Friday 3 February 2012

My Confessions (part 3)

It has been 7 months, since when I arrived, in Montreal QC, Canada. I had arrived there, based on a work visa, issued to me, as being, a Business Analyst. Bwana Abdullah, and a few others, amongst the Swahili, had decided, it was a great option for me even, as with a start really, on my living “out there”, as he often so called, anywhere, outside the Swahili lands. I was excited, about the work, believing myself, rather adept at it, but was not prepared really, with the Western sensibilities and mindsets, I would eventually face, working for a certain, Monsieur Beauregard, whom I considered, to be one of the more sensible folks, in Quebec itself, and amongst the many peoples, I have ever met too. Monsieur Beauregard, was a true Quebecois, a Traditionalist as some would have called him, and he would often look at me, as if I was an insider, to his affairs and business, and not, from “out there”, as some of the work staff, often chose to see me. He would often look at me, even rather directly, as if to say, “I know you, but I am not, like these other people here”. The work was interesting, Monsieur Beauregard, owning a Fashion business, which he ran even, for the fun of it, it seemed, until he probably realized, he had a staff, to care for, as with they even, having families too, to feed. I cannot say enough, of Western sensibilities and mindsets, and after a while at working, at ‘Chez Montreal’, which is what, he amusingly called, his business outfit, I came to realize, his hands were somewhat tied, by a rather bureaucratic Government, Quebecois, that attempted in all, to streamline employment, right across, the Country, Canada. The work was not too difficult, which is how Monsieur Beauregard often saw it, his fashion designers, being Quebecois, but his regular staff, American, British, and Canadian even. It was they, the latter, that made even Common Sense, seem to be, a luxurious form of intelligence.

Montreal, Quebec, and maybe not truly, Canada, is a place, I have come, to somewhat love. I feel, like a natural here, walking down the streets, even looking at some of the natives, as outsiders to it all. ‘Chez Montreal’, was a business outfit, being forced to expand, not by Monsieur Beauregard, or even his staff really, but by his staff, and the Quebecois Government in hand, so as to increase employment opportunities for all out there. Monsieur Beauregard, out of a whim really, as with his wanting, his Quebecois staff, to remain happy, believed me, to be the person, to make all this possible. I had ideas too, lots of them, but looking around at his staff, and even at Monsieur Beauregard, who appeared to know, what I was thinking, I could not but help, feel a little demoralized, at the even, great opportunity here, and, the lack of talent too, to accompany it. “They want us to expand” he had said to me, taking me, rather seriously despite my youth, and his probable aged years, “we have the talent, but don’t really know, what to do with it”, after all, ‘Chez Montreal’, had opened with the goal simply, of serving the Montreal market and not expanding probably, into New York itself.

My arrival in Montreal, had been met, with some enthusiasm. I loved Montreal, it appealed in many ways, to my highly developed, sensibilities, on simply how even, humans should interact really, or even too also, its Architecture and Design. Montreal was not, only trendy, but also with regards to history, somewhat, Avante-Garde really. I had found an apartment, in a place called Anjou, which I had taken an immediate liking too, it having many several, German and New York, designs to it all. I was not, the kind to go out, and start meeting people, as I believed in all, in living humbly really, and as an Orthodox Christian too, but sought, in the beginnings of my arrival, to amuse myself really, watching Quebecois TV, and reading, any sort of interesting magazines, a few being, Weight Training magazines, featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger, and others, Martial Arts Magazines, commemorating, Bruce Lee, in one way or another. It did occur to me, once in a while, that Arnold Schwarzenegger did reside in California, which I did not perceive, as being too far away.

