Wednesday 1 February 2012

Lords of the Dance (part 3)

Lords of the Dance

How Not to Seduce a Woman and still have them Chasing One:

For many a Man out there today, befriending a Woman in all, is still rather, a difficult task in all, and as with they not knowing truly even, how Women in all, do tend to operate actually. They are still truly mystified by Woman, and surprisingly too even, in this present Age and Times {and as speaking figuratively even, from the perspective truly, of the Dawn of Civilization itself actually}. One should know, that many a Man a long time ago, did figure out in all, Woman, and unknown to most out there perhaps, many a Man who has succeeded in their Lot, cares not, to know them too well in all actually.
Below, and in spirit of ‘Humanitarian Aid’ actually, will be the attempt in all perhaps, to introduce to the average Man out there {and to the average Woman too in all actually, not too happy with whom they are}, on what has truly in past times actually, constituted, as ‘the Nature of Woman’ {and as with why even, some are worshiped, and others even, truly, totally ignored in all actually}.

The Nature of Woman, can perhaps popularly {and as with Dating techniques too even}, be presented, from seven angles in all actually: the Effeminate, the Femina, the Feminine, Feminity, the Anima, the Brain, and finally even, the Heart too actually. Each of these has today in all, come to be popularly even, truly associated, with many a Beautiful Woman observed on Television actually, and for many a Man today out there, all this, still remains even, a rather huge mystery actually. We shall discuss in all, all the above, and while attempting in all too again, to use examples, from all over the World too actually.

The Effeminate: When we speak of the Effeminate, we are in many ways truly, speaking of, just how the average Woman out there in all, behaves Naturally. That some Women in all again, are rather too pleasant in Natural behaviour, while others in all too really, behave like Morons or Geeks even, when expressing, their Natural behaviour in all actually. This model of viewing a Woman in all, is often seen too actually, in a place, like Quebec, and the key even, to attracting such Women in ones life, is in all, to be perceived actually, as a Man, who can have Women in all, behaving Naturally actually . In all, a Man who can truly have, an Effeminate Woman in all, behaving as Natural as possible, can pretty much have his way with her, if he can also truly, make her Laugh or Cry even, and in just about every manner too really {in all, doing this, i.e. making her Laugh or Cry, is one of the ways, for a Woman even, to easily, change her Natural behaviour, and by associating with a Man in all too actually}.

The Femina: When we speak of the Femina, we are in many ways truly actually even, speaking of, American Women in all. American Women in many ways, truly remain, a mystery to many out there, since they truly don’t know, how American Women do actually, operate in all i.e. the Femina {or the American Womans mind too actually}. On seeking to date, an American Woman {and as with putting in an application truly, and then, waiting to have it accepted in all truly}, one will find, that American Women, are quick to open up in mind and truly point out even, all sorts of problems and troubles, to be seen in ones environment in all actually. Only truly pointing them out, and one even, coming to accept them as such {and as an actual Fool too even}, one then realizes {or notices too actually}, that American Women in all, will truly stop pointing out such examples in ones surrounding evens, and then simply, turn to point them out, on one in all actually {and speak of, how defective in all, one truly is actually}. If one buys into this, the Women then leaves one {or one is fired in many ways too actually}, and one then finds themselves in all perhaps, feeling very much like a loser actually, and living, in what is now deemed, a rather dangerous World in all too really. In all, dating American Women, is not the easy task it is {as American Women, or a true American Woman, is always, a Tomboy, at heart too actually} {and Hollywood today too even, presenting American Relationships in all, more from the Quebec point of view actually, and of the Effeminate too really}. If an American Woman should do this to one {and as with knowing even, that a true American Woman in all, is actually truly, a Tomboy at heart}, then one should truly realize then, the key in all, to getting over it {as American Women in all, can be rather sexually addictive actually}, is to develop, what they do term, a High Sense of Humour in all truly {and as with seeing things truly, for what they truly are actually}. In all cases too really, dating an American Woman, does call for such a High Sense of Humour in all, and as with knowing even, when to use it actually, and when confronted in all truly, by any question actually, referring, to ones environments in all, and oneself too actually {and as with developing the following attitude to life itself actually: ‘Not a problem’}.

