Wednesday 1 February 2012

Lords of the Dance (part 6)

Lords of the Dance

How Not to Plan for Life and still Succeed:

One of the greater inventions known to Mankind {and courtesy too, of the Italians actually}, is the Compass truly. Most though, don’t truly know, how to use a Compass, and believing it falsely even, to be a form of Equipment actually {and not an Instrument either truly}, and one highly too, falsely that is, associated with Time in all actually {and as with falsely believing even, the Compass somewhat, to be the forerunner, of the Watch too actually}. Before the invention of the Compass, most who did fare on to the Seas, did so, via Seafaring in all actually {i.e. the heavy use even, of not only the Sundial in all perhaps, and as with guidance too actually, but also pretty much, the very use even, of Astronomical observations in all, to get one through actually} {and as with Seafaring then actually, truly in all, considered even, highly Mythological (and by the Greeks for example truly really)}. It was the Italians though, who did give birth, to the Age of Navigation {Sea-based that is}, and as with it even, not only truly highly based around, the Compass actually, but it also truly, associated in all, with ones developing in all again, of a ‘Sense of Direction’ actually, and rather than, the use of Time in all too actually.

In all, to truly understand how the Compass is used, is to acquaint it, with one other aspect, of developing in all, a ‘Sense of Direction’ actually: i.e. Terrain. That one in all, must develop a keen sense, of what the term, Terrain, actually does mean, as with knowing it even, the key truly, to learning actually, how to use, a Compass in all, and rather well actually {and as with speak of a ‘Sense of Direction’ too actually}. As an example perhaps {and as speaking even, of Italian Military activity actually}, Terrain in all, is truly associated, with one having, a Point of Contact perhaps, and as with truly knowing even, a place in all, and in a rather large expanse of land even, where one truly in all again, can turn to, and as a last resort, in helping even, guide one through, ones Navigational attempts truly. On having allocated such a Point, one then perhaps in all, uses the Compass, to find out where North, South, East etc. are, and then simply attempts, to Navigate oneself truly, to a desired location in all perhaps, based highly on, judging the Terrain, and as originating even, from where one is standing in all too actually {as with saying even, if one is on a hilly spot, then flatland, might be located somewhere near in all too actually} {and again, attempting even, to use ones Point of Contact, the Terrain, and the Compass even, in truly making out perhaps, what truly in all again, does lie, in any given direction, of the Compass itself actually} {and as with stating even, that on knowing that the Point of Contact is a village of a kind perhaps, then truly in all again, there is probably another nearby Village actually, and one, whose location in all, can truly be made out, by truly judging, the Terrain seen, and within a place too actually}. The Italians though, actually did this, in the Seas, and as with knowing even, that Mercantilism in all {and as originating with the Italians too actually}, was truly, not a Time based activity {and as with Wind Tides and Wind Currents too even}, but one truly more or less carried out, in an instant, or immediacy perspective even {and as truly based around, the Compass itself actually}.

In many ways though, in attempting to know perhaps, what Terrain truly is, is to perhaps in all again, acquaint it truly, with what they do term, the Grounds {and in any Public Building too actually} {meaning in all that, the Grounds that is, to refer to in all again, and basically even perhaps, to places in the Building actually, that might be of restricted usage, or even, truly forbidden in all too actually}.

The Compass and Modernity:

Many truly do know, of what Modern Life actually is, and truly again, falsely believe even, it to have originated in all, with the Americans actually, or the French too really. In actuality though, what they do term in all as Modernity, was truly born in, Italy actually, and the Italy too, that did give birth in all, to the Ferrari actually. In many ways, the Modern Life {and as with Technologically speaking too even}, is simply truly, how Italian Mercenaries for instance, truly lived like {and as with saying even, that Modernity, is truly centered around, the Compass, and not the Watch too actually, and as the French, Americans and English even, tend to falsely believe actually}.

In many ways though, all this is written specifically, in helping guide those, who do live in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia}, truly in all again, understand, that life in Abyssinia, is truly lived around, the ‘Sense of Direction’, and not, Time itself actually {and as with planning to Succeed in Abyssinia in all, actually truly in most ways, planning to fail in reality actually}.

In helping those in Abyssinia {and as with stating even, that, is actually truly, a World Forum in all too really}, is to help them in all again {alongside others who might wish to try this out actually, and in their respective regions of living too really}, in truly discovering even {and as with beginning all this actually}, a Point of Contact truly, by which, they can truly in all, attempt to think about, their lives in all too actually. This Point of Contact, is Lamu {and on the Swahili Coast in Kenya too actually}. That in all again, many of those who do live in Abyssinia, truly find themselves, living lives, truly based around, the city of Nairobi actually {and a way of life, heavily Time based even, and as with speaking of, British Time in all actually} {and the closing of Shops even, at 6:00 p.m. too perhaps}, and a way of thinking about life in all, that has truly been depressing, to those who actually, do live in Abyssinia in all truly really. All this said again because Nairobi in all {and as a Central Point of Focus for many too actually}, has become truly, not only a political Mess in all {and as with garbage everywhere too even}, but also, a Political Disaster truly, due really, to it coming, to become a center, of Commercial Activity, not only for Abyssinia in all truly, but also, Eastern Africa, Central Africa, and even, parts of Southern Africa too actually {with many of these Africans, traveling to Nairobi in all, to seek Opportunity, finding themselves in all again, living actually, in Slums truly} {and all this too, under the guidance actually, of many an International Aid Organization truly} {and as with Nairobi even again, housing the largest even, known Aid Organizations truly, and known to Man too that is}.

