forms of interracial mixing actually, and even truly, the very worshipping even, of White peoples in all actually}. In all, a very troublesome, and rather violent issue even, and one that has seen, Brazil in all, mired, in all forms of interracial violence actually, and even truly, the dividing of peoples in all, not only based on Gender actually, but truly too really, Skin tones in all too really. In all ways though, and as with attempting to define even, the most genuine, and most true even, the most real, and most humane of all Brazilians actually, is to know, it was always, the Capoeirista actually {and not, the Mulatta, and of Samba fame too actually}.

If it can be perceived, by the vast majority of Brazilians, that the Capoeirista {and a Master too actually, in Capoeira in all really}, was to be perceived in all, as the most perfect of Humans {and speaking generally even, of Human Nature actually} {but including truly even, Human Communications in all actually}, then we can see, why not only, Capoeira in the 30’s in all, was truly outlawed but also, in many ways truly, why the elite classes in Brazil, actually attempted, to speak as Capoeiristas often do, and in all too actually {with Capoeiristas in all truly, associated with the rather musical way even, of speaking Brazilian Portuguese, that is often seen actually, in many a Brazilian movie too really} {and with Arab-Brazilians in all, now muscling their way, into the National Brazilian Consciousness, as with they attempting truly, to define themselves, as the most perfect, of Brazilians in all actually}.

Knowing this, is to know also, how Capoeira in all, came to truly define the Brazilian Rights of Man actually, and making Brazil once upon a time, one of the most exciting places, one could visit in all too really. First off, you have speak of Lawful Rights in all, and with many believing even, Brazil a rather Lawless place actually, and due in all really, to the collapse even, of this section in all perhaps, of Brazilian life too actually {and with many believing even, Policing efforts and Security in all, to best solve this, when in reality, such measures in all, have in many ways truly, eroded, the Brazilian Quality of Life actually}. It is here, that Capoeira Folklore {and as with speaking too even, of Esu in all actually}, truly came {and as with the Arts again}, to define for all Brazilians even, Brazilian Lawful Rights actually {and all this too again, making Brazilian Capoeira, far more complicated and interesting too actually, as with knowing even, that Lawful Rights, do speak of, Local Law in most ways too really}. Then you do have, Capoeira Song {and speaking too again, of the Capoeira Roda}, where in many ways, one does find in all, defined truly, Brazilian Natural Rights {and as with Roda even in all, truly perceived actually, as the freest Space known truly to Mankind actually}. Then again, you do have even, Capoeira Poetry {and speaking too even, of Capoeira Militancy actually}, and in all truly, speaking again of, Brazilian Human/Legal Rights actually. Finally in all again, you then have Capoeira writings {and such as the many books even, by Nestor Capoeira}, which truly speak of, Brazilian God given Birth Rights actually {and speak too even, of Capoeira Mandinga rituals in all actually}.

That in many ways, is Capoeira {and philosophically speaking that is}, as with even knowing, that Brazil in all {and even more so, than most places in all truly}, is a place in all again, truly inflicted perhaps, by all forms even, of Rights violations actually {and as with they even, Naturally occurring actually}.

To many a Brazilian though, perhaps, what can best be said and told {and especially with Brazil in all, having a truly, oppressive regime in place actually} {and one oppressive even, in the worst ways too actually: Human Rights violations}, is to tell them, that these oppressive regimes in all, are not about the Law {and fighting it too actually}, but actually truly, knowing ones Rights in all really {and as with most Brazilians truly, and the outlawing of Capoeira in all actually even, truly today, not knowing even, any of their Rights actually} {and as stated before even truly, that studying the Law, not a solution to all this, as with knowing even, that without knowing ones Rights in all, one truly, cannot know how even, to act or behave actually, and in any given place or situation too really} {or even, if one truly does know or understand, the Law in itself too really}.