I did not know really too, how to present myself, to Quebecois in general, feeling many a time, a wall somewhat, between us, and despite Quebec claiming European roots, which is one of the reasons, I felt rather at home in the place, its true roots, still very much appeared, to be Canadian, and along the lines, of a cultural heritage, from Newfoundland, Eastern Canada. Yet still, there was something, deeply Quebecois, about the whole place, I could not immediately discern, which was neither, Newfie, or even, European too. There were some faces, I recognized, and liked immediately, Haitian, and I made an effort, to somewhat say ‘hi’ to them, as if, I did actually truly know, whom they were somehow. I like Haitians, more for their sensibilities than manners, which I consider North American, but mostly too really, for their sense of humour, which is somewhat, Arawak Indian. Haitians are cool that way, and speak to me, as if I knew them really, in the past, they perhaps too, perceiving me to believe, that they truly actively, celebrated, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, or Toussaint L’Overture’s birthdays, when they did come around. They were cool that way, but made me know, that I did not, fully truly know them, as they were in all really, also, truly Quebecois. Yet still again, something about Quebec, told me, I did not fully, know them well, which with time, I did recognize, as their rather active really, participation, in all forms, of sporting activity. That was Quebec, sports and sporting activity all over, as with their history even, and in many ways, all this having come, to strongly define, the Quebecois spirit, and people in general.

My work, not taking too much of my time, as Monsieur Beauregard was there, to actively mediate, any difficulties really, I started, to present myself, somewhat amicably, to the peoples within this City, which pretended to be fully Canadian, but was really truly, rather International in all, as with many, of its constituents, not being true Quebecois, but outsiders, from all over. Most people, who have ever, visited Quebec, or especially Montreal, have been acquainted, with the rather erroneous belief, that understanding Montreal is rather simple really. It can be viewed, in only one way truly, as being divided, into two parts: the English speaking part, and the French speaking part. A rather simplistic in all, way at looking, at the City, which has hints, of outsider, immigrant sensibilities to it, and also too accompanied, by the other popular belief, that Quebecois politics, have to do, with attempting to define in all, what is Quebec, and what is Canada, and how in all truly, they both do meet each other. Those who view, Quebec, or Montreal this way, truly miss out, on experiencing the City, as it really is.

What is Quebec? To me, it meant, sports, and sporting activities, surrounded, by a rather active, Quebec based Media, showing and making movies, around these themes. When it comes to Montreal, viewing the City, as being divided, into an English and French speaking parts, is rather simplistic in all, as traditionally, Culturally, it was driven, by a Wealthy class, blond haired too, while Politically, it was rather in all, Haitian. That’s how things, used to be, once upon a time, in Montreal, Quebec. Politically speaking too though, the whole Quebec vs. Canada thing they often spoke about, was rather erroneous too, in its factual basis. What appeared to be going on in Quebec, and especially Montreal, was a Canadian driven, News Media, attempting in all, to make Quebec and Montreal rather feminist, as with promoting feminist ideals amongst Quebecois women, with the Bloc Quebecois party on the otherhand, attempting still, to promote, a Traditional based lifestyle: Quebec Media, and Newfie sensibilities even. Having come to understand Quebec this way, I decided to put this understanding, into my work.

Walking past McGill University one day, I decided, I would eventually, drop in, to look around, for some reason, I was attracted to the Architecture, and even too perhaps, to the Instruction, going on inside. I would sneak through security, and join a class, just for the fun of it, and to amuse myself really, in a Montreal now, obsessed, with a feminist driven sex culture. The class had been, a Sociology Class, and in many ways interestingly enough, rather feminist in nature too, as it spoke in all, of the role Canadian women had played, in the development, of Canadian Cities, such as Toronto, or even Montreal too also. The professor, teaching the class, or instructing it really, did not seem to truly believe in, what he was teaching, as with every question posed at him, being rather open-ended, in its answers; as with even, reaching a conclusion, to everything asked. I enjoyed the environment, and stuck around, simply to amuse myself, while also deciphering, that some of the students in the class, did not see me, as a real student.