For the average Abyssinian though {and others out there even, who think all this, intellectually interesting actually} {and as with even telling Brazilians in all, that those attempting this actually, to use in all, any given City, and in Nordeste too, as a Point of Contact, and not Rio de Janeiro}, using Lamu in all, as a Point of Contact, and then in all again, knowing even, that the Scandinavia, is actually to the North truly, one then, can truly begin thinking about life, in a manner, that is truly beneficial, to one in all ways too actually. To understand this, is to understand that the goal here {and as with everywhere else all this is implemented}, is to turn ones life around, and to see it in all, from the perspective, of not Commercial based Activity/Economy {and as with those even, centering their lives around Nairobi or Rio too actually}, but actually truly, from the perspective, of Knowledge based Activity/Economy {as with truly in all, attempting actually, to build a rather congruent Knowledge based Economy, and within Abyssinia too actually}. To understand all this {and as with the average Abyssinian trying this out actually} {and the average Brazilian too in all, and in most ways truly}, is to know, that thinking about life using Lamu as Point of Contact {and Nordeste here in all too again really}, truly opens one up, to thinking about life, based on Knowledge Access in all actually {and as with thinking even, of adopting a Swahili based lifestyle, and as a last resort even, to living life happily actually} {while those again, who truly do think about life, based highly around Nairobi even, truly think about it, from time shortages, lack of money (and as with the money truly even, never available, when one actually does need it), and finally even, poverty based fears in all too actually} {and all this, guided via, comparisons in all, and to the Western World too actually}.

In many ways, having Lamu as the Point of Contact, and knowing this too again, to have one thinking about anything in life, based highly around, where to access some Knowledge needed, is the very key, to actually in all truly, help give birth, to a Knowledge based Economy actually, and much more easily, than most actually truly, believe it to be {and as with knowing even, that the general Morality associated in all with all this, is not Western/British actually, but actually truly, Swahili/Islam based in all truly}.

In many ways even again, and as with helping one truly realize, that Nairobi in all, is a rather recent manifestation actually {and as speaking too even, of Commercial Activity actually}, is to attempt in all, to speak of, the development, of Livelihoods in all even, and as seen actually, in most of Abyssinia {and in more recent times too actually}.

Before Nairobi decided to become, more or less rather Western in its ways actually {and as with speaking even, of the late 80’s too actually} {and as speaking even truly, of Elitist/Discriminatory behaviour that has seen Nairobi in all, mired, in all forms of inefficiency actually} {and as with speaking again even really, of a rather huge even, Oil/Petroleum Bill actually}, it was in many ways, a city in all, truly driven, by Marketing sensibilities actually {and with all this, centered around Mombasa too really} {and speak too even, of Kenyan/East African Asians in all, coming to dominate, Kenyan/Nairobi Commerce in all too actually}. This though, was in the 80’s {and somewhat too even, the 70’s too actually}, and with Nairobi/Kenya then, not a huge mess in all as it is today actually, but a place actually in many ways still, what they did call it popularly, a ‘City in the Sun’ that is. Yet still, there was a time {and speaking of the 20’s too even, and the birth in all even again, of Commercial Abyssinia actually, and as originating truly in, Somalia and Ethiopia too actually} {and with Kenya then, pretty much still, the ‘White Mans Country’ actually}, when all forms, of Commercial Activity in all, were actually centered {and romantically even}, around Dar-es-salaam in Tanzania truly, and where in all again {and as with this lasting somewhat even, into 80’s Nairobi/Kenya}, Commercial Activity in itself, was truly based around, Wholesale trade actually {and not Retail activity either} {with in all, people in Nairobi/Kenya to say the least, importing all forms of raw Materials actually, which they then used in all, in their own small-scale businesses actually, and helping give birth too even, to many a Local Industry in Abyssinia actually (and with Kenya to this very day in all, rather independent actually, from Government in all truly, and due to the birth, of these Local Industries in all too again really} {a Wholesale trade, centered around Dar-es-salaam again, but run in many ways, by East African Asians actually (and via the Swahili in most ways too really)}.

In all again, it can be truly be said, that the time for a Knowledge based Economy in Abyssinia, is truly due, and as with taking all this even, from Mythic proportions actually, and associating it all {Religiously even that is}, with the Myth, of ‘King David’/David too actually.