In all again, it is possibly best said, that Brazil {and as speaking of Capoeira even}, is truly capable, of becoming even, the most exciting place on Earth actually, if Brazilians truly {and as with solving even, Brazilian National Consciousness problems actually} {and of what is Brazilian, and what is not too either}, truly by knowing, that’s whats important in life, is truly knowing, ones Rights, and not the Law either {and as with the Law even, speaking of, and as with today even that is, of Succeeding in all, and in life truly}. Do realize in all, Brazilians that is, that those who seek to oppress others in Brazil, truly do act, from the perspective of the Law actually {as with they coming to define it}, and not, Rights {and as with truly knowing them even, allowing for one, to define life, as they truly see it actually, and live it even, to the happiest and highest levels actually, truly imaginable in all really}. In all, what is been said here is that, forget those at the top of Society in all {and their oppressive ways}, and instead, seek to learn ones Rights truly, and you will then discover, you will care not to know these top Elites actually, by actually coming even, to believe their way of life, not only stupid in its ways actually {as with it having even, limited Rights actually} {and those oppressed today, having even, no Rights truly}, but actually in all, Elite lifestyles truly easy even, to infiltrate in all too actually, and live out in all too really {in all, they are bunch of losers actually, sitting at the top, hoping to evoke jealousy or hate, and from ‘admirers’ in all ‘seen’ below actually}.

Again, by truly learning ones Rights, one can truly even, create Independent Economies even {and as is the case, with American History 101 perhaps}, but truly even {and as with speaking of technology too perhaps}, truly knowing even, designing it all, is truly associated in all, with understanding, ones ‘God given Birth Rights’ actually {and as with truly thinking even, from the perspective truly, of whats possible, and whats not too actually}.

In all again truly, Capoeira, is one of the most interesting Artforms to be seen actually, as with speaking truly even, of Capoeira Performance Play in itself {and the very realm too even, of Capoeira Drumming actually}. What this means {and as with speaking of problem solving too actually}, is that, Capoeira as an Artform, is truly imbued even, with such interesting Patterns in all, which can be applied, to Problem solving in all actually {and as with truly helping one in all, truly see, a Problem for what it truly is} {and all this truly based around even, Cognitive abilities in all too actually}. Highly interesting Patterns in all {to be seen too actually, and in Capoeira Drumming that is}, and at the very least, can truly be associated in all, with the Law in itself truly {and as with knowing it even, when one does ‘see’ the Law actually, or even truly, knowing how to deal with it, all based on, Cognitive Reasoning abilities actually}.

To finish it all up, is to say, that Brazil as a reknowed place actually, was truly supposed in all, to be associated with one being able actually, to not only live in just about anywhere in Brazil actually, but also truly, life lived, not only highly, from a Local perspective actually, but also truly {as with outside visitors even}, life truly lived even, on the different levels of Life itself, and as truly defined, by the Law itself actually {and speaking too even, of knowing the Law truly, based around, Cognitive Reasoning, and as associated even, with Patterns truly, associated, with Brazilian Capoeira in all actually}.

To conclude all this, is to perhaps in all again, ask the majority out there, to truly even, ask their Local Governments actually, to help set up, National/Local Arts Centers, from which {and as with speaking even, of Folklore, and Popular Writings too actually}, the majority in all, can truly learn, what their Rights are actually {as with truly knowing even, how to best appropriately respond, to any form of attack or insult even, metted out on one too actually}. At the very least though, and as with speaking even, of Local Industry in all even, such National/Local Arts Centers, can use the Arts in all, to not only define the Rights of Man in all actually, but also truly, Local lifestyles, that can be the envy even, of those seen truly, in America today actually {and as with knowing even, that a lot of the World out there, truly does possess, Folklore in all, that is truly greater even (and as with understanding it too actually, and from the perspective of Rights actually), than anything truly, modern Hollywood in all, truly even, does put out actually}. Learn these Rights, and life truly begins {and truly again, at a Local level even, such that, one eventually, could become truly, a subject even, of interest, to many a modern American Screenwriter too actually}. In all, it is truly possible, to live the best, and highest of lives even {and on a Local level too actually}, based highly on, properly defining even, the Rights of Man actually {as with everything outside in the World even, coming truly, to ones doorstep in all actually} {and including even perhaps, Gisele Bunchden actually}.

That’s it

Tack sa mycket