Back on the streets of Montreal, where I believed, its realities were created, I decided to acquaint myself, with any architectural structures out there, that I could say, represented, my European Moor identity. What truly though, one would probably ask, makes for a European Moor culturally? To me, it has to do, with two things mainly: Language, and Art. The European Moor in all, seeks to speak, fluently at least, one of Europes old Languages, which today, the vast majority of Europeans, are unable to speak really. For me, this Language was Catalan Spanish, which appears also too, in a German form, and a Language I love, due to the very fact, it paces itself, in a similar manner, to the way I do. A Language too, not too different either, as with it being like old German, from Austrian German really. That to me, was Europe, as a heritage really, and as compared to modern Europeans, unable to speak, European Languages, at their past history levels, and today really, speaking them, at an African level of speech, which in a few generations, I believe truly, will be down, to the levels, of slave speech. When it came to Art, which I considered, to be a prime European Identity, as compared to those who believe, Europe truly to be embodied, by its Women, Wines and Beers, modern Politics, or even Sports too, I believed truly too, in mastering, European Art. Bwana Abdullah, on his buying, one of my paintings, had said to me really “one does not, truly know anything until, they have mastered something”. I never truly did know what he really meant, but upon my mastering European Art, I came to understanding, of what, he was truly saying. “One must master something, in order, to truly know anything”, is what Bwana Abdullah, had I remember, also said, as with probably stating, that mastering anything, instilled in one, basic intelligences, one could use, just about anywhere. Intelligences, associated with crafting anything really, as based perhaps mainly, on mastering a craft here or there. One then, he had insinuated, simply treated, everything else out there, as a craft of sort, including the, making of ones bed. That was, at one level. At another, it spoke of, developing, Intellectual thought, based highly, on mastering something, as via intellectualism. This Intellectual thought, could also too, be applied, to just about, anything else out there. Thirdly though, there was another level, of self-mastery, as with mastering something, that was highly based, on sensing out nuances and emotional intensities, in ones environments, or even, in ones work. Nuances and emotional intensities for me, prevalent in European Art, which many though, tended to highly intellectualize, or even attempt, to see them, as being crafted really. To me, the figures in European Art, as based on nuances and emotional intensities, appear to be larger than life, as compared to those, who see them, intellectually, from todays, modern Intellectual thought.

It was while acquainting myself, with Montreal in general, as a European Moor too, that I started looking around, for Museums, Art Galleries, Chapels and the Notre Dame, Festivals, the Parliament Building even, or even too, Gentlemens clubs, and not restaurants, or stripclubs either. To me, alongside Gardens and Parks too, this was more or less, recreational activity, for a European Moor. One finds, interestingly enough, on mastering anything, that they develop the fear, of losing, these innate intelligences, associated with such mastery, due to a lack of practice really. Traditionally, dealing with this fear, was done really, via religious practice, that saw some pray, to a God, to help them retain, their skills or aptitudes even. This too really seen, as pertaining to, praying for Intellectual abilities, or even, the supposed belief, that High Society, did begin, by a few mastering something out there, and then simply, meeting, to intellectualize, on one thing or another. For me though, my praying sessions, did not truly have to do, with the Notre Dame, as I associated religion truly, in Quebec, with its history, but actually, by shopping, in one or two, Music Stores in Montreal, for choral European music, sold by, the Harmonia Mundi record label, or even, those by AliaVox. Jordie Savall, is a name, every European Moor perhaps, is acquainted with, as with his presenting, all kinds of European music, at a very, excellent quality. To me, not rather businessminded in all, as with ownership, owning shares in AliaVox, would surely make me proud somehow. It is these pieces, that I listened to regularly, as with my belief, that they helped me, retain the emotional intensities and nuances, that I had developed, via the mastery mainly, of European Literature.