The Feminine: The Feminine, is truly in all, the oldest way even, Men have truly always, viewed Women in all too actually. Despite the popular belief, that Men have truly in all, been tied strongly even, to Localized/Regional Identities, one truly finds that, it has always been, Women, who have truly, strongly identified, with Local/Regional Identities in all too really {and with many a Man on the otherhand, seeking to flee even, to another region in all, to seek out a Wife, and start all over too actually}. However though, one does find that, it is in Mexico truly, where gender relations in all, and as truly based on the Feminine, has most highly even, been developed actually. In Mexico, Local/Regional Identities in all, and within Women too actually, can be rather strong truly {and as with they even, incorporating all forms of festivities, to cement these Identities in all too actually}. In all, for those operating, within the realm of the Feminine, is to know that, adhering in all, to Local/Regional Law actually {and as defined even, by the Feminine in all}, is truly in all, the key, to endearing oneself, to Women {who in all again}, do operate, based around the Feminine actually {and as with not only, strictly adhering to all this, but also in all, and as with Interpolative thinking too actually, thinking up truly, what in all really, could please, the Feminine, in more ways than one truly} {and other than even, those known too in all actually}. A traditional way of living which many a Man truly hates even, until they somewhat realize, that true Happiness in all, can be found in this way of living truly {but with perceived genuine Happiness even, to be seen out there in all actually}, but also truly knowing even again, that should one even, find this genuine Happiness in all truly, the Womens of ones Local/Regional origins, truly actually, do know, one best in all truly {and as with speaking even, of moments of Unhappiness, that could pop up truly, and on one, not feeling too appreciated in all actually (and as with this even, somewhat evolutionary, and in nature too actually)}.

Feminity: To speak of Feminity, is to very much too in all actually, speak of the English damsel, or even truly, the English Dame in all actually. The world of English Dating in all, is today, truly misunderstood by most, and as with they even believing it, falsely that is, either American, or Swedish too actually. One should realize {and despite even, what the Movies out there do tend to show actually}, that the English, and since time immemorial too actually, have always been, rather Independent in their ways too really. It has then been, for the English man in many ways too actually, to truly perceive their Womens Independence in all, from the perspective truly, of Feminity actually {and as with knowing even, English Women in all, capable truly, of being Dazzling in Beauty, but with this Dazzle and Beauty too even actually, truly in all, accompanied truly, by a high form of Speech even, truly capable, of intimidating one in all actually}. In all, it was for the Man, to truly analyze their Women in all, English, from the perspective even, of Feminity actually, and as with attempting in all even, to recreate oneself, in a manner, that the Woman in question, would find, not only attractive actually, but actually truly too, truly suiting her ways in all actually {i.e. her behaviour, her looks, her manners, her levels of Speech etc.}. Not the easiest form or way even, of relating to a Woman actually, and as with the issue even, known to many an English man, of ‘getting burned’ in all actually {that is, being turned off rather harshly even, by a Woman approached in all, and as with believing even, she is truly, within ones range in all actually} {and in many ways too even, having to suffer for it, perceived as a loser actually, for the rest of ones life in all truly}. One of the true benefits of this form of relationship, is not only being rewarded in all, with high-profile Sex actually, but truly too, Sex in all really, one could call, ‘Beautiful Sex’ too really {and as with the English even, why many a person today, are obsessed, with Sex in all truly}. ‘Beautiful Sex’, and as with it even, the stuff of Movie Magic, and where a Woman truly, seeks to please one, in just about every way, but with one acknowledging even, they are having such Sex, with the most Beautiful of Women too actually {and with those in Society too again, perceived as losers in all, falling back in life, and as with Success too even, and many a good Man in all again, coming to commit Suicide actually, and as with he even, mocked in Society too actually, for all the ‘Beautiful Sex’ he is currently truly, missing out on actually} {in many ways again, many an English Man, not buying into all this, would find themselves falling within, the realm of King Arthur’s Court, and seeking out Success, in a way in all, he so deemed fit (but still truly aware even, they might desire in all, ‘Beautiful Sex’, and in one way or another too actually, and as with pangs even, of hatred, towards others, themselves, and the English too in all actually)}.