Walking around, Montreal, and even visiting, a few Gentlemens clubs here and there, as with a way even, of keeping sane, as a person truly, who did not sin much either, I did notice, a number of Haitian, and what appeared, to be Omani youth too, hanging out with each other, dressed in many ways, in a hip fashion, and representing, a Thug culture. To me, the Thug culture, is often misrepresented by the Media, and due really, to Carribean youth, who have turned it, into a violent existence. ‘Thugs’ to me, appear to be somewhat, similar to me, as a European Moor, at the very least, from a psychological, and political perspective, but not structural {with they, choosing in all, to live popularly, as compared to my living, humbly}. Yet still too, while ‘Thugs’, associate themselves structurally, with all forms, of entertainment spots, such as night clubs, eateries, music stores, university clubs, popular sports, or even the dating culture, they are similar to me, in that traditionally, they have attempted to master, as many martial free fight forms, as they could. The problem with mastering anything, is that, it turns one, into a rather, sensual being. While the ‘Thug’, finds on mastering, martial art forms, to be highly intuitive, I on the otherhand, as a European Moor, do find my, touch senses, rather heightened, as with my knowing even, how to touch someone wrong, or right even. The ‘Thug’ though, appears to know, whats going on, in his environments, at all times, I being reminded of this, on passing, a pack of Haitian and Omani youth together, who happened to greet me, one of them that is, Omani too, by saying “whats happening bro?”, to which surprisingly, I find myself, looking across the street, and not at them, as with their alerting me even, I am being watched, by a group, across the street, looking rather European, and feminist too. I turn to look at the voice, and somewhat nod, before keeping on walking, to where I am headed. I find Europeans today, annoying, as with their attempting heavily, to act European, and as with their mastery even, of Western and British, Comedy and drama. To them, and not European Art really, that is Europe, as with it going hand in hand, with its modern Politics {of even race baiting and hate} {Jordie Savall, on doing more research, I discover, is actually Brazilian}.

Back at work, I am still in discussion with Monsieur Beauregard, on how truly, to represent ‘Chez Montreal’, in New York. To me, I have ideas, on perhaps expanding, in Quebec itself {and not too much, of a large population in all}, as compared to the rather, elitist cultures, seen in New York. “We have a grant for this”, is what he said to me, that it was important for us, to think about, how to expand, into New York. I find myself seated there, wondering what, New York, has to do, with Quebec, Montreal, or even ‘Chez Montreal’ itself. ‘What part of Quebec, to put out there’ is how I actually reasoned, everything, from the perspective, of ‘Chez Montreal’ itself, which pertained really, to create all forms, of fashions. Thinking more of this, as with seeing it, all rather abstract, I could only hint at, the Newfie sensibilities, seen in Quebec, rather interesting and unique in all too, as with somehow promoting them in New York, minus Quebec Media. ‘Whats a Newfie?’, is what I had asked, as I began thinking too, of what a ‘Newfie’, Quebecois too, would be doing, and thinking, in New York too. ‘An American Newfie’, is how I saw it, a fashion existence, that probably went along, with a work culture, or even, an entertainment one too.

Back on the Streets of Montreal, I find myself, at the center even, of attraction, by certain female individuals. It appears, that very few people, know what to do, while in Montreal, other than me, and the exception, of the Traditionalists, and ‘Thugs’ too even. The Traditionalists, having mastered, several sports and sporting activities, I find, have a heightened, eye for things, as with their restaurants, looking rather trendy, and even trendier, than what you do find, in New York. In Montreal though, I do find, that perhaps my being acquainted, with a heightened sense of touch, there are those, women too, who do take actually, a large interest in me, but of, the relationship kind. As a European Moor though, I don’t take to relationships easily, preferring to live humbly and alone, but it appears, Canadian driven feminist populations, ever increasing, the Traditionalists and ‘Thugs’, have far much more work, than they can, handle, while working in all, with a rather unappreciative, group, made up of those, with heavy even, feminist mentalities. I do get though, to meet someone, I do find, rather interesting in all, even a bit spooky, and by the name too, of Kyra. Kyra works at a restaurant, for the fun of it, that she does not truly like. The pay is good, but other than that, not too much to do, in Montreal. I do meet her, via a work acquaintance, a Theodore, Quebecois too, but by not, responding to her greeting enthusiastically, as with my noticing, her touching her wrong perhaps, I come to believe, I have been set up. Kyra interestingly enough, actually also too, does live, in Anjou. I believe, she wonders whom I am, but unappreciatively, I avoid any form of intimacy, as with my even, not being able perhaps, to figure her out properly. She unsettles me, as I wonder why I believe, she somewhat knows about me, in an intimate sense really. Our relating, in the coming months, proves rather difficult in all, as with my not knowing, what to do with her, or even say to her, when I do meet her occasionally, at the Depanneur, I regularly, do visit. There seems, to be simply a gap wide enough for a train, preventing the both of us, from actually meeting. I am not, sexually attracted, to Kyra, while though think she, rather beautiful, but I do wonder, why she somewhat, spooks me really.

I do find, that having a heightened Touch sense, does have me having, something to do, in Montreal regularly, as with my going out, to places I like or love, when something ‘touching’, including a fight, is going on. I also do take, as with attempting to communicate with Kyra, my writing her, various emails, on my visiting, various places in Montreal, with most of them, not actually factual. I enjoy my visiting of such, but I don’t think Kyra would understand me this way, or even, seek to know why really. I therefore make up, somewhat factual accounts of my happenings, never really hearing back from her in return, which with time though, as with even being brazen, makes me want, to avoid meeting with her really. Kyra, is in many ways, rather psychologically stoic, and not, rigid in nature, like many of the women, feminist like, ones does meet, in Montreal. It is easy, to know feminist women, for they, as with pretending to be natural, speak very much, like drunkards, and one of the reasons too, Montreal, does face, an alcoholic problem, from its female populations. I do believe advise Kyra, on visiting, the rest of Quebec, and by Plane or Train too even, to cure, her pangs of boredom, while even making up a story, of a such-minded recent visit, to Quebec City.

About 1.5 years after all this, and my having discovered Kyra to actually have an active life, as with my attending with her, Theater, alongside Quebecs Wealth and royal folks, I find myself, in discussions finally, with Monsieur Beauregard, on opening truly, the first ‘Chez Montreal’ store, in New York, with he, actually deciding, to name it as such. He is not, too serious about everything, but he is, as with seeing all this, an experiment of sorts. I though, am the kind of person, to make win, at the first hit, and have everything well rather planned out, and as if, to torture the sensibilities, of the Bloc Quebecois Government, we ask for more funding, to open up a store, in Manhattan. The concept, is simple, based on Newfie sensibilities, manners and ways, with a Quebecois twist of humour to it all, we open up, a Store, selling clothing, highly based, on wool products. We have jerseys, sweaters, woolen caps, woolen mittens, woolen booties, woolen ponchos, and just about, every other kind, of woolen product, one can find. It is then up to us, to create cultural and work existences too, from all this. With the jerseys for instance, goes a trendy culture, of not only fishing and hunting, but also, work existences for those, deemed advisors, in one way or another. With the sweaters, we have those, who probably enjoy Polo, and other athletic pursuits, and a work existence, based around, a human resources managerial position. With the woolen caps, we think, rowing and water sports, alongside swimming itself, and a work culture, based around, repair and maintenance duties. The woolen ponchos for example too, we target, at New Yorks, Socialite class, as with they too, not only being, Business managers perhaps, but also, actively involved, in a Country club cultural setting too really. From these basic ideas, we think more, on what would go along well, with a woolen poncho, or a woolen sweater, as with having, accompanying, pearl wrist bracelets, or even, a cartier watch, to go with them. These products, not too expensive, but the heart of it all, should truly be, the woolen products, as with they even, defining, the behaviours, of the folks wearing them. Its simple stuff, how to promote it though, is not too easy to think of, other than having, a store, in Manhattan. I think about this, how to promote things in New York, in a City too, to big for its own good, and filled with rather crass people, when it comes to engaging in talk, of any kind. There is already, an advertising, and sales promotion pitch, put forward and out too really, by the regular staff, at ‘Chez Montreal’, which I hint, at Monsieur Beauregard, that I believe, will hurt, our chances of selling, the rather good quality, woolen products we have. To me, it appears, that the sales promotion, and advertising blitz, planned out, will only stimulate interest, and follow with, a collapse even, of enthusiasm, having to do, with the store in any manner. People out there, don’t take too well, to advertising, and blitzes especially, in this day and age. Its like, its all, too cliché by now. There are ideas, generated, of using Quebec Media, to promote the store, it being rather interesting Media in all, but I do find myself still, shaking my head in somewhat disagreement. New York, is a hard place to do business, of any kind. A place even, teeming with all kinds of people, and the ability to get close to any, almost nil. I begin to reconsider, how we should be doing, all this, thinking even, we might have a better go, promoting Manhattan, the store itself {its name that is}, or even its work staff, other than, the products themselves. None of these ideas, truly come through, but the thought perhaps, of uniting them all together, does somewhat touch me, in the right way. I think, of using Quebec Media, to open up, a News Media outlet, based on the store, and Manhattan even, while promoting the products, which I mainly, then disregard, with the exception of me, reading the news, as they really happened. It’s a fun idea, but overzealous in nature too.