The Anima: The term in all, the Anima, is truly in many ways, Jungian in scope and range truly. Many a Woman though, have actually modeled themselves, based around the Anima {and the Shadow Archetype in all too really}, and as with truly even, attempting in all, to free oneself, from all forms of innate Fears and Worries actually, and truly in all again, live life, as Happily and Freely, as one truly can in all really {and in the style too even, of ‘Andrew Carnegie’ for instance actually}. This modeling of Women as such, truly occurred, in Sweden actually, where relationships between Men and Women, have always truly, been modeled around, the Man operating from the Animus {and the Shadow Archetype truly too even}, and the Woman, from the Anima actually {and as with freeing oneself even, and as mentioned before, from all sorts of innate Fears and Worries too actually}. A model relationship in all, falsely believed truly even, American, English or Victorian too actually, but one where in all, a Woman in all too really, deeply filled even, with all forms and kinds of Fears actually, seeks to speak about them, to a Man in all, who can truly, help alleviate them in all too really {and as with speaking to other Women about all this, all about truly even, making one vulnerable, and in Society too actually}. A tedious task in some ways, and as many a Swedish Man in all, is not truly willing, to listen to all this, or attempt even, to figure out, how to deal with them in all actually. The Man in many ways, has his own Fears and Worries {the Animus}, to deal with, and wonders truly, why he should bear, the very problems, of his female companion(s) in all truly {and as with viewing Women in all too really, not truly helpless actually, but truly in all again, coming in all (and as with emotional baggage too even), with all forms of problems, a Man cares not, to know about in all too actually}. The opposite end though is that, it was the Swedish, that truly did have, the most loving of relationships in all {and as seen in many perhaps, a perfect American Movie actually}, and with Swedish Women in all, reknowed too actually, for their Beauty in all again truly, and truly even perceived, as be the greatest gift to Mankind in all {and as a Swedish Man would observe in all perhaps even}, on learning truly, on just how, to deal with their Anima in all actually {and the very realm today actually, of modern European Psychology in all too really}. Women, totally free in their ways, not a fear holding them back, unleashing even, the Primal forces in all, associated with Female beings in particular, to help in all, a Man truly, to actually live, the freest, happiest, and most worthwhile of lives even {and as with speak of Success too even}, and all this again, with perhaps {and as with speaking of a pure Anima in all truly}, the most beautiful of Women, known to Man or Mankind too even actually. That was Sweden, once upon a time {and before Immigration Law in all, came to truly define it in all actually} {and as with speaking even, of white populations in all, and European too, attempting in all again, to immigrate, to Sweden in all truly}.

The Brain: The Brain in all, truly speaks of, the kind of Woman most out there, are truly not acquainted with actually. They are Women in all again, not only rather intelligent in their ways actually, but surprisingly to many a Man even perhaps, rather even, Creative in all actually. The Brain in many ways, is a Woman, who appears truly, to be bored with life even {and as with knowing even, its rather predictable in all, and in its ways too actually}. These kind of Women, were traditionally in the past, often associated with high-profile positions in Society, and such as that of a Queen, a Prime Ministers Wife, or even, holding an important Seat of Power in all actually, and in a place truly too in all really {and as with even knowing, that what they do term Seats of Power, and such as that of the Pope actually, were held even, by Women in the past truly actually}. Women in many ways, I am kind of acquainted with, but truly in many ways, don’t care to know too much about {and as with speaking even, of Predatory Female Primal forces, and the drive even, for many a Woman in all, described as a Brain even, to play Games, of the ‘Lets kill each other’ variety}. In all, Women such as these, tend to find getting into Relationships rather difficult in all {and as with many a Man today even, truly even, fearful of them actually}, and have resorted in all, to acting Childlike actually, and in many ways truly even {and inorder, to get accepted, into Society in itself actually}. In all though, Men in all, truly wishing to befriend such Women should note, that the easiest way in all, is via, what they do term, Business Relations actually {and as with the case even, of the Valet, and as once seen too actually, in Austrian Society, and not, English, as many do tend to falsely believe in actually} {another good example perhaps, is that of the Bodyguard in all, and as with the case even again, of Whitney Houston, and Kevin Costner, in the movie, ‘The Bodyguard’}.

The Heart: To speak of the Heart and Woman, is to not only perhaps again, speak of Phil Collins Hit ‘Two Hearts’, but also, the very arena even, of the Femme, and even truly, the Femme-Fatale actually. In all, a way of Operating and as with Women too actually, truly European in its ways, but today even, somewhat seen, in places like South Korea actually {and as with speaking even, of South Korean Comedic Movies in all, and the attempts in all again, for South Korea, to somewhat become European in its ways truly} {and with South Korean Women, somewhat truly known even, for being somewhat actually, rather volatile truly} {and as with the case again, of the Femme-Fatale actually}. In all, speaking of the Heart, is to speak of a relationship in all, where both Man and Woman, attempt in all again, to live out life, Sharing even {and not Merging too actually}, their Dreams in all, Hopes, Loves etc., and with the belief even, that Sharing ones life as such {and as with the case of Phil Collins, and ‘Two Hearts’ even}, is truly in all, the best way actually, to live life in itself truly {that in all again, Success even, when experienced alone, is truly in all actually, meaningless in its ways too really} {and without in all, that Significant Other especially, to share it with one actually (and as speaking even, of public laughs actually, or even, a romantic tete-a-tete, and in a top notch restaurant too actually)}.

The above in all ways truly, is truly written, to help many a Man out there, understand Relationships actually, and as seen today truly {and as with even knowing, that all this, is truly even, rather Cultural in its ways too actually (and as with a Nigerian even, wanting to date a Swede in all actually)}, and that most out there, should attempt in all, to put all this, into perspective truly i.e. rejection by others, who care not, to know one in all ways truly even {and as speaking even, of many today, a heavily troubled Woman, who truly, cannot find Happiness in a Relationship, due in all, to being rather even, Culturally backwards in their ways too actually}.

'the Italian’