6 months after this, business having not picked up, and the sales promotion, not working either, I did come up, with a plan, on how to do it all. How to make ‘Chez Montreal’, the most spoken about, store perhaps, in Manhattan itself. What I did, was not turn ‘Chez Montreal’, into a Media outlet, but actually really, a Press outlet. I looked into, the basic lifestyles, of our potential clientele, as with seeking truly, to know, where it is, they did go to. Having known this, I then sought, to create news briefings in all, which were then sent, to the various places, that our potential clientele visited, and generally too, imaginings, on how they went about, doing just about anything. The goal really, is to stimulate, new ideas for their businesses, based around the very fact, of our potential clientele, wearing our products, but visiting their business units really. To me, a person putting on a jersey, on visiting a restaurant, is more likely, to pay for an expensive meal, than one, putting on, a jacket for instance. To make this, all rather feasible, I think of throwing in, a credit card culture around all this, which I then, think not off, as the better idea, of creating credit lines, in the businesses, does pop up. To me, it appears that, businesses in New York, are better of, dealing with customers, on an individual basis, rather than group, and based highly around, a messaging culture. Its all rather simple in nature, I do not truly see it though, but I do see, something growing out of it all, with the only major investment, being a Messaging System, of a kind. I am lucky, to have new staff with me in New York, Americans too, who are rather more agreeable to me, they being New Yorkers, than Canadians, or other Americans even. There is Jessica, or Jess even, with whom, I get down to thinking truly, about all this. She is the one, who gets to go out there, and talk with all these people, business owners, about doing all this. Its hard to grasp I feel, but I can see it, in the horizon even, all I have to do, is put a name to it. To Jessica, the idea of creating, a Web Services based Internet site, seems rather a good idea, as with promoting this site, to customers in the different business units out there, with our store a part of it. I like the idea, of such a site, it at the very least, in a worst case scenario, allows for us, to go out all over, North America. To my European Moor sensibilities though, I really want, to make this all too cultural, as with it even becoming, a part, of New York history. Business I believe, will pick up, with the way Jessica, envisions the whole thing, but I am not that too patient. Time spent later, even scratching my head, I envision really, this Web Services Internet site, having its name being clearly, ‘Chez Montreal’, and I then begin, writing imaginary stories, about New York and Montreal, which unfortunately to the rest of the work staff, they don’t easily catch up to. My goal though, is simple. Write long lasting, even hopefully, everlasting tales, about New York and Montreal, made up too, but rather likely to happen, and highly based around, the Incident, as a promotional tool even. Write all sorts of stories, including even, that of a famed celebrity, a Jennifer Aniston for instance, and the shameless stalking of her, by a work staff even. Write it in a manner, suggesting, that all this activity is monitored, by the police, as with our shameless even, sending such bulletins, to the police themselves. Sounds dumb, but doing business in New York, is much tougher, than anyone could imagine.

End of Part 3…………………..